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1、<p>  畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文翻譯</p><p><b> ?。?015屆)</b></p><p>  外文題目 Organizational commitment,human resource practice, </p><p>  and organizational characteristics.

2、 </p><p>  譯文題目 組織承諾,人力資源實踐和組織特征 </p><p>  外文出處 www.AllBusiness.com </p><p><b>  二○一五年一月</b><

3、/p><p><b>  中文5335字</b></p><p>  組織承諾,人力資源實踐和組織特征</p><p>  作者:Fiorito,Jack,Bozeman,Dennis P.,Young,Angela,Meurs,James A.</p><p>  2007年6月22日發(fā)表于www.allbusiness.

4、com</p><p>  組織承諾在研究就業(yè)、組織和相關領域中是一個主要變量。Article-First數(shù)據(jù)庫顯示,在學術資源中有202篇出版在2001年和2004年之間的文章引用了“組織承諾”作為文章和摘要標題。并且,組織承諾對管理學者來說仍然是一個長期的課題(比如這些學者在近年進行了研究:Hammer和Avgar,2005;Jandeska和Kraimer,2005;Payne和Huffman,2005)。

5、之所以有很多人研究承諾,是因為學者們認為它會影響組織績效。例如,組織承諾的一個主要方面是角色外行為。組織通常把員工貢獻評價為員工的主動性和自覺性行為。雖然組織贊賞超出工作要求的個人表現(xiàn),但是很少人能說工作描述可以充分詳細說明所有有價值的貢獻。</p><p>  許多研究表明,組織承諾能預測重要的變量,包括缺勤、組織公民、績效和營業(yè)額(例如Mathieu和Zajac,1990;Morrow,1993;Wright

6、和Bonett,2002,這些學者得出過這樣的結(jié)論)。Colbert和Kwon 在2000年的研究中指出,組織承諾與意圖尋找工作的替代品和有意圖離職的行為都呈負相關(1994年Quarles的研究中也有這樣的觀點)。此外,F(xiàn)arrell和Stamm(1988)提出,組織承諾能降低缺勤的頻率。還有,組織承諾與更積極的組織結(jié)果有關,包括Williams和Hazer(1986)提出的組織承諾與工作滿意度有關,Burton等人(2002)提出的

7、組織承諾和出勤的動機有關。這些研究都強調(diào)了組織承諾的重要性,因此我們需要更好的理解產(chǎn)生組織承諾的前因。 </p><p>  Osterman(1994、1995)指出,許多公司已經(jīng)迅速地從雇員在狹窄的工作描述中行使有限的自由裁量權的泰勒的工作系統(tǒng)中轉(zhuǎn)移到需要減少監(jiān)督下的大量自由裁量權、主動性和判斷的高承諾的工作系統(tǒng)。Lincoln和Kalleberg(1985)描述了一個相似的早期被明顯的日本式經(jīng)營成功案例啟發(fā)


9、是這個影響只獲得了有限的關注(出自Lincoln和Kalleberg (1985)一個值得注意的例外)。</p><p>  本文主要研究人力資源實踐和在組織特點對組織承諾的影響。幾乎所有過去的研究通常都只用取自一個或是極少數(shù)的工地的樣本來做研究(參見Agarwala,2003;Becker等人,1996;Caldwel等人,1990;Eaton,2003的研究)。這嚴重制約著往往在組織內(nèi)不斷推論的因素而不是在各

10、個組織之間的因素,尤其是人力資源實踐和組織結(jié)構的變化。國家組織調(diào)查協(xié)會使用了一個超采樣戰(zhàn)略去開發(fā)員工與工作場所的全國代表性樣本(Kalleberg等人,1996)。這樣可提供雇員和雇主匹配的調(diào)查,包括雇主對人力資源實踐和組織特征的回應。除了提供人力資源實踐上有意義的方差外,這還有助于克服困擾著單一來源研究的常用方法誤差和因果推理的問題。</p><p>  本研究提供了兩個主要的貢獻。第一,我們檢測了在過去研究中

11、幾乎沒有受到關注的假設關系。具體來說,就是我們研究了人力資源實踐和組織結(jié)構對組織承諾的影響。第二,本研究采用了美國工人和雇主的不同的國家概率抽樣,這相比先前的研究提供了更大的普遍性。</p><p>  在接下來的章節(jié),我們將討論組織承諾的理論基礎,以及目前組織承諾與各種人力資源實踐和組織特征的關系的假設。其次,對數(shù)據(jù)、措施和方法進行了討論。然后,得出相應的結(jié)論。最后,我們以討論解決問題的局限性、研究的貢獻以及未

12、來的研究方向這幾方面來做總結(jié)。</p><p><b>  理論、文獻與假設:</b></p><p>  組織承諾是反映一個人在組織中的認同和參與的一種個人態(tài)度(Mowday等人,1979)??梢杂萌齻€相關的因素作為其特點:(1)對組織目標和價值觀的強大信念(2)愿意付出額外的努力(3)維護組織成員的強烈愿望?,F(xiàn)存的文獻在幾個重要問題上存在重要的爭論或是可替代的觀點


14、因此我們就專注于此把它作為一個有用的概念,即使它可能在以檢查某個方面為目的時更為詳細。</p><p><b>  一、組織承諾</b></p><p>  評論家認為,對組織承諾的研究缺少強有力的理論基礎(參看Mathieu和Zajac,1990;Morris和Sherman,1981的觀點)。至少有三個兼容理論流適用于組織承諾的研究。第一,普遍存在的社會交換理論是

15、指個人在尋求其投入努力之后會產(chǎn)生的相對有利的結(jié)果(Cook等人,1993)。按照社會交換理論,組織支持會提出對其雇員的組織承諾。具體來說,組織支持是指雇員認為雇主重視員工貢獻和關心他們的健康的程度(Eisenberger等人,1986)。 第二,心理契約理論指的是在交換關系中個人認為的隱式的、相互的權利和義務(Rousseau,1995),也可以用來理解承諾(Rousseau和Wade-Benzoni,1995)。每個觀點都表明承諾是有

16、知覺的交流。更有利的交流應該加強員工對雇傭關系和增加承諾的吸引力。另外,所有三個理論都允許有幫助的或表達情感的成果交流。最后,在每個理論中隱含或明確的是員工對雇主應該提供的東西所抱有的期望(例如:比較水平標準或期望的支持、心理契約期望)。</p><p>  元分析(例如Mathieu和Zaiac在1990年的研究)和更多的定性評語(例如Morrow在1993年的研究)表明之前的研究經(jīng)歷有很多不同。Mathieu

17、和Zaiac(1990)把41個有關承諾和雇員年齡納入到先驗估計中,但只有3個是在“組織特征”方面的(規(guī)模和集中化)。之前的研究經(jīng)歷中沒有一個可以被稱為“人力資源實踐”。鑒于人力資源實踐是組織影響承諾的一個主要手段,所以之前的研究是成問題的(Guest,1992)。</p><p>  如年齡、性別和使用權這樣的變量經(jīng)常被研究,這是因為它們在一個單一的點上不同,它們都是現(xiàn)成的、容易衡量的變量。此前的研究通常集中在

18、一個單一的點上,其中關于人力資源實踐的變化是有限的或是不存在的,由此看出人力資源實踐并沒有得到研究(Caldwell等人,1990)。盡管有一些研究研究了具體的人力資源實踐( 例如:Agarwala,2003;Bills,1987;Bemmels,1995;Eaton,2003;Florkowski和Schuster,1992;Lincoln和Kalleberg,1985),但是在研究中人力資源措施往往是唯一的且不可比的。而各種爭議使得

19、積累研究結(jié)果變得很困難。因此,對人力資源實踐的影響和大多數(shù)的組織特征還知之甚少。盡管如此,此前的研究還是提供了一個預測人力資源實踐和組織特征的影響的基礎。測試這種預測需要建立人力資源實踐和承諾之間的經(jīng)驗關系(Meyer和Allen,1997)。</p><p><b>  二、人力資源實踐</b></p><p>  此前的研究(特別是Delaney和Huselid在

20、1996的研究)提出了應該影響承諾的不同的人力資源概念。在那些研究所得結(jié)論的基礎上,本研究認為內(nèi)部勞動力市場、招聘選擇性、培訓、申訴的解決機制、福利、員工參與、獎金、工會的壓力、薪酬削減和裁員都影響組織承諾。</p><p><b>  1.內(nèi)部勞動力市場</b></p><p>  內(nèi)部勞動力市場是當外部招聘僅限于入門級職位時而存在的,職位梯隊的存在是為了受到員工青


22、位,從而最終呈現(xiàn)出對組織的更高的承諾。</p><p>  因此,我們可以提出,假設一:推行內(nèi)部勞動力市場的做法與組織承諾呈正相關。</p><p><b>  2.招聘選擇性</b></p><p>  招聘選擇性是指招聘時甄選每個空缺崗位人員時的嚴謹性。選擇性招聘能表明許多現(xiàn)象,包括關注與崗位要求或企業(yè)文化的匹配,內(nèi)部發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略(即職業(yè)生涯的


24、度應該產(chǎn)生高程度的人與組織匹配,并提高附加值。最后,員工對于嚴格的招聘制度的認識能增強個人能力的認知,元分析的數(shù)據(jù)表明個人能力認知與承諾密切相關(Matheiu和Zajac,1990)。這就表明,招聘的選擇性增強了員工的承諾。此前的研究也支持這種預測(例如:Caldwell等人,1990)。</p><p>  因此,我們可以提出,假設二:招聘選擇性與組織承諾呈正相關。</p><p>&

25、lt;b>  3.培訓</b></p><p>  一個強大的培訓重點意味著一個內(nèi)部勞動力市場和就業(yè)機會(Althauser,1989)。這樣的重點指的是通過正規(guī)培訓、大量參與、有效的培訓和堅定的嘗試去與目前的培訓實踐相匹配?;谌肆Y本理論,雇員應該把雇主培訓的投資認為是未來持續(xù)的就業(yè)和更高的工資的象征(例如:Strober,1990)。雇員應該把培訓視為職業(yè)安全、進步以及更高收益的暗示,從而

26、對培訓更投入。此前的研究顯示,強調(diào)持續(xù)培訓和不斷更新培訓的組織環(huán)境會引起高度的承諾(例如Maurer和Tarulli在1994年的研究)。</p><p>  因此,我們可以提出,假設三:注重員工培訓與組織承諾提高呈正相關。</p><p><b>  4.申訴的解決機制</b></p><p>  許多企業(yè)有解決員工糾紛的正式程序。這就提供了


28、程序與承諾呈正相關。</p><p>  因此,我們可以提出,假設四:提供正式的爭議解決機制與提高組織承諾呈正相關。</p><p><b>  5.福利</b></p><p>  如上所述,某些人力資源實踐提供了兼具客觀性和主觀情感性的結(jié)果。盡管福利對員工肯定有客觀性的價值,但是福利也會對員工有情感方面的價值(即組織的支持)。此外,由于很多

29、福利是無條件給予的,所以員工應該以對組織的承諾來回報(Eisenberger等人,1986)。Koys在1991年研究發(fā)現(xiàn),當福利被視為無條件給予時會產(chǎn)生更高的承諾。最后還有,一些此前的研究結(jié)果表明了兩者之間存在的積極的關系。</p><p>  因此,我們可以提出,假設五:提供的福利水平與組織承諾呈正相關。</p><p><b>  6.員工參與</b></

30、p><p>  員工參與經(jīng)常被視為高承諾工作系統(tǒng)中的一個不可或缺的組成部分。員工參與決策給員工提供了決策和組織的歸屬感和承諾感(Guest,1992)。顯而易見的是,員工參與的過程會產(chǎn)生組織珍視員工貢獻的看法。因此,我們預測員工參與能提高承諾。另外,員工參與可能被員工認為是一種自由裁量的有積極影響的福利。從參與機會是自愿提供的這個意義上看,在員工雇傭關系方面的員工承諾應該增加。除此之外,Lawler和Youn在199


32、/p><p>  因此,我們預測并提出以下假設,假設六(1):員工責任與組織承諾呈正相關。假設六(2):員工自主權與組織承諾呈正相關。</p><p><b>  7.獎金</b></p><p>  我們關于獎金制度的一個觀點是它能協(xié)調(diào)雇員和雇主的利益。另外,獎金制度能提升公平感,因為員工是通過工作貢獻獲取報酬的。因此,員工應該把獎金視為組織支持

33、的一種形式并以高承諾予以回報。盡管激勵制度是眾所周知的,但是這個基本觀點表明員工將更努力的為把績效作為影響收入的一個重要因素的企業(yè)效力。此前Florkowski和Schuster在1992年的研究結(jié)果為獎金制度的在承諾上的積極作用提供了一些支持。</p><p>  因此,我們可以提出,假設七:獎金制度與組織承諾呈正相關。</p><p><b>  8.工會的壓力</b&

34、gt;</p><p>  工會的壓力是指工會會在某種程度上影響企業(yè)的現(xiàn)行做法,尤其是在培訓和工資方面。員工們意識到了他們?nèi)绾问芤嬗诠膲毫蚬ぷ鲌鏊酝獾幕顒樱ɡ纾涸趧e的企業(yè)由于工會管理的介入,企業(yè)保證提高工資)。工會的壓力可能會引發(fā)這樣的一個看法,組織不情愿解決員工關注的問題。員工可能認為組織缺乏對員工的承諾,并從而減少他們對組織的承諾。最后,在工會壓力高的企業(yè)中,員工可能從工會獲得信用度而非從雇主處,即

35、員工可能會認為工會比雇主有信用。</p><p>  因此,我們可以提出,假設八:工會的壓力與組織承諾呈負相關。</p><p><b>  9.薪酬削減 </b></p><p>  正如Wheeler和McClendon在1991年指出的,減薪是對幸福生活的一個明顯的威脅,并會促使員工產(chǎn)生敵意。薪酬削減會構成明顯的違反心理契約。社交交換理論

36、提出由雇主單方面發(fā)起的減薪行為會降低員工的附加值。此外,降低薪酬水平還可能低于員工的比較水平或是預計薪酬的水平。薪酬削減也是缺乏雇主的支持的一種信號,因為薪酬削減之后會使雇員的貢獻貶值,雇主放棄對雇員的關心。一般來說,減少各種補償各種(例如:直接削減工資和福利;增加免賠額,共同支付,或者員工貢獻)會減少員工承諾。</p><p>  因此,我們可以提出,假設九:薪酬削減與組織承諾呈負相關。</p>

37、<p><b>  10.裁員</b></p><p>  裁員表示企業(yè)對員工的承諾降低,這將導致員工用減少對雇主的承諾來回應(Rousseau,1995)。但是,這個影響在某一特定的公司是不明確。一些研究顯示,有最高承諾的裁員幸存者在裁員之前比那些較低承諾的員工對裁員有更大負面反應(Brockner,1992)。另外,“幸存者”可能對企業(yè)心存感激,還有,新員工(一些其他地方的裁員

38、受害者)可能會感激他們的新雇主。因此,我們把這作為一個經(jīng)驗問題。</p><p>  我們可以提出這樣兩個假設,假設十(1):在保留下來的員工中,裁員與組織承諾呈負相關。假設十(2):在保留下來的員工中,裁員與組織承諾呈正相關。</p><p>  Organizational commitment, human resource practices, </p><p&

39、gt;  and organizational characteristics. </p><p>  By Fiorito, Jack,Bozeman, Dennis P.,Young, Angela,Meurs, James A.</p><p>  Published on AllBusiness.com June 22,2007</p><p>  Org

40、anizational commitment persists as a primary variable of interest in studies of employment, organizations, and allied fields. The Article-First database reveals 202 article and abstract titles referencing "organizat

41、ional commitment" in scholarly sources published between 2001 and 2004, and organizational commitment remains a perennial topic for management scholars (e.g., Hammer and Avgar, 2005; Jandeska and Kraimer, 2005; Payn

42、e and Huffman, 2005). Commitment has been studied by many because i</p><p>  Numerous studies have shown that organizational commitment predicts important variables, including absenteeism, organizational cit

43、izenship, performance, and turnover (e.g., Mathieu and Zajac, 1990; Morrow, 1993; Wright and Bonett, 2002). Colbert and Kwon (2000) noted that organizational commitment has been related inversely to both intent to search

44、 for job alternatives and intent to leave one's job (also see Quarles, 1994). Also, it reduces absence frequency (Farrell and Stamm, 1988).In addition</p><p>  Many firms have moved rapidly from Tayloris

45、tic work systems, in which employees exercise limited discretion within narrow job descriptions, toward High Commitment Work Systems (HCWSs) that require considerable discretion, initiative, and judgment under reduced su

46、pervision (Osterman, 1994, 1995).Lincoln and Kalleberg (1985) described a similar earlier trend inspired by the apparent success of Japanese-style management. These trends have spurred increased interest in organizationa

47、l commitment, and</p><p>  We examine effects of HR practices and organizational characteristics on commitment. Nearly all past studies rely on samples drawn from one (usually) or very few worksites (cf. Aga

48、rwala, 2003; Becker et al., 1996; Caldwell et al., 1990; Eaton, 2003). This severely restricts inferences on factors that tend to be constant within organizations, but vary across organizations, notably HR practices and

49、organizational structures. The National Organizations Survey (NOS) used a hyper-sampling strategy to</p><p>  Our study provides two major contributions.First, we test hypothesized relationships that have re

50、ceived little attention in past studies. Specifically, we examine the influence of HR practices and organizational structure on organizational commitment. Second, our study uses a diverse national probability sample of U

51、.S. workers and their employers, providing greater generality than prior studies. </p><p>  In the following section, we discuss theoretical foundations of organizational commitment, and present hypotheses f

52、or its relationships with various HR practices and organizational characteristics. Next, data, measures, and methods are discussed. Then, results are presented. Finally, we conclude with a discussion section addressing l

53、imitations, contributions of our study, and future research. </p><p>  THEORY, LITERATURE, AND HYPOTHESES</p><p>  Organizational commitment is an individual attitude that reflects one's ide

54、ntification with and involvement in a particular organization (e.g., Mowday et al., 1979). It can be characterized by three related factors: 1) strong belief in the organization's goals and values, 2) willingness to

55、exert extra effort on its behalf, and 3) strong desire to maintain membership. The extant literature has included important debates, or alternative perspectives, on several important issues, including the focu</p>

56、<p>  Organizational Commitment.</p><p>  Critics have argued that research on organizational commitment lacks strong theoretical grounding (cf. Mathieu and Zajac, 1990; Morris and Sherman, 1981). At l

57、east three compatible theoretical streams apply. First, common to all social exchange theories is the notion that individuals seek favorable outcomes relative to their inputs (Cook et al., 1993). Consistent with social e

58、xchange theory, perceived organizational support (POS) addresses the organization's commitment to its employees. Specific</p><p>  Meta-analyses (e.g., Matheiu and Zajac, 1990) and more qualitative revie

59、ws (e.g., Morrow, 1993) show that prior study of antecedents varies greatly. Mathieu and Zaiac (1990) were able to incorporate 41 prior estimates relating commitment and employee age, but only three on "organizatio

60、nal characteristics" (size and centralization). None of the antecedents examined could be termed a "human resource practice." This is both interesting and problematic, given that such practices are a princ

61、ipal mea</p><p>  Variables such as age, gender, and tenure are often studied because they vary within a single site, are readily available, and are easy to measure. Prior studies typically focus on a single

62、 site where HR practice variation is limited or non-existent; thus, HR practices are not examined (Caldwell et al., 1990). Although a few studies have examined effects of specific HR practices (e.g., Agarwala, 2003; Bil

63、ls, 1987; Bemmels, 1995; Eaton, 2003; Florkowski and Schuster, 1992; Lincoln and Kalleberg,</p><p>  Human Resource Practices.</p><p>  Prior work (especially Delaney and Huselid, 1996) suggests

64、 distinct HR concepts that should influence commitment.Using that research as a foundation, the present study posits that internal labor markets, hiring selectivity, training, grievance resolution mechanisms, benefits, e

65、mployee involvement, incentive pay, union pressure, compensation cuts, and downsizing all affect organizational commitment.</p><p>  Internal Labor Markets.</p><p>  An internal labor market (IL

66、M) exists when external hiring is limited to entrylevel positions, job "ladders" exist to advance internally, and promotion from within is favored (e.g., Althauser, 1989).Bills (1987) suggested that a primary m

67、otivation to establish and maintain ILMs is to secure employee commitment. Since ILMs favor current employees over external rivals, employees should perceive ILMs positively and reciprocate this support with commitment

68、(Eisenberger et al., 1986). Also, individu</p><p>  H1: Internal labor market practices are positively related to organizational commitment.</p><p>  Hiring Selectivity. </p><p>  H

69、iring selectivity refers to the rigor of hiring as indicated by applications per vacancy. Selective hiring may indicate numerous phenomena, including extreme care in matching applicants with job requirements or firm cult

70、ure, an internal development strategy (i.e., selection for careers), and conscious effort to "skim the cream" of the labor market and offer higher compensation to dissuade shirking. Hiring selectivity and asso

71、ciated screening also may form a "rite of passage," an initiation rit</p><p>  H2: Hiring selectivity is positively related to organizational commitment.</p><p><b>  Training.<

72、;/b></p><p>  A strong training emphasis implies an internal labor market and career opportunities (Althauser, 1989). Such emphasis is indicated by formal training, numbers participating, training effecti

73、veness, and firm attempts to match current training practices. Based on human capital theory, employees should perceive employer training investments as symbols of continued future employment and higher wages (e.g., Stro

74、ber, 1990). Employees should value training for the security, advancement, and higher earn</p><p>  H3: An emphasis on employee training is positively related to organizational commitment.</p><p&g

75、t;  Grievance Resolution Mechanisms.</p><p>  Many firms have formal procedures for resolving worker disputes. These provide a mechanism to redress grievances, and promote "voice" over "exit&q

76、uot;. Such procedures encourage the view that the organization seeks fairness and is open to calls for change from below. Because this concern for due process and fairness signals the organization's support and its c

77、ommitment to employee concerns, grievance mechanisms should increase employee commitment (Eisenberger et al., 1986; Koys, 1991). Further, griev</p><p>  H4: The provision of formal dispute resolution procedu

78、res is positively related to organizational commitment.</p><p><b>  Benefits.</b></p><p>  As noted, certain HR practices provide both instrumental and affective outcomes. Although b

79、enefits certainly have instrumental worth to employees, they also may signal the organization's affective valuation of employees (i.e., organizational support). Further, since many benefits are discretionary, employe

80、es should reciprocate with commitment (Eisenberger et al., 1986). Koys (1991) found stronger commitment when benefits are seen as discretionary. Finally, some prior results suggest a positive </p><p>  H5:

81、The level of benefits provided to employees is positively related to commitment.</p><p>  Employee Involvement.</p><p>  Employee involvement is often viewed as an integral part of High Commitme

82、nt Work Systems. Involvement in decisions provides a sense of ownership of and commitment to both those decisions and the organization (Guest, 1992). Clearly, employee involvement processes should engender the perception

83、 that the organization values employee contributions. Thus, we predict that involvement increases commitment. Additionally, employee involvement might be perceived by workers as a discretionary positive ben</p>&

84、lt;p>  H6a: Employee responsibility is positively related to organizational commitment.</p><p>  H6b: Employee autonomy is positively related to organizational commitment.</p><p>  Incentive

85、Pay.</p><p>  One argument for incentive pay systems is that they harmonize employee and employer interests by aligning incentives. Further, incentive pay systems should promote equity feelings because worke

86、rs are paid for performance contributions. Accordingly, employees should view incentive pay as a form of support and show increased commitment in return. Despite well-known problems with incentive systems, this basic ide

87、a suggests that workers will be more committed in firms where performance is an importa</p><p>  H7: Incentive pay systems are positively related to organizational commitment.</p><p>  Union Pre

88、ssure.</p><p>  Union pressure refers to the extent that unions influence a firm's current practices, specifically practices on training and wages. Workers realize how they benefit from union pressure or

89、 activity outside their own workplaces (e.g., when wage increases are granted following a union-management settlement elsewhere). Union pressure may promote perceptions that the organization begrudgingly addresses employ

90、ee concerns. Workers may thus view organizations as lacking commitment to employees, and redu</p><p>  H8: Union pressure is negatively related to organizational commitment.</p><p>  Compensatio

91、n Cuts.</p><p>  As Wheeler and McClendon (1991) noted, a pay cut is a clear threat to well-being, and encourages hostility. Compensation cuts constitute a clear violation of the psychological contract. Soci

92、al exchange theory suggests unilateral employer-initiated reductions in the exchange rate will decrease employee attachment. Further, reduced compensation levels also likely fall below employees' comparison levels (C

93、Ls) or expected levels of pay. Compensation cuts also signal a lack of employer support, in t</p><p>  H9: Compensation cuts are negatively related to organizational commitment.</p><p>  Downsi

94、zing.</p><p>  Downsizing indicates reduced commitment of firms to workers and this causes workers to respond with reduced commitment to employers (Rousseau, 1995).The effect within a given firm is not clear

95、cut, however. Some research suggests that layoff survivors who had the greatest commitment prior to the layoff had greater negative reactions than those who were less committed (Brockner, 1992). Also, "survivors&quo

96、t; may be grateful, and new hires (some victims of downsizing elsewhere) may be grateful to their </p><p>  H10a: Downsizing is negatively related to organizational commitment among the retained employees.&l


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