1、<p><b> 中文3180字</b></p><p> Neon’s value and effect in advertising</p><p> Neon since its inception in 1910,has not changed for centuries.Neon is glass tube filled with the l
2、ow-pressure inert gas, and its cold cathode glow discharge and luminous in the field of high-voltage. Neon light’s color is decided by the spectral properties of the filled inert gas: optical-tube neon filled with neon
3、lignts red; fluorescence-based neon filled with Argon and mercury lights blue、yellow and so on. the two largest category of neon lights by working gas atomic emitting stimulated ra</p><p> practical form o
4、f advertising.</p><p> Neon is a cold cathode glow discharge tube, the radiation spectrum has a strong ability to penetrate the atmosphere, brilliant color, scene in luminous efficiency of incandescent lamp
5、s is superior to the ordinary, and its expression rich line structure can be processing of any geometric shape made from bending to meet the design requirements, through electronic control, can change color text patterns
6、 and popularity.</p><p> The bright neon lights, the United States, dynamic characteristics, is the light source can not be substituted by any power, and in all kinds of new light source will continue to em
7、erge and dominate the competition. As a result of the cold cathode neon glow discharge, so a neon quality of their life up to 20000 - 30000 hours. </p><p> A symbol of neon colors and indicative 。In additio
8、n to the production of neon graphics, layout design to deal with outside of the arts should pay attention to, in colors on the design of the use of neon is an important success factor. Of color in visual communication wi
9、th a primary role in people's sense of color is a beauty in the most common form. A variety of colors and different color combinations can be a direct impact on the feelings of those who feel, and direct and effectiv
10、e way to attra</p><p> corresponding visual impact and image appeal. Production in neon on the specific understanding and use of color is different from the paintings in general, and has its own unique arti
11、stic and utilitarian.</p><p> The eye-catching colors of neon lights. Neon colors to achieve the remarkable results, in contrast to the way the use of color, resulting in different colors and color combinat
12、ion of feeling and help the image of neon works from around the things and the environment, the formation of color visual impact, triggered attention. Comparison of different color combinations, you can create a colorful
13、, bright and lively, it can be dignified and elegant, in the works of the moment in contact with the con</p><p> first impression when the ad and color to capture, and left a deep impression on me. </p&g
14、t;<p> A symbol of neon colors and indicative. Neon designed to use the symbolism of different colors through a combination of organic and create personalized ads with image ads in strengthening the visual identi
15、fication of the work force at the same time, the symbolic use of color association, support of ad text advertising continues to the specific content, brand, corporate image for tips to enhance consumer understanding of a
16、dvertising content. Therefore, in considering the composition of neon color</p><p> consumers. </p><p> Vivid colors of neon lights. Neon realistic in their color reproduction of promotional m
17、erchandise and other content related to the specific image, rich in vivid colors to attract, impress consumers. The success of the performance of color, help to strengthen advertising works the image of an object-specifi
18、c sense of brightness, have a convincing realism, exciting appeal. Yellow River Road, the street food in Shanghai up to 10 meters of the "Big Spender seafood restaurant," the air standing on t</p><p&
19、gt; to play a good product image of the role of publicity and promotion.</p><p> Neon colors of the mold. Beautiful neon colors, not only to make the audience understand the content of the ads to convey th
20、e information of enterprises and effectively to achieve the purpose of advertising, but also gives the United States in the spirit of enjoyment. In meeting the material needs of people, but also the formation of people
21、39;s aesthetic needs of color, the color is the pursuit of beauty and longing, it would give people in the United States of Lenovo, a beautiful reverie sustenan</p><p> also to cultivate the sentiment 。<
22、/p><p> Neon color conversion. Produced the first neon cafe in France, which was mainly as a symbol of cafes and decoration or embellishment, as in places of entertainment. With the commercial development, sho
23、pping malls, hotels hotel industry has introduced and widely used in the neon lights, particularly in the festival, the active, jumping, the dynamics of infinite changes, conversion of the neon lights, a more festive col
24、or to add a warm, Huan atmosphere of celebration. In the colorful, false pictur</p><p> jumps, dynamic lights.</p><p> Neon tube can be bent by the needs of a variety of shapes, the changes wi
25、ll enable the rich and varied forms. Dynamic, conversion of the neon light, because of its more active, and therefore the use of companies, enterprises, products, logos and other criteria to do color-color elements, when
26、 the color changes with the changes, still can not leave the standards of color and color-assisted between the main and sub-relations, that is, transform them in various colors, whether gradually or by leaps</p>&
27、lt;p> centers, companies, corporate standards must be the dominant color. </p><p> Dynamic lights and never should be together not in pursuit of "jump" and give people the feeling of clutter,
28、no matter what color, what pattern, there should be gradual and sequential manner jump to the audience a sense of order, primary and secondary influenza and facilitate the audience along with regular rhythm and then look
29、 at second, third. In the design of production, it is necessary to change the attraction to people, but also primary and secondary clear, no color and design sense of diso</p><p> people are living more and
30、 more attention and welcome. </p><p> Neon colors in the ad and the role of the value of neon is the most important advertising family, beautiful family. The commanding heights in the city, commercial Stree
31、t high-rise buildings of the roof, awning stores, even the lamp posts are covered with a colorful array of neon. To beautify the city of neon, more decorative commercial outlets for the dissemination of advertising infor
32、mation to guide the contribution of consumption are made. Neon at night in public places is the main advertising</p><p> the city, bright to create an atmosphere of celebrating.</p><p> 霓虹燈在廣告
33、中的價值及作用</p><p> 霓虹燈自1910年問世以來,歷經百年不衰。霓虹燈是靠充入玻璃管內的低壓惰性氣體,在高壓電場下冷陰極輝光放電而發(fā)光。霓虹燈的光色是由充入惰性氣體的光譜特性決定:光管型霓虹燈充入氖氣,霓虹燈發(fā)紅色光;熒光型霓虹燈充入氬氣及汞,霓虹燈發(fā)藍色、黃色等光,這兩大類霓虹燈都是靠燈管內的工作氣體原子受激輻射發(fā)光。其他電光源相比,霓虹燈具有以下特點:第一,高效率;霓虹燈是依靠燈光兩端電極頭在高
35、燈是一種投入較少、效果強烈、經濟實用的廣告形式。</p><p> 霓虹燈是一種冷陰極輝光放電管,其輻射光譜具有極強的穿透大氣的能力,色彩鮮艷絢麗、多姿,發(fā)光效率明顯優(yōu)于普通的白熾燈,它的線條結構表現(xiàn)力豐富,可以加工彎制成任何幾何形狀,滿足設計要求,通過電子程序控制,可變幻色彩的圖案和文字 受到人們的歡迎。霓虹燈的亮、美、動特點,是目前任何電光源所不能替代的,在各類新型光源不斷涌現(xiàn)和競爭中獨領風騷。由于霓虹燈是
36、冷陰極輝光放電,因此一支質量合格的霓虹燈其壽命可達20000--30000小時。</p><p> 霓虹燈色彩的象征性與提示性。霓虹燈制作中除了在圖形、編排設計方面要注意藝術處理之外,在色彩上的運用是構成霓虹燈設計成功與否的十分重要的因素。在視覺傳播中色彩具有第一性的作用,人們對色彩的感覺是一段美感中最普遍的形式。各種不同的色彩以及不同的色彩組合能直接影響被感受者的感覺,并直接有效地吸引注意力,啟發(fā)記憶,產生想
37、象,進行聯(lián)想,左右情緒,形成感情的傾向,產生一定的心理作用,形成相應的視覺沖擊力與形象感染力。在霓虹燈廣告制作中,對具體色彩的理解與運用,不同于普遍的繪畫作品,而有其獨特的藝術性與功利性。</p><p> 霓虹燈色彩的注目性。要使霓虹燈色彩達到引人注目的效果,可運用色彩的對比手法,從而產生與眾不同的色彩感覺與色彩組合,并有助于霓虹燈作品形象區(qū)別于周圍事物與環(huán)境,形成色彩視覺沖擊力,引發(fā)注意。不同的色彩對比組合
38、,可以營造鮮艷奪目、明亮活潑,也可以是莊重高雅、雍容華貴,在作品與消費者接觸的一剎那中,打動消費者,增強注意的力度,在形成廣告的第一印象時,色先奪人,并留下深刻的印象。</p><p> 霓虹燈色彩的象征與提示性。霓虹燈廣告設計制作中運用不同色彩的象征意義,通過有機的組合,創(chuàng)造具有個性化的廣告形象,在強化廣告作品的視覺辨別力度的同時,運用色彩的象征性產生聯(lián)想,輔助廣告文字不斷對廣告的具體內容、品牌、企業(yè)的形象進
39、行提示,加深消費者對廣告內容的理解。因此在考慮霓虹燈廣告的色彩組成時,一定要以本公司。本企業(yè)、本產品的標準色為主。“麥當勞”快餐的霓虹燈廣告,由無數(shù)橘黃色小燈泡組成“M”形字母在夜空中閃閃發(fā)光,在它的標志即“M”形字母下面是麥當勞的標準色之一——紅色,整個霓虹燈色彩的藝術處理充分展示了它的標志與標準色的特色.在橘黃與紅色的環(huán)抱中“MeDonald’s” 的淺藍色點綴其間,色彩主次分明,整體感強。英文字母形的霓虹燈日本健伍音響的色彩由白、
40、紅、黃三色組成,這三種色彩也是健伍產品標志的標準色和輔助色。又如松下電器的霓虹燈廣告由紅,藍兩色構成,沒有多余的色彩摻雜其間。以上的這些品牌的霓虹燈的主色調,都與該公司、企業(yè)、產品標志的標準色和輔助色相吻合。如果只是一味追求五彩繽紛,在這些標準色周圍再配上其他的綠、紫、青等色彩,從色彩的種類上看似乎是多了幾種顏色,但它卻相反地沖淡了</p><p> 霓虹燈色彩的逼真性。霓虹燈廣告可以其色彩的逼真性再現(xiàn)商品及其
42、逼真性,能使消費者在接觸商品之前就對該產品產生良好的印象,建立某種信任,從而起到較好的產品形象宣傳與促銷作用。</p><p> 霓虹燈色彩的陶冶性。精美的霓虹燈廣告色彩,不僅使受眾了解了廣告內容、傳達了企業(yè)的信息、有效地達到廣告促銷的目的,而且還能在精神上給人美的享受。人在滿 足物質需求的同時,也形成了人們對色彩的審美需求,美麗的色彩令人追求與向往,它會給人以美的聯(lián)想、寄托美好的遐想與希望。不少廣告作品在實施
43、廣告促銷活動中,由于設計制作精美,色彩協(xié)調到位,而長時間留在消費者的心目中、仔細品味,并成為一個歷史時期廣告審美情趣的代表作。成為物質生活與精神生活的一種享受,一種高尚美的陶冶。一些高檔的酒吧,為了營造寧靜,溫馨、幽雅的環(huán)境與氣氛,以綠色、藍色或紫色調,把霓虹燈制作成樹林、古典建筑、山川河流的形狀,使消費者身臨其境流連忘返,既達到營銷的目的,又陶冶了情操。</p><p> 霓虹燈廣告的色彩轉換。最早的霓虹燈產
44、生于法國的咖啡館,當時主要是作為咖啡館的標志和裝飾,或作為娛樂場所的點綴。隨著商業(yè)的發(fā)展,百貨商場、旅館酒店等行業(yè)先后引進并廣泛采用了霓虹燈,尤其在節(jié)日里,活躍、跳躍、變幻無窮的動態(tài)、轉換的霓虹燈,更為節(jié)日的喜慶色彩增添了熱烈,歡慶的氣氛。在姹紫嫣紅、燈紅酒綠的霓虹燈世界里能脫穎而出的霓虹燈,往往是那些富有變幻、跳躍、動態(tài)的霓虹燈。</p><p> 霓虹燈管可以彎成各種所需要的形狀,可使形式變化豐富多彩。動態(tài)
46、地位。</p><p> 動態(tài)霓虹燈應該聚而不散、不能為了追求“跳躍”而給人凌亂的感覺,不管采用何種色彩,何種圖案,都應該有順序地漸變和跳躍,給受眾一種秩序感、主次感、并便于受眾順著有規(guī)律的節(jié)奏接著看第二次、第三次。在設計制作時,既要給人以變幻的吸引力,又要主次分明,沒有色彩和圖案紊亂的感覺。變換、閃爍、跳躍式的霓虹燈為促進銷售,為營造歡樂、多姿多彩的生活正越來越受到人們的重視與歡迎。</p>&
47、lt;p> 霓虹燈色彩在廣告中的價值及作用霓虹燈廣告,是廣告家族中重要的,艷麗一族。在城市的制高點、商業(yè)街高樓大廈的房頂、店面雨篷,甚至連燈柱上都布滿了五彩繽紛、琳瑯滿目的霓虹燈廣告。霓虹燈廣告為美化城市、點綴商業(yè)網點、為傳播廣告信息、引導消費都立下了汗馬功勞。霓虹燈廣告是公共場所在夜間的主要廣告媒體,其應用之廣、影響之大,是戶外廣告中其他媒體所難以相比媲美的。霓虹燈及其廣告,在使城市“亮”起來,營造歡慶氣氛中功不可沒。<
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- 外文翻譯--霓虹燈在廣告中的價值及作用
- 畢業(yè)論文----plc在廣告霓虹燈控制中的應用
- 基于plc的霓虹燈廣告彩屏的設計
- 霓虹燈廣告屏課程設計2
- 霓虹燈廣告屏設置課程設計
- 霓虹燈廣告屏設置課程設計
- 霓虹燈洗澡的地方
- 霓虹燈的自言自語
- 霓虹燈plc課程設計---霓虹燈控制電路設計
- plc控制的霓虹燈廣告屏設計課程設計
- 霓虹燈CAD系統(tǒng).pdf
- 基于plc的霓虹燈設計
- 課程設計--霓虹燈燈廣告屏的plc控制系統(tǒng)設計
- 基于plc的霓虹燈廣告屏控制器設計
- 單片機霓虹燈設計
- 霓虹燈控制畢業(yè)論文
- eda課程設計--霓虹燈
- eda課程設計霓虹燈
- 基于arm的智能霓虹燈設計
- plc霓虹燈控制開題報告