1、分 類 編 ^ :密 級 :年 1 . 位 代 fi ' i:10 0 65' r' -' 7 :0 8 204 0 26硏 究 生 學(xué)位 論 文論 文 題 目:試 論 唐 后 期 的 皇 位 繼 承 與 內(nèi)外 廷 的 關(guān) 系學(xué) 生 姓 名 : 李 生 華 申請 學(xué) 位 級 別 : 碩 士申請專業(yè)名稱 : 中國古代 史 研 究 方 向 :隋唐 史指 導(dǎo) 教 師 姓 名 : 楊 西 云 專 業(yè)
2、 技 術(shù) 職 稱 :教 授提 交 論 文 日期 : 20 12年 5 月A b str a c tSuccession to t h e T hrone of the T ang D ynasty i s al w ays in an un stab le an dchaoti c state,the entropy of pri m ogeni t ure has notbeen seriousl y fol l o w ed,and
3、 aneffecti ve system of S uccession to t he T hrone is notestabl ished.L ead to t he t hrone oft he late T ang D ynasty i nheri ted i nstabil it y because m any,generall y sp eaki ng,t hereare b asi call y t hree t hi
4、 ngs:fi rst,t h e T an g D ynasty i nheri ted t he N ort hern D yn astiesgenerat i ons com e,g enerati on s of N ort hern D ynast y t hrone i nh eri t ed conditi on s o f t h i sconfusi on .T o t h e T an g D ynasty h
5、ad a b ad h istory “tem plate“.S econd ,t h e L ifam ilyof t he royalfam i l y o f t h i s et hni c ori gi n H u H ua of further contam i nati on,and i n t heprocess of establi shm entof the regi m e,H uhu a,t h e t
6、endency of t h e L ifam il y of t h eroyalfam ily w i l lbe accepted by t he w om en' s pow er and brot h er-end brot her and rul erof t he t radi ti onalC ent ralP l ai ns as “heresy“.T hi rd,t he T an g D yn a
7、sty before t h em i d-t hrone i nheri ted i nstab i l i t y .Si nce th e T an g D yn ast y to the l ack of a stab l e sy stem of Su ccessi on t o th e T h rone,so t here are m any vari abl es i n t he process of
8、 t ransfer of t he t hrone,and speci fic to t helat e T ang D yn asty,the em peror h as b asical ly l ostcont rolo f t he ri gh tt o i nheri tt het hrone,eunu ch s b ecom e t h e m ai n force of t he em peror' s
9、det hronem entA rm y .E un u chpow erfulT ang and m i d is al so a gradualprocess,t h e earl y T ang dynasty eunu ch w i l lnotb e reu sed,to X ianzong aft er,t he eunu ch' s pow er and stat us of t h e b asi c sh a
10、p e.T he X i anzong aft er 9 E m peror,i n addi ti on t o t he lastm onarch Z haoxuan D iw ho w asi m pri soned by Z hu Q uanzhong. ,t he rem ai ni ng eightt he E m peror rests eunuchcrow ned or b y t h e pow er of t h
11、e eunu ch s cam e to t h e t hrone.T here are m any reasonsl eadi ng t o t he si t uat ion of t he l ate T ang D ynasty form ed eunuch and subjectt ochangi ng pol i ti calenvi ronm enti n t h e R eb el l ion ,fi rst,Sh i
12、R ebell ion ,aft er localF anzh eng,Z hao G u an T ang cent ralgovernm entcent ri fugalfrom G erm any ,t h eem peror n o longer t rustt he pri m e m i ni sters anym ore,t he eunuch w as em p eror to t h ei dent i ty o f
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