1、<p> 本科生畢業(yè)設(shè)計 (論文)</p><p><b> 外 文 翻 譯</b></p><p> 密 級</p><p> 分類號</p><p> 編 號</p><p> 成 績</p><p> 注:1。 指導(dǎo)教師對譯文進(jìn)行評閱時應(yīng)注意以下
2、幾個方面:①翻譯的外文文獻(xiàn)與畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)的主題是否高度相關(guān),并作為外文參考文獻(xiàn)列入畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)的參考文獻(xiàn);②翻譯的外文文獻(xiàn)字?jǐn)?shù)是否達(dá)到規(guī)定數(shù)量(3 000字以上);③譯文語言是否準(zhǔn)確、通順、具有參考價值。</p><p> 2。 外文原文應(yīng)以附件的方式置于譯文之后。</p><p> Distributed Building Temperature Control System
3、 Based on CAN Bus</p><p><b> Abstract</b></p><p> This paper proposed a kind of distributed buildingtemperature control system based on CAN Bus, and has produced the system of har
4、dware structure design, the software design, can examine the building temperature and control the exceptional on the real-time, be indicated through experiment that system is reliable and save energy. </p><p&g
5、t; Key-Words:- temperature control;CAN Bus;energy saving </p><p> 1 Introduction </p><p> Gradually climbs along with the temperature, electric power industry welcomed has used electricity on
6、ce a year most seasons: The electric power welcomes a peak summer. Since 2003, the power supplied has become more and more serious in china. And more and more people appeal for building energy conservation. Air condition
7、ing’s energy conservation is one of the most important components of building energy conservation[1]. </p><p> Many public buildings air conditioning is one of highest energy consumption sources in China. T
8、ake Beijing as the example, in 2005, although the Beijing large-scale public building only accounts for the whole city civil construction total area 5.4%, but whole year the total power consumption actually achieved 3.3
9、billion kilowatts[2], approach all inhabitants to live use electricity one half, according to the preliminary understanding, Beijing's public building generally can achieved to energy s</p><p> 2 The pr
10、inciple of system structure and hardware design </p><p> Regarding the different building, its internal room distributes and constructs is different, in order to realize the system construct conveniently, t
11、he system uses the distributional structure, Based on the SJA1000 CAN communications platform in order to realize various pitch points reliable communication; In this foundation, the console set each pitch point temperat
12、ure value setting for every room, and realize the entire building temperature real-time examination, by the LCD demonstration exami</p><p> 2.1 The console hardware design </p><p> The AT89C52
13、 MCU is the primarily controller in console, It connects with the warning module, the memory module, the clock/calendar electric circuit and the keyboard module. its structure drawing see Figure 2. </p><p>
14、 The control pitch point also is controlled by the MCU, connected temperature examination module and the CAN Bus interface module. The system has used the AT89S52, it is a section low power chip that is produced by ATMEL
15、 Corporation, has 4 KB in-system programmable (ISP) FLASH memory integrated. The scene programming debugging and the system function changing is much conveniently flexible, using AT89S52 to take the system the master con
16、troller. When system normal work. The console send a definite</p><p> 2.2 The CAN Bus interface design </p><p> The CAN Bus corresponds high as 1 Mb/ s, the most long-distance range may reach
17、10 km; The CAN Bus corresponds using the short frame structure, spends the data transmission time shortly, so the probability which disturbed is low, and the CAN Bus has good error detecting measures, therefore its relia
18、bility is high. In the CAN Bus network each pitch point has an address, any pitch point theoretically can be increased, deleted in the network based on CAN Bus. In the practical application, the CAN B</p><p>
19、; The pitch point core component is CAN controller SJA1000 which is PHILIPS Corporation produced and CAN driver PCA82C250[3]. SJA1000 is the integrated independent CAN controller (is completely compatible with PHILIPS e
20、arly CAN controller PCA82C200). It responsibly completes the CAN Bus correspondence protocol function of the physical layer and the data link layer. SJA1000 internal has the control register, orders the register, the con
21、dition register, the interrupt register and receives, sends the</p><p> 2.3 The pitch point hardware design </p><p> The pitch point mainly includes the CAN Bus interface, the control module o
22、f the air gate of air-conditioning system and temperature sensor DS18B20, the system structure like figure 3 shows. </p><p> The DS18B20 is DALLAS Semiconductor Corporation's newest 1-Wire Bus digital t
23、emperature sensor[5]. Its volume is smaller, suitable voltage is wider, and more economical. 1-Wire Bus is unique moreover the economical characteristic. The user can set up the sensor network with ease. The 1-Wire Bus d
24、irectly transmits scene digital temperature and greatly enhanced the system anti-disturbance ability. It supports the voltage of 3V~5.5V. So the system can be designed nimbly and conveniently. The ROM in</p><p
25、> According to DALLAS Semiconductor Corporation's material, on each 1-Wire Bus can connect mostly 248 1 - WIRE components [5]. But we discovered. It was not so in practical. When one 1-Wire Bus meets more than 8
26、DS18B20 sensors, the system must to solve the question that MCU drive 1-Wire Bus, otherwise the MCU cannot correctly read and write to DS18B20 through 1-Wire Bus. Simultaneously the fastest 1-Wire Bus length which connec
27、t DS18B20 sensor in system is also limited. In full-scale test, when u</p><p> 3 The system software design </p><p> In this system, the software design mainly includes two parts : The console
28、 software design and pitch point software designs. The figure 4 shows console software structure. </p><p> 3.1 The console software design </p><p> The console software divides for the initia
29、lization module and the host scheduling program module In general. The initialization module is executed only power on or reset. The host scheduling program module includes CAN information frame processing processor, key
30、 processing processor, the LCD processing and warring processor, and so on data and time processing processor, interrupt control processor. </p><p> The host scheduling program module is responsible to mana
31、ge the processors running. When the event occurred, the processors do it will be activated and executed, otherwise the processor will be jumped. </p><p> The system initialization module establishes the sys
32、tem’s operating environment, including CAN interface initialization, clock chip initialization and so on. The key processor is handle to the key pressed and keyboard input. The CAN information frame processing module rea
33、lizes the console and between each pitch point communication agreement using the CAN Bus. The LCD and warring processes is handle to delivers the data to the LCD display and control warring circuit to alarm according to
34、the data</p><p> 3.2 The pitch point software design </p><p> The pitch point receives the data frame from console through the CAN Bus. From these data frame the pitch point obtains each room
35、temperature limit which control. The pitch point reads temperature value through the temperature sensor DS18B20 in each room. Comparing with this room temperature limit value, the pitch point will control the gate of air
36、-conditioning system if the value surpass the limit value, And report the room number and the temperature value through the CAN Bus to the console. Ac</p><p> 4 Conclusion </p><p> After the f
37、ield test, this system can realize the building temperature examination and control </p><p> effectively.And this system can be applied to other equipments testing and control in order to realize building i
38、ntelligent management. While CAN bus is an effective support for distributed industrial control serial communication network, the system can also be widely applied to other needs real-time multi-point measurement and con
39、trol areas. </p><p><b> 經(jīng)典婚慶主持詞</b></p><p> 炮竹聲聲賀新婚,歡聲笑語迎嘉賓.</p><p> 尊敬各位來賓,各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo),各位親朋好友,先生們,女士們,活潑可愛的小朋友們,大家好!</p><p> 好歌好語好季節(jié),好人好夢好姻緣.</p><p
40、> 來賓們今天是公元****年**月**日(農(nóng)歷六月初八)是良辰吉日,在這大吉大利吉祥喜慶的日子里,我們懷著十二分的真誠的祝福相聚在***酒樓一樓婚宴大廳共同慶賀***先生與***小姐新婚典禮.(首先我們給予掌聲的恭喜)大家都知道結(jié)婚是人生中的一件大事,而婚禮更是人生中最幸福神圣的時刻,尤其婚禮上浪漫溫馨高雅別致的婚禮儀式以及親朋好友的良好祝愿會給新人一生永遠(yuǎn)帶來最美好的回憶.各位親朋好友,我是本次婚禮慶典的主持人***.今天我
41、十分榮幸地接受新郎新娘的重托,步入這神圣而莊重的婚禮殿堂為新郎***,新娘***的婚禮擔(dān)任司儀之職.讓我們在這里共同見證一對新人人生中最幸福神圣美好的一刻!</p><p><b> 真是:</b></p><p> 百鳥朝鳳鳳求凰,龍鳳呈祥喜洋洋.</p><p> 讓我們用掌聲祝賀他們祝福新人</p><p>
42、 鳳凰展翅迎朝暉,恩愛鴛鴦比翼飛.</p><p> 攜手同步知心人,共創(chuàng)宏圖獻(xiàn)真情.</p><p> 郎才女貌天作美,洞房花燭喜成雙.</p><p> 在神圣的婚禮進(jìn)行曲中一對新人手挽手,肩并肩緩緩步入婚禮大廳.臉上充滿了無比幸福的笑容讓我們用掌聲與鮮花給予一對新人最誠摯的祝福.婚姻是人生大事,結(jié)婚典禮對青年男女來說是一生中最重要的時刻.</p&
43、gt;<p> 你也笑,我也笑,親朋好友齊來到.</p><p> 天也新,地也新,眾星捧月迎新人.</p><p> 新郎新娘臺上站,甜蜜感覺涌心間.</p><p> 風(fēng)風(fēng)雨雨牽手過,今天喜結(jié)美姻緣.</p><p> 親朋好友齊相聚,歡歡喜喜來賀喜.</p><p> * * * 天仙配
44、,幸福的生活比蜜甜.</p><p> 在這個激動人心的美好時刻,作為婚慶司儀,首先請允許我代表新郎新娘以及新郎新娘的雙方家長,對今天百忙當(dāng)中來參加婚禮的各位來賓,各位親朋好友的光臨表示最誠摯的謝意和熱烈的歡迎(謝謝大家)!歡迎你們!</p><p> 婚禮對每一個新婚的人而言,都是神圣,浪漫,唯美和經(jīng)典的,隨著神圣的婚禮進(jìn)行曲奏響,英俊的新郎和美麗的新娘在掌聲與祝福聲中,緩緩的步上紅
45、地毯,那是萬眾矚目的一瞬,那是夢寐以求的一瞬,那是凝結(jié)愛的萬語千言的一瞬,那是最激動人心的一瞬,一同迷醉在塵世間最美妙的氣氛里.</p><p> 愛情是古老而年輕的話題,也是不朽的人生主題.許多人已經(jīng)擁有,更多人正在追求,今天這兩位新人從有過初戀時"月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏后"的熱烈心跳,到也有熱戀中"冷落清秋傷別離的難舍難分",經(jīng)歷了"似水柔情,如夢佳期,的苦苦
46、期盼,品嘗過"相知不渝,永結(jié)金蘭的浪漫溫馨,終于迎來這攜手共赴紅地毯的幸福時刻.啊!美麗的新娘,這一刻,整個世界因你而多姿多采,英俊蕭灑的新郎,這一刻,整個宇宙而為你祝福,祝福你們在這鮮花綻開的時候,祝福你們在這神圣莊重的幸福時刻.</p><p> 首先由我介紹一下二位新人,站在我身邊這位英俊瀟灑的男子就是我們今天的新郎官***先生,(掌聲恭喜)新郎不僅風(fēng)度翩翩,氣質(zhì)不凡,而且忠厚誠實為人和善,是一
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