1、<p> Wang Liulang(1985words)</p><p> There is a man, surnamed Xu, who lives in the north of Zichuan County, living on fishing. Every day at dusk, he always went to the river along with some wine, fish
2、ing while drinking. Before sipping the wine, he used to pour some wine into a cup to make a sacrificial ceremony, prayed:" Drowning Ghost in the river, please come for a drink!", and gradually he formed a habit
3、 of that. Unlike others fishing a little always, he got a basketful of fish every day. </p><p> One day, at dusk, when Mr. Xu was drinking alone, a young man came around and strolled back and forth at his s
4、ide. Xu proposed that whether the young man could join his drinking, and the young man happily accepted, so they drank together. As the night faded out, Mr. Xu even didn't catch a fish, which make him become very fru
5、strated. Stood up and then made a bow, the young man said:"I can go the downstream to drive the fish for you." Then, he walked away like floating in the air. For a while, the</p><p> The next day,
6、 Mr. Xu sold the fish and bough some wine. That night, he came to the river. At the river side, stood Liulang, and it seemed that he had waited for a long time. Not needing to speak, they drank together. After drinking u
7、p a few cups, Liulang left for herding the fish. In this pattern, a half year had been passed. One day, Liulang suddenly said to Mr. Xu: "Since the time I met you, I have deemed you as my brother. But, it's very
8、 sad that we are going to split up right now." Grievance</p><p> The next day, Mr. Xu stealthily watched at the river side for seeing what will on earth happen. At the noon time, it really turned out t
9、hat a woman who embraced a baby fell into the river when she was crossing the river. The baby, however, was thrown on the shore, loudly cried, with arms flapping and feet kicking. Several times, the woman struggled to ge
10、t her head out of the water, but sank again. Finally and unexpectedly, she climbed out of the water and got back to the shore. After a moment of</p><p> Mr Xu could just go to save the woman when he saw she
11、 fell into the water. But, as he thought that she was the replacement of Liulang, he just gave up the idea of saving her. However, when he saw the woman made her way out of the water, he could not help thinking that what
12、 Liulang had said was ridiculous. </p><p> That night, Xu still went the old place for fishing. Unexpectedly, Liulang had been waiting there for a long time. "We meet again. Please temporarily not say
13、something about the parting." said Liulang gently. During their talking, Xu asked him about that woman. Liulang said:"The woman was supposed to replace me. But I was feeling I was made a crime to her baby, so I
14、 did not have the heart to harm two people's lives just because of me. Finally, I decided to give up that opportunity, but I also do</p><p> After a few days, LiuLang came to bid farewell to Xu again. X
15、u, however, thought that there would be a replacement for Liulang again. Liulang perceived that and said:"It's not about the replacement. However, God was moved because of my kind move in the last time. So I was
16、 recruited to become the Earth God of Wu town ,Zhaoyuan County. I'll go to my post tomorrow. If you highly value our relationship and not afraid of the long way, you can go Zhaoyuan to pay me a visit." With cong
17、ratulations, Xu s</p><p> Xu went back home and at once packed his clothes, so he could go to Zhaoyuan soon. His wife smiled and said:" This trip must have several hundreds of miles. Even if the place
18、is real, I'm afraid that you cannot talk to a mud Earth God ." Mr. Xu, however, did not heed his wife's advice. He decided to go to Zhaoyuan. Through some communication with the local residents, he found tha
19、t Wu town was real. When he came to Wu Town, he lived in an inn and asked the owner where he could find the Earth temp</p><p> At that night, Xu had a dream about Liulang, who came and dressed well and was
20、very different from the past. Liulang expressed thanks to him: "Thank you very much for paying me a visit after travelled such long distance. I'm so glad but I'm also a little sorrowful. As I now have a duty
21、, so it's inconvenient to meet you. We are just a feet away, but it seemed that there was a distance of thousands of miles. How sorrowful am I! Some people in the village would send you some small gifts on behalf o&l
22、t;/p><p> After living for a few days, Mr. Xu planned to go home. Every people in the village tried hardly to persuade him to stay. Every morning and night, they took turns to host a farewell party for him but
23、 not really for saying goodbye. However, Mr. Xu resolutely decided to leave, hence many of the villagers voluntarily sent him a lot of presents for making that he would have enough food and clothes in his home-trip. In l
24、ess than one day, the presents had already fully filled his luggage. Men, childre</p><p> Xu got back to home, and some time later, his family gradually had become a little well-off, so he no longer did the
25、 fishing. When he encountered the people who came from Zhaoyuan, he would ask them the information about their Earth God . As they said, the Earth God was widely renowned and he was a good god who never fails his people.
26、</p><p> 王六郎(2218字)</p><p> 有個姓許的,家住淄川縣城北,以打魚為生。他每天傍晚總要帶酒到河邊去,邊喝酒邊打魚。而喝酒前,又總是先斟上一盅祭奠一下,并禱告說:“河中的溺鬼,請來喝酒吧!”這樣便習 以為常。其他人往往打魚很少,而他每天都打滿筐的魚。</p><p> 一天傍晚,許某剛剛獨自飲酒,見一少年走來,在他身邊轉來轉去。許某讓
27、他同飲,少年也不推辭,二人便對飲起來。這一夜 竟連一條魚也未能打到,許某很有些喪氣。少年起立躬身說:“我到下游為你趕魚。”說罷,朝下游飄然走去。一會兒,少年回來說:“大群魚來了!”果然聽到有許多魚吞吃餌食的聲音。許某便撒網(wǎng),一網(wǎng)捕了十數(shù)尾尺把長的大魚。他非常高興,對少年深表感謝。少年欲走,許送魚給他,少年不要,并說:“屢次喝你的好酒,這點小事怎能提到感謝呢?如您不嫌麻煩,我將常來找您。”許某說:“才相見一晚,怎說多次?你如愿來相助,我是
28、求之不得,可我怎樣報答你的情意呢?”于是便問少年姓名。少年說:“我姓王,沒有名字,你見面就叫我王六郎吧。”說罷,便告辭而去。</p><p> 次日,許某將魚賣掉,順便多買了些酒。當晚,許某來到河邊時,六郎早已先在等候,二人便開懷暢飲。飲幾杯后,六郎便為許某趕魚。就這樣半年過去了。一天,六郎忽然對許說:“你我相識,情同手足,可是,咱們馬上就要分別了。”說得很是悲傷。許某甚為詫異,問六郎為何這樣,六郎考慮再三,才
30、此不能相見,雖很傷心,但你由此解脫災難,我應該祝賀你。不要悲傷,應該高興才是!”于是,二人繼續(xù)暢飲。許問六郎:“何人來相替?”六郎說:“兄長明天可在河邊陰處等候,正當午時,有一女子渡河,溺水而死,即是替我之人。”二人聽到村雞鳴叫,方灑淚而別。</p><p> 次日,許在河邊暗暗觀看,會發(fā)生什么事情。中午時,果有一懷抱嬰兒的婦女,到河邊便墜入水中。嬰兒被拋在岸上,舉手蹬腳地啼哭。婦女幾次浮上沉下,后竟又水淋淋地
31、爬上河岸,坐在地上稍稍休息后,抱起嬰兒走了。當許某看到婦女掉入水中時,很不忍心,想去相救,但一想這是六郎的替身,才打消救人的念頭。當又看到婦人未溺死,心中懷疑六郎所言有些荒唐。</p><p> 當晚,許某仍到原地去打魚,而六郎早已在那里,說:“現(xiàn)在又相聚了,可暫先不說分別的事?!痹S某問六郎白天的事,六郎說:“本來那女子是替我的,但我憐她懷中嬰兒,不忍心為了自己一人而傷兩個人的性命。因此,我決定舍棄這個機會,但
32、又不知何時再有替死的人。也許是你我緣分未盡啊?!痹S某慨嘆地說:“你這種仁慈之心,總可感動上帝的。”從此,二人一如既往,飲酒捕魚。</p><p> 過了幾天,六郎又來向許某告別,許以為又有替六郎之人。六郎說:“不是的,我前次之好心果然感動了上帝,因而招我為招遠縣鄔鎮(zhèn)的土地。明日要去赴任,如你不忘咱倆的交 情,</p><p> 不要嫌路遠,去招遠看我。”許某祝賀說:“賢弟行為正直而做了
33、神,我感到十分欣慰。但人和神之間相隔遙遠,即使我不怕路遠,又怎樣才能見到你呢?”六郎說:“只管前往,不要顧慮。”再三囑咐而去。</p><p> 許某回到家,便要帶上行裝東下招遠。他妻子笑著說:“這一去幾百里路,即使有這個地方,恐怕和一個泥偶象也無法交 談。”許某不聽,竟然去了招遠。問當?shù)鼐用?,果然有個鄔鎮(zhèn)。他找到了鄔鎮(zhèn),便住進一個客店,向主人打聽土地祠在什么地方。主人驚異地說:“客人莫非姓許?”許某說:“是的
35、你托夢告知村里人,心中十分感謝。很慚愧我沒有厚禮可贈,只有一杯薄酒,如不嫌棄,當如過去在河邊那樣對飲一番?!倍\告畢,又燒了些紙錢。頃刻見到一陣旋風起于神座之后,旋轉許久才散去。</p><p> 當夜,許某夢到六郎來到,衣冠楚楚的,與過去大不相同。六郎致謝道:“有勞你遠道而來看望我,使我又歡喜又悲傷。但我現(xiàn)在有職務在身,不便與你相會,近在咫尺,卻如遠隔山河,心中十分凄愴。村中人有微薄的禮物相贈,就算代我酬謝一下
36、舊日的好友。當你回去的時候,我必來相送?!?lt;/p><p> 許某住了幾天,打算回家,大家殷勤挽留,每天早晚都輪流作東道主為許某餞行。許堅決告辭,村中人爭著送來許多禮物,為他充實行裝。不到一天,送的禮物裝滿行囊,男女老少都聚集來進許出村。忽然刮起一陣旋風,跟隨許某十余里路。許對著旋風再拜說:“六郎珍重,不要遠送了。你心懷仁愛,自然能為一方百姓造福,無需老朋友囑咐了?!毙L又盤旋許久,才離去。村中的人也都嗟嘆著返
37、回了。</p><p> 許某回到家里,家境稍稍寬裕些,便不再打魚了。后來見到招遠的人,向他們打聽土地的情況,據(jù)說靈驗得像傳說的那樣,遠近聞名。</p><p> The Daughter of Mr.Lu(2281words)</p><p> There was a scholar named Zhang Yudan in Zhao Yuan county
38、. He was unceremonious and always studied in a ruined temple. At that time, the county magistrate of Zhao Yuan was Mr. Lu who came from San Han (early Korean). He had a daughter who preferred to go hunting. One day, Zhan
39、g met Mr. Lu’s daughter in the countryside and saw that she was in satin marten coat with elegant temperament and graceful gesture, and riding a horse. She seemed like a beauty in a painting. </p><p> After
40、 that, Zhang went back to the temple. He was always reminded of that beautiful girl. Subsequently, he heard that the girl died suddenly. Zhang felt sad. Because of the long distance from his hometown, Mr. Lu deposited hi
41、s daughter’s coffin in the ruined temple where Zhang studied.</p><p> Zhang are very revered her as a Goddess, because he met her briefly. He always burned incense in front of the coffin and worshiped her w
42、hen he eat. He often held a cup prayed in front of the coffin : ‘I met you briefly, but I am always reminded of you in my dream. And I never thought that a girl like a jade would die suddenly. Now, even though you are by
43、 my side, your soul is far away from me as thousands of mountains and rivers. What a great pity. I am restricted by rules and morality in my lif</p><p> Zhang had prayed every day and had been doing it near
44、ly half a month. One night, he was reading under the candlelight. When he raised his head suddenly, he looked up and saw Mr. Lu’s daughter was standing under the light with a smile. Zhang stood up in surprise and looked
45、at her. The girl said: “I am so thankful for your admiration and I can’t forget it, so I do not shy away from the suspicion of elopement to meet you.’ Zhang was so excited. And these two people pledged their love to each
46、 other.</p><p> Since that day, he always twirled prayer beads chanting in front of her coffin every night. Once, Zhang wanted to take Mr. Lu’s daughter home to celebrate the festival. She was afraid that h
47、er legs was too weak to walk. Zhang was going to carry her on the back to go. She agreed with a smile. Zhang carried her as a child and he didn’t feel heavy at all. Since then, carrying her became a habit for him. When Z
48、hang had exams, he carried her to go there, but they had to move at night.</p><p> One year, there was an exam held in the province. Zhang had to take part in it, however the girl said: “It’s no use for you
49、 to take the exam because of your little luck.” Hearing her words, he gave up the exam. </p><p> After several years Mr. Lu was dismissed and he was so poor that he did not have enough money to remove his
50、daughter’s coffin. So Lu decided to bury his daughter here, but he had graveyard. Then, Zhang known it, he told to Mr.Lu: “I have a little ground beside the temple and l am willing to allow you to bury her there.” Mr. Lu
51、 was very delighted. Zhang also helped he to finance his daughter’s funeral. Mr.Lu was so grateful for Zhang, but he didn’t know why he helped him to do these.</p><p> After that, Mr. Lu went back hometown.
52、 Zhang and Mr. Lu’s daughter still loved each other as before. One night, the girl laid down in Zhang’s arms and cried heavily, she said: “We have been maintained the relationship for 5 years, but now we have to be apart
53、. I have accepted your help and no matter how many lives I sacrifice, I still can’t repay you.” Zhang asked her for the reason in astonishment. She said: ‘Thanks for your help to the me who is in hell. Now, you have reci
54、ted scripture for me s</p><p> After a while, she said : ‘Can you carry me to walk for a while? There were so many brambles on the road and it’s hard for me to walk in a longuette.’ Then, she embraced Zhang
55、’s neck and Zhang carried her on his back to the main road.</p><p> On the main road, there were so many carriages and horses. On the backs of horses, some had one person riding; some had two. In the carria
56、ges, some had three or four people in them while some had dozens of people. One carriage was decorated with red satin curtains, an old lady was in it. When the old lady saw Mr. Lu’s daughter, she asked:“Coming?” the girl
57、 replied: “Yes.” The girl turned her head and said to Zhang: ‘Just leave me here, you may go back! Don’t forget what I said just now.” Zhang p</p><p> Zhang went back to the temple listlessly and he wrote d
58、own the date of meeting of 15 years later on the wall. When he thought of that it was so useful for him to recite the scripture, he began to recite scripture more devoutly. He dreamed at one night, a fairy told him: “You
59、’re ambitious, but you have to go to paradise.” He asked the fairy:“how far is paradise?” The fairy said: “Seems far away, actually it is close to your hand.” after awaking, he understood the meaning of the fairy’s word
60、s. Th</p><p> 3 years later, Zhang’s oldest son and middle-aged son passed the provincial examination one after another. Although, Zhang became noble and rich suddenly, he still insisted on improving and re
61、fining himself. Once, he dreamed a person in cyan clothes invited him to go to a palace. He saw a fairy who was sitting in the middle of the palace and looking like a Buddha. The fairy welcomed him and said: ‘It’s good f
62、or you to have done something kind, but it’s a pity that you can’t live long. Fortunatel</p><p> down and kowtowed to him. </p><p> The Bodhisattva asked him to stand up and invited him to dri
63、nk tea, which smelled like orchids. The Bodhisattva asked his disciple to bring him to take a bath in a pool. The water in the pool was clean so that it was clear to see fish in it. He went into the pool that the water w
64、as warm and smelled like lotus leaves. After a while, he went into the deep, drowning in the water carelessly. After the water covered his head, he woke up in astonishment. </p><p> Since that event, Zhang
65、became stronger and his eyesight was better. He stroked his white beard flowing down. And then, there was no wrinkle on his face. </p><p> Several months later, he looked like a child at the age of 15 or 16
66、. He liked playing games and he didn’t notice clothes, decorations and courtesy and behaved like a child. </p><p> After he had made some trouble, his sons would solve problems for him. Soon after, his wife
67、 passed away from the disease. Zhang’s sons wanted him to marry the daughter of a prestigious family. He said: ‘After I come back from Hebei, I will think about it.’ Zhang realized that it was time to meet Mr. Lu’s daugh
68、ter. He asked for servants and horses and then went to Hebei. After inquiring about it, there really had a ministry official of revenue, Official Lu .</p><p> Official Lu had a daughter. When she was born,
69、she could speak. As she grew, she became more beautiful and clever. Her parents loved her very much. However, she was not willing to get married when some rich family come to propose. Her parents thought she was weird, s
70、o they asked the reason and she explained the destiny of her pre-existence. They calculated the years for her and laughed to say: ‘silly girl, Zhang would be over 50 years old. Things change fast, his body might have dec
71、ayed; althoug</p><p> Her mother knew that she had made her decision. She planed with Official Lu. She ordered the servants that they could not give reports of guests. Her daughter would be disappointed aft
72、er the date passed by without Zhang’s coming.</p><p> Soon, Zhang came to visit them. The servant didn’t give a report to Official Lu, so that he couldn’t get in. Zhang had no choice but to go back to the h
73、otel. Without recourse he was unhappy so he went to a suburb to relax himself. At the same time, he took advantages of this opportunity to find more information about Official Lu ’s daughter.</p><p> The bo
74、rn-again girl thought that Zhang disappointed her expectation. She cried all the day and didn’t eat anything. Her mother said to her: “Zhang didn’t come so he must have passed away. Though, he was alive and he broke the
75、promise. It is not your fault.” The girl didn’t talk and stayed on her bed all the day. </p><p> Official Lu was very worried about her. So he went to the suburb for that he wanted to know what kind of peop
76、le Zhang was. When he met Zhang, he found that Zhang was a young man. He was so astounded. They talked with each other and Lu liked his elegant and romantic personality, so he invited him come to his home. </p>&l
77、t;p> When Zhang wanted to ask some questions, Official Lu stood up suddenly and he told him to wait a minute. Then, he went to his daughter’s room in a hurry and told his daughter the truth. His daughter was so glad
78、and she got up to see Zhang. Seeing that man didn’t look like Zhang, she cried and went back her room and complained that his father had deceived her. Official Lu wanted to express desperately that this man was Zhang. H
79、is daughter didn’t talk and just cried.</p><p> Official Lu came out despondently and he was not passionate to Zhang. Zhang asked: ‘Is there a ministry official of revenue?’ Official Lu answered: ‘Yes.’ But
80、 he listened with distraction. Zhang thought that he was ignored. Then, he left. Official Lu’s daughter just cried and she died several days later. </p><p> Zhang dreamed at night, seeing that official Lu’s
81、 daughter came to say to him: “It was really you who came to find me? Your face and age had changed even I met you and I didn’t realize it was you. Now I died from sadness. Sorry to trouble you go to Earth temple to sum
82、mon my soul back, otherwise, it would be too late.” </p><p> Zhang woke up and rushed to knock on official Lu’s door. Indeed, his daughter had died for 2 days. Zhang was extremely grieved. He came into the
83、room and mourned for a while. Then, he told the things in his dream to official Lu. Official Lu took the advice and rushed to Earth temple to summon his daughter’s soul back. He lifted her quilt and fondled her body, cal
84、ling her name and praying. Soon, he heard her daughter’s throat was cackling and saw her daughter’s red mouth spitting out mucus which </p><p> He ordered servants to prepare the banquet. After he asked Zha
85、ng’s family situation clearly, he realized that Zhang was from a prestigious family. He became more excited, so that he chose a good day to arrange for his daughter to get married to Zhang. </p><p> Zhang h
86、ad lived in their home for half a month, then he brought his wife back home. Official Lu escorted his daughter in person and he lived in Zhang’s home for half a year. Zhang and Lu’s daughter lived together, which was no
87、different from other couples. </p><p> Official Lu died a year later after he came back home. His son was young and insulted by the rich and powerful families in the region. And all official Lu’s possession
88、 had been occupied by those people. After knowing the situation , the couple took official Lu’s son to their home and they treated him very well.</p><p> 魯公女(2945字)</p><p> 招遠縣有一個書生叫張于旦,性情放蕩不羈
89、,在一座荒廟里讀書。當時,招遠縣的縣官是魯公,三韓人氏。他有一個女兒專好打獵。有一次,張生在野外遇到魯公女,見她長得風韻娟美,恣態(tài)秀麗;身穿錦緞貂皮襖,騎著一匹小馬駒,像畫上的人一樣?;氐綇R中,每每想起這女子的美貌,心里總是念念不忘。后來聽說這女子忽然死了,張生悲傷得不得了。魯公因為距老家很遠,便把女兒的靈柩暫時寄存在張生讀書的荒廟里。</p><p> 張生因為和魯公女有一面之緣,對她非常崇敬,猶如對神明一般
90、。他每早都到魯公女靈前燒香,吃飯時必定祭奠。每每舉著酒杯對著魯公女靈柩祝告說:“我才見了你一面,就常在夢里想到你,沒想到你這玉一樣的人竟然死了。現(xiàn)在你雖近在我的身邊,但卻如遠距萬里河山,何等遺憾。我活著要受禮法約束,你死了的人該無禁忌了吧!你在九泉之下有靈的話,應當珊珊走來,以安慰我的傾慕之情。”</p><p> 張生日日禱告,將近半個月。一天晚_上,他正在燈下讀書,忽一抬頭,見魯公女含笑站在燈下。張生驚訝地
92、張生要背著她走,女子笑著同意了。張生像背個小孩一樣,一點不覺得重。此后,背著她走路就成了常事。張生考試時,也背她一塊去,但必須夜里走。</p><p> 有一年,省里開科考試,張生要去赴考,女子說:“你福氣薄,去也是徒勞往返?!睆埳犃怂脑捑蜎]去參加考試。又過了四五年,魯公罷了官,窮得沒有錢雇車把女兒的棺材運走,就打算就地埋了,但苦于沒有墳地。這事張生知道后,就對魯公說:“我有塊薄地在廟旁,愿埋下你家女公子。
93、”魯公大喜。張生又張羅著幫助料理葬事。魯公對張生非常感激,但也不知道張生是為了什么。</p><p> 魯公罷官回家去了,張生與魯公女仍然歡好如初。一天夜里,女子依在張生懷里,哭得淚如雨下,對張生說:“我們相好五年,現(xiàn)在要分別了!我受你的恩義,幾世都不足以相報?!睆埳@訝地問她,她說:“承蒙你給我這九泉之下的人施加恩惠?,F(xiàn)在你已為我念滿了經數(shù),所以我得以托生到河北盧戶部家。若是你不忘今天,再過十五年的八月十六日
94、,請你去盧戶部家相會?!睆埳矀牡乜拗f:“我現(xiàn)在已三十多歲了,再過十五年,我就快入棺材了,相會又能怎樣呢?”女子說;“到時愿給你當奴婢作為報答。”一會兒,她又說:“你可送我六七里路。這半路上有很多荊棘,我穿著長裙子難以走路?!闭f罷,抱著張生的脖子,張生便送她上了大路。</p><p> 到了大路上,見路旁有許多車馬,馬上有騎著一人的,有騎著兩人的;車已有的坐三人、四人的,甚至坐十幾個人的不等。唯有一輛以金花
95、為裝飾掛著朱紅繡簾的車子,只有一個老婆子坐在里面。老婆子見魯公女來了,就叫著:“來了?”女子答應:“來了?!迸踊剡^頭來對張生說:“就送到這里,你回去吧!不要忘了我剛才說的話?!睆埳饝E泳妥叩杰嚽?,老婆子伸手拉她上了車,鈴鐺一響,車馬就向遙遠的地方走去了。</p><p> 張生無精打采地回到廟里,將十五年后相會的日期記在墻上。想到念經還有這樣大的作用,就更加誠心念經。他夜里做夢,夢見神人告訴他:“你志
96、氣很好,但須要到南海去?!眴柹瘢骸澳虾6噙h?”神人說:“遠在天邊,近在眼前方寸之地。”醒后,他領悟了神人的意思,就念起菩提經來,修行更加誠心。</p><p> 三年后,張生的大兒張政、二兒張明相繼高中。張生雖一下顯貴起來,可他仍然堅持修行。一次夢見一個青衣人請他,到了一座宮殿,見殿中坐著一個神,像是菩薩,迎接他說:“你行善可喜,可惜不能長壽,幸好請示了上帝,可以延長你的壽命?!睆埳蛳逻殿^,菩薩叫他起來坐下,
97、請他喝茶,茶香猶如蘭花。又叫童子領他到一個池子里去洗澡。池水很清,里邊的魚都看得很清楚。進入池中,水很溫 熱,捧起來聞一聞,有荷葉香味。一會兒,他漸漸到了深處,失足陷入水底,水深沒了頭頂,一下子就驚醒了,大為驚異。從此,張生身體更加健壯,眼更明了,自己捋了一下胡 子,白胡 子都落了。又過一些時候,黑胡 子也落了,臉上也沒有了皺紋;又數(shù)月后,面目像兒童,跟十五六歲一樣。還好游戲,也像個孩子,很不注意衣服飾物,禮儀小節(jié)。玩出了事,兩個兒子就
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