1、原 創(chuàng) 性 聲 明本人鄭重聲明: 本人所呈交的學位論文, 是在導師的指導下獨立進行研究所取得的成果。學位論文中凡引用他人已經發(fā)表或未發(fā)表的成果、數(shù)據(jù)、觀點等,均已明確注明出處。 除文中已經注明引用的內容外, 不包含任何其他個人或集體已經發(fā)表或撰寫過的科研成果。對本文的研究成果做出重要貢獻的個人和集體,均已在文中以明確方式標明。本聲明的法律責任由本人承擔。論文作者簽名: 日 期:關于學位論文使用授權的聲明 關于學位論文使用授權的聲明本人在
2、導師指導下所完成的論文及相關的職務作品,知識產權歸屬蘭州大學。本人完全了解蘭州大學有關保存、使用學位論文的規(guī)定,同意學校保存或向國家有關部門或機構送交論文的紙質版和電子版, 允許論文被查閱和借閱; 本人授權蘭州大學可以將本學位論文的全部或部分內容編入有關數(shù)據(jù)庫進行檢索, 可以采用任何復制手段保存和匯編本學位論文。 本人離校后發(fā)表、 使用學位論文或與該論文直接相關的學術論文或成果時,第一署名單位仍然為蘭州大學。本學位論文研究內容:□可以公
3、開□不宜公開,已在學位辦公室辦理保密申請,解密后適用本授權書。(請在以上選項內選擇其中一項打“√”)論文作者簽名: 導師簽名:日 期: 日 期:IIStudy on new media under the background of themainlandChinese film market “rotten piece big sell“phenomenonAbstractIn this paper, we mainly study
4、the current mainland Chinese film market “rotten piece soldphenomenon, trying to understand the following problems: one,“ rotten piece sold phenomenonproduced by new communication background and reasons; second, the “rot
5、ten piece soldphenomenon caused by the impact; third, the rotten piece sold phenomenon will bring what kindof thinking. On the basis of this, the paper is divided into four parts:The first part, mainly introduce the curr
6、ent Chinese film box office market situation, leads to“rotten piece big sell“ phenomenon, and through data analysis and demonstration of the rottenpiece sold in current China film market is very common outstanding.The se
7、cond part, from the national film policy adjustment and transformation as thebackground of the communication environment and the “Internet plus“ as a platform to spread tochange the concept of two aspects of “new media b
8、ackground bad sell“ phenomenon and checkthe contents from the movie investment tendency is serious; monopoly and selective cinema;movie creators; audience marketing; the “agenda setting“ function has become increasinglyp
9、rominent in five aspects of the “bad hit“ the causes of the phenomenon.The third part, mainly from the “rotten piece big sell“ is a normal market phenomenon and“rotten piece sold not conducive to the long-term developmen
10、t of the film market expounds theinfluence brought about by the “rotten piece sold phenomenon.The fourth part: mainly is the thinking of “trash sell“ phenomenon, put forward somefeasible suggestions, and to explore the m
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