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1、<p><b>  外文資料:</b></p><p>  THE NORMAL INFERIORITY COMPLEX</p><p>  It is almost a truism in modern psychology that abnormal behavior is merely an exaggeration of normal tendenc

2、ies. The practical corollary of this proposition, that normal individuals may be understood in terms of abnormal conditions, has also been widely accepted. Indeed, this way of looking at human nature is by no means limit

3、ed to strictly psychological discussions. Complexes, maladjustments, fixations, and neuroses are among the commonplaces of contemporary literature and everyday conversatio</p><p>  In general, the tendency h

4、as been to apply rather than to question the contributions of abnormal psychology. There are sceptical individuals, however, both professionally and non-professionally interested, who are dissatisfied with this uncritica

5、l attitude. They have suggested that the outstanding defect of many of the concepts of abnormal psychology is that they are lacking in empirical proof; that though suggestive and penetrating, they have rarely been submit

6、ted to the statistical analysis wh</p><p>  It has been possible, in connection with the personnel work at I the University of Minnesota, to undertake an inquiry of this sort in particular, to ask the questi

7、on: Does anything corresponding to the inferiority complex, as it is described by psychiatrists and psychologists, appear in normal individuals; and if so, what characteristies does it possess ?</p><p>  G

8、ENERAL PLAN OF THE STUDY </p><p>  The general plan of the study was as follows. It began by accepting the concept of the inferiority complex as it is given in the literature, especially as described by Adl

9、er .A rating scale was constructed, consisting of 137 traits which, according to this source, would be symptomatic of the condition in question. The scale was so arranged that sometimes the trait as stated, and someti

10、mes its opposite, would be characteristic of the inferiority complex. This was done so that a possible pref</p><p>  The ratings were made on a 5 point scale, graphically represented as follows: — 0 + + +.T

11、he instructions explained that a check in the + + column would indicate the presence of a trait to a marked degree; in the + column, its presence to a slight degree; in the — column, the presence of its opposite to a sli

12、ght degree; and in the- - column, the presence of its opposite to a marked degree. A check in the column marked would mean that the person rated was characterized neither by the trait nor by </p><p>  The su

13、bjects were students in introductory courses in psychology in the University of Minnesota. The group included 268 subjects, 120 men and 148 women. Each subject received three copies of the scale, on one of which he was a

14、sked to rate himself,and on the other two to secure ratings of himself from two individuals who knew him. The results, therefore, are based on 360 sets of ratings for men, and 444 for women.</p><p>  In an a

15、ttempt to eliminate some of the more obvious sources of error, the following precautions were taken:</p><p>  1.The scales were distributed and returned before the inferiority complex, or the general topic o

16、f personality, had been taken up in class, and the blank itself, which was simply headed"rating scale", contained no reference to the inferiority complex as such. The ratings were made, therefore, in ignorance

17、of the point at issue and presumably without prejudice in that particular.</p><p>  2. The filling out of the blanks was regarded as one of the regular requirements of the course; consequently nearly all the

18、 subjects secured the required ratings and returned the papers.The factor of selection within the group approached was thus largely eliminated.</p><p>  3.The importance of frankness and independence in maki

19、ng the ratings was mentioned in both oral and written instructions.It was, of course, impossible to obtain adequate checks on the extent to which the instructions were followed, but there is internal evidence, which will

20、 appear later, that they were not wholly disregarded.</p><p>  The papers were scored on the basis of the number of symptoms of the inferiority complex indicated; i.e., an individual's score consisted of

21、 the number of ratings indicating traits accepted in the literature as diagnostic. A weight of one was given to a rating indicating a slight degree of a symptomatic trait, a weight of two for a marked degree of the same

22、trait. In other words, the score was art attempt to represent the degree to which an individual possessed the inferiority complex according </p><p><b>  RESULTS</b></p><p>  The prin

23、cipal results of the study may be summarized as follows:</p><p>  I. Perhaps the point that deserves first attention is that the scores gave approximately a normal distribution for both men and women and ac

24、cording to both self and associated ratings.This fact has a double significance.</p><p>  In the first place, it shows that the scale successfully resisted the tendency, so often encountered, for ratings to

25、be concentrated about the socially desirable traits. This tendency, if sufficiently strong, would prevent a distribution and consequently defeat the purpose of the scale. However, the fact that it was not present to a da

26、maging extent does not mean that it was not present at all;certain considerations, to be mentioned later, suggest that it was operative in several situations. But </p><p>  In the second place, the distribut

27、ion suggests that the inferiority complex, like most other human traits which have been subjected to measurement, is present in different individuals in different degrees. No individual was rated, either by himself or by

28、 his associates, as possessing all the traits scored as symptomatic; on the other hand, no one was rated, either by himself or his associates,as possessing none of them. Apparently the inferiority complex is not somethin

29、g which an individual eith</p><p>  II. The second point is that the inferiority complex, as revealed by the ratings, corresponded in general outline to the inferiority complex as described in the psychologi

30、cal literature. That is, the traits given by psychiatrists as characterizing this condition,tended to appear more frequently in individuals who (according to the measure employed) were characterized by the inferiority co

31、mplex, than in those not so characterized. This tendency appeared though the subjects had no way of knowing w</p><p>  This fact was brought out by regarding the upper and lower quarters of the distribution

32、as representing, respectively, the highest and lowest degrees of the inferiority complex present in the group studied, and by comparing them to see whether the upper group was rated as possessing the traits theoretically

33、 characteristic of the inferiority complex to a significantly greater degree than the lower. The rank order which determined the selection of these groups was based on self and associates' rat</p><p>  T

34、he following statistical procedure was employed. First, for each of the 137 items and for each of the two groups, the percentage of ratings was computed for each of the five steps of the scale ( — 0 + + + ) ; second, the

35、 differences between the corresponding percentages for the upper and lower groups were obtained; and third, the direction of the difference was indicated and its amount determined in relation to the probable error of the

36、 difference. If the direction was in favor of the upper gro</p><p>  The general outcome of the analysis was to confirm the concept of the inferiority complex in the sense that the empirical results conforme

37、d to theoretical expectations. Of the 137 traits tested,only two were found not to reveal differences in the "expected" direction, and these two were probably cases of overcompensation.The traits in question we

38、re "is inclined to be effeminate" or "is inclined to be masculine" (rated for men and women respectively)and "has wished to be a man" (rated only for wo</p><p>  There is no gen

39、erally accepted quantitative standard for determining whether or not a given item reveals a difference sufficiently great to mark it as definitely diagnostic. Some studies have accepted an item as significant if it revea

40、ls a difference as large as the standard error or the probable error of the difference;others, if the difference is two or three times its standard or probable error. Of course, even differences between zero and the prob

41、able or standard error show a tendency in the</p><p>  However, it is a justification only in the sense indicated. Since there was no outside criterion against which the scale could be checked, there is, str

42、ictly speaking, no justification for saying that it measures the inferiority complex, or that the groups compared represent contrasting degrees of that condition. All that can be said is that the items on the scale form

43、a consistent set of traits, capable of revealing characteristic differences between the extremes of the distribution; and that t</p><p>  III. The data also give evidence on the particular constituents of th

44、e inferiority complex. According to Adler, the core of the condition is a disorder in the self-regarding attitudes—a fear that the self does not measure up to standard, and an intense desire that it should do so. Generat

45、ed by this situation, or otherwise related to it, is a variety of characteristics, which may be classified as follows:</p><p>  1.Self-consciousness or self-preoccupation;shown by blushing,embarrassment, del

46、usions of reference, a tendency to be concerned with one's feelings, thoughts, plans, motives.</p><p>  2.Self-criticism and self-dissatisfaction; a tendency to feel that one is not appearing to good adv

47、antage, to be critical and worried about what one is doing or has done, to reflect on possible mistakes and blunders.</p><p>  3.The "guiding principle"; an ideal or ambition representing a strong

48、desire to assert and distinguish the self, expressing itself in daydreams, high ideals, a tendency to live in the future.</p><p>  4.Touchiness and oversensitiveness; a tendency to make exaggerated responses

49、 to praise, blame, defeat, and disappointment, to care intensely about what other people think of one.</p><p>  5.General emotional and nervous instability; unresolved emotional complexities and antagonistic

50、 trends, fits of despondency,depression, apathy.</p><p>  6.Persecutory trends of a more or less definite sort; the feeling that one is unappreciated, unjustly treated, that the world in general fails to app

51、reciate and reward merit, and to recognize "wrongdoing".</p><p>  7.Failure of nerve; an unwillingness to put one's self to the test because of fear of an unfavorable outcome, which would be in

52、tolerable.</p><p>  8.Lack of ability in certain lines of overt behavior which demand a fair degree of self-assurance; lack of social poise,inability to carry on enterprises such as selling and executive wor

53、k.</p><p>  9.Perfectionist tendencies; an attempt to compensate for felt inferiorities by exaggerated conscientiousness, meticulousness,fastidiousness.</p><p>  10.Envy and malice; resentment a

54、t the good fortune and delight in the bad fortune of others, as affecting one's relative inferiority or superiority to them.</p><p>  11.Attitudes induced by the "masculine-feminine antithesis"

55、;the feeling that one sex is greatly at a disadvantage in comparison with the other, the "masculine protest".</p><p>  12.Possible causative factors: slight or serious physical defects; disadvantag

56、es due to race, family, economic condition;lack of social, professional, or educational opportunities; particular experiences, such as shocks, disappointments, humiliations;defects, real or imagined, in intelligence, gen

57、eral appearance,moral character, social attractiveness.</p><p>  This classification is, of course, tentative. The selection of categories is somewhat haphazard and the classes are not, in any precise sense,

58、 mutually exclusive. Nevertheless, it affords a convenient device for observing some of the specific trends in the results. If the traits in the scale are grouped under these general headings, and if the average index of

59、 diagnostic value B is determined for each group, it will be possible to see the kinds of traits which are most characteristic of the infe</p><p>  Table I gives the indices of diagnostic value for each of t

60、he classes mentioned above, for both men and women, and according to both self and associates' ratings. The table suggests several comments.</p><p>  1.First, it will be observed that the traits which ar

61、e most characteristic according to quantitative measures are those which,according to Adler are most directly involved in the inferiority complex—self-criticism, self-consciousness, the "guiding principle",and

62、oversensitiveness. To this extent, the specific composition,as well as the general tendency of the concept is confirmed.</p><p>  2.It will also be observed that in many cases, in fact, in most cases, a grou

63、p of traits is diagnostic only when it occurs to a marked degree. Only rarely do indices of 2 or more appear in the columns indicating a slight degree of a given class of traits. This is true, not only of whole classes,

64、but of the traits taken separately,and occurs in some of the most clearly diagnostic traits in the list.Evidently their presence to a slight degree is not unusual; in fact,their presence to a slight degr</p><p

65、>  There is a temptation to say that this indicates that everybody possesses an inferiority complex to a certain extent, but the validity of that statement depends on the definition of the term.If an inferiority compl

66、ex is indicated by the possession, to a slight degree, of the traits given as its characteristics, the ratings suggest that it is a very widespread condition. But if the term is defined quantitatively as the possession o

67、f the traits in question to a greater degree than is found in the </p><p>  3.The traits which rank lowest on the list deserve attention as those which, according to empirical results, tend less strongly to

68、confirm the general concept. It is significant, however, that the differences they reveal tend uniformly in the expected direction,even when the amount of the difference is slight. Furthermore,these groups, upon analysis

69、, disclose tendencies which give additional information on the prevalence of some of the trends commonly thought of as characteristic of the inferior</p><p>  The perfectionist group reveals a particularly i

70、nteresting condition Its failure (except in the case of women, and when it occurs to a marked degree) to give significant indices of diagnostic value is due, not to the fact that the upper quarter of the distribution doe

71、s not tend to possess the traits comprising this class, but that the lower quarter tends to possess them also. The difference between the comparison groups, therefore, is relatively slight.</p><p>  Possibly

72、 the traits which constitute this group—e.g., "is conscientious;will do too much rather than too little", "gives careful attention to details", etc.—are considered desirable and tend, for that reason,

73、 to be appropriated by individuals not troubled by the inferiority complex.</p><p>  The group representing envy and malice shows the other side of the same tendency. These traits are so obviously undesirabl

74、e that there seemed to be a definite resistance to attributing them either to one's self or to one's associates. The result was that the traits did not give an adequate distribution for either the upper or the lo

75、wer group. The same tendency appeared in the class representing failure of nerve. Theoretically, the traits in this group ought to show high indices of diagnostic val</p><p>  The traits previously mentioned

76、 as the only ones which gave differences counter to the "expected" direction were in this group;and as has been suggested, the ratings on these traits—"would like to be a man" (rated for women) and &q

77、uot;is inclined to be effeminate" or "is inclined to be masculine" (rated for men and women respectively)—are possibly instances of overcompensation,in indicating that the opposites of the traits as stated

78、 are characteristic of the groups representing the inferiority comple</p><p><b>  譯文</b></p><p><b>  普遍的自卑情節(jié)</b></p><p>  自卑情節(jié)幾乎是在現(xiàn)代心理學不言而喻的異常行為,只不過是正常的傾向夸張。

79、這個命題,可以用正常人的不正常狀態(tài)來理解,實踐后的必然結(jié)果也已經(jīng)被廣泛接受。事實上,從人性的角度來看待,絕非僅限于嚴格的心理討論。配合物,不適應(yīng),錄制品和神經(jīng)癥已經(jīng)成為當代文學和談話家常。</p><p>  一般來說,趨勢是在于應(yīng)用,而不是變態(tài)心理問題的貢獻。有人會懷疑,然而,無論是專業(yè)和非專業(yè),都會對不加批判的態(tài)度感到不滿。他們建議,對異常心理的概念,很多優(yōu)秀的案例是它們?nèi)狈?jīng)驗的證明,雖然精辟,但是他們很少

80、被提交統(tǒng)計分析,將他們“無私”的拿出來作為適用性的證據(jù)。拿期望的理論去與實證結(jié)果比較,將會不合常規(guī)。</p><p>  其實這是有可能的,這是有關(guān)于人員在我的明尼蘇達大學,努力在開展這方面的一個特定的排序查詢,問一個問題:是否任何相應(yīng)的自卑感,都如它是由精神病學家和心理學家所描述的那樣,出現(xiàn)在正常人身上,如果是的話,它具有什么樣的突出性征?</p><p><b>  這項研究

81、的總體規(guī)劃</b></p><p>  這項研究的總體規(guī)劃情況如下。先從文學方面接受自卑感概念,特別是阿德勒所描述的。構(gòu)建了一個評定量表,其中包括137個特征,根據(jù)這一來源,將有問題的狀況的征兆。如此安排,有時如上所述,有時它的對立面的特點將是自卑感的特點。這樣做,一個無論是正面還是負面的判斷都可能傾向于導(dǎo)致一個錯誤的結(jié)果。</p><p>  該評級以5分制進行,以圖形表示如

82、下:--- 0+++表中的說明解釋說,在+ +列檢查會顯示出一個顯著特征的存在程度,而在+列,它的存在,以輕微的程度計算;在 - 列,其對面的存在,以在很小的程度計算,以及在--列,其對面的存在是以一個顯著的程度。標記中的一個列檢查將意味著該人評分的個性而不是根據(jù)它的特點或者對立面。</p><p>  對象為在美國明尼蘇達大學的心理學入門課程的學生。該組包括268個個體,120名男性和148名婦女。每個個體收到

83、三份問卷,其中的任何一個,他被要求對自己,對其他兩人,確保兩個人都不知道對他自己的評級。結(jié)果是基于全方位地評定男性,和444的女性。</p><p>  在試圖消除對錯誤的一些更明顯的來源的情況下,采取了以下措施:</p><p>  1.該量表發(fā)放之前,在課堂上用空白文本,沒有自卑感參考,因此沒有無知的爭論點和推測,也沒有特定的偏見。</p><p>  2.填寫

84、空白表格被視為正常的課程要求之一,因此幾乎所有的科目都取得了所需的答卷.集團內(nèi)選擇因素基本上被消除了。坦誠和獨立被作為評分要求,包括口語和書面指示。</p><p>  3.當然,不可能獲得關(guān)于在何種程度上說明足夠的平衡,但有內(nèi)部的證據(jù),將顯現(xiàn)出來,他們并沒有被完全忽視。</p><p>  該文件是在對自卑表現(xiàn)復(fù)雜癥狀的基礎(chǔ)上,也就是說,一個人的得分中表示,由文學接受為診斷特征級的數(shù)量組

85、成。一是給予了評級他們的癥狀特點,二是對重量相同的特征顯著的程度輕微的程度。換句話說,比分是藝術(shù)的嘗試,代表在何種程度上定義一個人的自卑感。</p><p><b>  結(jié)果</b></p><p>  這項研究結(jié)果可以歸納如下:</p><p>  一,這一點也許值得首先關(guān)注的,一分給了一男一女兩個人,稱和自己相關(guān).具有雙重正態(tài)分布意義。&l

86、t;/p><p>  首先,它表明,這成功抵御了規(guī)模化的傾向,常常會遇到。這種趨勢如果夠強大,就可以防止發(fā)生,以消除規(guī)?;哪康?。但事實上,這并不意味著所有都不存在一定程度的損害;某些考慮后來被提及到,表明它是在幾種情況下執(zhí)行的。但在目前的事實是,它沒有強大到足以掩蓋個體差異,從而使規(guī)模無效。</p><p>  其次,分布表明,自卑像大多數(shù)其他已受到測量的,在不同程度上是不同的個體存在。任何

87、個人被評估,無論是由本人或由他的同伴,作為所有的性狀計算;另一方面,沒有人被評估,無論是由他本人或他的同伙,作為擁有數(shù)也沒有。顯然,自卑感不是任何個人證明有或沒有的,但他擁有一個或大或小的程度。這種情況是完全符合正常和不正常的假設(shè)條件的。</p><p>  第二點是自卑,按圖表顯示,一般輪廓對應(yīng)在心理學文獻中自卑感所述。也就是說,由精神科醫(yī)生給出描述這種情況的特點,往往更頻繁地出現(xiàn)在個人(根據(jù)測量工作)的特點是

88、自卑。雖然出現(xiàn)這種趨勢的主體并沒有辦法知道哪些共同特征屬于理論上,甚至有過這樣的有關(guān)問題。這其實是帶出有關(guān)的代表,分別在所研究的劣勢群體,復(fù)雜的最高和最低度的分布上,看看他們是否擁有上層集團為性狀理論上自卑感更大程度顯著下降的特點。國家排名的決定對這些群體的選擇是根據(jù)自己和聯(lián)營公司的評級,它們的比重相同。</p><p>  下面的統(tǒng)計過程是就業(yè)。首先,原來的137個項目和兩個分別以每一年中,收視率,計算為規(guī)模的

89、五個步驟(--- 0 + + +);第二,為上層之間的差異,相應(yīng)的百分比和較低的群體;第三,對不同方向,指示其金額相對于錯誤的差異決定的。如果方向是在上層集團為受益人,這一數(shù)額明顯低于可能的誤差較大,該項目被認為是經(jīng)驗以及理論上的自卑心理的特點。分析的結(jié)果是確認一般認為,在實證結(jié)果符合理論預(yù)期意義上的自卑復(fù)雜的概念。137個特征測試,只有兩個是不透露在“預(yù)期”方向的,而這兩個問題很可能互補。問題中性狀“是偏于柔弱”或“傾向是男性” (男

90、性和女性分別為額定)和“有希望成為一個人”(額定婦女)。在這種情況下的自卑感擁有的特征標記表明這些規(guī)定的特點。但這些可能的例外可以追溯到文獻,具有自卑感的特點。</p><p>  還沒有一個普遍接受量的標準可以決定給定的項目是否充分揭示了一個大的區(qū)別作為明確的診斷標準。一些研究已經(jīng)接受了作為重大項目的主題,如果它是揭示了不同的標準,如錯誤或錯誤的差別可能很大,有些人如果是兩個或三個按照不同時代的標準有可能錯誤。


92、是相同的,男人和婦女,自己和聯(lián)營公司的評級。然而,他們指出理論上的特征構(gòu)成自卑感的形式在某種意義上說,它們中的任何一個人做的清單作為一個整體在區(qū)別的群體中分布在兩端,事實確實是一組一致的特征,假設(shè)與和諧的特征,加在一起,構(gòu)成一個相當明確的一般態(tài)度或傾向的反應(yīng)。在這個意義上,他們可能被視為構(gòu)成了一個復(fù)雜的概念實證自卑的理由。然</p><p>  三,數(shù)據(jù)還給出了自卑的特殊成分的證據(jù)。根據(jù)阿德勒,該條件的核心是在自

93、尊的態(tài)度的紊亂——恐懼自我沒有達到標準,并強烈渴望應(yīng)該這樣做。這種情況下,或其他相關(guān)情況,具有各種特色,可分類如下:</p><p>  1.自我意識或自我關(guān)注;表現(xiàn)出臉紅,尷尬,參考妄想,一種傾向,關(guān)心自己的感受,想法,計劃,動機。 </p><p>  2.自我批評和自我的不滿;一種覺得沒有表現(xiàn)良好的傾向,擔心自己正在做的和已經(jīng)完成的會有有可能存在的錯誤和失誤。</p>

94、<p>  3.“指導(dǎo)原則”;一個理想或野心的強烈愿望,代表斷言,區(qū)分自我,表達白日夢,崇高的理想本身,未來的生活的趨勢。 </p><p>  4.過于敏感的;一個夸張的反應(yīng)傾向,對稱贊,責備,失敗,失望,關(guān)懷的反應(yīng)</p><p>  5.一般的情感和神經(jīng)不穩(wěn)定;解不開的復(fù)雜性和對抗性的趨勢,適合的沮喪,抑郁,冷漠。</p><p>  6.迫害趨勢或

95、多或少明確的排序;一個是賞識,不公正待遇的感覺,整個世界不能欣賞和獎勵的優(yōu)點,并承認不法行為</p><p>  7.故障神經(jīng);因?qū)ψ约翰焕慕Y(jié)果而恐懼不愿把自己放到測試中</p><p>  8.缺乏明顯的行為能力;社會穩(wěn)重不足,無法對企業(yè)進行銷售,如行政工作</p><p>  9.十全十美;試圖彌補感到夸張的自覺性,嚴謹,一絲不茍</p><

96、;p>  10.嫉妒和怨恨;氣惱別人的好運氣而幸災(zāi)樂禍別人的壞運氣</p><p>  11.個由“男性-女性化的對立面”誘導(dǎo)態(tài)度;感覺自己的性別與其他相比是處于不利地位,“男性化抗議”</p><p>  12.可能的致病因素:輕微或嚴重身體缺陷;缺點由于種族,家庭,經(jīng)濟狀況;社會,專業(yè),或教育機會缺乏;特別的經(jīng)驗,如沖擊,失望,羞辱,缺陷,真實的或想像的,一般的外觀,品德,社會的

97、吸引力。</p><p>  這個分類,當然只是暫時的。選擇的類別是有點雜亂無章,各層都沒有,在任何精確的意義上說是相互排斥的。盡管如此,它提供了觀測結(jié)果中的特定的一些方便的設(shè)備。如果規(guī)模中的性狀分別納入這些一般性的標題,如果診斷值B平均指數(shù)為每個組確定,根據(jù)實證結(jié)果將有可能看到自卑的各種復(fù)雜的特點。</p><p>  表一給出了對上述兩個男人和女人,每類的診斷價值的指標,并根據(jù)雙方自我

98、和聯(lián)營公司的評級。下表顯示了幾點意見。</p><p>  1.首先,它將被觀察到的特點是按照最有特色的那些量化措施,根據(jù)阿德勒最直接的自卑心理,自我批判,自我意識,“指導(dǎo)原則”,并過于敏感。到這個程度,具體的組成以及總的趨勢是確定的概念。</p><p>  2.它也將觀察到在許多情況下,事實上在大多數(shù)情況下,集團的特點是診斷時才發(fā)生了顯著的程度。只有很少出現(xiàn)2個或更多的現(xiàn)象說明了一個給

99、定類的特性,出現(xiàn)輕度列指數(shù)。這是真的,不僅整個類,且是采取分開的特點。顯然他們的存在為輕度的診斷出一些特點是不尋常的做了鋪墊。</p><p>  人們情不自禁地說,這表明每個人都擁有一定程度的自卑,但該聲明的有效性上的自卑感是由占有率表示的,在很小的程度而定,給出的典型特性中,數(shù)據(jù)顯示這是一個非常普遍的情況。但是,如果這個詞是指作為性狀的問題在更大程度比一般組中發(fā)現(xiàn)藏有定量分析,可確定它的存在后,才建立了群體規(guī)


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