1、分類 編號(hào) :一密 級(jí) :一單 位 代 碼 : 10065' r -號(hào) :0 9204 0 18硏 究 生 學(xué)位 論文論 文 題 目: 英國(guó)土地流轉(zhuǎn)探析:1500-1750學(xué) 生 姓 名 :姜 大 明 申請(qǐng) 學(xué) 位 級(jí) 別 : 碩 士屮請(qǐng)專 業(yè) 名稱 : 歷 史學(xué) 指 3 教 師 姓 名 :侯 建 新 徐 濱 專 業(yè) 技 術(shù) 職 稱 : 教 授 副 教 授提 交 論 文 日期 :20 12 年 5 月A
2、n d iscu ssi on on th e L an d circu lation of E n glan d :1 5 0 0 -1 7 5 0A b str a c tT h e i ntent ion of t his t hesis is to discuss t he ci rculati on of t he land duri ng t heE ngl i sh E arl y R ecent ,w hi ch
3、i s fr om t h e t radi ti onalagricul t uralsoci et y t o t hei ndust ri alcapi tali stsociet y .T h e m ore fr equentL and ci rcul ati on broughtabouti m portanti nfl uence to E ngl ish,especial l y t o t he conversi o
4、n of E ngl ish soci ety.T h econfi gurati on of t his t h esis is:Forew ord p oi nts outt he academ i c and real ist ic si gnifi cance,bei ng correctl yacquai nted w i t h t he kn ow ledge and gi vi ng our pol icy som
5、e exp erience,t h eni nt rodu ces i nv est igati on stat us i nternaland externalon t his discourse .C hapt er one analyses t h e condi t i ons of l an d ci rcu lati on i n E ngl i sh ,contai n s t hreefacts:t h e pri
6、 vate land propert y ri ghtis t he precondi t i on ^t h e dev el opm entof t h ecom m odi t y and m oney econom y i s t he i nternalpow er,and p arti cular event s pu sh t helan d c irc u latio n .C hapter t w o t o fou
7、r anal yses t he l and ci rcu l ati on b et w een differentt ratum .B ecau se t he L and ci rcul ati on i s overl appi ng,t h e t hesis anal yses t h e upp er l ayer,cont ains t he crow n 、church and ari st ocrat ism .T
8、 he ot her st ratum p arti ci pate i n t hi sprocess,prom ptl y from the upper l ayer draw i ng fort h al lt ratum ,w ho take parti n t heL and ci rcul ati on .T he L and ci rculat i on betw een t h e p easanti
9、s t ol d al one.T he l astch apter discu sses t he soci aland econom i c i nfl uen ce of t h e l andci rcul ati on 。F i rstly ,i taccelerated t he form ing of great-tenem entsystem ,t h en i tch anged t h e socialrel at
10、i on shi p,bred t he agri cul t uralcapi tal i sm m anufact ure fashi on .E p il ogu e ep i tom i zes t he w hol e art i cl e and p oi n ts outt h e m ajor idea ,t h att he l andci rculation accelerated t he E ngl
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