1、<p> 中文2215字,1480單詞,8100英文字符</p><p><b> 原文 </b></p><p> Financing structure of listed companies in China Analysis of the factors affecting</p><p> Material Sour
2、ce: Journal of international money and finance(2000)</p><p> Author:Chien-Hsun Chen</p><p> (A)The system of factors</p><p> Transition in China's economic conditions, econom
3、ic structure and macro-systems do not have the stability of the background, the financing system is still in the rapid and dramatic changes in the process, so the institutional factors will certainly affect the financing
4、 structure. For example, there may be past the debt ratio is too high, need to be optimized through equity financing. This is mainly because of China's controlling shareholder of listed companies are mainly state-own
5、ed large and me</p><p> (B)The low cost of equity financing </p><p> Financing costs is to raise and use funds to pay various fees and charges. Equity financing and bond financing in the finan
6、cing costs, interest or dividends are mainly expenditure, transaction costs, and taxes and so on. In China's capital market, in China's listed companies is generally not a high level of profitability, dividend yi
7、eld is very low, companies tend to adopt various means, such as non-cash dividend distribution, a lower proportion of the distribution of cash dividend or distributi</p><p> (C)The ownership structure of li
8、sted companies in China specificity </p><p> Share ownership structure means that the company's total equity shares of the different nature of the proportion of their mutual relations. Financing needs f
9、or investment, financing of the non-rational, is most likely the result of irrational investment. Most of China's listed companies for the shares by the restructuring of state-owned enterprises from the existence of
10、the shareholding structure of state-owned shares and legal person shares are not highly concentrated nature of the flow. As a r</p><p> (D) The development of China's bond market lagged behind, poor bon
11、d financing channels </p><p> Financing structure of listed companies and corporate finance environment. Listed companies in Western countries are faced with a more standardized securities market, bond mark
12、et and our management not relaxed, very low degree of mercerization, corporate bond financing through the possibility of substantially inhibited, which stimulated the objective listed company of equity financing requirem
13、ents. As of March 14, 2001, the two exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen-listed corporate bonds including </p><p> (E)Debt financing of high-risk financing </p><p> In short, the financing risk
14、by financing activities may deviate from the expected loss. For enterprises, the risk of debt financing to equity financing is higher than the risk, this mainly reflected in: First of all, whether there is interest by so
15、me of the risk. Payment of interest is a prerequisite for loans, and interest payments are not due to changes in business is profit, but its profit-sharing equity financing, risk sharing, enterprises will not face the pr
16、essure of interest. Secondly, w</p><p> (F) The accumulation of China's listed companies and the profitability of their own poor, with the ratio of the source of financing within the under-developed cou
17、ntries the proportion of the general source of financing for about 60%, even in the preferred source of financing outside of the "bank-led" model of Japan, with the source of financing proportion is also higher
18、 than China's. China's listed companies are mostly state-owned enterprises from the main enterprise property rights, the interes</p><p> Third, the financing structure of listed companies in China A
19、nalysis of the impact of the consequences China's listed companies on the financing structure in the preferred equity financing, while ignoring the source of debt financing and internal financing. This will have seri
20、ous consequences; the most important are as follows: </p><p> (A)Can not effectively play a role in the regulation of financial leverage According to modern financial theory point of view, for the effective
21、 exercise of its entrepreneurial role in the regulation of financial leverage, corporate financing options, the financing of the project is expected to yield the high and low financing costs and should be fully taken int
22、o account. In theory, when the investment project is expected to yield high, it is reasonable to choose debt financing in order to play </p><p> (B)The allocation of resources affected the efficiency of sec
23、urities markets is not conducive to the stability of the stock market to achieve optimal distribution of resources. The limited financial resources available to those most in need and to use the most efficient enterprise
24、s, which are the basic functions of the securities market, but also its sustained and healthy development. As listed companies can easily achieve sustainability in the stock market and low-cost financing, and some liste&
25、lt;/p><p> (C)Of listed companies continued to decline in profitability is not conducive to long-term development of listed companies. According to financial theory, the balance is to maintain an appropriate s
26、ustainable development. Because the liabilities can not only enable businesses to obtain tax benefits and the role of financial leverage, and the pressure of debt service to the promotion of enterprise managers to improv
27、e efficiency in the use of funds. China's listed companies and high proportion of </p><p> (D)Serious damage to the interests of investors, dampened the enthusiasm of investors Listed companies should b
28、e a reasonable financing structure is to maximize the enterprise value, a number of listed companies in order to achieve the placement of shares, additional conditions, to take a variety of ways to gloss over financial r
29、eporting, resulting in the disorder in the development of capital markets, and the share placements, additional dilution will earnings per share, damage to the interests</p><p><b> 譯文 </b>&
30、lt;/p><p> 中國上市公司融資結構影響因素分析</p><p> 資料來源: 國際貨幣和金融2000 作者:Chien-Hsun Chen</p><p><b> 1國家制度因素 </b></p><p> 在中國的經濟條件下,經濟結構和宏觀制度變遷以及市場的不穩(wěn)定性,金融體系仍處于急劇變化的過程中
31、,這種經濟情況導致了國家制度因素肯定會影響企業(yè)的融資結構。例如,由于早些年的負債率過高,就需要通過股權融資來優(yōu)化融資結構。這主要是中國的許多上市公司是由國家控股的國有大、中型企業(yè),受到國家的資金資助的原因。20世紀80年代中期國有企業(yè)負債的突然增加,以及國有大中型企業(yè)融資平臺的出現,在這種情況下,是導致了許多國有上市企業(yè)從根本上調整其債務融資結構的原因。 </p><p> 2 股權融資的低成本 股權融資和債券
32、融資的融資成本,主要是支付利息或股息、交易成本、稅金等。在中國的資本市場中,股息收益率非常低,企業(yè)往往采取各種手段,如非現金股利的分配,由于現金紅利或利潤分配比例較低,分紅成本水平較低,所以會受到債券融資和還本付息的約束限制。因此,在我國,上市公司偏好股權融資來達到低成本融資的目的。 </p><p> 3 中國上市公司股權結構的特殊性 投資方式的融資,是非理性的融資方式。對中國的大多數上市公司而言,由于國有股
33、和法人股股權結構存著企業(yè)制度的制約,股份融資并不具有高度集中的流動性。因此,國外人只能成為少數的股東,而重大決策實際上仍由大股東控制,董事會的作用也會隨之大大降低,在這種獨特的所有權結構下,大股東可能會導致少數股東權益的流失,導致小股東任意的投資,同時也使資金的大量流失。 </p><p> 4 中國債券市場發(fā)展滯后,債券融資渠道狹小 歐洲國家上市公司的證券市場是相比中國市場規(guī)范很多,中國的債券市場管理制度仍然
34、很滯后。原因是由于嚴格的制度抑制了上市公司股權融資市場化,企業(yè)債券融資的程度需求非常低。截至2000年3月14日,上海和深圳上市公司債券(包括可轉換債券)的兩個交易所上市了20497000000元的總市值總額,上市股票總額為1289.16億元。上市的總市值為高達48088.51億萬元,兩個市值相差甚遠。 </p><p> 5 高風險融資的債務融資 通過融資活動,企業(yè)的融資風險可能會偏離預期期望。對于企業(yè)來說,
35、債務融資,比股權融資更具有高風險性。這主要體現在: </p><p> 首先,是否有風險是由某些利益決定的。企業(yè)支付利息貸款的前提是利用利潤來進行股權融資,因此企業(yè)不會面臨利息壓力。 </p><p> 其次,是否擁有還款的進度風險。債務融資的方式,是指要償還債務,資本損失無法償還企業(yè)的負責時,企業(yè)必須設法將所有的借入資本,在償還期內償還。這樣做是為了確保業(yè)務的持續(xù)發(fā)展。所以通過股權融
36、資籌集到的資金可永久使用,也就沒有必要考慮償還的要求。 </p><p> 6 中國上市公司的盈利能力較低 隨著資金不斷的在發(fā)達的國家里流通,這些發(fā)達國家融資比重的60%來源于內部融資,而在中國資金融資的首選來源仍為“銀行主導“模式下的債務融資,雖然日本的銀行融資來源比例也較高,但是中國通過銀行融資的比重遠遠高于其他亞洲國家。中國的上市公司大多是企業(yè)產權的國有企業(yè),利益并不是主要的。</p>&l
37、t;p> 因此,企業(yè)短期負債行為造成了累積盈利能力下降,企業(yè)也同時忽視積累盈利能力。但近年來,中國上市公司普遍持有非常少的股利或股息,占現金資金的比例越來越低,低股利分配被作為配股獎金紅利進行分配?;谶@些原因,中國上市公司導致的直接結果,是外部融資太過于頻繁,從而導致融資結構的重大變化。 因此在分析中國上市公司融資結構時,在首選公司股權融資的融資結構的影響下,忽視了內部融資和債務融資的來源,這將帶來嚴重后果,具體的表現如下:
38、</p><p> (1)不能有效發(fā)揮財務杠桿的調控作用 從現代金融理論的角度看,企業(yè)的金融杠桿、企業(yè)融資方案,不能有效地行使監(jiān)管企業(yè)的作用,在項目融資時并沒用充分考慮到這些因素,導致了企業(yè)的高成本融資。從理論上講,要使融資項目的低成本融資,就要合理選擇債務融資方式,以發(fā)揮財務杠桿的最好的效果。但是,我國上市公司招股書中,幾乎所有上市公司提供融資的專案中,都有很高的股權收益率。在這種情況下,上市公司選擇股權融資
39、而不是債務融資,沒有按照經濟規(guī)律辦事,其結果就是在經營業(yè)績上呈現一種不可避免的衰退。 </p><p> (2)資源配置不合理利用降低了證券市場的效率,不利于股市的穩(wěn)定發(fā)展 有限的財政資源提供給那些最需要和最高效的企業(yè)使用,這是證券市場的基本功能,也是證券市場持續(xù)、健康的發(fā)展的條件。由于上市公司可以利用股市來輕松實現低成本融資,導致了部分上市公司不斷進行盲目的股權融資,造成了在資金上的浪費和低效的大量使用,也使
40、股票市場的資源配置效率大幅度的降低。此外,有很大一部分的閑散資金并沒有明確的投資方向且生產經營游離于的實際距離的虛擬經濟,因此也帶來了短期超額收益風險。與此同時也導致了股市的大幅價格波動,同時也不利于證券市場的穩(wěn)定發(fā)展,并且低效率的企業(yè)仍然繼續(xù)浪費稀缺資源,形成資金的惡性循環(huán)。 </p><p> (3)上市公司盈利能力繼續(xù)下降,不利于長期發(fā)展 根據財務理論,融資平衡是為了企業(yè)維持一個適當發(fā)展的基礎。由于負債,
41、不僅可以使企業(yè)獲得稅收優(yōu)惠和金融杠桿的作用來緩解償債壓力,同時也促進企業(yè)經營管理者提高資金使用效率。中國上市公司的股權融資占融資結構中比重過高,使得企業(yè)不能夠充分利用負債融資,財務杠桿和信件功能的下降,因此,會對上市公司盈利能力造成不利的影響。 </p><p> (4)嚴重損害了投資者的利益,挫傷了投資者的積極性 上市公司合理的融資結構是以實現企業(yè)價值最大化為目標。相當多的上市公司為了達到安置閑散的股份,通過
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- 中國上市公司融資結構影響因素分析【外文翻譯】
- 上市公司融資結構影響因素實證分析【文獻綜述】
- 上市公司融資結構影響因素實證分析【開題報告】
- 上市公司融資結構影響因素實證分析【畢業(yè)論文+開題報告+文獻綜述+外文翻譯】
- 低碳上市公司融資結構影響因素分析.pdf
- 外文翻譯-----中國上市公司偏好股權融資非制度性因素
- 外文翻譯-----中國上市公司偏好股權融資非制度性因素
- 非上市公司的融資結構【外文翻譯】
- 外文翻譯-----中國上市公司偏好股權融資:非制度性因素
- 中國上市公司融資結構的制度性因素分析.pdf
- 外文翻譯---中國上市公司偏好股權融資非制度性因素
- 外文翻譯-----中國上市公司偏好股權融資非制度性因素
- [雙語翻譯]--外文翻譯--上市公司股權融資偏好制度因素分析(原文)
- 我國低碳上市公司融資結構影響因素分析.pdf
- [雙語翻譯]--外文翻譯--上市公司股權融資偏好制度因素分析(節(jié)選)
- 上市公司的融資渠道分析外文翻譯
- 2013年--外文翻譯--上市公司股權融資偏好制度因素分析
- 外文翻譯-----中國上市公司偏好股權融資:非制度性因素.doc
- 上市公司融資結構影響因素實證分析【畢業(yè)論文】
- 中國上市公司再融資影響因素研究.pdf