1、<p><b> 本科畢業(yè)論文</b></p><p><b> (20 屆)</b></p><p><b> 英語(yǔ)</b></p><p> 用順應(yīng)論分析訪談節(jié)目中的模糊限制語(yǔ)</p><p> Analysis of the Hedges in In
2、terview Programs from the Theory of Adaptation</p><p><b> 誠(chéng) 信 聲 明</b></p><p> 我聲明,所呈交的論文(設(shè)計(jì))是本人在老師指導(dǎo)下進(jìn)行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。據(jù)我查證,除了文中特別加以標(biāo)注和致謝的地方外,論文(設(shè)計(jì))中不包含其他人已經(jīng)發(fā)表或撰寫過(guò)的研究成果,也不包含為獲得______
3、或其他教育機(jī)構(gòu)的學(xué)位或證書而使用過(guò)的材料。我承諾,論文(設(shè)計(jì))中的所有內(nèi)容均真實(shí)、可信。</p><p> 論文(設(shè)計(jì))作者簽名: 簽名日期: 年 月 日</p><p><b> 授 權(quán) 聲 明</b></p><p> 學(xué)校有權(quán)保留送交論文(設(shè)計(jì))的原件,允許論文(設(shè)計(jì))被查閱和借閱,學(xué)??梢怨颊撐模ㄔO(shè)計(jì))
4、的全部或部分內(nèi)容,可以影印、縮印或其他復(fù)制手段保存論文(設(shè)計(jì)),學(xué)校必須嚴(yán)格按照授權(quán)對(duì)論文(設(shè)計(jì))進(jìn)行處理,不得超越授權(quán)對(duì)論文(設(shè)計(jì))進(jìn)行任意處置。</p><p> 論文(設(shè)計(jì))作者簽名: 簽名日期: 年 月 日</p><p><b> 摘要</b></p><p> 模糊限制語(yǔ)是一種很常見(jiàn)的語(yǔ)言,它所帶來(lái)的不
6、的原因,順應(yīng)嘉賓心理下模糊限制語(yǔ)存在的原因,順應(yīng)觀眾心理下模糊限制語(yǔ)存在的原因。最后本文分析了模糊限制語(yǔ)的語(yǔ)用功能。</p><p> 關(guān)鍵詞:模糊限制語(yǔ);順應(yīng)性;訪談</p><p><b> Abstracts</b></p><p> Hedges are a kind of common language. Its uncerta
7、inty and uncontrollability play important roles for the smooth progress of the conversation, so this interesting topic is worth studying and discussing. The object of this research is the hedges in the interview programs
8、. Based on previous theoretical studies and focusing on a special view – adaptation, the author profoundly analyzes the composition and pragmatic functions of hedges in interview shows. Firstly, this paper introduces the
9、 definition</p><p> Key words: hedges; adaptability; interview</p><p><b> Contents</b></p><p> 1. Introduction1</p><p> 1.1 The definition of adaptabil
10、ity1</p><p> 1.2 The definition of hedges1</p><p> 2. Analysis of the materials 2</p><p> 3. The reasons for the existence of hedges in the interview programs4</p><
11、;p> 3.1 Conforming to the host’s psychology4</p><p> 3.2 Conforming to the respondent’s psychology6</p><p> 3.3 Conforming to the audience’s psychology7</p><p> 4. The pra
12、gmatic functions of hedges in interview programs8</p><p> 4.1 Enhancing persuasion8</p><p> 4.2 Expressing politeness9</p><p> 4.3 Creating humor and relaxing atmosphere9<
13、/p><p> 5. Conclusion10</p><p> Bibliography111</p><p> Acknowledgements12</p><p> 1.Introduction</p><p> The famous American semantics scholars Lakof
14、f who was influenced by Zadeh of University of California at Berkeley in 1972 firstly proposed the terminology "hedges". In China, Hedges were introduced by Professor Wu Tieping, a professor of Beijing Normal U
15、niversity. Nowadays, the research on theory and application of hedges are presenting a thriving scene at home and abroad. But many experts just concentrate on the news report. Even researches involving interview are main
16、ly in macroscopic structur</p><p> 1.1 The definition of adaptability</p><p> Pragmatics expert Jef Verschueren from Belgium pointed out the definition of hedges for the first time in 1987. Ve
17、rschuren thinks the process of using language is continually selecting the proper language, such as communication strategy and the choice of language’s form. The process of selecting language is flexible and uncertain. I
18、t has many characteristics: It happens in all levels of language (pronunciation, vocabulary, structure, style, etc.), not only including language’s structure, but als</p><p> 1.2 The definition of hedges<
19、;/p><p> He Ziran (2004) thought that hedges can be divided into Approximators hedges and Shields hedges. </p><p> Approximators hedges always make the number and frequency fuzzy, which still can
20、 be further divided into two classes: adaptors and rounders. Adaptors are those that can reveal the difference of true degree of words, such as: sort of , a little bit ,almost , entirely , kind of , more or less , quite
21、, really , some , somewhat , to some extent, etc. Rounders refer to words and phrases limiting the changes’ range, such as: about, around, approximately, essentially, in most respects, loosely/ strict</p><p>
22、; Shields can be divided into two classes: plausibility and attribution. Plausibility means speakers’ attitude, expressing the speculation or skeptical attitude on the topic. For example I think, as far as I know, as fa
23、r as I can, seem, probably, wonder, hard to say, I believe, I assume, I suppose, I am afraid, I guess, I suspect, etc. Attribution shows the speaker quotes others’ statement or viewpoint in order to express the uncertain
24、ty of the words. But it is actually through a third party's opi</p><p> 2. Analysis of the materials</p><p> Based on the previous classification of hedges, the author of this thesis chose
25、 different subjects---two interview manuscripts of “Oprah show” and “YangLan interview”. In fact, “Oprah show” is an entertainment conversation that is full of fun, while “YangLan interview” seems much more serious than
26、“Oprah show”. The draft of “Oprah show” is about theme of The World 's Got Talent on May 11th 2009, which shows the content of the conversations between Oprah and the world-renowned talent scout Simon </p><
27、;p> Table one </p><p><b> Table two</b></p><p> As we can see from the table one, in a single interview, the adaptors appear far more frequently than the other three types of h
28、edges. Plausibility is the second largest parts, although it can not compare with the adaptors in the quantity, it still appears more than rounders and attribution. The results we can get from two interviews are that peo
29、ple would like to use adaptors and plausibility in daily life.</p><p> In Table 2 the hedges are divided in details. The author analyzes two typical kinds of hedges. The various types of adaptors are obviou
30、sly more than other kinds of hedges, and we can also find that there are a large quantities of colloquial words, such as “very, really” etc, which reminds us of the definition of the interview. Actually, we all know what
31、 the interview is, but if it must be given a definition, whoever can not say it clearly. Hu Bing, Wu Cheng (2008) thought that interview is a ser</p><p> 3. The reasons for the existence of hedges in the in
32、terview programs</p><p> 3.1 Conforming to the host’s psychology</p><p> The host needs to grasp and lead the rhythm and atmosphere of the entire interview. The definition of “adaptability” wa
33、s introduced at the beginning of this paper, which refers to language users can make flexible choices by selecting different language items to meet the communication needs (Verschueren, 1999). Interview has such a contex
34、t, in which as the time going, the mood of the performers and other factors are changing gradually. At that time the host must act as such a role who became awar</p><p> ?。?)S: good to see you. You’re well.&
35、lt;/p><p> O: you are well.</p><p> S: I think I fell well.</p><p> O: you are well.</p><p> S: the mic.</p><p> O: There’s your a little bit of undershi
36、rt showing. Do you want it to show or not to show. You want a little….</p><p> S: you make the decision. –Oprah show</p><p> The hedges in example 1 are adaptors. We can imagine thi
37、s scene from the environment of this language, whether it is full of happiness and fun or not. In such a joyful context, what a host should do is to keep this feeling going, that is to say, the host can not destroy this
38、cheerful atmosphere, so she timely inserts a phrase “a little bit of”. It is such a simple word that makes this funny atmosphere to be continued. Don't look down upon this simple phrase. It is expressed by twice thin
39、king of </p><p> The hedges ably solve conflicts of both sides in the conversation. In the interview, in order to obtain the latest leaks or secret information, the host will always be unconscious to touch
40、the psychological line of the interviewee, then a conflict will come into being between respondent and the host, which against interview smoothly and it will lead to failure. In order to avoid this kind of circumstance a
41、ppearing, host can use hedges to alleviate this situation tactfully. </p><p> ?。?)Y:In your testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, you suggested that U.S. should use smart power to handle inter
42、national issues. How is that approach, or strategy, reflected in your Asian trip, especially your trip to China? ---Yanglan Interview</p><p> ?。?)H: You know, former Treasury
43、 Secretary Paulson used to champion the U.S.-Sino dialogue in the structure of the Strategic Economic Dialogue. </p><p> ---Yanglan Interview</p><p> ?。?)O:Ok, you know there’s been so much ta
44、lk about, here’s been so much talk about you hair style and your clothes. ---Oprah show</p><p> We can easily find that these two phrases “you suggested that” “you know” in the selected sentenc
45、e are attribution words. The phrase “you suggest that” in example 2, means your advice and the proposal you make, which actually implies a subtext that what you have said is none of my business. In hosts’ mind, he foreve
46、r acts as the third-party spectator, and never stirs up trouble about others. This phenomenon is very common in political interview. The phrase “you know” in example 3 delivers a stat</p><p> Through the ab
47、ove three examples, we can approximately find that when conforming to the hosts’ psychology, the structure of hedges is mainly made up of adaptors. Its reason is summarized up that through the hedges host can protect the
48、mselves from hurt, easily change and cut topic, create and continue the good atmosphere to perfectly complete the task of interview.</p><p> 3.2 Conforming to the respondent’s psychology</p><p>
49、; The respondents want to express viewpoints in a low key way. Mr. Hu bin and Wu Cheng (2008) thought the respondents will always certainly express their views and opinions, or show their position on some problems in th
50、e interview. For the sake of realizing this purpose, criticism and censure are avoided because of absolutization and extramalization, the respondent can use hedges to express a discussing attitude.</p><p>
51、(5)S:Well I think the change it’s always very hard to come by at first but I’m really enjoying it and really enjoying every second of it. It’s like a dream come true. –Oprah
52、 show</p><p> ?。?)S:Because I think that overcoming your fears, whether you're a young woman or a young man, to be willing to take a risk, to try something different, to follow your heart, to pursue your
53、 dreams, takes a certain level of courage. </p><p> –Oprah show</p><p> In example 5 and 6 the interviewee adopts the plausibility “I think” to achieve the purpose of self protection. In case
54、6, Simon Cowell encourages the participants who attend “Britain's Got Talent”. We can not make sure what he said is accepted by all the participants and if it is suitable for them. So the hedges here express a discus
55、sing attitude, in other words, actually it is an impunity strategy. Generally the contents following the phrase like “I think” are parts of mental process of the sp</p><p> The respondents maintain their so
56、me demands. In general, the respondents in interviews are always stars, artists and politician, etc. They need to establish a better public image, so actually they attend interview program to make shows or achieve goals
57、of improving visibility or be the routine. So in their mind, as long as their words and deeds do not touch the public moral bottom line, a sophisticated answer or avoidance of some problems can achieve the goal that they
58、 want. </p><p> (7)Y: Do you think that China should further invest into American treasury bonds? Because there is a debate here - with unclear future, we should stop buying more.</p><p> C: W
59、ell, I certainly do think that the Chinese government and the central bank here in China are making a very smart decision by continuing to invest in treasury bonds for two reasons. </p><p> –Yang lan Interv
60、iew</p><p> The word “well” in example 7 actually expresses that “I don't think so”. But in order to be polite, the respondents use a “well” to make the conversion go on well. The phrase “I certainly do
61、 think that”, from the point of conforming in the respondents’ psychology, Hillary, the secretary of USA, is naturally necessary to use China's power to save the economic crisis of the United States, which is a basic
62、 patriotism. An adverb of degree and a plausibility word reflect this effect very well. From t</p><p> 3.3 Conforming to the audience’s psychology </p><p> The host makes use of hedges to incr
63、ease laughingstock for the audience, and keep on the dynamic atmosphere. In an interview, except the host and respondent, actually, the biggest part of the whole interview is the audience. The reactions from the audience
64、 will mostly decide what the main key of the interview is. So the host will need to understand the reaction of the audience, then follow up this reaction, and make it to be continued. </p><p> (8)S:it was t
65、he most surreal thing that ever happen, and all I remember I was having a horrible day, really grumpy. </p><p> O: you grumpy? Are you very grumpy?</p><p> S: very grumpy. I don’t like doing a
66、uditions. Everyone knows I hate doing it. It was one of those days and this lady came up, and I’m kind of thinking “Ok, well, this will take five seconds and I can go have a cup of tea.” And then everything changed when
67、she started singing. --Oprah show</p><p> (9)O: remember the first show we did? You said. I was just thinking about that before I came out here. I remember the first show I did. You said “You rea
68、lly want to kiss me”.</p><p> S: yeah……and you did.</p><p> O: no you’re very naughty.</p><p> S: we can always catch on that by the way. --Oprah show</p><p&g
69、t; In Case 8 the appearance of the hedges continues the lively atmosphere, when Simon said “really grumpy”, the whole audiences burst into applause and laughter, at this time the host timely ask a question in reply to s
70、trengthen this feeling. The entire interview was in this lively atmosphere, because both the host and respondent consider about audiences’ feelings. </p><p> The example 9 is almost the same as the example
71、8. The approach is different, but result is excellent. Actually the conversation here is a kind of show for audience to see, nothing but to increase the laughingstock to attract people. Under conforming to the audience’s
72、 psychological condition, hedges are used to make the audiences’ interaction lively, and maintain the atmosphere. </p><p> 4. The pragmatic functions of hedges in interview programs </p><p> 4
73、.1 Enhancing persuasion</p><p> The host wants to establish interaction, and get closer to listener's psychology, to achieve the listener's recognition and support. Peng Zhengyu (2006) thought that,
74、 during the interview, the speakers must attract the listener's attention from time to time. With the help of hedges, the host adjusts the relationship with listener, and tries to pull the listener at the same side.
75、Hedges will often emphasize the main idea of the speaker’s words and be accepted by the listener deeply and widely. </p><p> (10)Susan: well I think the change it’s always very hard to come by at first but
76、I’m really enjoying it and really enjoying every second of it. It’s like a dream come true. ---Oprah show</p><p> ?。?1)Y:In your testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Com
77、mittee, you suggested that U.S. should use smart power to handle international issues.</p><p> ---Yanglan Interview
78、 </p><p> In example 10, speakers catch the listener's attention by using adaptors to emphasize his contents.
79、 Whether the content of the conversation is right or wrong, it will leave a deep impression on listener by using adaptors frequently, and then affects their judgment naturally. The phrase “you suggest” in example 11 can
80、be defined that speaker intends to get the psychological distance closer with the listener, and why? Because this phrase means you advise, or what you said. When speakers said this </p><p> 4.2 Expressing p
81、oliteness </p><p> In order to fully express ideas, people will take all kinds of language strategy to express politeness, to follow some general principle. Hedges are one of the indispensable means to expr
82、ess politeness. In daily life communication, the application of hedges is the general strategy to obey the politeness principle. According to its definition, hedges can make words more tactful, fuzzier namely and more ap
83、propriately. (Zhou hong, Qian Jifang, 2008) </p><p> ?。?2)What kind of advice would you like to give to those who aspire to succeed and lead, but could be afraid of failure? -- Yang lan Interview</p>
84、;<p> ?。?3)Well, can I squeeze just one more? -- Yang lan Interview </p><p> The example above about hedges embodies the principle of politeness. In example 12, the speaker asks the question
85、 with a very moderate tone. Actually the hedges here reflect a formal way of asking questions, which sufficiently respects guests, and creates a kind of very comfortable feeling for others, without any contempt and misbe
86、havior. The word “well” in example 13 dexterously covers the rude behavior. This is not only the conversion of tone and topic, but also expressing politeness. As is kn</p><p> 4.3 Creating humor and relaxin
87、g atmosphere</p><p> The biggest difference between general language and interview language is that interview language can be interactive. It often needs the participating of the host, guest and the audienc
88、es, to form a harmonious and orderly environment for the conversation. Because of this particular need of expressing emotion, the uncertainty of the hedge leaves the enough space to understand, displaying the humor of la
89、nguage which makes the fresh vitality inject into the interviews, and ensures the conduct of th</p><p> (14)O: But it seems like you did do a little something. Didn’t you cut hair or get hair-dyeing.
90、 </p><p> Susan: I did a bit yeah. I did a bit. That was just tidy myself up like any other female would have done. --Oprah show</p><p> In example 14, the
91、 continuous use of a series of hedges in these two sentences creates a kind of very Western-style humor. Though they are not obvious jokes, a very relaxing feeling are brought to people. Originally these two phrases are
92、expressing very common meaning, “but you seemed to do something, you cut your hair or make hair-dyeing. I just did a bit, just a bit. I was picking up myself just like the other women.” Nothing remarkable sentences make
93、people feel different with the use of “a l</p><p> 5. Conclusion </p><p> Now, we can make sure that hedges are very common and ubiquitous in our daily life. From the analysis of two drafts, t
94、his paper quantitatively obtains the types of hedges and the appearing frequency. It clearly illustrates the reasons for existence of hedges. 1 The host needs to grasp and lead the rhythm and atmosphere of the entire int
95、erview. 2 The hedges ably solve conflicts of both sides in the conversation. 3 The respondents want to express viewpoints in a low key way. 4 The respondents main</p><p> All the conclusions of this paper a
96、re drawn from the analysis according to the psychological status of hosts, guests or audience. With the adaptation theory to analyze the causes and pragmatic functions of hedges in interview programs is even more intuiti
97、vely real.</p><p> Bibliography</p><p> Joanna,Channell. Vague Language[M]. 上海外語(yǔ)教育出版社, 2000</p><p> Verschueren. Understanding Pragmatics[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Researc
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- 電視訪談節(jié)目中禮貌語(yǔ)的順應(yīng)性研究—————以可凡傾聽(tīng)為例