1、第九章 土壤管理Soil management,土壤耕作Tillage,“縱有良田千萬頃,收成多少在于耕” 。 “一年犁出病十年沒收成” 。 我國農(nóng)民歷來十分重視土壤耕作?!洱R民要術(shù)》把耕田放在首篇,一來說明種植業(yè)從耕地開始,二來也反映出作者對(duì)土壤耕作的重視。,土壤耕作是作物生產(chǎn)的重要環(huán)節(jié),它消耗大量的人力、物力、資金。所以 ,農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)活動(dòng)的進(jìn)步,首先反映在土壤耕作的手段上。 “工欲善其事,必
2、先利其器?!?土壤耕作的目的Role of soil tillage 不同土壤耕作措施的作用 Effects of different tillage measures 常用的土壤耕作制度(耕法)Tillage systems,,Chapter Contents,What is Tillage?,The practice of keeping the soil mellow (soft) and free from weeds
3、 mechanically (physically)Can be seedbed preparation or post-emergence cultivation,土壤耕作,就是通過機(jī)械的物理作用,調(diào)節(jié)土壤松勁度、土壤表面狀態(tài)和耕層內(nèi)部土壤的位置,創(chuàng)造適宜作物生長(zhǎng)的土壤水、肥、氣、熱狀況的技術(shù)措施。 土壤耕作措施的特點(diǎn):一種措施可以同時(shí)起幾種作用;一項(xiàng)任務(wù)可以由幾種措施來完成。,What are the purposes
4、of tillage?土壤耕作的目的,調(diào)節(jié)耕層三相比,創(chuàng)造深厚的耕層和適宜的苗床 To adjust the water-air-solid proportion in topsoil;Creating deep tilth and suitable seed bed.除滅雜草 To kill weeds.翻轉(zhuǎn)耕層,翻埋殘茬和肥料 To bury crop stubbles and fertilizers.
5、 改變土壤耕層構(gòu)造和地面狀況,調(diào)節(jié)土壤水、肥、氣、熱因素,翻埋 根茬和肥料,清除田間雜草,控制土傳病害,調(diào)節(jié)土壤微生物區(qū)系,為作物播種、出苗和生長(zhǎng)發(fā)育提供適宜的土壤環(huán)境。,What is Soil Tilth?什么是耕層,指耕作措施經(jīng)常作用的土層,也是作物根系分布最密集的層次。The physical condition of the soilfitness for cultivation,How is go
6、od soil tilth developed?如何創(chuàng)造適宜的耕層,適時(shí)、適法、 適度耕作 till at proper time, proper method and proper frequency to maintain proper aggregation.Too wet during tillage makes soil lumpy, too dry during tillage makes soil too fine
7、and likely to blow;Over tillage will destroy soil structure and lead to soil compaction.,What is a seedbed?什么是苗床,種子萌發(fā)和幼苗汲取營養(yǎng)之所在。 Place where seeds germinate & nourish young plants.,Seedbed Characteristics,要緊實(shí),以便種子
8、和根能夠接觸到土壤顆粒而吸收養(yǎng)分 must be firm to allow seed and root to come in contact with soil particles to absorb moisture;要有足夠的空隙以利于通氣、扎根和水分運(yùn)動(dòng) must be porous to allow air to move, root development, water movement.If soil is too l
9、oose, rain will wash away young plants;Air and water conduct heat more rapidly than soil, looser soils warm up sooner;Plant residue on surface insulates, warms up slower, also provides buffer against wind.,What is the
10、definition of a weed?什么是雜草,A plant that grows out of place-tillage can cut roots or bury weeds,Is crop residue a benefit or detriment?作物殘茬的利用,Definitely a benefit 當(dāng)然是有益的It helps control erosion, retain water, improve
11、 tilth 它有益于防止土壤侵蝕、保持水分、改良耕層土壤結(jié)構(gòu)。dark soils absorb light, warm up quicker; residue insulates, warms slowerin wet areas soil is plowed; in dry areas leave residue,耕作機(jī)具的作用,松碎土壤 to loosen the soil翻轉(zhuǎn)耕層 to turn over the soi
12、l混拌土壤 to blend the soil平整地面 to flatten the soil surface壓緊土壤 to compact the soil開溝、培壟、打埂、做畦 to make furrow and ridges 土壤耕作的作用是通過機(jī)具的運(yùn)用來實(shí)現(xiàn)的,因此,土壤耕作的效果和效率取決于機(jī)具的性能。,,What is primary tillage?什么是基本耕作,入土深、作用強(qiáng)
13、烈、能顯著改變耕層物理性狀、后效較長(zhǎng)的土壤耕作措施。一般在種植作物播種之前進(jìn)行。the first tillage operation of a seasonloosen soil to permit air and water to penetrate,Equipment for primary tillage基本耕作措施和使用的機(jī)械,翻耕 plowing— 有壁犁/鏵犁 moldboard plow深松耕 subsoilin
14、g/ chiseling— 深松犁/鏟subsoiler/ chisel旋耕 rotary tillage— 旋耕機(jī) rotary hoe,Moldboard Plow 有壁犁(鏵犁),Inverts soil, turns residue under soil surface.,John Deere,Chisel Plow 鑿形犁,Does not invert soil, uses chisels or sweeps that
15、shatter the soil.Leaves residue on surface.,Disk Plow 圓盤犁,Rolling disks, similar to moldboard plow, better in sticky soils.,Rotary Hoe 旋耕犁,Hoe wheels on long shaft dig into soil (shallow).Usually mounted on tractor for
16、 row crops.,各種基本耕作措施的作用及其優(yōu)缺點(diǎn),作用:翻土,松土,碎土?! ?yōu)點(diǎn):土壤松碎,利于翻埋有機(jī)肥和秸稈殘茬,雜草、病菌?! ∪秉c(diǎn):跑墑,耗能高,成本高,容易造成水土流失。 技術(shù)要點(diǎn):翻耕方法(全翻、半翻、分層翻),時(shí)期,深度。掌握宜耕期。,翻 耕,,,,全翻垡:垡片翻轉(zhuǎn)180o半翻垡:垡片翻轉(zhuǎn)135o分層翻垡:上層垡片翻轉(zhuǎn)180o,下層垡片翻轉(zhuǎn)135o,,,,,,,,,,,,翻 耕 plowing,,翻
17、耕是世界上應(yīng)用最廣的土壤耕作措施,消耗的動(dòng)力也最多。 耕太淺起不到應(yīng)有的作用,耕太深翻上來過多的生土,不利于作物生長(zhǎng)。,翻 耕 plowing,What is Hardpan?什么是犁底層,Compacted soil layer below the soil surfacecreated by continuous tillage at the same depth.,How can hardpan be cor
18、rected?如何消除犁底層,Use a subsoiler.使用心土犁。,各種基本耕作措施的作用及其優(yōu)缺點(diǎn),作用:松土。 優(yōu)點(diǎn): 不亂土層,減少跑墑和因耕作造成的土壤侵蝕,特別適合旱地、丘陵、土層薄和白漿土地區(qū) ; 可間隔深松,虛實(shí)結(jié)合;作用深度大,可打破犁底層; 耗能少,成本低;可分散在不同時(shí)期進(jìn)行,不必集中作業(yè); 鹽堿地深松可保持脫鹽位置不動(dòng),減輕鹽堿危害。 缺點(diǎn):不能翻埋有機(jī)肥和秸稈殘茬,雜草、病菌?! 〖?/p>
19、術(shù)要點(diǎn):掌握宜耕期;可以分層深松。,深 松,各種基本耕作措施的作用及其優(yōu)缺點(diǎn),作用:利用犁片的轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)松碎土壤,同時(shí)切碎殘茬、秸稈和雜草。 優(yōu)點(diǎn):節(jié)省動(dòng)力,作業(yè)效率高,成本較低,完成后地面松碎平整。 缺點(diǎn):作用深度淺,一般在10-15cm?! 〖夹g(shù)要點(diǎn):掌握宜耕期。,旋 耕,What is secondary tillage?什么是表土耕作,All tillage operations after primary tillage
20、till at shallower depth. 表土耕作(surface tillage)或稱次級(jí)耕作( secondary tillage),是配合基本耕作措施使用的入土較淺、作用強(qiáng)度較小,旨在破碎土塊、平整土地、消滅雜草的一類土壤耕作措施。,Equipment for secondary tillage表土耕作措施及其所使用的機(jī)械,耙 harrowing:破碎土塊、平地,形成地表暄土覆蓋。耱(蓋)
21、dragging:平地、破碎土塊,形成地表暄土覆蓋。鎮(zhèn)壓 compacting:壓實(shí)土壤、破碎土塊。 旱地頂凌耙耱,播前鎮(zhèn)壓,起到保墑、提墑的作用。開溝、打埂、做畦、起壟 trenching, ridging, bedding鋤 hoeing、中耕 cultivating,Disk Harrow 圓盤耙,Similar to disk plow except smaller discs, tandem. Cuts
22、residue, but leaves on surface.,Compactor,Spike-Tooth Harrow 釘齒耙,Steel spikes that break soil crust, uproot small weeds.,Rod Weeder 桿式除草機(jī),Rod turns as it is pulled beneath the soil.Rod turns opposite direction as wheels
23、, lifts weeds and coarse material to surface.Packs seedbed.,看天看地看莊稼看效益,選用耕作措施的依據(jù),:氣溫、降水、風(fēng);因地、因時(shí)制宜;:土壤特性、水分狀況、地形; :對(duì)土壤松緊度、耕層厚度的不同要求;?。号c社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)條件相適應(yīng)。,華北的春耕一開始,過不了幾天,遠(yuǎn)在5000公里外夏威夷的空氣抽樣站就得知了。 — (美)《衛(wèi)報(bào)》:正在消失的地球,土壤的宜耕性與耕作
24、質(zhì)量,土壤最適合進(jìn)行耕作的含水量范圍稱為宜耕范圍或宜耕期?! ⊥寥浪肿兓碾A段:流體-塑韌-酥碎-干硬?! ∷揽览羁览?濕耕澤鋤,不如歸去。—《齊民要術(shù)》,What is contour tillage?等高耕作,Strip cropping so that fields are all at the same elevation (along hills) in order toslow water runoff.,
25、,,,Soil management/tillage system 土壤管理/耕作制度,種植制度or輪作制度:冬小麥-夏玉米→ 棉花二年三熟冬小麥:秋深耕-耙壓-播種-做畦-(冬前壓麥) ?。?返青耙麥)-(行間除草)夏玉米:鐵茬播種-中耕2-3次結(jié)合施肥棉 花:滅茬-秋耕-秋耙-早春耙蓋-播種- 中耕2-3次,以基本耕作措施命名1 平翻耕作制度 Plowing tillage system2 深松耕作制度 Ch
26、iseling tillage system3 壟作耕作制度 Ridging tillage system4 少耕耕作制度 Reduced (or minimum ) tillage system5 免耕制 No-till system6 砂田耕作制度 Gravel/pebble mulched tillage system,常用的土壤耕作制度(耕法) Tillage systems,是目前北方普遍采用的土壤耕作制度,一般由三
27、個(gè)環(huán)節(jié)構(gòu)成: 基本耕作:耕翻 表土耕作:耙、耱、鎮(zhèn)壓 中耕 :(針對(duì)中耕作物) 傳統(tǒng)的基本耕作作業(yè)入土過淺,形成波浪形的犁底層。,平翻耕作制度 Plowing tillage system,以深松作為基本耕作措施的土壤耕作制度。 表土耕作:耙 中耕 :(針對(duì)中耕作物) 應(yīng)用靈活。,深松耕作制度 Chiseling till
28、age system,以起壟為主要耕作措施的土壤耕作制度。 基本耕作:耕翻/起壟 表土耕作:起壟 中耕 :(針對(duì)中耕作物) 傳統(tǒng)的方法是先耕翻,再用手工工具起壟;較先進(jìn)、效率較高的半機(jī)械化做法是耕翻時(shí)兩次相鄰的耕作行方向相對(duì)并舉例較近,使得翻上來的土層相重疊,再用手工工具修整 ;先進(jìn)的做法是用起壟機(jī)械一次完成作業(yè)。因此,起壟也可以視為一種基本耕作措施。,壟作耕作制度 Ri
29、dging tillage system,What is minimum tillage?最少耕作,Only apply the most essential tillage;Delay primary tillage until seeding. 鐵茬播種 不中耕,What are the benefits of minimum tillage?,1) Soil surface is left cover
30、ed residue (conserve moisture);2) Residue protects soil from erosion;3) Reduced costs (fewer operations);4) Soil tilth improved (less compaction)-Weeds are controlled with chemicals.,No-till is one of the century'
31、;s biggest breakthroughs in agricultural technology.It gives meaning to the term "sustainable agriculture", because it is practical, profitable, maintains production targets, and protects soil and water quali
32、ty on and off the farm.,No-till system免耕制,In a no-till crop production system: the field is left virtually undisturbed from harvest to planting, except for nutrient injection fields are no longer plowed, and plant re
33、sidues remain on the soil to offer protection from erosion a narrow seedbed is prepared by the planter or drill during the planting operation, to allow adequate seed and fertilizer placement alternatively, the row st
34、rip may be pre-tilled during a separate pass weed control is accomplished primarily with herbicides, but shallow inter-row cultivation may still be used for emergency weed control.,No-till Defined 免耕的技術(shù)要素,以生物措施代替機(jī)械的基本
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