1、首都醫(yī)科大學附屬北京中醫(yī)醫(yī)院 王麟鵬,針刺治療疼痛現(xiàn)狀及對策,疼痛是神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)被激發(fā)的一種感覺和情緒上的感受,是主觀性的。 疼痛性質:尖銳的或鈍性的,疼痛時間:發(fā)作的或持續(xù)的,疼痛部位:局部或全身的(流感)。 有時疼痛的好處可提醒我們防止疾病的損害,慢性疼痛常是人體慢性疾病的損害。但持續(xù)周、月、年的疼痛會造成痛苦,長期疼痛??墒共∪送床挥?。劇烈的疼痛可引發(fā)休克等一系列機體功能變化而成為 致病、致殘、
2、致死的原因 。,,針灸中心,針灸治療疼痛的現(xiàn)狀既有在全球的廣泛應用,卻又被認為存在很多問題。如何能進行更深入的研究以使對針刺治痛有更準確的認識呢?主要問題是什么,It is concluded that there is good evidence from controlled studies for the short-term effectiveness of acupuncture in relieving cl
3、inical pain. The extent of therapeutic effects produced has varied from study to study, but the proportion of patients helped has commonly fallen in the 50–80% range.
4、 Pain, Vol 24(1), Jan 1986, 15-40. doi,1、應用廣泛,方法眾多但缺少規(guī)范與指南。 2007年美國NIH調(diào)查有1.4%(310萬)近期接受過CAM,7/10與疼痛相關。美國的另一項全國性調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),超過三分之一的美國成年人中有四分之一最近經(jīng)歷了那種持續(xù)超過一天的疼痛痛苦。除了傳統(tǒng)的治療,如過度的非處方和處方藥,人們可能會嘗試針灸,以努力減輕疼痛。 中國沒有接受針刺治療人數(shù)的數(shù)據(jù)
5、,但假針作為placebo在國內(nèi)的clinic trial 中無法使用就是針刺具有深厚背景的證明。,全球的針刺治痛方法包括了針刺、灸法、電針、火針、皮膚針、放血、腹針、TENs、針刀等針具和各種各樣的刺法。但是,針刺方法一直缺少臨床的規(guī)范與指南,各種經(jīng)驗性治療層出不窮,雖有助于充滿活力,但卻會因大量的難于總結的重復性使用而不利于整體水平的提高。,Acupuncture has been studied for a wide range
6、of pain conditions, such as postoperative dental pain(包括其他多種術后痛), carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, headache, low-back pain, menstrual cramps, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, and tennis elbow.,2、大量的臨床研究和系統(tǒng)評價在針刺治療痛證方
7、面得出的結論具有共性。如文獻質量低,設計水平低,難于科學評價其作用,于對照方法相比,難于得出針刺有效地結論。Overall, it can be very difficult to compare acupuncture research results from study to study and to draw conclusions from the cumulative body of evidence. and outc
8、ome measures.,這種研究的結論主要是從現(xiàn)代醫(yī)學臨床研究方法學角度得出的結論。已經(jīng)表達了多年,也有方法學研究的學者不斷在呼吁讓針灸臨床研究者提高研究質量。但收效甚微。 主要問題是我們很多人在具體的臨床研究中不善于總結文獻,對具體的項目設計存在問題。下面就舉具體的例子以說明,一、肩周炎Acupuncture for shoulder pain (Review) Sally Green1, Rachelle Buchbind
9、er2, Sarah E Hetrick3 Australia Authors’ conclusionsDue to a small number of clinical and methodologically diverse trials, little can be concluded from this review. There is little evidence to support or refute the us
10、e of acupuncture for shoulder pain although there may be short-term benefit with respect to pain and function. There is a need for further well designed clinical trials.,What causes shoulder pain診斷問題and how can acupunctu
11、re help? Shoulder pain can be caused by a number of different conditions. It can be caused by rotator cuff disease(肩袖), periarthritis(肩周炎) or adhesive capsulitis(關節(jié)囊粘連) (frozen shoulder). Shoulder pain can sometimes go
12、 away on its own but may last up to 12 to 18 months(自愈). Drug and non-drug treatments are used to relieve pain and/or swelling.(治療目的是減少疼痛和水腫),Acupuncture is a non-drug therapy being used more and more to treat shoulder p
13、ain. It is thought that acupuncture works either by releasing chemical compounds in the body that relieve pain, by overriding pain signals in the nerves or by allowing energy (Qi) or blood to flow freely through the body
14、. It is not known whether acupuncture works,Does acupuncture work for treating shoulder pain?評價To answer this question, scientists found and analyzed 9 research studies. The studies tested over 500 people who had should
15、er pain. People had either acupuncture, a placebo (fake therapy), ultrasound, gentle movement or exercises usually for 20-30 minutes, two to three times a week for 3 to 6 weeks. (治療時間)Even though the studies were small a
16、nd not of the highest quality, this Cochrane review provides the best evidence we have today.,How well does acupuncture work?The improvements with acupuncture for pain and function were about the same as the effects of
17、receiving a fake (安慰法)therapy for 2 to 4 weeks. One study showed that acupuncture improved shoulder function more than fake therapy after 4weeks.But after 4months, improvements were about the same with only an improve
18、ment of 4 more points on a scale of 0 to 100 with acupuncture. One small study showed that acupuncture plus exercise was better than just exercise for improving pain, range of motion and function for up to 5 months.,中國的研
19、究1 中國針灸,2008 目的:科學評價使用一次性×針的有效性及安全性。方法:將60例肩周炎患者隨機分為×針組和常規(guī)針組,×針組采用特制的×針針具治療,常規(guī)針組采用直徑0.38mm、長40mm的一次性針灸針治療,對比治療前后患者最受限方位的關節(jié)活動度、肩關節(jié)活動中軟組織疼痛自評分及肩部壓痛自評分,以及2組患者分別在治療進針、掃散、留針過程中發(fā)生刺痛的次數(shù)、出針時出血情況等不適情況。結果:活
20、動相關性疼痛、壓痛、最受限方位的關節(jié)活動程度的改善均為×針組優(yōu)于常規(guī)針組,提示×針組的即刻療效明顯優(yōu)于常規(guī)針組;進針過程中的刺痛次數(shù)×針組少于常規(guī)針組,留針時的刺痛次數(shù)以及出針時出血次數(shù),2組差別無統(tǒng)計學意義。結論:從本試驗看,在×針療法中使用一次性×針比常規(guī)針灸針更為有效、更為安全。,分析:診斷、治療時間、評價方法、對照組設計均存在問題,中國的研究2 中國針灸,2008目的:探尋
22、45.0%(P<0.01或P<0.05);觀察組治療1次后、1個療程后、治療后1個月隨訪VAS評分均明顯低于2個對照組(P<0.05)。結論:運動針、電針加TDP綜合療法是治療急性肩關節(jié)周圍軟組織損傷的良好康復方法。,分析:診斷、治療時間、評價方法、對照組設計均存在問題,二、下腰痛Acupuncture and dry-needling for low back pain (Review) Andrea D Fur
23、lan1, Maurits W van Tulder2, Dan Cherkin3, Hiroshi Tsukayama4 , Lixing Lao5, Bart W Koes6, Brian M Berman5Selection criteriaRandomized trials of acupuncture (that involves needling) for adults with non-specific (sub)ac
24、ute or chronic low-back pain, or dry needling for myofascial pain syndrome in the low-back region.(診斷)Authors’ conclusionsThe data do not allow firm conclusions about the effectiveness of acupuncture for acute low-back
25、 pain. For chronic low-back pain, acupuncture is more effective for pain relief and functional improvement than no treatment or sham treatment immediately after treatment and in the short-term only. Acupuncture is not mo
26、re effective than other conventional and “alternative” treatments. The data suggest that acupuncture and dry-needling may be useful adjuncts to other therapies for chronic low-back pain. Because most of the studies were
27、of lower methodological quality, there certainly is a further need for higher quality trials in this area.,Types of outcome measuresRCTs were included that used at least one of the four outcome measures considered to be
28、 important in the field of low-back pain: pain intensity (e.g., visual analog scale (VAS)), a global measure (e.g., overall improvement, proportion of patients recovered, subjective improvement of symptoms), back specifi
29、c functional status (e.g., Roland Disability Scale, Oswestry Scale) and return to work (e.g., return to work status, number of days off work).,The primary outcomes for this review were pain and functional status. Physiol
30、ogical outcomes of physical examination (e.g., range of motion, spinal flexibility, degrees of straight leg raising or muscle strength), generic health status (e.g., SF-36, Nottingham Health Profile, Sickness Impact Prof
31、ile) and other symptoms, such as medication use and side effects were considered secondary outcomes.,中國的研究 中國康復醫(yī)學雜志2004目的:觀察小針刀治療對慢性下腰痛患者腰屈曲活動度和生存質量的影響。方法:將265例下腰痛患者隨機分為兩組,Ⅰ組為對照組(132例),采用超短波、調(diào)制中頻電、推拿及功能訓練治療。Ⅱ組為針刀組(133
33、改善慢性下腰痛患者腰屈曲活動度及生存質量,且遠期療效穩(wěn)定。,國內(nèi)綜述:下腰痛的中西醫(yī)結合治療-中國臨床康復2006 下腰痛已是現(xiàn)代社會最常見的、花費最多的肌肉骨骼疼痛綜合征。因其病因復雜, 治療方法雖多, 但并無特效方法, 且有治療顯效慢、易復發(fā)的特點, 嚴重影響了患者的生活和工作。目前有關本病的機制、診斷標準、治療方法仍不完善, 尚需進一步研究, 本文應用計算機檢索萬方數(shù)據(jù)庫2001- 06 /2006- 07 及Ovid 2
34、001- 06 /2006- 07 有關下腰痛臨床治療方面的文獻, 主要對其臨床治療方法的研究進展進行回顧。,原發(fā)性痛經(jīng)Acupuncture for primary dysmenorrhoea (Review) Caroline A Smith1, Xiaoshu Zhu2, Lin He3, Jing Song4Inclusion criteriaWomen needed to meet the following crite
35、ria to be included in the review:? primary dysmenorrhoea, i.e. no identifiable pelvic pathology as indicated by pelvic examination, ultrasound scans, or laparoscopy;? primary dysmenorrhoea (self-reported pain) during t
36、hemajority of the menstrual cycles or for three consecutive menstrual cycles;? moderate to severe primary dysmenorrhoea (pain that does not respond well to analgesics, affects daily activities, or has a high baseline s
37、core on a validated pain scale).Authors’ conclusionsAcupuncture may reduce period pain, however there is a need for further well-designed randomised controlled trials,Primary outcomes1. Pain relief measured by a visua
38、l analogue scale (VAS) or othervalidated scales, or measured as dichotomous outcomes (i.e. painrelief: yes or no).Secondary outcomes1. Overall improvement in generic menstrual-related symptoms(e.g. nausea, tiredness
39、) measured by changes in overall dysmenorrhoeicsymptoms that were either self reported or investigatorobserved, or any other similar measures.2. Reported use of additional medication measured as the proportionof wome
40、n requiring analgesics.3. Restriction of daily life activities measured as the proportion ofwomen who reported activity restrictions.4. Absence from work or school measured as the proportion ofwomen reporting absence
41、s from work or school, and also as hoursand days of absence as a more selective measure.5. Quality of life measured by a validated scale, for example theShort Form (SF) 36.6. Adverse effects from treatment measured a
42、s incidence of sideeffects and types of side effects.,Outcome: pain reliefData was presented for short-term outcomes at three monthsAuthors’ conclusionsFuture studies may need to consider the use of both effectivenes
43、scomparative designs using medication, for example NSAIDs or other forms of standard care, and efficacy designs using placebo controls. Future studies should also give consideration to including long-term evaluation of
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- 針刺疼痛治療
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- 針刺治療癌性疼痛的系統(tǒng)評價及臨床預初試驗.pdf
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