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1、<p>  字數(shù):3126單詞,16730字符;5358漢字</p><p>  出處:Riadh Ladhari,Mélissa Michaud.eWOM effects on hotel booking intentions, attitudes, trust, and website perceptions[J]International Journal of Hospitality M

2、anagement.2015,46(3):36-45</p><p><b>  外文文獻: </b></p><p>  eWOM effects on hotel booking intentions, attitudes, trust, and website perceptions</p><p>  Abstract The obj

3、ective of the study is to examine the effect of comments generated on Facebook on the choice of a hotel. More specifically, it focuses on the study of the influence of comments written by Facebook friends on the intentio

4、ns of booking a hotel, the trust in the hotel, the attitude toward the hotel, and the perception of its website. The research also examines the moderator role of Internet users’ trust in those comments on these relations

5、. To test these effects, an experimental de</p><p>  Keywords: Electronic word of mouth; Facebook; Online reviews; Attitude and trust toward hotel; Booking intentions</p><p>  1.Introduction<

6、/p><p>  The importance of WOM is well established, especially in the field of information retrieval and purchase decisions, particularly in the tourism and hospitality industry (Liu and Park, 2015). With the i

7、ntroduction of social media and digital channels, its influence has expanded exponentially; while conventional word of mouth is limited to a social, often personal, network which is quite narrow and confined, word of mou

8、th on the Internet (hereafter eWOM) has a reach over a worldwide network. With </p><p>  The hospitality sector is the most strongly influenced by eWOM (Serra Cantallops and Salvi, 2014). Given the growing e

9、asiness of access to the Internet and the ability to produce online content, consumers now rely on online reviews generated by other users to form an opinion about tourist destinations and hotels (Sparks and Browning, 20

10、11; Ye et al., 2011; Xie et al., 2011). The recognition of the importance of online reviews leads to their increased popularity among travelers (Liu and Park, 201</p><p>  Thus, this study aims to determine

11、whether the positive or negative comments posted on social media, particularly Facebook, have an impact on travelers’ decision making. More specifically, the study allows to: (1) determine whether the (positive and negat

12、ive) comments generated on Facebook influence the intention of booking a hotel, its general appreciation, users’ trust in it, and the perception of quality of its website; (2) assess whether these effects are moderated b

13、y the degree of trust whi</p><p>  2.Methodology</p><p>  2.1.Experimental design</p><p>  The experimental design was carried out by preparing four scenarios. Respondents (Canadian

14、 students) were then placed in a situation of planning a trip to France where they had to choose a hotel. According to Statistics Canada, in the last ten years, France figured in the Top five of the most praised destinat

15、ions by Canadian travelers. It is the second European country in terms of the number of visits and overnight stays (Statistics Canada, 2012).</p><p>  Respondents solicited the help of their Facebook friends

16、 to get feedback on the hotel. The first group of respondents was exposed to positive reviews written by friends on the Facebook network and the second group, to negative feedback.</p><p>  The scenario invi

17、ted the respondents to read (positive or negative) reviews of the hotel concerning in particular the evaluation of the staff, the room, the location of the hotel, the service in general, and the quality of the website. R

18、ather moderate comments were used in the scenarios to give them some credibility.</p><p>  2.2.Sample</p><p>  The sample consisted of students, all enrolled in a large Canadian university. Youn

19、g adults aged less than 35 years are the most dynamic in the online tourism market (Mauri and Minazzi, 2013). The younger generation is relatively more engaged in travel planning, seeking information from different sourc

20、es such as social media (Xiang et al., 2015).</p><p>  The respondents were invited to participate in the study through the Facebook page of the University. Also, an email was sent to all students. Those who

21、 agreed to participate were encouraged to first read the scenario (with comments from Facebook friends), and then visit the hotel website, and finally complete the questionnaire. A filter question was placed at the begin

22、ning of the survey to ensure that all participants were students. The scenarios where the number of respondents reached the quot</p><p>  The respondents’ group consisted mainly of women, slightly over 71.9%

23、. Most respondents were between 18 and 24 years of age (68.9%) with only 6.1% of respondents aged 35 and over. The stated average income in the previous year was between $0 and $10,000 (40.4%), between $10,001 and $20,00

24、0 (36.2%), between $20,001 and $30,000 (9.4%), with only 14.0% of respondents with an annual income of over $30,000. </p><p>  The interviewed students visited the Facebook network daily, devoting between 30

25、 min and 1 h (33.4%) and between 1 and 3 h (33.6%) to it. Among all the respondents, 20.5% spent less than 30 min on Facebook while 12.5% devoted more than 3 h per day to the site.</p><p>  2.3.Questionnaire

26、</p><p>  First, respondents were asked to express their attitude toward the hotel with the help of the statement “After having read the reviews and visited the hotel website, I can say that I like this hote

27、l.” (1 = ‘completely disagree’ and 5 = ‘completely agree’). The quality of the hotel website was assessed by a comprehensive statement “Overall I liked the hotel website.” To allow a more in-depth analysis, the hotel web

28、site was also evaluated based on 5 statements related to the navigability of the si</p><p>  Trust in the hotel, in turn, was evaluated using a scale of 5 statements from the study by Sparks and Browning (20

29、11). The items were: “I think this hotel would have high integrity”, “I believe this hotel would be reliable”, “If I was to discuss this hotel with others, I would probably say positive things”, “I would have trust in th

30、is hotel”, and “This appears like a good quality hotel”. The reliability analysis of the scale reported a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.91, which remains within the same stan</p><p>  As for the trust in the comment

31、s generated by Facebook ‘friends’, it was measured by two statements reflecting the realism and relevance of comments: “I think the hotel reviews written by my Facebook friends were realistic” (from the study by Sparks a

32、nd Browning, 2011); “The comments of my Facebook friends have helped me to review this hotel.” Finally, intentions of booking a hotel were measured by the item “After having read the reviews and visited the hotel website

33、, I would book a room in it”.</p><p>  3.Discussion and theoretical implications</p><p>  The last years have witnessed an increased interest of tourism and hospitality researchers toward the pi

34、votal role of online user-generated comments in influencing consumers’ attitudes and decisions. Consumers use such platforms to express themselves by formulating comments which are characterized by valence and intensity.

35、 These comments appear to influence consumer attitudes: in fact, positive (negative) feedback improves (decreases) user attitude toward a hotel.</p><p>  This study confirms that the comments by Facebook “fr

36、iends” have an influence on hotel-booking intentions. Internet users who have been exposed to positive comments about a particular hotel report significantly higher booking intentions than those who viewed negative comme

37、nts concerning it. Thus, as argued by other studies (Duverger, 2013; Mauri and Minazzi, 2013; Sparks and Browning, 2011; Vermeulen and Seegers, 2009; Xiang and Gretzel, 2010; Ye et al., 2011), favorable opinions increase

38、 the li</p><p>  The contribution of the study also consists in evaluating the effect of feedback on the perception of the hotel website. The results indicate that the positive comments found on Facebook gen

39、erate a positive attitude toward both the hotel and its website. Respondents exposed to positive comments report a more positive overall impression of the hotel website than those exposed to negative reviews (Chiou and C

40、heng, 2003; Lee et al., 2009). The same effect is observed in the ratings granted for the </p><p>  This study also contributes to the research in the field by studying the moderator effect of trust that use

41、rs have in comments. This study answers Vermeulen and Seegers’ (2009) call for research about the moderator role of trust in online information provided by third parties. The findings show that when Internet users have m

42、ore trust in the comments, the polarity of the comments has greater effects. This translates into the intention of booking, the positive attitude toward the hotel, and the t</p><p>  This study focuses on ho

43、tels which are little-known to travelers or not at all. Vermeulen and Seegers (2009) argue that the effects of feedback on the reputation of the hotel and the attitude toward it are strongest in the case of lesser-known

44、hotels. Their study emphasizes that positive reviews positively influence behavior while negative reviews have a low impact. The present study does not contradict the findings of Vermeulen and Seegers (2009) as it does n

45、ot take into account the neutral sit</p><p>  Services have two components: a core element (e.g., hotel room cleanness and bed comfort) and supplementary services such as information, order taking, billing a

46、nd payment (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2007). These supplementary services facilitate hotel service use, increase its appeal, and differentiate it from competition. Indeed, they enhance hotel-service value and reinforce its pos

47、itioning. The experimental design developed for this study does not distinguish between these two service components. F</p><p>  4.Managerial implications</p><p>  Users of social networks, in p

48、articular Facebook, attach importance to the opinions of their peers. Moreover, as social networks have become increasingly important, many companies maintain profiles on them, but do necessarily pay attention to the con

49、tent that is generated by their users. The present study raises the awareness of marketing managers in various tourism sectors (sellers of tourist destinations, managers of hotels and restaurants) concerning the importan

50、ce of eWOM and its (positive a</p><p>  Therefore, taking into consideration the results of this study, companies of the hospitality industry should focus on the content that is published about them on socia

51、l networks, in particular because it influences booking intentions, trust and appreciation by tourists, and even the perception of the quality of their websites. Thus, users who are exposed to negative comments about a h

52、otel tend to have less trust in the hotel and their booking intentions are lower than those who are exposed to po</p><p>  It is also important for managers in the hospitality industry to be able to identify

53、 the opinion leaders and the ambassadors of hotel brands. In fact, opinion leaders have the ability to influence the beliefs and choices of those in their surroundings concerning different categories of products and serv

54、ices, especially those referred to as experiential. In the Internet era, blogs and forums can influence travelers in their choice of hosting and restaurant venues. They are considered to be “exper</p><p><

55、;b>  中文譯文:</b></p><p>  網(wǎng)絡口碑對酒店預訂意向、態(tài)度、信任以及網(wǎng)站感知的影響</p><p>  摘要 本項研究的目的是檢驗Facebook上的評論對選擇酒店的影響。更具體地說,本文主要研究了Facebook上的朋友所撰寫的評論對于預訂酒店意向、對酒店的信任、對酒店的態(tài)度以及對酒店網(wǎng)站的感知的影響。該研究也檢驗了網(wǎng)友對這些關系評論的信任的調(diào)節(jié)作

56、用。為了檢驗這些影響,通過操縱評論(正向和負向)建立了一個實驗性的設計。一項對800名大學生的調(diào)查證實了所有關于Facebook評論對用戶決策過程影響的研究假設。</p><p>  關鍵詞:網(wǎng)絡口碑;Facebook;在線評論;對酒店的態(tài)度和信任;預訂意向</p><p><b>  1.引言</b></p><p>  口碑的重要性眾所周知


58、4)。對于旅游和酒店管理者來說,Web2.0應用程序和社交媒體平臺是了解客戶,開發(fā)和維護與客戶有效關系,以及對服務失敗做出回應的最合適的工具(埃斯科巴-羅德里格斯和卡瓦哈爾-特魯希略,2013;徐,2012)。但是,在這些具有挑戰(zhàn)性的應用程序和平臺上,酒店管理者已經(jīng)無法再控制信息傳播或營造形象了(斯帕克斯和勃朗寧,2011)。</p><p>  酒店業(yè)受網(wǎng)絡口碑的影響最大(塞拉?坎塔略普斯和薩爾維,2014)。


60、戶交換關于某些目的地、酒店和其他旅游服務的信息、意見或建議(奧康納,2008;葉等人,2011;劉和帕克,2015)。這些在線平臺為旅行者記錄和重溫他們的旅行經(jīng)歷,例如表達他們對酒店住宿體驗的滿意度,提供了極好的工具(菲列里和麥克利,2014;伊普等人,2012)。</p><p>  因此,本研究旨在確定在社交媒體(特別是Facebook)上發(fā)布的正面或負面的評論是否會對旅行者的決策產(chǎn)生影響。更具體地說,該研究

61、可以:(1)確定在Facebook上的(正面和負面的)評論是否會影響到預訂酒店意向,酒店的總體評估,用戶對酒店的信任,以及用戶對酒店網(wǎng)站質(zhì)量的感知;(2)評估這些影響是否受到用戶對Facebook好友發(fā)表的評論的信任程度的調(diào)節(jié)。</p><p><b>  2.方法</b></p><p><b>  2.1.實驗設計</b></p>

62、<p>  實驗設計進行了四個假設。受訪者(加拿大學生)然后被放置在一種場景里,即計劃前往法國旅行,他們不得不選擇一家酒店。據(jù)加拿大統(tǒng)計,在過去十年,加拿大游客最推崇的旅游目的地中,法國排在前五名。就訪問次數(shù)和隔夜逗留而言,法國是排名第二的歐洲國家(加拿大統(tǒng)計局,2012)。</p><p>  受訪者征求他們的Facebook好友的幫助,獲得對酒店的評價。第一組受訪者受到Facebook網(wǎng)絡上的朋

63、友的正面評價,第二組受到負面評價。</p><p>  該場景中邀請受訪者閱讀對酒店的(正面或負面)評價,特別是對工作人員、房間、酒店位置、總體服務以及網(wǎng)站質(zhì)量的評價。在場景中使用了溫和的評論可以給酒店帶來一些信譽。</p><p><b>  2.2.樣品</b></p><p>  樣本由學生組成,所有學生均就讀于加拿大的一所大型大學。在網(wǎng)

64、上旅游市場中,35歲以下的年輕人最為活躍(毛里和米納齊,2013)。年輕的一代相對更熱衷于旅行規(guī)劃,從不同來源如社交媒體來尋求信息(項等人,2015)。</p><p>  受訪者被邀請通過大學的Facebook頁面參與研究。此外,一封電子郵件被發(fā)送給所有學生。那些同意參加的人被鼓勵先讀場景設置(從Facebook朋友的評論),然后訪問酒店網(wǎng)站,最后完成問卷。在調(diào)查開始時提出了一個過濾性問題,以確保所有的參與者都

65、是學生。受訪者人數(shù)達到200名配額時該場景自動不可用,以確保所有場景達到相同的配額。</p><p>  受訪者群體主要是女性,略高于71.9%。大多數(shù)受訪者年齡在18至24歲之間(68.9%),只有6.1%的受訪者年齡在35歲及以上。受訪者上一年的平均收入在0至10,000美元(40.4%),10,001至20,000美元(36.2%),20,001至30,000美元(9.4%),只有14.0%的受訪者年收入超

66、過30,000美元。</p><p>  受訪的學生每天訪問Facebook網(wǎng)絡,投入30分鐘到1小時(33.4%),1到3小時(33.6%)。在所有的受訪者中,20.5%的受訪者中在Facebook上花費的時間不到30分鐘,而12.5%的受訪者在網(wǎng)站上花費的時間超過3小時。</p><p><b>  2.3.問卷</b></p><p> 

67、 首先,受訪者被要求使用陳述來表達他們對酒店的態(tài)度,“在閱讀了評論和訪問了酒店網(wǎng)站后,我可以說,我喜歡這家酒店?!保?=“完全不同意”和5=“完全同意”)。酒店網(wǎng)站的質(zhì)量是通過一個全面的陳述“總的來說我喜歡酒店的網(wǎng)站”來進行了評估。為了讓分析更加深入,酒店網(wǎng)站也根據(jù)與網(wǎng)站的導航性、易用性、吸引力、設計的專業(yè)性,以及其中所含信息的有用性相關的5個陳述來進行了評估(基姆和斯圖爾,2004;拉達哈瑞和勒克萊爾,2013)。這5個陳述是:“酒店

68、網(wǎng)站使用簡單”,“酒店網(wǎng)站上的導航很容易”,“網(wǎng)站提供了相關信息”,“網(wǎng)站設計是專業(yè)的”和“網(wǎng)站具有視覺吸引力”。</p><p>  反過來,在對酒店的信任上,使用了斯帕克斯和勃朗寧(2011)的研究中的5個不同程度的陳述來進行評估,分別是:“我認為這家酒店的誠信度很高”,“我相信這家酒店是可靠的”,“如果我和其他人討論這家酒店,我可能會說積極的事情”,“我會相信這家酒店”和“這看起來像是一家很好的酒店”。程度

69、的可靠性分析報告克隆巴赫系數(shù)為0.91,與斯帕克斯和勃朗寧(2011)報告的標準相同。為了進一步分析,計算了這五個陳述的平均值的綜合指數(shù)。</p><p>  至于對Facebook“朋友”的評論的信任,它是由反映評論的現(xiàn)實性和相關性的兩個陳述來衡量的:“我認為我的Facebook朋友寫的酒店評論是真實的”(選自斯帕克斯和勃朗寧的研究,2011);“我的Facebook朋友的評論幫助我審查了這家酒店”。最后,預訂

70、酒店的意圖是通過“在閱讀了評論和訪問了酒店網(wǎng)站后,我會預定它的一個房間”這條來衡量的。所有的陳述都是在1(完全同意)到5(完全不同意)的范圍內(nèi)進行衡量的。</p><p><b>  3.討論及理論意義</b></p><p>  最近幾年,旅游和酒店研究人員對網(wǎng)絡用戶的評論在影響消費者態(tài)度和決策方面發(fā)揮的關鍵作用,產(chǎn)生了越來越多的興趣。消費者使用這樣的平臺通過發(fā)表具

71、有精神依托和情感強烈的評論來表達自己。這些評論似乎影響消費者的態(tài)度:事實上,正面(負面)的反饋意見改善(降低)用戶對酒店的態(tài)度。</p><p>  這項研究證實,F(xiàn)acebook“朋友”的評論對酒店預訂意向有影響。對于某一特定的酒店的名聲,接觸到正面評論的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)用戶的預定意向顯然比查看到它負面評論的用戶更高。因此,正如其他研究所認為的那樣(迪韋爾熱,2013;毛里和米納齊,2013;斯帕克斯和勃朗寧,2011;


73、平臺,它創(chuàng)造了一個“朋友”社區(qū),通過分享評論,形成一定的關系,這增強了其中一些人提供的信息的可信度。此外,網(wǎng)絡具有許多特點,它允許用戶以更有效的方式分享他們經(jīng)驗的信息。事實上,雖然這項研究僅限于Facebook朋友的文字評論,但未來的研究可能會考慮分享在酒店拍攝的視頻或照片,這能夠讓用戶更好地</p><p>  該研究的貢獻還包括評估反饋對酒店網(wǎng)站的感知的影響。結(jié)果表明,F(xiàn)acebook上的正面評價對酒店及其網(wǎng)

74、站產(chǎn)生積極的態(tài)度。接受正面評價的受訪者對酒店網(wǎng)站的總體印象比接受負面評價的受訪者更加積極(邱和程,2003;李等人,2009)。在對網(wǎng)站的導航、吸引力、專業(yè)設計以及信息的有用性給出的評級中觀察到相同的效果。據(jù)我們所知,本研究是酒店行業(yè)中第一個專門研究反饋意見對酒店網(wǎng)站感知的影響,這構(gòu)成了酒店與其客戶之間的重要通信接口。文獻還顯示了網(wǎng)站質(zhì)量和企業(yè)形象之間的聯(lián)系,這一發(fā)現(xiàn)更為重要。</p><p>  這項研究還通過



77、信任。例如,發(fā)布信息者和受眾之間的社會關系將對評論的感知有用性產(chǎn)生影響。發(fā)布信息者公布他們的身份(真實的照</p><p>  這項研究所關注的酒店是旅行者少有所聞或者根本不知道的。韋爾默朗和西格斯(2009)認為,在酒店鮮為人知的情況下,反饋意見對酒店的聲譽和對酒店的態(tài)度的影響是最強烈的。他們的研究強調(diào),正面的評論積極影響行為,而負面的評論影響較小。本研究與韋爾默朗和西格斯(2009)的研究結(jié)果并沒有矛盾,因為

78、它沒有考慮到中性情況(沒有正面和負面評論)。未來的研究應該比較正面和負面評論對酒店態(tài)度的影響的差異,以及對鮮為人知的酒店和眾所周知的酒店(國際連鎖酒店)預訂房間的意圖的影響的差異。后一種情況,調(diào)查員應考慮旅行者以往在連鎖酒店經(jīng)歷的影響。</p><p>  服務有兩個組成部分:核心元素(例如,酒店房間清潔和床舒適)和補充服務,如信息,訂單,結(jié)算和付款(洛夫洛克和沃茲,2007)。這些補充服務方便酒店使用,增加其吸

79、引力,并將其與競爭對象區(qū)別開來。事實上,它們提升了酒店的服務價值,強化了酒店的定位。對于這兩個服務的組成部分,本研究開發(fā)的實驗設計并沒有加以區(qū)分。未來的研究會被鼓勵區(qū)分開來,特別是在核心服務不滿意而補充服務滿意的情況下(例如,對酒店服務人員感到失望),比較負面評論對消費者決策和行為的影響。</p><p><b>  4.管理啟示</b></p><p>  社交網(wǎng)絡


81、略表現(xiàn)出更強的抵抗力,作為一種以自己努力尋求信息為特征的積極的、深思熟慮的方法,網(wǎng)絡已經(jīng)成為酒店公司的一把雙刃劍。這一事實迫使酒店公司不斷重新評估和改進他們的策略,在線跟進和監(jiān)測。</p><p>  因此,考慮到這項研究的結(jié)果,酒店公司應該關注發(fā)布在社交網(wǎng)絡上的有關于它們的內(nèi)容,特別是因為這些內(nèi)容影響到預訂意向,旅行者的信任和評價,甚至對網(wǎng)站質(zhì)量的感知。因此,接觸酒店負面評論的用戶往往缺乏對酒店的信任,并且他們


83、這并不妨礙這些公司專注于他們的核心服務,包括滿足和取悅消費者,管理與消費者之間的關系,并防止消費者有任何不滿。</p><p>  能夠識別酒店品牌的意見領袖和大使,這對酒店管理者來說同樣重要。事實上,關于不同類別的產(chǎn)品和服務,意見領袖有能力影響他們周圍的人的看法和選擇,尤其是那些被稱為經(jīng)驗的。在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)時代,博客和論壇可以影響旅行者選擇舉辦活動和餐館的場所。他們被認為是“專家”,并且有相當大的權(quán)力,在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上將內(nèi)


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