1、pension Gold 8*60 5, living a llowa nce 13*568 four main 1, 2015, financial, e ducation, design se ction, under t he lea dership of our accounta nts to study the country's fina ncial poli cie s, laws, a nd famili
2、arity with fina nci al system actively st udyi ng account ing, master professional knowledge and master the accounting te chnique, adhere to principle s, pr operly implement superi or de partments a ccounting re quir
3、eme nts. 2, give full play to accounti ng initiative, careful budgeti ng annually, and do a year nd w ork on the budget “no budget expenditure, budget expenditure s“, strictly control ex penditures. Often communicat
4、i ng with school leader s reported fina ncial position, and in terms of reve nue i deas, way s to strictly im plement the fi nancial system, two li nes of income and expe ndit ure. 3, furt her standardize the school
5、9; s financial manageme nt system, create d the democratic financial manageme nt group, dem ocratic financial group check s the school e ach semester a ccount s. Reporting annually to the school' s financial income
6、 a nd ex penses, so that all the teachers of school fina nce s be awar e. 4, with the school l eader shi p greater control in school debt , does not give to the debt di d not com ply with procedures in t he accounts
7、. 5, various infrastructural pr oje cts to the school can do to tea ch ... The poverty alleviation of poverty alleviati on a nd trai ning wit h the combinati on of the pr opose d by 2014. In the provi nce, the city
8、poverty alleviation and immigration office caref ul gui dance and county Party committee and governme nt of the corre ct lea dership, t he county seri ously practi ce the scientific devel opme nt view, a nd countie s
9、around the tar get, a nd compr ehe nsively impl ement the Ce ntral Committee a nd the State Council on poverty alleviati on immigration pol icy, adhere to t he, stre ngthe n infrastructure construction, accelerate t he
10、 poor area s and immigration of educat ion, health, culture a nd other public w elfare undertaking s devel opme nt, the whole village a dvancement a nd t he new rural construction, through t he e ntire village a dvanc
11、ement, poverty alleviati on immigration, intelle ctual , social, i ndustrial a nd other mea ns, i ncre asing t he masses of po or and i mmigrant economic i ncome a year, I do all the work staff Throug h joi nt efforts
12、 and struggle , and achieve d excelle nt results, 2014 for 2666 million yuan pr oje ct funds, a nd 2013 compare d to i ncrea se by 60%, poverty alleviati on and resettlement work was named the city's t hird, Tan L
13、un Ta n reserv oir migrants sy ntheti c immigration village a s the city's economy to inspe ct a ma jor bright spot, makes t he contri buti on to t he economic a nd social deve lopme nt in Qia nshan. For 2020 t og
14、ether to achieve well off society to make e normous contributi on, is now on the 2014 since the county to carry out the im plementati on of poverty alleviati on a nd re settlement w ork are summarized a s follow s:
15、A, poverty allevi ation w ork 1, e ntire village adva nceme nt. Our county's agri cultural populati on of 38 million pe opl e, poverty popul ation of 4.9 milli on people, a ccounting for 1 2.9%. T he county, “Twel
16、fth Five Y ear Plan“, will focus on pov erty alleviation in t he village of 14, si nce poor agricultural village has a t otal population of2.55 million, poverty population 0.518 million pe opl e, accounti ng for 20%.20
17、14 years, total pl anningproje ct 20, 851 million y uan of total investment, i ncl udi ng 280 milli on yua n of poverty relief funds of ce ntral finance, county matching funds of 70 million yua n de partment support fun
18、ds 3.76 million yua n, selffinanci ng and investi ng with their labor 115 million yua n, 10 milli on other funds, i n the key poverty alleviation in t he village, totale d arrange 13 new are as, so that the e ntire villa
19、ge adva ncement and the new rural construction combine d, ca n integrate a large amount of money to do great things, urgent, difficult, Chung show Ma ny bright spots, such as: Zixi Village Cultural S quare is t he fa
20、cade of my county east gate, still without Z hu Cun i s the we st gate of the county “ha ppy Z hu Cun, Lake ba n Cun Shan robes e ntirely newl ook , Ma An Cun is first I County minority village. Ot her key poverty all
21、eviation i n the village thr oug h the impl ementation of pov erty alleviation projects, villag e appearance ha s bee n greatly improve d, infrastructure have the obvious cha nge, pr oduction and life have improv ed
22、sig nificantly, farmers' income will conti nue t o incr ease, masses of poverty poverty relief, 2684 pe ople have be en lifted out of poverty, the poverty populati on plan is 2420 people, a ccounte d for anti po
23、vertyprograms 110.9%. over the past yea r, 20 proje cts complete d, the impoveri she d village r oads hardeni ng 9.8 Four square kil ometers, built size bri dge 3, l eisur e activitie s, built ca nals 12 kilometers,
24、 bui lt in primary 2, constr ucti on of health 1, greening, lig hting 5 t o support the i ndustrial development proje ct 6, to solve the dri nking water difficultie s of the ma sses of the 300 households. 2, poo
25、r households preci se identificati on a nd ar chivi ng riser. Accordi ng to t he State Council Poverty Alleviation Officeof poverty alleviation and dev elopment of pre cise ide ntification, filing riser of poor house h
26、olds for accurate i dentificati on, strict re quirement s, time is tight, the task i s heavy, the workl oad i s large. T he county repeate d investigati ons, master the poverty sit uation, scientifi c and reasona ble d
27、i stribution of pov erty populati on i ndex, ful ly consi der the subsiste nce allowa nces, five populati on of full coverage, and take care to poor poor village Tra ppe d househ olds in poverty alleviati on and d
28、evelopmentindicators of the populati on. Set up a spe cial poor households pre cise i dentificati on and ar chivi ng riser group, formulate d the a nd . Archives of poor house hol ds have pov erty, cause d by ri ch
29、reason, hel ping the dema nd, the subje ct of hel ping a nd supporti ng measure s, in poverty alleviati on a nd development pr ovide s correct decision making a nd a sse ssment provide im portant basi s. To the end o
30、f June after two publ ic announcement, my county ide ntified poverty 14536 pe ople, 7669 house hol ds, i ncl udi ng 117.16 guarante eing the popul ation, scattere d five guarantees 513, poverty alleviati on a nd develop
31、ment with populati on of 230 7. Xiapa 2554 cadre s twinningpoverty door, do poor house hol ds full coverage of helpi ng. Support of the county cadre s twinning funds more tha n 150 milli on yuan. At the same time, t
32、he county al so held the party se cretary of the township (Ce nter), agatanoatae e ach unit t he main person in charge of the cadre s twinning mobilizati on meeting. This ye ar by the e nd of Oct ober the succe ssful c
33、ompleti on of the tasks assigne d by the superior. 3, soci al poverty. “The Twelfth Five Y ear Pla n“ to our provi nce county set package to hol d the unit, filthy, Provi ncial Burea u of Surveyi ng and mappi ng,, S ha
34、ng hai Pudong Devel opme nt Ba nk. Since the beginning of this year, t hey were to f ocus on poverty alleviati on in t he village inve stigation personally, formulate a pla n for poverty每一天,我們持續(xù)超越供應(yīng)商準(zhǔn)入制度審核: ________審
35、批: ________日期: ________pension Gold 8*60 5, living all owa nce 13*568 four main 1, 2015, fina ncia l, educati on, desig n secti on, under the l eadership of our a ccountants to st udy the country's financial polic
36、ie s, laws, a nd familiarity with fina nci al system actively st udying a ccounting, master professi onal k nowledge a nd master the accounting te chni que, adhere to principle s, properly impleme nt superi or de partm
37、ents a ccounti ng requirements. 2, give full play to a ccounting initiative , careful budgeti ng annually, and do a year end work on the budget “no budget expenditure, budget ex penditures“, stri ctly control ex penditu
38、res. Often communicati ng with school l eader s reporte d financial positi on, a nd i n terms of revenue ide as, ways to stri ctly impleme nt the financial system, tw o line s of income and expe ndit ure. 3, furt her s
39、tandardize the school's financial managem nt system, create d the dem ocratic fi nancial manageme nt group, dem ocratic fina nci al group checks t he school ea ch semester accounts. Reporting annually to the schoo
40、l' s financial income a nd ex penses, so that all the teachers of school fina nce s be awar e. 4, with the school l eader shi p greater control in school debt , does not give to the debt di d not com ply with pr
41、ocedures in t he accounts. 5, various infrastructural pr oje cts to the school can do to tea ch ... The poverty alleviation of poverty alleviati on a nd training with t he combinati on of the pr oposed by 2014. In t h
42、e provi nce, the city poverty alleviati on and immigration office careful g uida nce a nd county Party committee and g overnment of the correct lea dership, the county seriously pra ctice the scie ntific development v
43、iew, and countie s around t he target, and com prehe nsively impl ement the Central Committee and t he State Council on poverty all eviation immigration pol icy, adhere to the , strengthen infrastructure construction,
44、accelerate the poor ar eas a nd immigration of education, health, cultur e and other public we lfare undertakings development, t he whole village a dvancement a nd the new rural construction, through the entire v
45、illage a dvancement, poverty alleviati on immigration, i ntelle ctual, soci al, industrial a nd other mea ns, i ncrea sing the ma sses of poor and immigrant economi c income a year, I do a ll the w ork staff Through j
46、oint efforts a nd struggl e, and achieved ex cellent results, 2014 for 2666 million y uan proje ct funds, a nd 2013 compare d to increase by 60%, poverty alleviati on and resettleme nt work was named t he city's
47、t hird, Tan Lun Tan re servoir migrants syntheti c immigration village as t he city's e conomy to i nspect a major bright spot, makes the contribution to the e conomic a nd social devel opme nt in Qiansha n. For
48、 2020 together to a chi eve well off society to make enorm ous contribution, is now on the 2014 si nce t he county to carry out the impleme ntation of poverty alleviati on a nd re settlement work are summarize d as f
49、ollow s: A, poverty alleviati on work 1, entire village a dvancement. Our county's agri cultural populati on of 38 milli on people, poverty population of 4.9 million pe opl e, accounti ng for 1 2.9%. T he county,
50、 “Twelfth Five Y ear Plan“, wil l focus on poverty alleviati on i n the village of 14, si nce poor agricult ural village ha s a total population of 2.55 milli on, poverty population 0.518 million people, a ccounting
51、for 20%.2014 year s, total pla nni ng proje ct 20, 851 million y uan of total investment, i ncl udi ng 280 milli on yua n of poverty relief funds of ce ntral finance, county matching funds of 70 million yua n de partmen
52、t support funds 3.76 million yua n, self 武漢麗島科技有限公司 供應(yīng)商準(zhǔn)入制度financi ng and investi ng with their labor 115 million yua n, 10 milli on other funds, i n the key poverty alleviation in t he village, totale d arrange 13 new a
53、re as, so that the e ntire village adva ncement and the new rural construction combine d, ca n integrate a large amount of money to do great things, urgent, difficult, Chung show Ma ny bright spots, such as: Zixi Vil
54、lage Cultural S quare is t he facade of my county east gate, still without Z hu Cun i s the we st gate of the county “ha ppy Z hu Cun, Lake ba n Cun Shan robes e ntirely newl ook , Ma An Cun is first I County minority
55、village. Ot her key poverty alleviation i n the village thr oug h the impl ementation of pov erty alleviation projects, villag e appearance ha s bee n greatly improve d, infrastructure have the obvious cha nge, pr od
56、uction and life have improv ed sig nificantly, farmers' income will conti nue t o incr ease, masses of poverty poverty relief, 2684 pe ople have be en lifted out of poverty, the poverty populati on plan is 2420
57、peo ple, a ccounte d for anti povertyprograms 110.9%. over the past yea r, 20 proje cts complete d, the impoveri she d village r oads hardeni ng 9.8 Four square kil ometers, built size bri dge 3, l eisur e activitie
58、 s, built ca nals 12 kilometers, bui lt in primary 2, constr ucti on of health 1, greening, lig hting 5 t o support the i ndustrial development proje ct 6, to solve the dri nking water difficultie s of the ma sses
59、 of the 300 households. 2, poor households preci se identificati on a nd ar chivi ng riser. Accordi ng to t he State Co uncil Poverty Alleviation Officeof poverty alleviation and dev elopment of pre cise ide ntificatio
60、n, filing riser of poor house holds for accurate i dentificati on, strict re quirement s, time is tight, the task i s heavy, the workl oad i s large. T he county repeate d investigati ons, master the poverty sit uatio
61、n, scientifi c and reasona ble di stribution of pov erty populati on i ndex, ful ly consi der the subsiste nce allowa nces, five populati on of full coverage, and take care to poor poor village Tra ppe d households
62、 in povert y alleviati on and developmentindicators of the populati on. Set up a spe cial poor households pre cise i dentificati on and ar chivi ng riser group, formulate d the a nd . Archives of poor house hol ds
63、have pov erty, cause d by ri ch reason, hel ping the dema nd, the subje ct of hel ping a nd supporti ng measure s, in poverty alleviati on a nd development pr ovide s correct decision making a nd a sse ssment provide i
64、m portant basi s. To the end of June after two publ ic announcement, my county ide ntified poverty 14536 pe ople, 7669 house hol ds, i ncl udi ng 117.16 guarante eing the popul ation, scattere d five guarantees 513, p
65、overty alleviati on a nd development with populati on of 230 7. Xiapa 2554 cadre s twinning poverty door, do poor house hol ds full coverage of helpi ng. Support of the county cadre s twinning funds more tha n 150 m
66、illi on yuan. At the same time, the county al so held the party se cretary of the township (Ce nter), agatanoatae e ach unit t he main person in charge of the cadre s twinning mobilizati on meeting. This ye ar by the e
67、 nd of Oct ober the succe ssful completi on of the tasks assigne d by the superior. 3, soci al poverty. “The Twelfth Five Y ear Pla n“ to our provi nce county set package to hol d the unit, filthy, Provi ncial Burea u
68、 of Surveyi ng and mappi ng,, S hang hai Pudong Devel opme nt Ba nk. Since the beginning of this year, t hey were to focus on poverty alleviati on in t he village inve stigation personally, formulate a pla n for pove
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