1、分 類 編 號 : 單 位 代 碼 : 10065學 號 : 09204 0 4 5研 究 生 學位 論 文論 文 題 目: 袁世凱與徐世昌關系述評學 生 姓 名 : 陳騰宇申請專業(yè)名稱 :中國近 現代 史研 究 方 向:中華 民 國 史指 導教師 姓 名 :李 學智提 交論 文 日期 :20 12 年 3 月申請 學 位 級 別 : 碩 士專 業(yè) 技 術 職 稱 : 教 授A b strac tY uan ShiK aia
2、nd X u ShiC hang w ere tw o eye-cat chi ng bi g shots i nthe m odern C hi nese pol i ti cs att he end of t he Q i ng D ynast y and t he earl yrepubl i c of C hi na.T hey gotto know each ot her w hen t hey w
3、ere young andcarri ed each other w hen they entered po li ti cs.T hough t hey bot h had be G overnor-G eneralof Q i ng dynast y,m i li t arypl an m i ni ster and R epub l i c presi dent,they w ere di fferentfrom each
4、 ot h ert o do t he governm ent offi ci aldeal s w i t h affai rs st yl e:Y uan ShiK aiw ascourageous and know l edgeabl e,he handl ed affai rs i n a deci si ve m annerbuteasy to be i m pet u ous;X u ShiC hang w as to be
5、 abl e and craft y ,heacted as t he occasi on requi res buthe ti m i d and overcauti ous.D uri ng thei r37 years' associ at i ons,t hey w ere i n st rong sam e poi nti n cooperati on ,thecom pl em entary character m
6、aked t hem fri endl y and gave each ot hergui dance and .Y uan and X u handl ed affai rs i n cooperati on w i t h bei ng ab l eto be term ed a seam l ess heavenl y robe.T hereupon,t h ey had keptt hem sel ves i n t he
7、cunn i ng cl oud com p l etel y and been prom ot ed step bystep,and successi vel y si tt ed to t hrone of m axi m alrul er of C hi na.R ecol l ectt i ng t he academ i c research of Y uan and X u,w e can see t hat,
8、t he research t o Y uan ShiK aii s very ri ch,B utt he research t o X u ShiC hang i s rel ati vel y l ess,and the st udyi ng aboutt hei r m ore t han t hi rt y years'associ ati on i s furt herm ore rare.It hi
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