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1、<p>  研發(fā)費用資本化和盈余管理:以意大利上市公司為例</p><p>  摘 要:研發(fā)費用的資本化一直以來都是個有爭議的會計問題,因為資本化處理極易受到盈余管理動因的影響。以選取的意大利上市公司樣本為例,本研究探討企業(yè)研發(fā)費用資本化的決策是否會受到盈余管理動機的制約。因為意大利會計準則允許將研發(fā)費用資本化,所以意大利公司的案例提供了根本性的研究方向,使我們可以利用回歸模型來驗證所提出的合理假設。研

2、究表明,企業(yè)確實傾向于通過費用資本化來達到利益最大化的目的,但以資本化降低違反債務契約風險的假設是不成立的。</p><p>  關鍵詞:盈余管理,費用資本化,研發(fā)會計,平穩(wěn)收入,債務契約,意大利公司</p><p><b>  1 簡介</b></p><p>  在當前全球化的時代,監(jiān)管機構面臨的一個重要問題是學者和從業(yè)人員能否對研發(fā)費用做



5、t;/p><p>  美國會計準則對這一問題有嚴格的規(guī)定,在財務會計準則(FASB,1974)第2號“研發(fā)費用”中要求所有的研發(fā)費用在當期列為支出。唯一例外的是,會計準則(FASB,1985)在第86號規(guī)定,涉及軟件開發(fā)的費用可以資本化。在國際上,某些國家的會計準則(例如意大利的)規(guī)定,當一些條件得到滿足的時候允許靈活使用研發(fā)費用資本化。這些都是與國際會計準則所要求相似的文件。</p><p>

6、;  研發(fā)費用資本化一直是個有爭議的會計問題。資本化支持者的報告結果表明,研發(fā)是一項長期資產未來盈利能力的重要影響因素(例如,Bublitz和Ettredge,1989;Sougiannias,1994;Ballester等,2003);此外,研發(fā)費用金額與企業(yè)市場價值之間是正相關的(Hirschey和Weyanandt,1985;Shevlin,1991;Sougiannis,1994)。</p><p>  


8、lt;/p><p>  參考其他文獻也可以發(fā)現(xiàn),爭議圍繞何為最有效的研發(fā)費用會計處理方法,研究則主要權衡會計信息之間在相關性(即預測能力)和可靠性(即真實性)上的關系(FASB,1980;AICPA,1994;IASB,2004)。到目前為止,研發(fā)費用的實證研究主要集中在相關性的權衡,而甚少提及可靠性方面,這可能使研發(fā)費用受到盈余管理的限制。此外,一些研究也表明,研發(fā)支出確實受到盈余管理的限制,即企業(yè)為了實現(xiàn)其盈利目


10、費用資本化的立場。相反,也顯示出企業(yè)不使用研發(fā)費用的會計處理方法進行盈余管理,將支持現(xiàn)在的國際會計準則、國際財務報告準則的規(guī)定,使資本化在一定條件下是允許的。</p><p>  這項研究有助于為這一論點提供關于費用資本化動機的經驗證據(jù)。我們推測,政府決定利用研發(fā)支出有兩個主要動因:平穩(wěn)收入和債務契約。我們測試的假設使用的是在米蘭證券交易所上市公司的抽樣調查數(shù)據(jù)。多種結果表明:該公司利用把研發(fā)費用資本化來平穩(wěn)收入

11、,雖然目前還不支持債務契約假說。這些結果全面體現(xiàn)了企業(yè)內部的各種特征,如企業(yè)規(guī)模,風險,增長機會,盈利能力,管理特點,產業(yè)結構和時間控制。</p><p>  文章編排如下。第二部分介紹了意大利的會計與研發(fā)核算制度背景。第三部分討論以前的文獻。第四部分提出了假說,然后第五部分是研究方法。第六部分提出結果,第七部分對研究進行了總結。</p><p>  2 意大利的研發(fā)費用會計處理制度<

12、;/p><p>  意大利會計制度一直允許企業(yè)靈活運用研發(fā)費用資本化,這與國際會計準則類似。無形資產的會計處理由會計準則第24號規(guī)定,將研發(fā)費用區(qū)分為如下三種不同類型:</p><p>  1)“基礎研究”,其中包括研究,調查和試驗,不涉及具體項目。這種類型的研發(fā)費用通常是一個公司的一般效用探索(例如,市場研究,服務更新等);</p><p>  2)“應用研究”,其中

13、包括研究,調查和實驗,是指具體項目;</p><p>  3)“發(fā)展”,其中包括將研究成果應用到特定的材料、工具、產品和生產工藝上?;A研究費用應在損益表中扣除。然而,如果滿足以下條件,有關研發(fā)費用可以資本化:(a)費用明確為產品或工藝的實現(xiàn)所耗費的;(b)費用是可以識別和衡量的;(c)該項目的費用是應用在技術上的;(d)公司擁有必要的資源來完成和利用該項目;(e)通過開發(fā)該項目產生的收益,可以補償費用的損耗。&

14、lt;/p><p>  很明顯,由意大利會計準則規(guī)定的開發(fā)成本條件與國際會計準則的規(guī)定類似。事實上,意大利標準下“應用研究”中的定義,也符合國際會計準則第38條提供的開發(fā)費用的定義。意大利標準不同于國際會計準則之處在于,當發(fā)生上述情況時,公司也可以不使用靈活性來進行研發(fā)費用資本化。但是,這種差異相當正常。從對一些條件評估的主觀性來看,即使在國際會計準則下,當上述條件得到滿足時,公司偏好費用化的這種做法也是很明顯的。&

15、lt;/p><p>  有關研發(fā)費用分攤,意大利的會計準則要求進行攤銷的時間為從開始使用最長不超過五年。意大利法典(第2426條)中collegio sindacale(審計條例)提出研發(fā)費用的資本化應被審核而且它不能用于支付股息,直到有足夠的盈利來掩蓋研發(fā)費用資本化的賬面價值。這一規(guī)定限制了利用研發(fā)費用增加所支付股息的目的。民商法也要求在“企業(yè)管理討論和分析”部分對研發(fā)活動進行討論。最后,民商法規(guī)定,研發(fā)費用的攤銷

16、時間表等方面的信息應在財務報表附注中提供。</p><p>  3 盈余管理與具體的預提費用</p><p>  盈余管理的定義是“對外部財務報告過程有目的的干預,以獲得某種私利的意圖”(Schipper,1989,第92頁)。在普遍接受的條款中,盈余管理出現(xiàn)在“當管理人員在財務報告中使用判斷和修改交易結構來改變財務報告,向某些利益相關者描述虛假的公司經濟表現(xiàn),或依靠會計報表中的數(shù)字來影響

17、合同的結果”(Healy,Wahlen,1999,第368頁)。</p><p>  迄今為止大量的研究已經表明,管理人員行使酌情權并且通過各種方式進行盈余管理,從而在權責發(fā)生制下進行特別交易(即所謂真實的盈余管理)。進行盈余管理的主要誘因包括一些債務契約、獎金計劃和平穩(wěn)收入。債務契約假說認為,管理層進行盈余管理的動機是為了避免違反債務合同的約定,這是在會計數(shù)字或比例方面很典型的說法。獎金計劃假說認為,管理層進行

18、盈余管理是為了最大限度的獲取收益。Healy(1985)認為,如果管理層的收入高于或低于獎金計劃的范圍,他們往往會降低企業(yè)收益。相反,當他們的收入在兩者之間,談們往往會增加企業(yè)收入。最后,收入平滑假說認為,企業(yè)追求利潤以減少盈余波動。</p><p>  盈余管理實證研究的發(fā)現(xiàn)支持了在各種環(huán)境中的上述動機。許多研究驗證了預提費用與盈余管理激勵機制之間的關系。(例如,Healy,1985;DeAngelo,1986


20、制在解釋商譽注銷和重組費用中發(fā)揮重要作用。其他的研究集中在遞延稅款津貼(例如,Miller和Skinner,1998;Vincent和Wong,2003),它們提供了各自不同的結果。最后,Dowdell和Press(2004)分析了研發(fā)支出減值的過程,但他們沒有找到證據(jù)支持他們的獎勵計劃假設。</p><p>  關于盈余管理和具體的預提費用的結論,與上述研究是一致的。這項研究的目的,是測試當存在靈活性時,研發(fā)費

21、用資本化還是費用化是否受盈余管理動機的影響。</p><p><b>  4 理論假設</b></p><p>  以下研究探討的是盈余管理的三種主要誘因:盈余平穩(wěn)、債務契約和獎勵計劃。在這項研究中,我們側重于前兩個,因為在意大利公司現(xiàn)存數(shù)據(jù)中,有關獎勵計劃的信息披露是有限的。</p><p>  平穩(wěn)收入假說認為,管理人員的會計自由裁量權,是

22、由他們的欲望驅使減少收入來源導致的(Fudenberg and Tirole,1995)。平穩(wěn)收入的過程是把中期到期末之間的收入波動從高峰轉入到不太成功的時期,降低了高峰期收益,使收益波動較?。–opeland,1968)。</p><p>  平穩(wěn)收入一直被看作是一個積極的策略,它促使管理者向投資者傳遞內部信息(例如,Gordon,1964;Beidleman,1973;Romen和Sadan,1981;Tuc

23、ker和Zarowin,2006)并通過投機目的來推動實踐操作(Gordon,1964;Imhoff,1977;Kamin和Ronen,1978)。在這項研究中,我們不打算對這兩種觀點中的任何一種進行討論。因為,我們測試的目的是研究研發(fā)費用資本化是否用于平穩(wěn)收入。</p><p>  Capitalization of R&D Costs and Earnings Management:Evidence

24、from Italian Listed Companies</p><p>  ABSTRACT: The capitalization of research and development (R&D) costs is a controversial accounting issue because of the contention that such capitalization is motiv

25、ated by incentives to manipulate earnings. Based on a sample of Italian listed companies, this study examines whether companies' decisions to capitalize R&D costs are affected by earnings-management motivations.

26、Italy provides a natural context for testing our hypothesized relationships because Italian GAAP allows for the capitalizati</p><p>  KEY WORDS: Earnings management, Cost capitalization, R&D accounting,

27、Earnings smoothing, Debt covenants, Italian companies</p><p>  1 Introduction</p><p>  In the current era of globalization, a highly relevant issue facing regulators, academics, and practitioner

28、s is the determination of an appropriate accounting treatment for research and development (R&D) costs. International Accounting Standards discuss accounting for R&D costs in IAS No. 38 “Intangible Assets” (IASB,

29、 2004; IASB, 2004). Paragraph 54 of this standard states that no intangible asset arising from research (or from the research phase of an internal project) shall be recognized as an</p><p>  US GAAP tak

30、es a stricter approach to the issue. SFAS No. 2—Accounting for Research and Development Costs (FASB, 1974)—requires that all R&D expenditures be expensed in the current period. The only exception to the full expensin

31、g rule is stated in SFAS No. 86. The exception relates to the capitalization of software development costs (FASB, 1985). At the international level, certain national accounting standards (e.g., those of Italy) allow flex

32、ibility for the capitalization of R&D costs when some</p><p>  The capitalization of R&D costs has always been a controversial accounting issue. Supporters of capitalization report results suggesting

33、 that R&D is a long-lived asset that influences future profitability (e.g., Bublitz and Ettredge, 1989, January; Sougiannis, 1994, January; Ballester et al., 2003). Also, R&D costs are positively related to marke

34、t value (Hirschey and Weygandt, 1985, Spring; Shevlin, 1991, January; Sougiannis, 1994, January) and yield value-relevant information to investors (e.g.</p><p>  Supporters of expensing are fewer. They

35、stress the lack of reliable evidence of future economic benefits (e.g., FASB, 1974; Association for Investment Management and Research, 1993; Kothari et al., 2002) or refer to the benefits of consistency and compara

36、bility, pointing out that such benefits trump the costs identified by the supporters of capitalization. Additionally, reliability and the risk of earnings-management policies are underscored by supporters of the most con

37、servative accounting trea</p><p>  The debate surrounding the most effective accounting method for R&D costs supplements other literature that examines the trade-off between relevance (i.e., the predicti

38、ve ability) and reliability (i.e., the representative faithfulness) of accounting information (FASB, 1980; AICPA, 1994; IASB, 2004; IASB, 2004). Thus far, empirical research on R&D costs has focused mainly on the rel

39、evance side of the trade-off, while little has been written about the reliability side that is, the possibility that</p><p>  However, a few studies have indeed shown that R&D expenditures are subject to

40、 real earnings management. In short, this means that companies cut their R&D investments in order to achieve their earnings goals (e.g., Perry and Grinaker, 1994; Bushee, 1998; Mande et al., 2000). But there is still

41、 a paucity of research that explores the motives behind the accounting treatment of R&D costs within a setting where flexibility is allowed. Testing whether companies engage in earnings management through R&</

42、p><p>  This study contributes to this debate by providing empirical evidence on the motivations for R&D cost capitalization. We hypothesize that the decision to capitalize R&D expenditures is related t

43、o two primary motivations: income smoothing and debt contracting. We test our hypotheses using a sample of firms listed on the Milan Stock Exchange. Multivariate results indicate that firms use capitalization of R&D

44、costs to smooth earnings, while there is no support for the debt-covenant hypothesis. Thes</p><p>  The paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 introduces accounting in Italy and the institutional background re

45、lating to R&D accounting. Section 3 discusses the previous literature. Section 4 presents the hypotheses and is followed by the research methods in Section 5. Section 6 presents the results and Section 7 concludes th

46、e study. </p><p>  2 R&D accounting in Italy</p><p>  Italian accounting regulation has always allowed for some flexibility in the capitalization of R&D costs. This allowance is similar

47、to that of IAS. Accounting for intangibles, including R&D costs, is regulated by Principio Contabilen. 24 (Accounting Standard No. 24). This standard distinguishes three different types of R&D costs as follows: &

48、lt;/p><p>  1) “Basic research,” which consists of studies, surveys, and experiments that do not refer to a specific project; this type of R&D cost is normally carried out for the general utility of a compa

49、ny (e.g., market research, updating, etc.);</p><p>  2) “Applied research,” which consists of studies, surveys, and experiments that refer to specific projects; </p><p>  3) “Development,” which

50、 consists of the application of research results to specific materials, tools, products, and processes preceding production.</p><p>  The costs for basic research are to be expensed in the income statement.

51、However, costs related to applied R&D can be capitalized if the following conditions are met: a) the costs refer to a project for the realization of a clearly defined product or process; b) the costs are identifiable

52、 and measurable; c) the project to which the costs refer is technically feasible; d) the company owns the necessary resources to complete and exploit the project; and e) the costs are recoverable through the rev</p>

53、;<p>  It is evident that the conditions stated by the Italian accounting standards are similar to those stated by IAS for development costs. In fact, the definition of applied research under Italian standards als

54、o fits into the definition of development costs provided by IAS 38. The Italian standards differ from IAS in that they do not require R&D capitalization when the abovementioned conditions occur, leaving flexibility i

55、n the hands of the companies. However, this difference is more formal than sub</p><p>  Concerning the amortization of R&D costs, the Italian accounting standards require that the amortization be carried

56、 out over a period of no longer than five years beginning from the moment the outcome (product or process) is ready to be used. The Italian Civil Code (art. 2426) states that the capitalization of R&D costs shall be

57、authorized by the collegio sindacale (statutory auditors) and that it is not possible to pay dividends until there are enough retained earnings to cover the carrying amo</p><p>  3 Earnings management and sp

58、ecific accruals</p><p>  Earnings management is defined as a “purposeful intervention in the external financial-reporting process, with the intent of obtaining some private gain” (Schipper, 1989, p. 92). In

59、generally accepted terms, earnings management occurs “when managers use judgment in financial-reporting and in structuring transactions to alter financial reports to either mislead some stakeholders about the underlying

60、economic performance of the company or to influence contractual outcomes that depend on reported a</p><p>  The large amount of research carried out thus far indicates that managers exercise discretion and m

61、anage earnings using a wide variety of methods, ranging from carrying out special transactions (so-called real earnings management) to the manipulation of accruals. Several of the main incentives for earnings management

62、include debt covenants, bonus plans, and income smoothing. The debt-covenant hypothesis suggests that managers have an incentive to manage earnings in order to avoid violating coven</p><p>  Empirical earnin

63、gs-management studies find support for the abovementioned motives in a variety of contexts. Many of these studies test the relationship between aggregate accruals and incentives for earnings management (e.g., Healy, 1985

64、; DeAngelo, 1986; Dechowet al., 1995). As an alternative approach, other studies focus on single items, suggesting that income from specific accruals is related in a systematic way to earnings-management incentives.

65、 Among these latter studies, McNichols and Wilson</p><p>  In line with the aforementioned studies on earnings management and specific accruals, this study aims at testing whether the decision to capitalize

66、or to expense R&D costs (when flexibility exists) is affected by earnings-management motives.</p><p>  4 Hypotheses development</p><p>  Previous research investigates three main incentives

67、for earnings management: earnings smoothing, debt covenant, and bonus-plan incentives. In this study, we focus on the first two since disclosure of data on the existence and structure of bonus plans by Italian companies

68、is limited. </p><p>  The income-smoothing hypothesis suggests that a manager's accounting discretion is driven by his or her desire to reduce income-stream variability (Fudenberg and Tirole, 1995). The

69、process of smoothing serves to moderate year-to-year fluctuations in income by shifting earnings from peak years to less successful periods. This process lowers the peaks and makes earnings fluctuations less volatile (Co

70、peland, 1968).</p><p>  Income smoothing has been viewed both as a positive strategy, whereby managers transmit private information to investors (e.g., Gordon, 1964, April; Beidleman, 1973; Ronen and Sadan,

71、1981; Tucker and Zarowin, 2006), and as a manipulative practice driven by opportunistic aims ( Gordon, 1964, April; Imhoff, 1977, Spring ;Kamin and Ronen, 1978). In this study, we do not intend to argue for either o


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