1、,① Seoul 首爾 Seoul has been a capital city for over five hundred years, the tradition of the food culture of the royal court has survived and had a great influence on the food culture of the noble class and the middl
2、e class. Families of high-ranking officials prepared dishes based on the foods of the royal court. However, true-born natives don't cook excessive amounts. Instead, they prepare a great variety of dishes and make the
3、m look attractive by preparing the foods in small and appealing shapes.,,,Food in the Seoul area is showy and includes splendid dishes which are decorated using garnishes in five different colors.Food is often seasoned w
4、ith salted shrimp juice but moderately salted. A variety of side dishes are enjoyed, including dried salted fish and pickled vegetables. The origin of ox bone soup is the royal plowing ritual held in February. In additio
5、n, officials returning from China brought with them pots set over a burner in which all sorts of delicacies were placed and boiled.,,,,牛雜碎湯,傳說世宗大王在先農(nóng)田親耕時﹐突然下起了大雨﹐一步也不能動又非常餓﹐為了充饑殺了一頭牛﹐ 將牛肉煮熟后﹐只放蔥﹐以鹽調(diào)味道后喝去。從此﹐將此湯稱為牛雜碎湯。
6、 用牛肉﹐軟骨﹐腔骨熬湯﹐肉切成片﹐以蔥﹐胡椒粉﹐鹽調(diào)味道。因尾放很多骨頭熬湯﹐顏色灰白。 *為了除去異味兒放補刻佳你(除味的一種調(diào)料)熬后取出﹐也可以放西洋芹﹐芹菜﹐胡蘿卜﹐洋蔥取出。將飯或者面條放在湯里吃。,,首爾, 荏子雞湯,荏子雞湯是用熬大雛雞后的涼湯加磨好的芝麻粉調(diào)味﹐再加雞肉﹑蔬菜﹑肉丸子﹑木耳﹑雞蛋﹐是適合夏季食用的一種營養(yǎng)飲食。,,首爾, 冷面,在荏子雞湯里放面條后﹐只放黃瓜菜吃的涼食。,,,Gyeonggi Prov
7、ince 京畿道The food of the Province is modest but diverse. The food is generally plain and simple. The dishes are moderately salted and similar to the food of the Seoul area. Spices are used in moderation. The barbecued be
8、ef ribs of Suwon gained popularity when cattle traders from all over the nation gathered at the cattle market and barbecued rib restaurants started to open in Suwon. Rice cake soup, and yakgwa are popular foods,兆朗年糕湯,是開城
9、別有風(fēng)味的飲食。傳說是正月初為表示吉祥精心做成蠶繭模樣﹐還有一種說法,是做年糕時﹐做成頭和身體相連的樣子。 傳說開城人為了給報高麗忠臣報的仇﹐以掐脖子的樣子做兆朗年糕。在煮牛排骨和肉的肉湯里放年糕熬熟后加佐料﹐上面放炒好的牛肉和雞蛋。,,參雞湯,三伏天流很多汗以后﹐吃的一種滋補食物。在雞肚里放糯米﹑蒜﹑大棗﹑水參后﹐用針縫好后煮熟的料理。歷來用于夏季補養(yǎng)飲食。 *5~7個月的大雛雞營養(yǎng)最多。雞肉作為低脂肪﹑高蛋白食品﹐對不喜歡
10、吃肉的成年人是好食品﹐并能防止肥胖﹐預(yù)防成人病。是比牛肉含有更多人體必需氨基酸的優(yōu)秀食品。,,京幾道, 南瓜膳,在嫩南瓜上用刀劃出條紋﹐把切成絲加佐料的牛肉﹑香菇﹑雞蛋放進去﹐再用肉湯蒸出來以后用蘸芥茉醬或醋醬油吃。,,京幾道, 鈴形松糕,在喬蕎麥里加馬格利酒和面并發(fā)酵后﹐把大棗﹑雞冠花葉﹑黑芝麻﹑石耳等調(diào)料配色放在上面蒸出來。最后用圓框弄出鈴形年糕。,,,,,③ Chungcheong Province 忠清道 Although t
11、he western coastal area has a rich supply of seafood, fresh fish was scarce in the northern region and inland areas. Long ago, only salted or dried seafoods were enjoyed in these regions. In the mountainous sections of t
12、he northern inland, wild vegetables and mushrooms are readily available, and dishes using these as their main ingredients are well known.,山菜拌飯,在米飯里放苦菜﹑薇菜﹑桔梗﹑沙參﹑香菇菠菜﹑黃豆芽等﹐以辣椒醬拌著吃的味與營養(yǎng)極佳的一種飯菜。 *苦菜是含有豐富鉀的咸性食品﹐可以拌著吃或包飯吃
13、﹐也可以曬干后儲藏起來冬天食用。,,牡 蠣 飯,把飯做得干一點﹐并在燜的時候﹐放牡蠣,熟后加佐料拌飯吃。* 牡蠣被稱為“海的牛奶”﹐100克的生牡蠣中含有成年人一天所需動物性蛋白質(zhì)的1/2﹐并含有豐富的鈣﹑鐵﹑碘等無機物。,,忠清道, 清曲醬湯,把清曲醬沖開﹐在放切好的白菜泡菜﹑牛肉﹑豆腐燉的湯。因有獨特的發(fā)酵味道﹐雖有不喜歡的人﹐但它是一種營養(yǎng)豐富且冬季別有風(fēng)味的飲食。* 清曲醬含有豐富的維生素B2﹐并且﹐清曲醬既有增強胃腸的
14、食品吸收能力的作用﹐又有分解血管內(nèi)膽固醇的作用。,,忠清道, 泡菜,泡菜(茄子泡菜 蔥泡菜 蘿卜泡菜)茄子泡菜 : 把整塊茄子燙后晾曬﹐在茄子身上劃出條紋﹐并加蔥﹑蒜﹑辣椒絲等佐料﹐再用醬油做湯等入味后吃的泡菜。細(xì)蔥泡菜 : 把腌好的細(xì)蔥用米面漿糊﹑腌鰣魚﹑蒜﹑生姜﹑辣椒粉拌好﹐等入味后吃的泡菜。蘿卜泡菜 : 把腌好的蘿卜用佐料和醬汁拌好﹐等入味后吃的泡菜。,,,,④ Gangwon Province 江原道 In
15、the Province, dry-field farming is more common than rice cultivation. Therefore, corn, buckwheat and potatoes are the main products of the region. Potatoes can be served steamed or fermented to produce starch, which is u
16、sed to make noodles, sujebi (soup with pulled dough morsels), porridge and songpyeon (half-moon rice cake).,,Buckwheat dough is pan-fried and made into rolls filled with seasoned radish. The original buckwheat noodle is
17、prepared by mixing buckwheat powder with hot water, pressing the dough through a noodle frame and topping the noodles with radish kimchi and seasoned chili paste. However, this is better known as Chuncheon makguksu (Chun
18、cheon style buckwheat noodles with vegetables) today, which is made with the liquid from water kimchi or pheasant broth.,江原道, 土豆松糕,在產(chǎn)土豆的夏季﹐把不能儲藏長時間的土豆磨成土豆粉而做的山區(qū)別有風(fēng)味的飲食。用土豆粉和面﹐加豆沙餡或豌豆餡﹐做成帶指紋的年糕。,,江原道, 土豆湯元,在蒸出來的土豆中放白糖﹑鹽
19、﹑桂皮粉壓碎并做成圓形﹐再蘸黃豆粉﹑紅豆粉等的土豆年糕。,,土豆飯 烤干明太魚,烤干明太魚﹕把干明太魚泡在水里洗凈后﹐加佐料烤出來。 *土豆的主成份是糖質(zhì)﹐且新土豆是含有豐富的維生素C之堿性食品。,,土豆飯﹕土豆是江原道的特產(chǎn)。 因此﹐在飯里當(dāng)?shù)厝讼矚g放土豆﹐并且為了增加米飯的量也是放土豆的原因。把土豆整個煮熟后﹐加米做飯。,春川拌面,喬麥面起源于產(chǎn)大量喬麥的江原道。最初用刀切成面條﹐后來轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)闄C械化﹐并且原來只
20、當(dāng)作夜餐吃﹐慢慢轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榘滋煲彩秤?。把喬麥面用鹽水和好﹐放在壓面機里壓出來煮熟﹐并在面條里放蔬菜和佐料拌著吃的一種拌面 *因喬麥面沒去皮磨成面而做﹐所以有點粗糙﹐稱為拌面。,,,,,⑤ Jeolla Province 全羅道Produce here from the land, the ocean and the mountains are equally available and abundant. The ingredien
21、ts are very diverse and the effort put into preparing dishes is unusually great. Therefore, the food here is the most lavish in Korea. They are towns of flavor and zest where the finest dishes of these households has bee
22、n passed down from generation to generation. Since the climate is relatively warm in the province, the food is salty and strongly seasoned with salted fish, chili powder and spices. As a result, the foods are spicy, salt
23、y and pungent. Jeonju bean sprout soup with rice is a hot dish of rice boiled in a bean sprout soup and seasoned with salted shrimp. This is popular early in the morning as a soup for sobering up.,清蒸魟魚,羅南道以洪魟魚有名﹐并要在冬季吃才
24、能品出真正的味道。全羅道舉行慶典活動時﹐以用多少魟魚來評價慶典辦得好壞﹐能看出來魟魚是必需飲食。有些人不喜歡吃新鮮魟魚﹐而吃過些日子發(fā)酵有氨味的魟魚﹐并認(rèn)為這樣吃﹐才能吃到真味。骨頭是軟骨﹐把肉與骨頭一起嚼會更香。 把魟魚整個曬干或整個發(fā)酵或者切成塊﹐并弄出條紋﹐在里面加蔥﹑蒜﹑辣椒絲和佐料后煮出來后蘸醋醬吃。 *魟魚以黃貂魚類味香﹐并以高蛋白﹑低脂肪食品﹐含有豐富的鈣﹑鐵等無機質(zhì)。魟魚的刺激且沖的味是因尿素﹑氨等氮化合物生成的緣故
25、。,,黃豆芽湯飯,全州以綠豆芽聞名﹐傳說﹐全州從前的府使以黃豆芽治愈了全州的風(fēng)土病﹐從此﹐黃豆芽從未離桌。在鰣魚湯和煮黃豆芽的湯里泡飯﹐在上面放醬蝦﹑拌黃豆芽﹑蔥﹑蒜﹑芝麻﹑香油﹑辣椒面熱吃的一種飲食。,,全羅道, 拌蜂斗菜,把煮熟的蜂斗菜桿去皮切成6cm大小﹐用日本對蝦和蘇子油炒出來﹐再以泡米和荏子的水煮熟﹐并放佐料。爛糊且香噴噴﹐所以老年人喜歡吃。,,全羅道, 泡菜,苦野菜泡菜 : 把苦野菜腌在鹽水里去除苦味﹐放鰣魚醬﹑辣椒面﹑蒜
26、﹑蔥﹑生姜﹑整芝麻﹑白糖拌后發(fā)酵的泡菜。 牡蠣蘿卜塊 : 把蘿卜切成塊﹐與辣椒面﹑蒜﹑生姜﹑蔥﹑水芹﹑鹽一起拌時﹐加上牡蠣的蘿卜塊泡菜。石山芥菜泡菜 : 把石山芥菜腌在鹽水里﹐洗凈后與鰣魚醬﹑蝦醬﹑蒜﹑生姜﹑洋蔥﹑辣椒面﹑糯米加荏子的粥混在一起﹐一層一層抹上佐料后制成的一種泡菜。具有全羅道風(fēng)味的泡菜。,泡菜(苦野菜泡菜﹐牡蠣蘿卜塊﹐石山芥菜泡菜),⑥ Gyeongsang Province 慶尚道 The Provin
27、ce has good fishing grounds in the South Sea and the East Sea, the region is rich in marine products. Nakdong River provides abundant agricultural products. The food of the region is generally spicy and salty, and pungen
28、t and sweet as well The dishes are not excessively decorated or lavishly adorned; they appear plain and modest.,,,,However, herbs and Chinese pepper are added to create a unique aroma. Fresh fish caught in the ocean are
29、consumed raw as sashimi or cooked in soups or served steamed or broiled. Bean paste is popular in the Province. Makjang and dambukjang in particular are often enjoyed.,假祭食,把祭祀用的拌菜放在飯里拌著吃﹐特點是不加辣醬。相傳從前安東地區(qū)的首領(lǐng)覺得祭祀后的飯菜非常好吃
30、﹐以后總想吃﹐人們就在平時也做好供上去。實際上﹐祭祀用的飲食都帶有香味道﹐但因不是祭祀用的飲食﹐所以稱為假祭食。 *桔梗含有豐富的纖維質(zhì)﹑鐵和維生素B2﹐并且有祛痰效果﹐因此﹐在中醫(yī)上用于治療呼吸系統(tǒng)疾病。,,安東刀切面,安東的原汁面很有名﹐是把白面加生豆粉和面做出來的面條﹐放在雞湯里煮熟﹐并把調(diào)料放在上面與湯一起吃的原汁面 *黃豆含有豐富的維生素B﹐并以蛋白質(zhì)優(yōu)秀而著稱的食品﹐對更年期女性來說是特別好的食品。,,慶尚道, 黑蛤蜊湯
31、,黑蛤蜊是在金海﹑明地﹑嚴(yán)宮﹑夏端等洛東江下流棲息的蛤蜊。 把黑蛤蜊煮熟放在笊籬上去皮﹐然后把蛤蜊和湯用鹽調(diào)味﹐灰白的湯清爽﹐當(dāng)下酒菜吃的醬湯也不錯。 *黑蛤蜊含有豐富的鐵﹑鈣﹑磷﹑維生素B2﹐并含有豐富的蛋白質(zhì)。喝黑蛤蜊湯的時候﹐別只喝湯﹐要一起吃蛤蜊肉。,,慶尚道, 撈面條,把和好的面做成刀切面后放在熱水里煮一下,然后撈出來﹐用熱醬湯沖開后放在碗里加調(diào)料的面條。 *雞蛋含有豐富的蛋白質(zhì)﹐并是質(zhì)優(yōu)的營養(yǎng)食品。蛋黃雖含有豐富的膽固醇
32、﹐但同時含有降低膽固醇含量的卵磷脂成份。,,,,⑦ Jeju Island濟州島As Korea's southernmost island, Jeju Island features a warm climate. Several unique species of fish are caught offshore there. The residents of sea villages used to fish and f
33、emale divers would catch fish underwater. In mountain villages, mountains were reclaimed for farming and mushrooms, wild plants and ferns were collected at Hallasan Mountain. Rice production is scarce. Instead, bean, bar
34、ley, millet and sweet potatoes are cultivated in abundance. The diligence and modesty of Jeju residents are reflected in their food. They don't prepare food in large quantities. Seasonings are not used much and the
35、food is relatively salty.,,,Jeju Island has traditionally been a famous center of abalone鮑魚 harvesting. These can be enjoyed raw in the form of sashimi. Abalone porridge is a delicacy with a unique aroma and a bluish col
36、or. Buckwheat powder is made into a soft dough and pan-fried in paper-thin slices, then made into rolls filled with white radish sliceswhich is a local dish of Jeju Island that is central to rituals and banquets
37、.,裙帶菜粥鰒魚粥,裙帶菜粥 : 把泡好的海帶撕成片﹐用香油炒一會兒加水煮熟后﹐再放米熬成粥。鰒魚粥 : 鰒魚是濟州島名產(chǎn)。濟州道大米很少﹐因此﹐用大米和鰒魚熬的粥是貴重的食品。把生鰒魚割成薄片﹐用香油炒一會兒﹐加泡好的米再炒﹐最后加水熬成粥。 *鰒魚對恢復(fù)視神經(jīng)的疲勞很有效﹐并且碘含量高﹐是利于高血壓患者的食品﹐也是很好的保健食品。,,真鯛粥,春﹑夏季在濟州島可以捕澇到大量的真鯛 。因腥味少熬粥作為補養(yǎng)食品。真鯛粥是把濟
38、州島特產(chǎn)真鯛和米放在一起熬的粥。 *真鯛是一種高蛋白﹑低脂肪魚﹐含有豐富的維生素B1。并且﹐油性少易消化﹐把它作為患者恢復(fù)期的飲食比較好。,,粘小米糕圓糕,圓糕 : 濟州島產(chǎn)很多蕎麥。在和好的蕎麥面里放蘿卜菜或豆沙餡卷起來的年糕。也稱為草席糕。粘小米糕 : 濟州島幾乎不產(chǎn)大米而產(chǎn)許多雜谷﹐用米做的年糕只在節(jié)日﹑祭祀時吃﹐平常只吃喬麥﹑小米﹑大麥﹑紅薯做的年糕。把粘的小米泡在水里再放到石臼里搗碎后做成糯米糕蘸豆沙。,,蕨菜湯
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