1、分 ^ 編 ^ ' P. f' 'f^ ' ' l:10065研 究 生 學(xué)位 論 文論 文 題 目: 淺 析 中世 紀 德 意 志 漢 薩 同盟 的興起學(xué) 生 姓 名:劉程 中請學(xué)位級別: 碩士屮請 專業(yè)名稱 : 世 界 史 研 究 方 向: 中世紀歐洲 史 指 導(dǎo) 教師姓名 :王亞平 專業(yè)技術(shù)職 稱 : 教授提 交 論 文 H 期 : 20 12 年 4 月A b
2、 s t r a c tT he A gri cul t uralR enai ssance and R evi valof C om m erce of E urope had m adef oundat i on f ort he ri se of t he m er chantcl ass and C i t y econom y si nce 〗 6l hcent ur y.C ol ogne and L ubeck as f
3、am ous H ansa tow ns bengan f louri shi ng from t hen on.T heym ade an al liance easi l y because o f t hei r co m m on ori ngi n and i nterests,and t heybecam e the leaders of t he H an seati c L eague .T he geo graph
4、i caladv antage bet w eenN orth Sea and B al ti c t hatis usefulto dev el op transporti on t rade greatl y . h w asrelation w ith the change thatw as from supp l em entt rad e to ci ty econom y.Itofferedan opport uni t
5、 y for G erm an m erchants to pen etrate i n N orth and E astE urope.丁 heyarri ved atG othland.Scandi nav i a.N ovogrod .B ruges and L ondon on th e sea:t h eyfell ow t he N ort h ern C rudsades and excepanded eastw ard
6、.T hey bui l ti n an ycom m erci alci ti es as forto dev el op i ng t he com m erce.M any fact ors w ere usefultodevel op a i ndependentand m utul -hel ped organi zati on― G ot hl and C om m un i t y thatw as operat ed
7、by G erm any m erchants i n G ot hl and.Itbecam e t he fi rstorgani zati on oft h e H an seatic L eague.C om m erci alroad s on l and began to p l ay a greatro l e i n trad ebew een H asten and W est ern w i th t he deve
8、l opm entof expansi on east.G ot hl and w asconquer ed by D ani sh af t er14t hcent ur y,t he G ot hl and C om m uni t y w ast aken pl ace byt he L eague of N ort h G erm any C i t i es,because of i t s l oosel y organi
9、zati on.M anyi ndependentand di fferentci t y l eagues scat t erd i n t he al lG erm any,t hey keptt hei rpol i ti caland econom i c i nfl uence .L i l beck becam e l eaderfor W endi sh ci t y all i es andoverseas G erm
10、 any busi nessm en .L i ibeck callon t h an al lci ty ailli an ces shoul dstrength en cooperati on . and take m easures to proectand expan d the overseasm erchant' s pri vi l eges and t rade i nt erest s,such as econ
11、om i c bl ockade an d em bargo,and so on .T he C ooperati on m od elconcl udes al m ostallG erm any m erchants an dH ansa K ontor.i tbecam e new organi zati on system of H anseati c L eague.Itw asconsol i dated and per
12、fect ed i n t he course of conf li ctw i t h B ruges.N orw ay andD an m ark .it re a c h e d th e z e n ith tillth e 13 7 0 “s S lra ls u n d P e a ceK e y w o r d s :Deu tsche 1Med ; k 、 “ ' 】 ( ?Ago Li i beck
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