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1、分類編號 : 單位代碼 : 10065密 級 : 學(xué) 號:092 19006研 究 生 學(xué) 位 論 文* 論 文 題 目:中 國傳 統(tǒng) 儒 家 道 德 文化 的 當(dāng)代 審視學(xué) 生 姓 名 :王 宇 申請 學(xué)位 級 別 :碩 士申請專業(yè)名稱 :馬克思主 義哲學(xué) 研 究 方 向:社會哲學(xué) 指 導(dǎo)教 師姓名 :王 小平 專業(yè)技術(shù)職稱 :副 教授提 交 論 文 曰期 :20 12 年 3 月 15 日中 國傳 統(tǒng) 惴 家道 德 文化 的

2、 當(dāng)代 審視A b s t r a c tH i stori cal l y,m orali ssue has been one of the hot testi ssues w hi ch att ract al m ostal lt hepeopl e's at tenti on.T he t orchbearers of C hi na have been t hi nk i ng m uch of

3、 prom oti ng t he devel opm entofthe m orali ty of soci al i stsoci ety,especi all y i n m odern C hi na.A nd now ,C hi na is i n a new period .In ot her w ords w e can say t hatC hi na is under t hefurt h

4、er devel opm ent or t he second devel opm entsi nce t he reform and openi ng-up .T aki ngone w i t h anot her,econom i c devel ops very fast and the l i vi ng st andards al so change a l ot.P eopl e’s m ent alat t i t u

5、de has been changi ng cont i nuousl y,so has t he st andard of ourm oral i t y of social i st soci ety.B utat t he sam e ti m e,w e shoul d al so t ake not i ce of t he probl em s t hat caused by vari ou-s

6、 reasons existi ng i n the process of devel op our m oral i t y of socialist soci et y .In general,t he et hi calst andard goes steadi l y dow nhi l land t here are also som e absurd t hi ngs m aki ngu s ast oni

7、 shed t o som e extent.A l so i tt urns outt hatt here doi ng ex ist som e probl em s t here.So the furt her devel opm ent of t he m oral i t y of soci al i stsoci et y is an i m portantandi ndispensabl e partof our s

8、oci al i stm oderni zati on dri ve.So i ndubi tabl y,how to dealw i th t he C onfuci an et hi c cu l t ure i n the process ofdevel opi ng t he m oral i t y of soci al i stsoci et y has becom e a si gni fi cantt opi c

9、 t hatw e can notgetri d of.Ithas al so been proved thatsom e poi nts of vi ew of the C onfuci an et hi c cul t ureare now li ke a fish outof w ater and can notcat er t he needs of t he devel opm ent of m odern

10、soci et y.S o i n th e current ci rcum stance,ho w can w e treat th e C on fuci an eth ic cu l ture i n asci enti f ic w ay? A nd do w e com e i n for i ts rati onalparts and sl am the door of t he i rrati onalone

11、s? T hese are al lt he probl em s t hat deserve t o be st udi ed.T hi s paper focuses on the resurvey of t he C onfuci an et hic cul t ure together w i t h i tsst at us quo and probl em s exi sti ng under t

12、he m odern peri od of t i m e.T he paper consists of four parts.T he fi rstpartforeshadow s the w hol e paper.Iti ntroduces t he m ai n 。 idea andcharact eri sti cs of t he C onf u ci an et hi c cul ture an

13、d the i deas of i ts representati ve i ndi vidual s.T he second parti s t he m ai n partof t hi s paper.Itresurveys t he new anti m oni es andprobl em s of t he C onf uci an et hi c cul ture and reconsi ders,sum


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