1、Skin Moisturizing,Updated to Jan/Feb2003,Agenda,Skin Moist. Body Market OverviewHow XX Milk Help Brand Sales & Share GainBB&Kids Cream, XX Cream Launch EvaluationExplore Skin Moist. Sachet Opportunity,,,Skin M
2、oisturizer Sales Trend, NationalMarket Growth Accelerated; Value Also Outgrew Volume,Total Skin Moisturizer,Product Segment Sales & Growth, Nat.Growth of All Segments Accelerated; Facial Obtained Positive Value Gro
3、wth While Body Deflated,Volume Sales(Ton),Value Sales(Mil.Rmb),6%,9%,3%,8%,11%,7%,20%,26%,4 Months Growth vs YA,2%,0%,6%,14%,3%,2%,5%,17%,Number in green is of the annual growth MAT JF03 vs MAT JF02,,,XX Body Volume Sale
4、s Trend by VariantMilk Did Help XX to Gain Sales In Passing Winter Season vs YA,Volume Sales-Ton, (National),,,,Body Top 10 Brands Volume Share & ChgSlower Growth Rate Cost Us Slightly Lost Share in Passing Winter
5、Period,Mininurse White+UV contributed growth this season.,Body Top 10 Brands Value Share & Chg Slower Growth Rate Cost Us Slightly Lost Share in Passing Winter Period,,,,Sakula promotion product help share gain.,Bod
6、y Sales Growth By Platform Deflation in Body Mainly Traced to Basic Body Lotion; Overall Lotion Still Captured Positive Growth while Cream Declined,Volume Share(Body Base),TTL BODY,100,11,CREAM,35.2,-4,LOTION,51.3,26,B
7、asic,43.5,25,Pure White,0.5,-56,Pure UV,4.2,54,UV+White,3.1,80,OIL,13.5,4,4M to JF03Growth vs YA,,,,,Number in red is of XX product growth respectively.,(National),100,7,35.9,-4,55.0,17,40.3,14,0.4,-59,8.8,21,5.5,66,8.8
8、,3,Value Share(Body Base),4M to JF03Growth vs YA,,,,Body Basic Lotion Key Competitors Growth, NationalBut Our Growth Rate Still Behind Nivea/Softsense and Total Segment,4Months to JF03 vs YA,,Body Lotion Basic, Key Br
9、and Volume ShareOur Share Lost Mainly Traced to Basic Lotion Where YuMeiJing and Small Brands Gained Share Noticeably,,Body Lotion Basic, Key Brand Value ShareXX Regained Some Share in JF03,Compared with JF02,Y.M.J. B
10、ody Lotion Basic SKU Share220ml Largely Contributed to Its Share; Distribution Slightly Increased,Body Lotion Basic Base,108ml,6,7,8,9,7,8,8,7,11,11,12,11,9,220ml,7,8,8,10,7,8,7,8,9,10,10,9,8,Weighted Distribution,(Rmb1
11、0.6/p),(Rmb10.3/p),Y.M.J. Body Lotion Basic Share & Distribution By MarketYu Mei Jing Mainly Focus In Hebei / Shangxi / Shangdong,4M to JF02,4M to JF03,JF 02,JF 03,National,YMJ,6.1,15.6,108ml,1.4,3.4,8,9,220ml,4.7,
12、12.2,7,8,N2,YMJ,26.3,62.8,108ml,6,13.6,12,16,220ml,19.7,49.2,9,12,N A City,YMJ,33.2,62.2,108ml,6.9,12.3,23,30,220ml,25.5,49.9,26,30,Volume Share,Weighted Distribution,,,,,Body Basic Lotion, Sales Mix & Growth By City
13、Quick Development of Body Basic Lotion Traced to Key & A Cities,Volume Sales(Ton),Value Sales(000Rmb),24%,13%,34%,24%,52%,29%,-5%,-13%,Number in green is of the annual growth MAT JF03 vs MAT JF02,,Body Basic Lotion,
14、 Key Brands Share by CityWe Lost Share to Bai Que Ling & Small Brands in Key Cities and Yu Mei Jing in A Cities,,,,4Months to,JF03,chg YA,JF02,chg YA,JF02,chg YA,JF02,chg YA,XX,35.4,-4.1,31.3,-3.4,33.9,-10.3,46.9,1.
15、5,VASELINE,7.7,-3.6,14.5,-4.2,3.3,-2.6,2.1,-6.7,NIVEA,6.2,0.3,11.2,-0.5,4.3,-0.3,0.7,0.2,SOFTSENSE,4.4,-0.2,9.7,-1.9,0.6,0.4,0.6,0.4,A City,BCD City,4 City,National,,,,,Volume Base Body Lotion Basic Base,Body Basic Lotio
16、n, Key Brands Share by CityOur Share Gains in BCD Cities Helped Us to Narrow Overall Share Lost,Value Base Body Lotion Basic Base,Summary,Total Skin Moisturizer experienced faster growth rate in this winter with positiv
17、e price inflation - 6% in volume and 9% in valueAccelerated growth rate had been captured in all segments, esp. In Facial and Hand, which both experienced higher value growth than volume growthBody also captured positi
18、ve volume growth (11%), but its value growth was much lagged behind (7%) in recent winter,Summary - Body,With Body, Lotion still obtained outstanding growth with growth rate of 26% in volume and 17% in value; but cream d
19、eclined which led to a slower growth rate in total bodyThe price deflation in Body Lotion mainly traced to basic Body Lotion, where local brands, like Bai Que Ling and Yu Mei Jing, developed fastOverall, XX did capture
20、d positive growth in recent winter period and Milk largely contributed to our growth,Summary - Body,But we still slightly lost share in Body market in recent winter due to slower growth than the market, especially in the
21、 Basic Body Lotion segmentIn Basic Body Lotion segment, we lost share to Bai Que Ling and small brands in Key cities and Yu Mei Jing in A cities; But our distribution expansion led to our share gains in BCD cities, whic
22、h narrowing our overall share lost,Summary - Body,Overall speaking, XX is still the absolute leader in the Basic Body Lotion segment in value terms; but development of low-end brands, like BQL and YMJ, in Key & A cit
23、ies, suggesting emergence of new market needs,XX Milk Sales Development In 4&A Cities,Milk Sales Contribution To XX By CityMilk Helped XX to Increase Sales In A City; but Not In SH/BJ,Volume(TON),Value(000rmb),4 Mon
24、ths to,4 Months to,UC Lotion,Reg.Lotion,Milk Lotion,GZ,SH,BJ,CD,A CITY,,,,,Milk Share Contribution To XX Basic LotionStagnant in Sales in SH & BJ and Lagged Behind Growth in A Cities Caused Us Losing Share,Volume Sh
25、are,Value Share,UC Lotion,Reg.Lotion,Milk Lotion,Share Base, Body Lotion Basic,GZ,SH,BJ,CD,A CITY,4 Months to,4 Months to,,,,SH-H/S, XX Lotion Variant SKU ShareMilk 200ml Gained Share Rapidly While Reg/UC 200ml Declined
26、,Value Share(Body Lotion Basic Base),4M to JF02,4M toJF03,Chg YA,ND01,JF02,ND02,JF03,Chg YA,XX Basic Lotion,32.5,28,-4.5,30.8,34.7,24.7,31.9,-2.8,MILK 200ml,5.7,5.7,3,8.9,8.9,REG LOTION,10.1,6.7,-3.4,10.3,9.9,7.4,5.8,-
27、4.1,100ml,3.3,2.5,-0.8,3.1,3.4,2.6,2.4,-1,200ml,6.8,2.9,-3.9,7.1,6.5,3,2.8,-3.7,300ml,1.2,1.2,1.8,0.6,0.6,UC LOTION,22.4,15.6,-6.8,20.5,24.8,14.2,17.2,-7.6,100ml,5.8,6.3,0.5,6.2,5.4,6.3,6.3,0.9,200ml,16.6,9.3,-7.3,14.3,1
28、9.5,7.9,11,-8.5,,,,,,,,,,SH-H/S, XX Lotion SKU Dist. & SPPD Milk-200ml Gained Distribution With Good In-store Performance; UC 200ml Maintained Overall Distribution but Declined in SPPD,ND01,JF02,ND02,JF03,JF02,JF03,
29、MILK 200ml,60,70,13.6,REG LOTION,87,87,86,76,100ml,74,72,84,75,3.4,200ml,87,85,61,54,5.6,300ml,27,22,3.1,UC LOTION,88,86,89,86,100ml,65,63,80,75,8.9,200ml,87,85,87,86,13.6,Weighted Distribution,S.P.P.D(000RMB),,,,10.4,4.
30、3,6.9,26.3,7.8,20.8,,8.2,21.4,(11),(11),Number in brackets are of weighted O.O.S distribution.,,,SH-H/S, Body Key Brand Share & PriceLow Price Product Gained Share; Nivea Gained Share Slightly,Rmb/Kg,4Months to,JF 0
31、2,JF 03,Chg,JF 02,JF 03,Chg,JF 02,JF 03,4 Key Brand,96.9,90.3,-6.7,91.5,79.9,-11.7,XX,32.5,28,-4.5,34,26.8,-7.2,126,130,VASELINE,31,27.7,-3.4,26,21.7,-4.3,157,158,SOFTSENSE,18.2,18.7,0.5,19.1,18.1,-1.1,125,128,NIVEA,15.2
32、,15.9,0.7,12.4,13.3,0.9,161,148,BAI QUE LING,1.8,3.4,1.6,6.2,11.6,5.4,39,36,O.BRAND,0.5,5.6,5.1,0.4,7.7,7.3,173,91,Value Share,Volume Share,,,,,In O.brands, key brand are of露華濃 雅佳美 潤(rùn)膚露450ml priced RMB37/pck(82rmb/kg),
33、 and,Body Lotion Basic Base,(200ML),SH-H/S, Key Brands SKU Value ShareNivea Fresh & Intensive Milk Both Contributed to Its Share Gains,Body Lotion Basic Base,,Softsense,Nivea,Vaseline,,,,,,,,,Key Brands SKU Comparis
34、on, SH-H/SSS-110ml/Nivea Fresh-200ml Dist. & SPPD Gained,JF 02,JF 03,JF 02,JF 03,JF 02,JF 03,MILK 200ml,70,13.6,26.3,XX REGULAR 100ml,72,75,4.3,3.4,14.6,14.2,XX REGULAR 200ml,85,54,6.9,5.6,21.5,22.1,XX REGULAR 300ml
35、,22,3.1,31.4,XX UC 100ml,63,75,7.8,8.9,16.3,16.5,XX UC 200ml,85,86,20.8,13.6,24.1,23.4,SOFTSENSE 110ml,52,73,5.9,13.3,15.7,16.1,SOFTSENSE 200ml,83,75,12.6,12.2,23.9,23.3,FIRMING 200ml,64,62,7.9,7.2,47.9,33.6,FRESH 125ml,
36、34,44,3.4,2.7,22.9,22.1,FRESH 200ml,52,62,2.4,7.2,30.2,27.3,INTENSIVE MILK 125ml,55,42,2.9,2.1,18.5,22,INTENSIVE MILK 200ml,52,61,11.2,10.4,23.8,27.4,Vaseline 100ml,63,64,19.7,12.9,18.8,19.1,Vaseline 200ml,51,62,28.1,26.
37、4,29.1,29.6,Weighted,Distribution,S.P.P.D,(000RMB),RMB/Pck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BJ-H/S, XX Lotion Variant SKU Share,Value Share(Body Lotion Basic Base),4M to JF02,4M toJF03,Chg YA,ND01,JF02,ND02,JF03,Chg YA,,,,,XX,37.1,30.1,-7
38、,39.6,34.6,29.1,31.4,-3.2,MILK 200ml,5.1,5.1,2.6,8.1,8.1,REG LOTION,12.3,10.1,-2.2,13.3,11.3,11.3,8.7,-2.6,100ml,4.9,4.1,-0.8,5.2,4.6,4.3,3.8,-0.8,200ml,6.9,5.3,-1.6,7.6,6.1,6.2,4.2,-1.9,300ml,0.2,0.7,0.5,0.2,0.3,0.7,0.6
39、,0.3,UC LOTION,24.8,14.9,-9.9,26.3,23.3,15.2,14.6,-8.7,100ml,9.1,5.4,-3.7,10.5,7.7,4.3,6.8,-0.9,200ml,15.7,9.5,-6.2,15.7,15.6,10.9,7.8,-7.8,,,,BJ-H/S, XX Lotion SKU Dist. & SPPD Milk-200ml Gained Distribution With G
40、ood In-store Performance; UC 200ml Maintained Overall Distribution but Declined in SPPD,ND01,JF02,ND02,JF03,JF02,JF03,Weighted Distribution,S.P.P.D(000RMB),,,MILK 200ml,36,55,6.2,REG LOTION,84,93,86,84,5.1,4.3,100ml,67,7
41、6,82,78,2.5,2.1,200ml,70,66,72,66,3.9,2.7,300ml,13,13,22,13,0.9,1.9,UC LOTION,83,82,81,78,11.8,7.8,100ml,82,80,76,75,4,3.8,200ml,71,67,73,67,9.7,4.9,,,,,,BJ-H/S, Body Key Brand Share & PriceXX Lose Most Share to Oth
42、er Low Price Products,Rmb/Kg,4Months to,JF 02,JF 03,Chg,JF 02,JF 03,Chg,JF 02,JF 03,Value Share,Volume Share,,,Body Lotion Basic Base,XX,37.1,30.1,-7,30.8,23.3,-7.5,141,139,NIVEA,21.2,19.3,-2,13.2,11.8,-1.4,188,175,VASEL
43、INE,14.7,14.8,0.1,9.3,9.1,-0.2,185,175,YU MEI JING,9.1,9.4,0.3,20.2,19.7,-0.6,53,52,FA,4.2,4.6,0.3,3.9,4.9,0.9,125,101,SOFTSENSE,1.1,1.6,0.4,1,1.4,0.4,135,123,O.BRAND,12.6,20.2,7.6,21.6,29.8,8.2,118,106,,In O.brands, key
44、 brand are of露華濃 雅佳美 drove sale in BJ,,BJ-H/S, Key Brands SKU Value Share,Body Lotion Basic Base,,FA,Nivea,Vaseline,,,,,,,,,Key Brands SKU Comparison, BJ-H/S,JF 02,JF 03,JF 02,JF 03,JF 02,JF 03,Weighted,Distribution,S
45、.P.P.D,(000RMB),RMB/Pck,MILK 200ml,55,6.2,29.1,REGULAR 100ml,76,78,2.5,2.1,15.3,15.5,REGULAR 200ml,66,66,3.9,2.7,23.1,22.4,REGULAR 300ml,13,13,0.9,1.9,34.7,31.9,ULTRA CARE 100ml,80,75,4,3.8,17.9,17.1,ULTRA CARE 200ml,67,
46、67,9.7,4.9,26.8,26.1,FA 100ml,47,26,1.8,1.5,15.1,10.9,FA 250ml,33,1,1.4,18,27.2,26.8,FA 400ml-PUMP,19,5.7,38.2,FIRMING LOTION 200ml,33,44,14.9,6.5,53.1,50.6,FRESH 125ml,4,12,1.4,1.7,24.4,24.4,FRESH 200ml,32,37,2.2,3,32.1
47、,28.8,INTENSIVE MILK 125ml,21,30,2.8,1.7,20.2,25,INTENSIVE MILK 200ml,33,45,6,6.7,26,29.2,VASELINE 100ml,54,44,7.1,6.1,21.4,21.2,VASELINE 200ml,37,32,8.6,6.7,32.3,29.8,Nivea,,,,,,(95Rmb/kg),,,,,A-H/S, XX Lotion Variant S
48、KU Share,Value Share(Body Lotion Basic Base),4M to JF02,4M toJF03,Chg YA,ND01,JF02,ND02,JF03,Chg YA,,,,,XX,60.1,49.8,-10.3,61.6,58.1,48.6,51.9,-6.2,MILK 200ml,5,5,3.1,8,8,REG LOTION,27.8,18.1,-9.7,26.2,29.7,18.2,18,-11
49、.7,50ml,1.6,0.6,-1,1.7,1.4,0.5,0.7,-0.7,100ml,11.2,7.5,-3.7,11.6,10.8,7.4,7.6,-3.2,200ml,14.7,9,-5.7,12.5,17.5,9.3,8.6,-8.9,300ml,0,1.1,1.1,0,0,1.1,1.2,1.2,ULTRA CARE,32.3,26.7,-5.6,35.4,28.4,27.3,25.9,-2.5,100ml,22,16.5
50、,-5.5,27.8,14.8,15.9,17.3,2.5,200ml,10.3,10.3,7.6,13.6,11.4,8.6,0,-5.0,,,,A-H/S, XX Lotion SKU Distribution&SPPDKey SKU Distribution Maintain; Milk-200ml Better In-Store Performance Than XX Other SKUs,ND01,JF02,ND02
51、,JF03,JF02,JF03,Weighted Distribution,S.P.P.D(000RMB),,MILK 200ml,19,22,35.9,REG LOTION,54,45,61,57,49.9,31.1,50ml,22,15,9,6,6.9,11,100ml,51,44,52,52,18.5,14.4,200ml,40,33,36,37,40,22.7,300ml,8,7,ULTRA CARE,45,37,57,59,5
52、8.1,43.2,100ml,44,36,55,54,31.1,31.5,200ml,31,26,31,29,39.6,29.2,,,,A-H/S, Body Key Brand Share & PriceOther Than N A, Nivea Gained Share While XX Decline,Body Lotion Basic Base,Value Share,4 Months to,A CITY,S A,E
53、A,N A,W A,In W A, firming lotion contributed most of share gain.,Nivea Body Lotion SKU Share & Distribution & Price In A-H/SDistribution Push More On 200ml and Gained Share,Body Lotion Basic Base,Value Share,Wei
54、ghted Distribution,Rmb/Pck,JF 02,JF 03,JF 02,JF 03,INTENSIVE MILK 200ml,9,10,26,31,INTENSIVE MILK 125ml,3,2,21,25,FRESH 200ml,5,12,34,30,FRESH 125ml,5,4,27,24,FIRMING LOTION 200ml,5,11,50,48,INTENSIVE MILK 200ml,INTENSIV
55、E MILK 125ml,FRESH 200ml,FRESH 125ml,FIRMING LOTION 200ml,,,,,XX Milk Distribution In 4&A CitiesMilk Have Rooms to Improved Distribution In A City,Weighted Distribution,,,,,,,Summary,Launch of Milk did help us to ga
56、in sales in A cities but not much in SH and BJMilk 200ml expanded distribution fast and obtained strong in-store off-takeAt the same time, in-store off-take of 200ml of our regular and UC declined, without distribution
57、 lost yetOverall, in A cities, we still have rooms to improve distribution of Milk,XX Cream Development Tracking,BB&Kids Cream Sales & Growth, Nat.4&A Cities Still Captured Positive Value Sales Growth,Volum
58、e Sales(Ton),Value Sales(Mil.Rmb),-5%,+3%,Size Growth vs YA,-11,-10,-5,0,7,27,-1,21,,,BB&Kids Cream Key Brand Share, Nat.XX Cream Successfully Gained Share Nationally,4M to,JF02,4M to,JF03,Chg YA,ND 01,JF 02,ND 02,J
59、F 03,Chg YA,YU MEI JING,22,20.7,-1.3,20.5,23.6,20.8,20.6,-3,HAI ER MIAN,15.7,13.9,-1.8,17.6,13.6,13.8,14.1,0.5,XX,6.8,12.7,5.9,6.2,7.4,12.7,12.6,5.2,CHUN JUAN,11,8,-3,10.7,11.4,8,8.1,-3.3,AN AN,6.3,4,-2.3,5.8,6.9,4,4,-2.
60、9,SAKULA,3.4,3.4,0,3.4,3.3,3.8,3,-0.3,LONG LI QI,0.6,2.7,2.1,0.2,1,2.8,2.7,1.7,BAOBEI,2,1.2,-0.8,1.8,2.3,1.2,1.1,-1.2,XIAO DING DANG,0.2,1,0.8,0.2,0.2,0.9,1.1,0.9,BALLET,0.8,0.5,-0.3,0.8,0.7,0.5,0.5,-0.2,,,,Value Share(B
61、B&Kids Cream Base),,BB&Kids Cream Key Brand Share by CityXX Gained Share Significantly In 4&A and Catching Up with H.E.M In BCD As Well,4 City,A City,BCD City,Town,4Months to,JF 03,Chg YA,JF 03,Chg YA,JF 03,
62、Chg YA,JF 03,Chg YA,YU MEI JING,10.5,-3.9,28.6,-10.4,19.9,3.9,19.1,-2.2,HAI ER MIAN,17.7,-7.1,10.6,-0.6,16.7,0.1,11.9,-3,XX,35.9,19.4,20,7.1,10.3,3.1,2.1,1.5,CHUN JUAN,10.9,-7.1,0.7,-0.5,4.9,-3.1,16.6,-1.4,AN AN,0.4,-0.6
63、,1.6,-1.5,5.4,-3.6,5.4,-1.1,SAKULA,3.8,-1.7,4,-0.6,3.4,0.8,2.9,-0.1,LONG LI QI,1.5,1,3.5,2.8,3.2,2.7,2,1.3,BAOBEI,1.6,-0.6,1.1,-0.8,0.8,-0.6,1.4,-1.4,XIAO DING DANG,0.7,0.7,0.6,0.5,1.3,1.1,1.1,0.9,BALLET,0.2,-0.1,1.1,-1.
64、5,0.6,0.2,0.1,-0.2,,,,Value Share(BB&Kids Cream Base),XX SKU Value Share Trend, NationalIC Largely Helped Share Gains,,Value Share(BB&Kids Cream Base),XX Weighted Distribution by SKU, Nat.,Weighted Distribution,
65、,BB&Kids Cream Key SKU Ranking, JF03Took The Advantage Of IC25g to Further Wide XX Penetration Both In Depth and Width,Value,Share,VAL,S.P.P.D,WTD,Weighted,Distribution,Numeric,Distribution,Rmb/Pck,HAI ER MIAN 40g,1
66、0.6,81,52,13,6.4,XX UC 60g,7.9,77,41,7,21.4,XX IC 25g,6.8,85,32,7,10.5,XX IC 60g,6.1,73,33,4,21.8,XX UC 25g,6,63,38,10,10.6,YU MEI JING 40g,3.8,59,26,8,5.5,HAI ER MIAN 25g,3.7,58,25,14,2.9,National City-H/S,(BB&Kids
67、Cream Base),,XX Cream total distribution scored 53% in weighted and 14% in numeric which is even with H.E.M 40g in city H/S channel.,,BB&Kids Cream Key Brand Share by ChannelXX Weak In Traditional Store,Value Base,4
68、Months to,JF 02,JF 03,JF 02,JF 03,JF 02,JF 03,YU MEI JING,22,20.7,20.1,16.9,23.9,26.1,HAI ER MIAN,15.7,13.9,19.1,16.1,12.1,10.8,XX,6.8,12.7,11.7,20.1,1.5,2,CHUN JUAN,11,8,3.9,2,18.7,16.6,AN AN,6.3,4,3.8,2.1,9,6.8,Traditi
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- 189ac尼爾森--2003清潔用品市場(chǎng)
- 196ac尼爾森-餅干市場(chǎng)研究
- 193ac尼爾森媒介2003年中期回顧報(bào)告
- 188ac尼爾森2002購物者趨勢(shì)調(diào)查
- 192ac尼爾森零售研究調(diào)查培訓(xùn)(頂新集團(tuán))
- 化妝品畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)--- 480噸年潤(rùn)膚霜工藝設(shè)計(jì)
- 強(qiáng)生嬰兒潤(rùn)膚露市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷策劃書
- 《tb 222-2003 on voltage and power stability in ac-dc systems》
- 夏天用什么潤(rùn)膚露
- 尼爾森媒介研究年中回顧
- 尼爾森老師不見了
- AC賓館市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷策略分析.pdf
- a卷-(190)
- 潤(rùn)膚產(chǎn)品配方制備工藝技術(shù)
- 保健品市場(chǎng)亂象
- 護(hù)膚品市場(chǎng)細(xì)分
- 2003小家電市場(chǎng)
- 2003年長(zhǎng)沙消費(fèi)品場(chǎng)再展雄姿
- 2003年長(zhǎng)沙消費(fèi)品場(chǎng)再展雄姿