1、Chapter 2 DNA Structure and properties,§ 2-1 DNA is the Genetic Material§ 2-2 The Chemical Nature of Polynucleotides§ 2-3 DNA is a Double Helix§ 2-4 Polymorphism of DNA Structure§ 2-5 D
2、enaturation and Renaturation § 2-6 Supercoiled DNA and Topoisomerase § 2-7 Restriction Enzymes and DNA Sequencing,§ 2-1 DNA is the genetic material,,deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) DNA is the storehouse,
3、or cell library, that contains all the information required to build the cells and tissues of an organism.,,1.The Discovery of DNA Friedrich Miescher(1869) discovered in the cell nucleus a mixture of compounds—nuclein.
4、Nuclein is mostly chromatin, a complex of DNA and chromosomal proteins,2. Transformation in Bacteria,Key experiments done by Frederick Griffith in 1928Observed change in Streptococcus pneumoniae — from virulent (S) smo
5、oth colonies where bacterial had capsules, to avirulent (R) rough colonies without capsulesHeat-killed virulent colonies could transform avirulent colonies to virulent ones,DNA: The Transforming Material,In 1944 Avery u
6、sed a transformation test similar to Griffith’s procedure taking care to define the chemical nature of the transforming substanceTechniques used excluded both protein and RNA as the chemical agent of transformationOthe
7、r treatments verified that DNA is the chemical agent of transformation of S. pneumoniae from avirulent to virulent,Griffith, 1928; Avery et al., 1944,3. DNA Confirmation,In 1952, Hershey and Chase demonstrated that bact
8、eriophage infection comes from DNABy 1953 Watson & Crick published the double-helical model of DNA structure and Chargaff had shown that the 4 bases were not present in equal proportions,1952 Martha Chase & Alf
9、red HersheyUsed phages in which the protein was labeled with 35S and the DNA with 32P for the final proof that DNA is the molecule of heredity.,DNA is a main genetic material,RNA is genetic material also,RNA VirusViroi
10、d,,是否存在核酸之外的 其他遺傳物質?,Is the protein genetic material ?,復制 ?表面遺傳信息 ?,,高度純化的病體腦組織的感染性粒子,,,可被蛋白酶K抑制,不被核酸酶和輻射滅活,不含大于100nt的核酸,28kD 的疏水性糖蛋白 由核基因組基因 PrP(Prion related Protein)編碼,Prion (proteina
11、ccous infections particle) 傳染性病原蛋白顆粒引起的風波,,Conclusion:Genes are made of nucleic acid, usually DNASome simple genetic systems such as viruses have RNA genes,DNA作為遺傳物質的優(yōu)點 (自然選擇的優(yōu)勢),★ 儲存遺傳信息量大,&
12、#167; 2-2 The Chemical Nature of Polynucleotides,,Levene, Jacobs, et al. characterized basic composition of DNA and RNAA nucleic acid consists of a chemically linked sequence of subunits.,Each subunit contains a nitroge
13、nous base, a pentose sugar, and a phosphate group.,Nucleic Acid,Mono-phosphate,Nucleoside,Deoxy-ribose ( Ribose ),Base,A nucleic acid consists of a polynucleotide chain. nitrogenous base is linked to the sugar. DNA takes
14、 its name from its sugar (2-deoxyribose); RNA is named for its sugar (ribose). The difference is that the sugar in RNA has an OH group at the 2 position of the pentose ring.,1. Nitrogenous base,Nucleotide (Nt) basic unit
15、,Each nucleic acid contains 4 types of base. The same two purines, adenine and guanine, are present in both DNA and RNA. The two pyrimidines in DNA are cytosine and thymine; in RNA uracil is found instead of thymine. Th
16、e only difference between uracil and thymine is the presence of a methyl substituent at position C5. The bases are usually referred to by their initial letters. DNA contains A, G, C, T, while RNA contains A, G, C, U,Two
17、 types of pentose are found in nucleic acids.They distinguish DNA and RNA.,2. Pentose sugar,The difference lies in the absence/presence of the hydroxyl group at position 2 of the sugar ring.,The nitrogenous base is link
18、ed to position 1 on the pentose ring by a glycosidic bond from N1 of pyrimidines or N9 of purines.,NucleosideNucleotide,Nucleosides ( 核苷 ) : base + sugar = nucleosideRNA: ribonucleosides or just nucleosides;DNA: 2’-d
19、eoxyribonucleosides or just deoxynucleosidesNucleotides ( 核苷酸 ) : base + sugar + phosphate = nucleotidesThe nucleoside 5’-triphosphates (NTPs or dNTPs) are respectively the building blocks of polymeric RNA and DNA,
20、The polynucleotide chain is constructed by linking the 5′ position of one pentose ring to the 3′ position of the next pentose ring via a phosphate group. So the sugar-phosphate backbone is said to consist of 5′-3′ phosph
21、odiester linkages. The nitrogenous bases "stick out" from the backbone.,Phosphodiester bonds (磷酸二脂鍵) : Covalent linkage of a phosphate group between the 5’-hydroxyl of a ribose and the 3’-hydroxyl of the next.
22、At neutral pH, each phosphate group has a single negative charge, this is why nucleic acids are termed acids; they are the anions of strong acids.Nucleic acids are thus highly charged polymers.,The terminal nucleotide
23、at one end of the chain has a free 5′ group; the terminal nucleotide at the other end has a free 3′ group. It is conventional to write nucleic acid sequences in the 5′→3′ direction-that is, from the 5′ terminus at the le
24、ft to the 3′ terminus at the right.,DNA/RNA sequence: The nucleic acid sequence is the sequence of bases A, C, G, T/U in the DNA/RNA chain. The sequence is conventionally written fr
25、om the free 5’- to the free 3’- end of the molecule.5’- ATTAGCTC- 3’(DNA) 5’- AUAGCUUGA-3’ (RNA),§2-3 DNA is a Double Helix,1. Chargaff’s rulesErwin Chargaff’s studies of the base compositions of DNAs from variou
26、s sources revealed that the content of purines was always roughly equal to the content of pyrimidines.,Erwin Chargaff 1949 DNA是由四種脫氧核苷酸(nucleotide),就是腺嘌呤(adenine)、鳥嘌呤(guanine)胸腺嘧啶(thymidine)和胞嘧啶(cytocine)組成的,且在不
27、同物種中四種核苷酸的比率不同。但A 與T的量相等,G與C 的量相等,即A=T;G=C,這就是所謂的Chargaff規(guī)則(Chargaff's rules)。,2. The double helix model for DNA by Watson and Crick,,The double helix model 1). X-ray diffraction data showed that DNA has the form of
28、 a regular helix, making a complete turn every 34 Å (3.4 nm), with a diameter of ~20 Å (2 nm). Since the distance between adjacent nucleotides is 3.4 Å, there must be 10 nucleotides per turn. 2). The den
29、sity of DNA suggests that the helix must contain two polynucleotide chains. The constant diameter of the helix can be explained if the bases in each chain face inward and are restricted so that a purine is always opposit
30、e a pyrimidine, avoiding partnerships of purine-purine (too thick) or pyrimidine-pyrimidine (too thin).,3). The proportion of G is always the same as the proportion of C in DNA, and the proportion of A is always the same
31、 as that of T. So the composition of any DNA can be described by the proportion of its bases that is G + C. This ranges from 26% to 74% for different species. Watson and Crick proposed that the two polynucleotide chains
32、 in the double helix associate by hydrogen bonding between the nitrogenous bases. G can hydrogen bond specifically only with C, while A can bond specifically only with T. These reactions are described as base pairing, an
33、d the paired bases (G with C, or A with T) are said to be complementary.,The model requires the two polynucleotide chains to run in opposite directions (antiparallel). Looking along the helix, therefore, one strand runs
34、in the 5′-3′ direction, while its partner runs 3′-5′.,The bases lie on the inside. They are flat structures, lying in pairs perpendicular to the axis of the helix. Consider the double helix in terms of a spiral staircase
35、: the base pairs form the treads. Proceeding along the helix, bases are stacked above one another, in a sense like a pile of plates.,Each base pair is rotated ~36º around the axis of the helix relative to the next b
36、ase pair. So ~10 base pairs make a complete turn of 360º. The twisting of the two strands around one another forms a double helix with a narrow groove (~12 Å across) and a wide groove (~22 Å across). The
37、 double helix is right-handed; the turns run clockwise looking along the helical axis. These features represent the accepted model for what is known as the B-form of DNA.,,flash,,§ 2-4 Polymorphism of DNA Structure,
38、1. The double helix exists in multiple conformation 1). Right-Handed Helix: B,A,C,D,E 2). Left-handed helix: Z-DNA,A-DNA,B-DNA,Z-DNA,Relative humidity
39、 92% 75%Salt sodium sodium,B-DNA A-DNA,,The A form has 11 base pairs per turn. Its major groove is narrower and deeper than that of
40、B form, and its minor groove is broader and shallower.unclear if pure A-form DNA exists within cells. DNA-RNA hybrid double helices all double-helical RNA regions,Take A-form,Structural properties of A、B and Z DNA
41、,2. Z-DNA Alexander Rich et al (MIT)Double-stranded DNA containing strands of alternating purines and pyrimidines. e.g. poly[dG-dC] poly[dC-dG] -GCGCGCGC- -CGCGCGCG- -
42、 m5C GAT m5C G- - G m5CTA G m5C-living cells contain a small proportion of Z-DNAFunction of Z-DNA: regulate gene expression,Z-DNA in Drosophila chromosome proved by anti-
43、Z antibody,Immunologicalslid,Cytological slid,,,,3. Inverted repeatshairpinWhen a sequence of bases is followed by a complementary sequence nearby in the same molecule, the chain may fold back on itself to generate an
44、 antiparallel duplex structure, call a hairpin. It consists of a base-paired, double-helical region, the stem, with a loop of unpaired bases at one end.,hairpin,Inverted repeats:The sequence in a doubled DNA consists of
45、 two copies of an identical sequence present in the reverse orientation. They called inverted repeats.e.g. 5’- GCTTTT……AAAAGC -3’ 3’- CGAAAA……TTTTCG -5’The sequence of the inverted repeats together is
46、 called a palindrome (回文結構). It is defined as a sequence of duplex DNA that is the same when either of its strands is read in a defined direction.,A palindromic sequence is formally described as a region of dyad symmetr
47、y(雙重對稱區(qū)),in which the axis of symmetry separates the inverted repeats.,GGTCCA,ACCTGG,,The two copies of an inverted repeat need not necessarily be contiguous.,GGTNNCCANN,NNACCNNTGG,,palindrome,§ 2-5 Denaturation
48、 and Renaturation Chemical and Physical Properties of Nucleic Acids Stability of nucleic acids Although it might seem obvious that DNA double strands and RNA structures are stabilized by hydrogen bonding, t
49、his is not the case. H-bonds determine the specificity of the base pairing, but the stability of a nucleic acid helix is the result of hydrophobic and stacking interaction between the stacked base pairs.,,,Effect of aci
50、dIn strong acid and at elevated temperatures, nucleic acids are hydrolyzed completely to their constituents: bases, ribose or deoxyribose and phosphate.In more dilute mineral acid, pH3-4, the most easily hydrolyzed bon
51、ds are selectively broken.Effect of alkaliIncreasing pH above pH8, specific hydrogen bonding broken, dsDNA ssDNABecause of the presence of the 2'-OH group, RNA more susceptible to alkali.In high pH, phospho
52、diester bond (backbone) is broken. RNA fragments,,,Chemical denaturationAt neutral pH, urea and formamide can cause the denaturation of DNA or RNA by disrupting the hydrophobic forces between the stacked bases.Eff
53、ect of mechanical forces DNA is a relatively stiff molecule .long DNA molecular can easily be damaged by shearing forces, or by sonication (high-intensity ultrasound).They merely reduce the length of the double-strand
54、ed molecules in the solution.,,A crucial property of the double helix is the ability to separate the two strands without disrupting covalent bonds. This makes it possible for the strands to separate and reform under phys
55、iological conditions at the (very rapid) rates needed to sustain genetic functions. The specificity of the process is determined by complementary base pairing.,2. Denaturation and Renaturation,DNA的呼吸作用Denaturation: Den
56、aturation of DNA or RNA describes its conversion from the double-stranded to the single-stranded state.The complementary strands of the double helix can be made to come apart when a solution of DNA is heated above physi
57、ological temperature (to near 100?C) or under condition of high pH, a process known as denaturation.,Hyperchromicity( 增色效應),Hyperchromicity: When the temperature of a solution of DNA is raised to near the boiling point o
58、f water, the absorbance at 260 nm markedly increases, a phenomenon known as hyperchromicity. This increase is that duplex DNA absorbs less ultraviolet light by about 40% than do individual DNA chains.This hyperchromici
59、ty is due to base stacking, which diminishes the capacity of the bases in duplex DNA to absorb ultraviolet light.,當濃度都為50μg/ml時,Double strained DNA A260=1.00Single strained DNA (完全變性DNA)
60、 A260=1.37單核苷酸的等比例混合物 A260=1.60Tm : Melting temperature of DNA is the mid-point of the transition when duplex DNA to denatured by heating to separate into single strands.,The Tm of DNA i
61、s a characteristic of each DNA. Tm is largely determined by:1. GC content2. Ionic strength3. pH,Tm ↑,pH ~ 12,酮基 → 烯醇基,pH ~ 2-3,NH2 → NH2+ (質子化),改變氫鍵的形成與結合力,☆極端pH條件的影響,,一切減弱氫鍵, 堿基堆積力的因素 均將使Tm 值降
62、低,,Renaturation Renaturation is the reassociation of denatured complementary single strands of a DNA double helix.,Renaturation is determined by:Temperature of solution Concentration of DNAComplexity of DNA,Renaturat
63、ion kinetic (復性動力學)DNA復性是一種雙分子二級反應,單鏈消失的速度可表示為:,C:單鏈DNA濃度 t:時間 k:復性速度常數(shù) Co: DNA濃度,,當t=0時,C=C0,,在上式中,當t=0時,C=C0,表明所有的DNA都是單鏈。,復性的分數(shù)C/ C0是起始濃度和經(jīng)過時間的乘積Cot的函數(shù),這個函數(shù)繪成的曲線,稱為Cot曲線。,,當反應完成
64、一半時:,,,反應進行至一半時的Cot,即C0t1/2,其意義為半數(shù)變性DNA再結合時的Cot值;反映復性進行至一半時所需的時間與DNA濃度間的關系。任何一個DNA的復性都可用C0t1/2描述(核苷酸mole.sec.L-1),值越大表明反應越慢,DNA的復性遵循C0t曲線。,The concept of base pairing is central to all processes involving nucleic acids.
65、Disruption of the base pairs is a crucial aspect of the function of a double-stranded molecule, while the ability to form base pairs is essential for the activity of a single-stranded nucleic acid.,3. Nucleic acids hybri
66、dize by base pairing,The principle of the hybridization reaction is to expose two single-stranded nucleic acid preparations to each other and then to measure the amount of double-stranded material that forms.,Application
67、 of hybridization Library ScreeningSouthern BlottingNorthern Blotting,,,,λphage 為載體構建Genomic DNA library,λDNA,,Genomic DNA,,,,,,§ 2-6 Supercoiled DNA and Topoisomerase,Supercoiling of the DNA double helix results
68、 when it is coiled about itself in space (like twisting a rubber band). The supercoiling creates a tension in the double helix that changes its structure.,,Spiral writhe,Interwound writhe,Positive supercoiling, when the
69、DNA is twisted in space in the same sense as the strands are wound around one another, causes the double helix to be more tightly wound. –Left-handedNegative supercoiling, when the DNA is twisted in space in the opposit
70、e sense from the internal winding of the strands, causes the double helix to be less tightly wound. Negative supercoiling can be thought of as creating tension in the DNA that is relieved by unwinding the double helix. –
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