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1、This article was downloaded by: [McMaster University] On: 05 November 2014, At: 10:43 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 M

2、ortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UKThe International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer ResearchPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi

3、/rirr20How does visual merchandising in fashion retail stores affect consumers’ brand attitude and purchase intention?Hyun Hee Parka, Jung Ok Jeonb bDivision of Business Administration, Pukyong National University, 45 Y

4、ongso-ro, Nam-Gu, Busan 608-737, South Korea; cMerchandising accepted 7 April 2014)Consumers’ perceptions of visual merchandising can arouse consumers’ in-store merchandise exploration, such as interacting with products

5、, differentiate a retail brand among competitors; contribute to brand preference; and encourage purchase intentions. However, the combination of topics, visual merchandising and cognition, remains relatively unexplored.

6、Thus, Study I develops measures of visual merchandising cognition and Study II examines the impact of visual merchandising cognition on brand preference, with a focus on fashion brands. This research used mixed methods a

7、nd an experimental design to empirically test the influence of visual merchandising cognition on fashion brand preferences. Confirmatory factor analysis finds three dimensions of visual merchandising cognition: in-fashio

8、n, attractiveness, and function. A structural equation model confirms a conceptual framework for the influence of visual merchandising cognition on brand preferences. In-fashion and attractiveness have a significantly po

9、sitive effect on brand aesthetic attributes. Function has a significantly positive effect on brand utilitarian attributes. Favorable attitudes toward visual merchandising directly transfer to favorable brand attitudes th

10、at are positively associated with purchase intentions.Keywords: visual merchandising cognition; brand salience; attitude toward visual merchandising; brand attitude; purchase intentionIntroductionStrong visual merchandis

11、ing contributes to differentiated retail brand through cultural symbols and associations (Matthews et al. 2013). Cognitive dimensions of retail environment visuals influence brand recognition (Stokburger-Sauer, Ratneshwa

12、r, and Sen 2012). A conceptual approach to visual merchandising considers store design and product display (McGoldrick 1990) as strategies to stage product experiences and capture consumers’ attention in fashion stores.

13、Visual merchandising’s strategic roles are communicating the brand and its offer to similar target customers in all markets. It differentiates merchandise and the retail brand from competitors selling comparable products

14、 (Mehta and Chugan 2013). Consumers’ perceptions of visual merchandising can pique their interest and motivate additional in- store merchandise exploration (Cant and Hefer 2012). Mannequins used in visual merchandising p

15、rovide information that adds to consumers’ cognitive understanding ofq 2014 Taylor & Francis*Corresponding author. Email: jojeon@pknu.ac.krThe International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 2014h


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