1、Why Six Sigma @ Starwood,We Think We’re Different !,,Today, if 2.5? (84% yield) then 10 dissatisfied customers every day, every property!,,Why Six Sigma,Complex, multi-step process,Starwood = 25 Million Guests Annually
2、,,90%,Wide variability of performance to customer expectations in core processes across business: Major opportunity Major riskNo common method for sustaining, leveraging and transferring innovation across Starwood
3、Lack of robust processes to sustain above average EBITDA growth rates: Internal view that Starwood doesn’t systematically support collaboration, process improvement, people development, and best practice sharing.,“Cas
4、e for Change”,,The Case for Change:Guest Satisfaction - 25 Million Guests,Global GSI Composite,“Highly Satisfied” = 3 - 6 xmore staysvs. “satisfied”,Opportunity,Satisfied customers= $2bn+ Revenue,,Billions of reven
5、ue from increased satisfaction,,“Dissatisfied customers” tell 8 - 10 people...,… “internet” allows dissatisfied customers to broadcast to thousands of people,20,250,000 people aware of dissatisfaction,Billions of potent
6、ially negative impressions Zagats Expedia Travelocity Epinions.com,,Threat,,If not “highly satisfied”, then customers defect for price or location.,12,500,000 “at risk” customers,,,,Provide Customers Compelling Rea
7、son To Return,,What Is Six Sigma?,You listen to the customer. . You get the facts . . .You eliminate non-value added work . . .You give the customer what she wants – consistently !,Six Sigma: What’s not to like?,The
8、Foundation,Six Sigma is …Voice of the Customer - Measure: - Goal:System of management:,To Benefit the Business & its Customers, Associates and Owners,How well we are meeting the Customers requirements
9、Critical to Quality MeasuresDefine the capability of a processImprovement that reaches near-perfectionAchieve lasting business leadership and top performance,,,,,,Customer is any person or organizationthat receives
10、 a product or service (Output) from our work activities (Process),Process is Series of Activities that: Take Inputs, Adds Value, Produces Output,Six Sigma: Process Focused,,,,,,,Six Sigma Approach & Projects,S
11、ix Sigma Sequence,Generate Project Ideas,Transfer “Best Practices”,Select Projects,Do Projects,Everyone including: customers (Internal & External)Even Vendors,Six Sigma CouncilPropertyAreaDivisional,DMAIC Proj
12、ects:BB & TeamQuick HitsProcess owner,Designate best practice – Six Sigma Council (Division, Global)iDMAIC“Import” projectsProcess owner,Six Sigma: What It Is Not!,Statistics, statistics and more statistics
13、. . . Numbers of projects . . . The only way we can change & improve . . . A “magic potion” to solve everything . . . Something DONE TO the business by specialists A substitute for sound business
14、 strategy . . .,Six Sigma Roles,What is a Black Belt?What is a Master Black Belt?What is your role?,Six Sigma Roles: Black Belts,Work with property leadership to identify opportunities Mobilize the team members and ot
15、hers in the propertyCoach/train team members in Six Sigma methods “just-in-time”Identify implementation success barriers & work with others to overcomeRecommend & Pilot with the team innovative business proces
16、s improvementsAchieve and capture measurable financial & guest loyalty results; complete 3 to 8 projects annually, depending on size, complexity & resources,,BB Does the Work & Drives the team !,Responsibili
17、ty:,Profile:,“A+” talent; your associate who you can least afford to lose!Analytical “horsepower”, intellectual curiosity & problem solving skillsLeadership & influence skillsFuture business leaders,Six Sigma
18、Roles: Master Black Belt,Support, challenge & guide project selection through the Six Sigma Council (e.g., what projects should property work on).Leadership, direction, guidance & support to AMD, VP’s & GM’
19、s relating to Six Sigma Coach & consult to Black Belts, & apply Six Sigma methods in area of responsibility (area, division, or corporate)Analytical “horsepower”, intellectual curiosity & problem solving
20、skillsEnsure quality & robustness of project integrity & team solutionsDrive innovation transfer; prevent “reinventing the wheel”Achieve measurable financial and customer loyalty results: complete approxim
21、ately 15 to 30 projects, depending on size, complexity and resources (approximately $5 -$10MM annually),“Portfolio Manager”,Training & Tools—Black Belt,TrainingLeading TeamsDMAIC 1DMAIC 2Training Project,Software
22、 & Intranet ToolsE:TOOLPower PointMini TabExcelVisio & Project,Black Belt Hiring Assessment ToolsBehavioral InterviewsComputer Skills assessmentComprehension & Numerical Relationships,Other Important
23、Six Sigma Roles,Project SponsorsPeople (many times leadership) within the existing organization most closely associated with a project. They are typically the ones who will gain or lose the most from the project’s succ
24、ess or failureProcess OwnersPeople responsible for on-going post-implementation support of process changes/improvementsMust work closely with Project Sponsor and/or Black Belt throughout projectImprovement Team Membe
25、rsParticipate in all steps of defining and implementing projectsThey are the subject matter experts,Six Sigma APD Rollout,APD Timetable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Staff MBBs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Preliminary timetable to impl
26、ement 1Q03,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec,Jan,Feb,Apr,Jul,Aug,Mar,,Select BBs,MBB & BB “Wave 1” training & training projects,$,,,Property council training (SSC) 3 to 4 Properties per,First BB projects start,,Owner “road shows”,
27、Design APD architecture & rollout,GM training (LSS),BB “Wave 2” training & training projects,First “Quick Hits”,2,$,,1,Property “billing”,,,,iDMAIC,,,,,,Beyond,HR ASSESSMENT TOOL,1,$,,,,,,MBB’s Start Jan 1,APD Si
28、x Sigma Summary,45+ full-time resources, globally,10,000 training days,Projects600 + DMAIC, Transfer & QH projects into Control,3 to 5 Year GoalsGuests : Exceed expectations with less variabilityOwners : Substan
29、tial Financial BenefitAssociates : Tools to cost effectively transfer innovation & improve core processes2003 Targets: At least Full Breakeven,$600,000 +BB’s , MBB’s etc,Key Role Accountability,APD Six Sigma Orga
30、nization,EVP Six Sigma,,,,,,,,,,,10 BB,,VP Six Sigma & MBB Indonesia,,Six Sigma Leadership,10 BB,,,Aus./ NZ / Fiji,Malaysia, Thailand, & Philippines,China, Hong Kong & Macau,Japan, Korea & Guam,VERY P
31、RELIMINARY,,Division Six Sigma Analyst,,,The above could also be consideration for the way Area Councils are structured if it fits within the strategic framework & organization of the division,,,,,TrainingProject L
32、ist,Black Belt & Property Training Cycle,,1-2 Months ago,LSSOverview of Six Sigma tools and SSC process,Pre-work(GM, BB, ExComm),,SSC3 day course,DMAIC 1,Training project,,,,,DMAIC 2,,,,,General Manager & Pr
33、operty Training,SSC Workshop Simulation PDF review / critique Council Meeting Action Plans,1 Day GM-led session,3 Day Facilitator led Training event,$,$$$$,BB Project #1,BB Project #2,,Today,,BrainstormingPrioriti
34、zationSelection of 3-5 project ideasPDF assignment,,PDF,PDF,,Revised PDF’s,PDF,PDF,,SSC4x / year,$$$,1-2 weeks,PDF,PDF,PDF,Black Belt Training Track,Six Sigma Training Investment,10,000+ Days of Training,Six Sigma
35、 Training Deployment,iDMAIC Training is intended for all on Property Managers and will be done thru the Development Center on line in Starwood One,Detailed description of the terms used can be found here,General 6 Sigma
37、ressRecords our FinancialsTransfers Best Practices Knowledge Warehouse – Accessible Globally,DMAIC,Process Improvement Methodology,,,The Statistical Tools used,Tollgate Checklist – Define,For our project, we have :,1.
38、 Confirmed that our project is a worthwhile improvement priority and is supported by the Quality Council.2. Been given (or written) a brief business case explaining the potential impact of our project on customers, pr
39、ofits, and its relationship on business strategies.3. Composed and agreed to a two to three sentence description of the problem as we see it – the Problem Statement – focusing on symptoms only (not causes or solutions)
40、.4.Prepared a Goal Statement defining the results we're seeking from our project, with a measurable target (or placeholder to add one). No solutions are proposed in the Goal Statement5. Prepared other key element
41、s of an DMAIC team charter, including a list of constraints and assumptions, a review of players and roles, a preliminary plan and schedule, and (if needed) a process scope. 6.Reviewed your Charter with your sponsor fo
42、r this project and confirmed his/her support.7.Identified the primary customer and key requirements of the process being improved and created a SIPOC diagram of the areas of concern.8.Prepared a detailed process map
43、 of areas of the process where we expect to focus our initial measurement.,,Every Stage of the DMAIC Process will have a tollgate checklistEvery Stage will require Six Council and MBB review and approval,Project Search
44、Criteria,Projects by Master Black Belt or a variety of other search methods,A Projects P&L Summary Monthly View,Project Financial Benefit Summary,P&L Summary, Total, Property, Project,2) Innovation Transfer,The R
45、ole all of our Associates will play in changing the culture and executing the benefits,,- People trained, processes mapped & measured-“Best Practice” innovations transfer- Dashboards in place-Clear sigma imp
46、rovement against customer “CTQs”.,- Dramatic process improvement against stretch targets to “CTQs” - Core processes redesigned- Six Sigma delivers material net income. - The way we run the business, day to day
47、.,Multi-Year Change Program:Deliver Compelling Guest Satisfaction,,What Our “Roadmap” Looks Like,- Program launched & right resources allocated- Organization believes we’re serious - Projects launched &
48、improvement tracked;- Great talent: BBs/MBBs- Delivers to the P+L,,,Innovation Transfer Creates Strategic Advantage,,2001-2: Project BenefitsProjects deliver value at the property, for the property:Projects imp
49、rove property processes,2002-3+ : Innovation TransferProjects deliver value & improve Starwood-wide processesInnovations rapidly transferred to all applicable Starwood properties:,SPEED,Less Investment (Don’t rei
50、nvent the wheel)Less Risk (Do what works somewhere else)Faster Implementation – faster benefitsFaster recovery from errors - experimentation,3 Years > 6 Months,,Innovation Transfer,As of 25 June 2002, 8 weeks since
51、 launch . . .,8 weeks since launch,195 Transfer Projects in Process,iDMAIC Statistics,Module 4 Completion (7 2 02),Six Sigma: What it Takes,Results = Quality (of solution) X Acceptance,Great Solutions Without Bu
52、y-in Get You Nothing!,3) Key Lessons Year 1,Six Sigma as Starwood Value,Staff “top” talent as Black BeltsLeverage the Six Sigma network as resource – MBBs / Global teamProjects that make a difference – to the propert
53、y . . . across the systemProjects linked to leader “big 5”Do “Quick Hits”“Import” innovationCommitment & InvolvementClear project sponsorship with responsibilityLeadership tested at every levelCouncil part of
54、 regular management cycle,Apply Six Sigma roles:,Actively Lead it!,Select the right projects,Drive Changes That Make A DifferenceFor the Guest &To The Business,4) Corporate, Divisional & Global Projects,Buildi
55、ng the Six Sigma Culture in Asia Pacific,Allow Six Sigma to weave the fabric of its own culture as it relates to the Asia Pacific Region.Lessons learned will be important—but more so to guide us and anticipate previous
56、 shortcomings.1st and foremost a clear understanding of each regions nuances, personalities, cultures, Awareness of Brands & varied customer expectations,Financial & Ownership expectations— understanding, invo
57、lvement and balance ---target projects that manage to those expectationsTo drive direction towards meaningful projects ----based on each regions needsPassion about this stuff---can bring change to the way we treat our
58、customers InvolvementEarly Successes,Hiring Great peopleHands on involvementShortening the learning curveBuild on our strengths and share our successes as a DivisionMinimize some of the shortcomings of the original
59、roll-outsBorrow from best practices in NAD, LAD & EuropeAbility to build relationships, coalitions, and people working together to accomplish the same goalWill clearly rely on the people ( AMD/VP’s, GMS. & BB)
60、 to help clarify and provide the direction as we develop our strategies & direction.,Global Status,Week Ending June 28,,,Six Sigma Benefits Snapshot,2002 System-wide Six Sigma Benefits,,(US$mm),2001 Year,End,2002 YTD
61、,Actual,2002 Full,Year,Forecast,2002 Prior,Month F/Y,Forecast,2002,Budget,2003,Forecast,System-wide Benefits,Corporate,2.3,1.1,3.7,4.0,7.5,3.4,NAD,- Owned,19.8,29.1,60.2,59.0,57.7,13.2,- Managed,14.2,25.8,56.5,53.7,51.7,
62、16.0,LAD,- Owned,3.4,3.5,7.2,7.1,7.9,3.3,- Managed,NA,0.1,0.2,0.1,0.0,0.0,Europe,- Owned,2.2,6.3,15.6,13.2,14.8,10.1,- Managed,2.3,3.8,9.7,9.1,10.6,5.4,St. Regis,- Owned,2.5,1.7,4.3,3.5,4.5,1.6,- Managed,0.3,0.5,0.9,0.9,
63、1.5,0.2,SVO,NA,0.1,0.2,0.2,1.0,0.1,Total,-Owned,30.2,41.8,91.2,87.0,93.4,31.7,-Managed,16.8,30.2,67.3,63.7,63.8,21.6,STARS,2.3,3.6,8.2,6.9,7.0,5.3,Total System-wide Benefits,49.3,75.6,166.7,157.7,164.2,58.6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
64、,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,% benefits from DMAIC Projects:,18%,20%,30%,84%,DMAIC Project Average Value,,Average DMAIC Project Value by Division,Notes:,Project data as of 6/27/02Assumed that 2001+2002+2003 forecast = total project
65、value forecastUsed 2001 YE numbers from old excel "Cotter Report" worksheetOriginal model of $200k average per DMAIC project at “maturity”, with “l(fā)earning curve” average economics: training project $0, P1 $67
66、k, P2 $133k. P3 $200k – at this point in time, model average benefits of $140k (D-I),,,,2001 Six Sigma Award Winners,Why are these winners?Impact – process AND $$$$Wouldn’t have done without Six SigmaCross-functional
67、 AND team to implementNeeded the tools . . . and used themTransferability,Major Corporate Projects,CORP HQ PROJECTS COMPLETED 2001Outside Legal Council (11984) – Reduce fees paid to outside attorneys for matters that
68、are managed by the Corporate Legal Department. 2001 benefit: $284k. 2002 benefit : $1.05mm (Sponsor: Seigel)Accounts Receivable (10821) – Reduce interest costs of floating receivables for managed properties. 2001 ben
69、efit : $153k. 2002 benefit : $342k Benefit Termination (12065 QH) – Terminate benefits closer to termination date (rather than pay benefits through the end of the month). 2001 benefit : $581k; 2002 benefit : $480mm (
70、Sponsor: Norton)Development Process (12437) – Produced new business plan, deal parameter guidelines, and new approval process. Benefit not quantified. (Sponsor: Goldman)CORP HQ PROJECTS IN-PROGRESS 2002Warranty Insur
71、ance Program (12036)– Reduce repair and maintenance expense; L/T opportunity target 20% reduction on a base of $52mm spent in NAD in 2001 Airline travel Services (11965) – New travel guidelines and trip pre-approval pr
72、ocess; Part II will examine American Express pricing and service. Part I benefit 2002: $200k. Part II benefit: TBD. Hotel Accounting Standardization and Automation – Reengineer 5 core processes—Revenue Audit, Cash, Pu
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