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4、 Predicament of eidos—— ——listen to Parmenides Abstract Listening lighting flashes and thunder rumbles in Parmenides, the key is base on understand which stem from dialogue between thought and thought. Through the const

5、ruction of dramatic stage, The listener produces some predicament in the thought by themselves, so the listener put forward some questions naturally and waiting for philosopher's answer. The philosopher attempts a fe

6、asible solution so that the listener realized themselves ignorance in the predicament. The philosopher leading to the listener approaching themselves thoughts and face the abyss in the abyss, the listener sinking in the

7、abyss and trying to get rid of it, then philosopher lead to a road for the listener so that fruits themselves thoughts, the listener walking on the road restoration themselves. Although the theater stage center constantl

8、y change, the number of listeners is increasing, the listener is lucky enough to be free from both sides of conversation, they can examine the predicament and possibility of thinking between themselves and the dialogue c

9、almly. Plato show again the “midwifery” is excellent in Parmenides. Socrates and listeners realized themselves ignorance according to Parmenides’s guidance step by step, Socrates and listeners answer themselves questions


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