1、Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Retailing and Consumer Servicesjournal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jretconserTechnology at the dinner table: Ordering food online through mobile appsAnuj Pal Kapo
2、or?, Madhu VijFaculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, IndiaA B S T R A C TOnline food-delivery aggregators (OFA’s) are expanding choice and convenience, allowing customers to orderfrom a wide ar
3、ray of restaurants with a single tap on their smart phones. The business of delivering restaurantmeals to the home is undergoing rapid change as new online platforms race to capture markets and customersacross most of th
4、e metropolitan cities in India. The paper aims to investigate online food aggregators (OFA’s) byproposing and empirically testing mobile app attribute-conversion model, to examine how mobile app attributesof online food
5、aggregators influence the purchase decision of a consumer and subsequently lead to conversion. Amix method design was adopted for the study and a pilot study comprising of (n=350) respondents was carriedout. The study fo
6、cuses on four key attributes – visual, navigational, information and collaboration design andidentifies the most important mobile app attributes while choosing a particular online food aggregator (OFA) inIndia.1. . Intro
7、ductionIn the early 2000, the application of third generation (3G) mobilecommunication technologies triggered mobile commerce developmentacross the world. Subsequently, the switch from feature phones to smartphones begun
8、 and the adoption of smart phones were embraced glob-ally. According to E-Marketer (2014), there will be more than threebillion Smartphone users, or one-quarter of the global population, by2020. In India, the e-commerce
9、market is expected to grow to US$ 188billion by 2015 due to the rise in Smartphone penetration and thelaunch of 4G networks along with increasing consumer wealth.According to Statistica (2017, Dec 21), Smartphone penetra
10、tion in Indiareached 32% as of Nov 2017.A unique trend which has picked up with the introduction of smartphones is the mobile apps. In simple words, a mobile app is a softwareapplication developed specifically for use on
11、 small, wireless computingdevices, such as smart phones and tablets, rather than desktop or laptopcomputers. The rapid adoption of smart phones and subsequent de-velopment of mobile applications (“app” or “apps” hereafte
12、r) have beenchanging the ways in which customers interact with a brand. The rapidgrowth of mobile technologies comes with the proliferation of varioustypes of apps. Over 6 billion apps have been downloaded in India(Stati
13、stics 2017, Dec 21) and account for more than 50% of time spenton digital media (Lipsman, 2014, June 25), suggesting that apps havedeeply penetrated into the daily lives of Smartphone users. Today, ev-erything can be pra
14、ctically purchased online, from daily grocery toflight or hotel bookings, ordering food or even buying a house. In India,online shoppers among internet users have increased from merely 0.1million in 2006 to around 100 mi
15、llion in 2017, showing a growth of900% (Kearney, 2016). This rapid growth raises interest in academiaand turns e-commerce into an attractive field of research. Mobile appsprovide an effective channel for companies to con
16、nect with their cus-tomers (Ostdick, 2016). Actually, the mobile platform has fundamen-tally revolutionized the manner in which companies maintain customerrelations by creating the unique, novel, and personalized experie
17、nce(Lai, 2015; Ostdick, 2016).Within the e-commerce space in India, trend of food start-ups hasbeen catching the spotlight and India seems to be having a growingappetite for such start-ups. Till date, the most common for
18、m of deliveryhas been the traditional model in which the consumer calls up therestaurant, orders food and then waits for the restaurant to bring thefood. However, with the rise of digital technology, the market is beingr
19、edefined. Customers are using mobile apps or websites to identify allthe nearby restaurants, scan through the menu and select the cuisinethey intent to eat and order the food with the click of a button or tap ofa finger.
20、 Consumers accustomed to online shopping through apps orwebsites with maximum convenience and transparency, expect thesame experience when it comes to online food ordering. India's onlinefood delivery market, compris
21、ing of aggregators and internet kitchens,grew at 150 per cent in 2016 with an estimated GMV of USD 300million.Companies have welcomed mobile apps as an additional commu-nication channel to attract new customers and incre
22、ase brand loyaltyamong existing ones (Wang et al., 2015). They have realized thathttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2018.04.001Received 19 September 2017; Received in revised form 6 March 2018; Accepted 3 April 2018? C
23、orresponding author.E-mail addresses: anuj.kapoor_phd@fms.edu (A.P. Kapoor), madhuvij@fms.edu (M. Vij).Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 43 (2018) 342–351Available online 22 May 20180969-6989/ © 2018 Elsevi
24、er Ltd. All rights reserved.Tinteractive nature that allows users to experience the brand through themobile app attributes. (Bellman et al., 2011; Calder and Malthouse,2008; Mollen and Wilson, 2010; Yadav and Varadarajan
25、, 2005). Ac-cording to Peters et al. (2016), mobile app attributes cause certainpsychological reactions based on the visual and information attributesof a mobile app. Kim et al. (2010) identified UI attractiveness such a
26、svisual and navigation designs as important attributes which enablesusers to use a particular mobile app. In case of mobile app of foodaggregator, information such as digital menu, customer reviews, imagesof restaurant a
27、nd food, coordinates of restaurants, contact details ofrestaurant etc are part of the information design.Previous studies have also described consumers’ general app use butfewer studies have examined app use in the conte
28、xt of everyday choicesabout purchasing and consuming food over the internet. Given the factthat limited empirical studies are available to understand mobile appattributes of an online food aggregator, it is necessary to
29、extend theextant literature by proposing a research model to elucidate what andhow app attributes affects users' actual purchase, defined as ‘conver-sion’ in this study. Conversion refers to the act of placing an ord
30、er bythe customers through the mobile app and making the payment for theordered food.2.1. Mobile app attributes and influence on conversion2.1.1. Conversion rateConversion on the other hand has been defined by various re
31、-searchers in different capacities. David et al. (2014) defines conversionas an acceptance towards m-commerce i.e., if an individual has used aparticular mobile app, then it is defined as a conversion. On the otherhand,
32、Christopher et al. (2017) describes conversion as a purchase i.e.,when an individual actually makes a purchase through a mobile app,then it is a true conversion. We have adopted the convention ofChristopher and defined c
33、onversion as, placing an order through amobile app and making a payment towards the same. In our study,when a customer places an order through the mobile app or connectswith a particular restaurant through the mobile app
34、, places the orderand makes the payment, it is considered as a conversion. In case acustomer scans through the menu and places the order over phone andnot through the mobile app, it is not considered as a conversion. Few
35、empirical studies, which have been carried out based on mobile appattributes in the fields of information system and e-commerce supportthat attributes of a mobile app such as visual appeal, informationavailable and navig
36、ational design are salient stimuli that influenceusers' internal reactions and result in buying intention or actual pur-chase (Amirpur and Benlian, 2015; Kim et al., 2010; Nah et al., 2011;Huang, 2012; Cyr et al., 20
37、06; Li and Yeh, 2010; Cheung et al., 2015;Said, 2015; Peter et al., 2015; Lee and Kozar, 2006; Gao and Wu, 2010;Vance et al., 2008; Montoya-Weiss et al., 2003; Chang et al., 2016; Liand Hess, 2012). The findings of these
38、 studies suggest that visual de-sign, navigational design and information design affect users' reactionsand behavioral responses. These attributes are an integral part of amobile app and influences the purchase decis
39、ion of a user to a greatextent. Analogous to a commercial mobile app, a food aggregator mo-bile app is a multi-attribute software product in which a combination ofproduct and service attributes may influence users' e
40、xperience that inturn affects their engagement behavior and final purchase.2.1.2. Visual designA growing body of literature has identified distinctive character-istics of mobile devices and discussed their implications.
41、Visual designis one of the most important attribute for a mobile app (Kim et al.,2010; Nah et al., 2011; Huang, 2012). The visual design of a mobile apprefers to the consistency, aesthetic, and the attractiveness of the
42、web-site's appearance including images, colors, fonts, shapes, animations,and layout (Cyr et al., 2006; Li and Yeh, 2010). Lee et al. (2011) con-ceptualized that visual designs influence users to a great extent while
43、using a mobile app for online purchases. Visual design includes theoverall look and feel of the mobile app interface, colors and fonts used,etc. Visual design is a key component of website quality (Vance andStraub, 2008)
44、 and affects users' experiences while using and interactingwith the site (Wells et al., 2011). Wells et al. (2011) suggested thatattractive visual website design sends positive messages to consumersabout the quality
45、of the product and the vendor. Better visual designswith an app will lead to a higher level of users' engagement (Cheunget al., 2015). Said (2015) observed that respondents are hesitant toengage with a mobile app whi
46、ch has poor visual appeal. Kang et al.(2012) also confirmed that visual and information attributes of a mobileapp are associated with acceptance of mobile apps. Chang et al. (2016)proposed a framework for mobile attribut
47、es, which influence customerpropensity to adopt mobile apps and also results in engaging experi-ence.Accordingly, visual design and information design were included asthe app attributes since these attributes influence a
48、 consumers’ pur-chase decision and loyalty with a particular brand. Therefore the fol-lowing hypothesis is proposed:H1a. Visual design has the highest influence on the conversion rate foronline aggregators in India.2.1.3
49、. Information designPeter et al., (2015) argued that amount on information availableincreases the engagement of users with mobile apps as they provide allthe relevant information to the users. Ji et al. (2016) through a
50、fieldstudy also suggested that amount of information and structure of in-formation in mobile apps influences users to a great extent and en-hances their loyalty towards the brand. A mobile app's informationdesign ref
51、ers to the apps' ability to deliver relevant, current, and easy-to-understand information to its users (Lee and Kozar, 2006). Becauseonline purchase transactions involve substantial amounts of informa-tion related to
52、 products, services, payment, delivery, and vendors(Montoya-Weiss et al., 2003), the availability of sufficient and relevantinformation increases trust in online shopping and enhances purchaseintention (Gao and Wu, 2010)
53、. In line with Lee et al. (2015) identifiedamount of information available for the user about a particular serviceor product on a mobile app as an important attribute. In case of onlineretailers, product description, rev
54、iews of customers, exchange and re-turn policy influence a consumers’ purchase decision to a great extent.Thus, the availability of necessary information and the ease of findingand accessing this information can enhance
55、consumers' decision-making and purchasing tasks (Lin, 2007). In contrast, when consumersare exposed to information that may not be relevant or helpful to thetask they want to perform, they become dissatisfied and fee
56、ls irritatedbecause of the time and cognitive effort and resources that they spent inprocessing the information (MacKenzie and Spreng, 1992). Therefore,an efficient and helpful mobile app information design is expected t
57、ohave a positive impact on conversion. Based on the literature, wepropose the following hypothesis:H2a. Information design has the highest influence on the conversionrate for online aggregators in India2.1.4. Navigationa
58、l designThe navigation design of a mobile app refers to the organization andstructural layout of the pages and content. An app's navigation designhas a significant impact on the amount of effort required for a user t
59、onavigate or use the app (Vance et al., 2008). Thus, an efficient navi-gation design of a mobile app should provide an easy to use navigationcontrol that allows users to go to the desired pages easily and quicklyfrom any
60、where in the app, use the appropriate filters as per their re-quirements with minimal amount of effort (Montoya-Weiss et al.,2003). Online consumers prefer simple and direct navigation designthat saves them time and effo
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