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1、246 Clothing and Textiles Research JournalClothing Evaluative Criteria:A Cross-National Comparison ofTaiwanese and United States ConsumersThe international marketing of American goods and services is of increasing import

2、ance to the United States economy (Husted, Varble, the model “is based on learning processes, with emphasis upon the information search process” (Zaltman & Wallendorf, 1979, p. 541).Prior to the information input st

3、age, the individual rec- ognizes a need that may be met through the purchase pro- cess. Once the need is recognized, the individual selects in- formation about the product through either an internal search process includ

4、ing individual memory and/or through an ex- ternal search process if additional information is required. “Information processing refers to the process by which a stimulus is received, interpreted, stored in memory, and l

5、ater retrieved” (Engel, et al., 1995, p. 472). The information pro- cessing stage follows five steps: the consumer’s exposure to, attention to, comprehension of, acceptance of, and, fi- nally, retention of information.

6、The decision process stage follows six steps: need recognition, search for information, pre-purchase alternative evaluation, purchase, consumption, and post-purchase alternative evaluation. The variables influencing the

7、decision process consist of three categories: environmental influences, individual dif- ferences, and psychological processes. Environmental influ- ences include culture, social class, personal influences, fam- ily, and

8、situation. Individual differences consist of consumer resources, motivation and involvement, knowledge, attitudes, personality, values, and lifestyle. Psychological processes include information processing, learning, and

9、 attitude and behavior change. The present study examined the relation-Hsiu-Ju HsuLeslie Davis BurnsAbstract Taiwanese and United States college women were compared regarding the importance they placed on the evalu- ativ

10、e criteria they used when purchasing a specific clothing item for themselves. One hundred nineteen Taiwanese and 84 United States college women completed self-administered questionnaires. Seven-point scales were used to

11、measure the importance of 12 clothing evaluative criteria: fabric, comfort, size/fit, quality, location of manufacturer, color, how pleasing it was to others, brand name, appropriateness for campus wear, price, style, an

12、d coordination with other clothing. The findings indicated that the importance placed on clothing evaluative criteria was very similar between the two groups. In addition, the size/fit criterion was found to be the most

13、important criterion for both groups. Cross-national comparison studies, such as this one, that focus on the consumer decision-making process may provide important information to marketers in their development of internat

14、ional marketing strategies.Authors’ Addresses: Hsu, Hsiu-Ju, Department of Apparel, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 1, Hseuh Fu Road, Neipu, Pingtung, 91207, Taiwan, R.O.C., hsu@mail.npust.edu.tw

15、and Leslie Davis Burns, AIHM, Milam 224, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5101, Leslie.Burns@orst.edu.Hsu, H-J, & Burns, L. D. (2002). Clothing evaluative criteria: A cross-national comparison of Taiwanes

16、e and United States consumers. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 20(4), 246-252. Key Words: consumer behavior, consumer decision-making, evaluative criteria, cross-national.248 Clothing and Textiles Research Journa

17、lbased on mean importance scores. 2. There will be no difference in the clothing evaluative criterion identified as most important between Tai- wanese and the United States college women based on mean importance scores.a

18、nd six Taiwanese undergraduate students studying at Or- egon State University. The purpose of the pretest was to identify any potential problems with the questionnaire. Ver- bal feedback on the questionnaire was collecte

19、d in order to make needed modifications before data collection. After the pretest, several modifications were made. For instance, “where the garment was manufactured” was used instead of “country of origin,” “suitabilit

20、y” was changed to “appropri- ateness for campus wear,” and “coordination” was altered to “coordination with other clothing” in order to make the ques- tionnaire more clear for the respondents. Additionally, be- cause fem

21、ale college students were chosen as subjects for this study, the “freshmen” category of academic standing was changed to “first year in college” in order to avoid any perceptions of sexism.Sample A convenience non-probab

22、ility sample was used for this study. The United States sample consisted of 102 female undergraduate students enrolled in family and consumer sciences courses at Oregon State University. Taiwanese sub- jects were 131 fem

23、ale undergraduate students majoring in Applied Life Science at Fu-Jen Catholic University in Tai- wan. Because the sample was a non-probability sample, the results of the study cannot be interpreted as being reflective o

24、f any larger population. But for the market segment of female college students, this sample of female students pro- vides information related to the population of college women. In 1999, 8.24 million women attended colle

25、ge in the United States (United States Census Bureau, 2001) and in 1991 (most recent data available) 350,000 women attended col- lege in Taiwan (“Education, Science and Technology,” 1993). Also, in 1999, women residing i

26、n the United States who were less than 30 years of age spent on the average $480 dollars per year on women’s apparel, $302 per year on footwear, and $255 for other apparel products such as accessories (Bureau of Labor St

27、atistics, 2000). Comparable expenditure data for Taiwanese students were not available. Prior to administration of the survey, human subjects approval was secured at both institutions.Data Collection The three-page self-

28、administered questionnaires were completed by the sample of United States and Taiwanese college women in university classrooms. The Chinese ver- sion of the questionnaire was administered to Taiwanese sub- jects in Taiwa

29、n. In order to ensure that the same process of data collection was used in both countries, instructions were provided to those collecting data in the United States and Taiwan. All questionnaires completed in Taiwan were

30、mailed to the United States for analysis. Data were collected in February 1995.Data Analysis Dependent variables for the present study were the im- portance ratings for the 12 clothing criteria. Nationality, with two le

31、vels (Taiwan and the United Sates), was the in- dependent variable. Null hypothesis 1, which indicated that there would be no differences between the two groups in the importance placed on the evaluative criteria, was te

32、sted using two-sample analysis t-tests to investigate differences in theMethodsQuestionnaire Development A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. A cover letter that briefly explained the purpose o

33、f the survey accompanied each questionnaire. The question- naire consisted of two sections: questions measuring the im- portance of clothing evaluative criteria and questions asking about demographic characteristics of t

34、he respondents. The clothing evaluative criteria were selected from those identi- fied as most important by previous researchers. These were price, style, quality, size/fit, color, fabric, brand name, loca- tion of manuf

35、acturer, suitability, how pleasing it was to oth- ers, coordination, and comfort. In the first section of the questionnaire each respondent was asked to rate the importance of the 12 clothing criteria. Because type of ap

36、parel may affect which criteria are im- portant in a consumer purchase decision, the first section of the questionnaire asked the respondent to recall the last cloth- ing item she purchased for herself that she would wea

37、r on campus. Further questions were based on this identified clothing item. Each of the 12 criteria was rated on a seven-point scale with end-points “not at all important” and “very important.” The 12 criteria were list

38、ed in random order and the list was the same for all respondents. Each respon- dent could also choose a “not used” (NU) category if she did not use the criterion in her purchase decision. To capture a respondent’s rating

39、 of the most important criterion used in her decision making process, the respon- dent was asked to write down the most important criterion from the 12 clothing criteria listed. In addition to using the scale rating to d

40、etermine the most important criterion used in the purchase decision, respondents were asked to think specifically about the criteria from the perspective of iden- tifying which one of the 12 was most important to her. Pl

41、us, the reliability of the scale items was checked by comparing the criterion with the highest mean rating with the criterion identified as most important. The questionnaire also included an open-ended question asking re

42、spondents to indicate any other criteria they had used but that were not listed. Infor- mation on the respondent’s background (i.e., age, gender, academic standing, major, marital status, and nationality) was collected i

43、n the second section of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was first developed in English and then translated into Chinese. The Chinese version then was back-translated into English. The process of translation and back

44、-translation of the questionnaire was conducted by two Taiwanese doctoral students at Oregon State University who were not familiar with the study. The back translation was conducted to check for accuracy and clarity in


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