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1、英譯漢常用的方法和技巧,第一節(jié):分譯與合譯第二節(jié):被動語態(tài)的譯法第三節(jié):名詞從句的譯法第四節(jié): 定語從句的譯法第五節(jié):狀語從句的譯法第六節(jié):長句的譯法,第一節(jié)分 譯 與 合 譯,英譯漢時,如果一個英語句子不能用一個漢語單句清楚地表達出來,我們可以把原句拆開,用兩個或兩個以上漢語單句來表達,這叫做分譯(Division).,1.So I swam and, presumably because of the lo

2、ng absence of foreigners from Sichuan, before an undeservedly large and enthusiastic audience.,于是我就下水游泳了;大概在四川省人們很久沒見過外國人了,所以我游泳時,旁邊有一大群熱心的觀眾;而單憑我的游泳技術(shù)是不配引來這樣一大群觀眾的。,2.When someone asks me what business I am in, I become

3、 embarrassed. I stutter and stammer. My face feels hot. 當(dāng)有人問我從事什么職業(yè)時,我感到很尷尬,臉發(fā)燙,結(jié)結(jié)巴巴地難以啟齒。,I.分譯法的使用A.單詞的分譯 將原文中的一個單詞分離出來單獨譯為漢語的一個句子,使原文的一個句子分譯成兩個以上的漢語單句??赡苓M行分譯的單詞有:(1)形容詞,3.He is having an identifiable trouble wit

4、h his teeth. 他正患牙病,這是大家都看得出來的。4.The day dawned misty and overcast. 那天天亮?xí)r霧氣很重,天上布滿烏云。,5.As a shy young visitor to Einstein’s home, I was made to feel at ease when Einstein said,” I have something to show you.” 小時候

5、有一次去愛因斯坦家作客,由于我很靦腆,他就對我說:“我有樣?xùn)|西給你看?!庇谑俏冶愀械讲痪惺?。,(2)副詞6.Frankly, are you interested in going? 你說實話,有興趣嗎?7.Not surprisingly, those who were praised improved dramatically. 那些受到表揚的人進步顯著,這是不足為怪的。,8.Characterically, Mr. Ha

6、rold concealed his feelings and watched and learned.哈羅德先生沒有表露自己的感情,只是察言觀色,心領(lǐng)神會。這是他的性格。,(3)動詞9.We recognize and share China’s resolve to resist the attempts of any nation which seeks to establish global or regional hege

7、mony.我們認識到中國決心抵抗任何國家尋求建立全球霸權(quán)和地區(qū)霸權(quán)的企圖,我們也有這樣的決心。,(4)名詞10.She left home a child and came back a mother of three children.離家時她還是個孩子,回來時已是三個孩子的媽媽了。,11.As a secret training base for a revolutionary new plane, it was an exc

8、ellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity.作為新型飛機的訓(xùn)練基地,這是一個非常理想的地方;因為它地處邊陲,人們不容易了解其中的活動。,B.短語分譯將原文中的一個短語譯為一個句子,使原文的一個句子分譯成兩個或兩個以上的漢語句子。可能進行分譯的短語有: (1)分詞短語,12.He was dressed, sitting by the fire,

9、 looking a very sick and miserable boy of nine years. 他已穿好衣服,坐在火爐旁。這個9歲的男孩看上去病得很厲害,一副可憐巴巴的模樣。,13.He handed me my draft of the plan completely modified.他把我的計劃草案交還了我,內(nèi)容全改動了。,(2)介詞短語14.The fire started during the workmen

10、’s dinner hour.工人們吃飯時,發(fā)生了火災(zāi)。15.With all his faults, I like him.盡管他有種種缺點,我還是喜歡他。,(3)名詞短語16.Alice, normally a timid girl, argued heatedly with them about it. 阿麗絲平時是個靦腆的姑娘,現(xiàn)在也和他們熱烈地辯論起來。,17.You should consult your advi

11、sor, Dr. John H. Olson, Room 125D Science Wing, Phone 715 232-2604, concerning the planning of your program.你應(yīng)找你的指導(dǎo)教師約翰.H.奧爾森博士商量你的計劃。他在理科側(cè)樓125D房間,電話是715232-2604。,C.長句分譯 長句分譯這里主要是指將含有一個或多個定語從句的英語長句分譯為兩個或多個漢語句子。,18.But

12、underneath the sympathetic talk, they actually feel a little wistful envy of the men who brave the winds, rain, snow, cold, and storms upon the restless water. 然而,在這種富于同情的閑聊下面,他們實際上都有著一種強烈的羨慕之情;他們羨慕那些在驚濤駭浪中搏風(fēng)斗雨、傲雪頂寒的人們。

13、,19.A spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who says that women have outgrown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era and a major who says that they haven’t.,一位年輕女士與一位少校展開了熱烈的討論。年輕女士認為,婦女已經(jīng)有所進步,不

14、再像過去那樣一見到老鼠就嚇得跳到椅子上,少校則不以為然。,20.We have nothing to do with David Swan until we find him at the age of twenty on the main road from his home to the City of Boston where his uncle, a businessman, is going to give him work

15、in the store which he owns.,我們與戴維.斯旺本來毫無關(guān)系。直到有一天,我們見到20歲的他離家上了大路,去波士頓他舅舅家。他舅舅是做生意的,開了個店,安排他去那里做事。,II.合譯法的使用A.將兩個或兩個以上的英語簡單句合譯為一個漢語單句21.It was 2 a.m. on a hot August night. In a San Francisco suburb, a man staggered out

16、 of a bar. 一個炎熱的8月夜晚凌晨兩點鐘,在舊金山郊區(qū),有個人搖搖晃晃的走出酒吧間。,22.People are the same everywhere. They are born. They are babies. They are children. They are adults. They grow old. They die.各地的人都是一樣的。人們生下來都要經(jīng)歷從嬰兒、兒童、成年人直至衰老死亡的各個人生階段。

17、,B.將英語的并列句合譯為漢語單句23.Her dress was grey and plain, but it fitted her body nicely.她一身素裝簡單而合身。,C.將英語的主從復(fù)合句譯為漢語單句24.That’s the only thing we can do now.目前我們只能這樣做。,25.That’s why you should put one item of information on e

18、ach of information card.因而每張資料卡上只應(yīng)記一條資料。,D.將兩個或兩個以上的英語簡單句合譯為漢語的一個聯(lián)合復(fù)句26.Pitcher was a quiet man. He didn’t usually let his face show his feelings.皮切爾不愛說話,也不輕易在臉上顯露喜怒哀樂。,第二節(jié)被 動 語 態(tài) 的 譯 法,I.英語被動語態(tài)的用法英語中被動語態(tài)的使用比漢語較為普遍

19、。英語句子在下列情況下一般使用被動語態(tài):A.不必或者無法說明主動者是誰,1.This book has been translated into several foreign language.該書已經(jīng)譯成了好幾種外國語言。,B.談話的中心是承受者而不是主動者2.The machine here are all made in China. 這兒的所有機器都是中國制造的。,C.出于禮貌,不愿說明誰是主動者3.I’m fla

20、ttered. 你過獎了。(不可譯成:我受到了奉承。),D.為了使句子易于安排4.Unfortunately, their plan failed and we mercilessly criticized by their opponents.不幸的是,他們的計劃失敗了,并且遭到了反對者們的批評。,II.被動語態(tài)的譯法 A.漢語的被動語態(tài)一般帶有“被”、“受”、“由”等詞。有時英文原句的被動語踏可以譯成帶有“被”、

21、“受”、“由”等詞的漢語被動結(jié)構(gòu),5.Both the father and the son were thrown into prison.父子倆都被投進了監(jiān)獄。6.Wherever she went, the princess was welcomed with great enthusiasm.無論走到哪兒,公主都受到非常熱烈的歡迎。,7.The children were taken care of by their gr

22、andparents when we were away. 當(dāng)我們不在時,孩子們由他們的祖父母照看。,B.應(yīng)該注意絕不可以濫用“被”字 如,This book was written in 1912.不可譯成“這本書是1912年被寫的”,而譯成“這本書寫于1912年較妥。所以,在許多情況下,應(yīng)該用其他形式來翻譯英文的被動語態(tài)。,(1)譯成主動式8.This project should be finished as soon

23、as possible.這項工程應(yīng)該盡早完成。,9.This must be made clear to everybody.這一點必須向大家講明白。10.This issue is not much talked about in China. 在中國(人們)很少談?wù)撨@個問題。,11.She is dressed in red.她身穿紅色的衣服。12.We are convinced that our team will

24、win.我們相信我對講獲勝。,13.The gun is loaded.槍裝有子彈。14.The gun was quickly loaded again.槍很快又被裝上了子彈。,15.University of Electronic Science and Technology of China is located in the eastern part of Chengdu City.電子科技大學(xué)位于成都市的東部。,(2

25、)譯成無主語的句子16.Smoking (is) prohibited. 嚴禁吸煙。,17.It is said that the old man is a millionaire.據(jù)說那老頭是個百萬富翁。18.It is well known that Hong Kong has been part of China since ancient times.眾所周知(大家知道)香港自古就是中國的一部分。,It is repo

26、rted that… 據(jù)報… It is supposed that… 據(jù)推測… It is hoped that… 希望… It must be pointed out that… 必須指出…,It must be admitted that… 必須承認… It is believed that…

27、 有人相信… It is generally considered that… 大家認為…,It will be said that… 有人會說… It was told that… 有人曾說…,(3)譯成其他特定的漢語句型19.We were very much impressed by what she had said.我們?yōu)樗难哉Z

28、深深打動。,20.Everybody in the room was shocked by his thundering voice.他那雷鳴般的嗓音把房間里所有的人驚呆了。21.The downtown area of Tokyo was practically destroyed by the earthquake.地震幾乎使東京城區(qū)完全毀滅。,22.They got married last Sunday.他們上個星期天結(jié)

29、了婚。23.Jack got caught slipping a note to Lisa during the exam.在考試過程中杰克向莉薩遞條子時被發(fā)現(xiàn)了。,第三節(jié)名 詞 從 句 的 譯 法,I.主語從句的譯法含主語從句的句型有1)“主語從句+主句謂語+其他成分”;2) “形式主語it+主句謂語+主語從句”。,A.    上述第一種句型一般用順譯法 1.That she s

30、urvived the earthquake is sheer luck.她在地震中幸免于難純靠運氣。,2.Who ever breaks the regulations deserves a fine.違規(guī)者應(yīng)予罰款。3.Which result is correct remains to be studied.哪個結(jié)果正確,還有待研究。,4.What little she said has left us much to t

31、hink about.她說的短短幾句話很發(fā)人深思。5.That he was in error will scarcely be disputed by his warmest friends.他弄錯了,而他那些真誠的朋友對此不會提出質(zhì)疑,B.翻譯第二種句型的句子,除需省譯形式主語it外,還需根據(jù)漢語的表達習(xí)慣,有的用順譯,有的用倒譯,有的兩者均可,有時主從合譯(1)順譯,6.It hasn’t been made clear

32、when the new expressway is to be opened to traffic.還不清楚新高速公路什么時候通車。7.It occurred to him that he had forgotten to take his notebook with him.他突然想起他忘了帶筆記本了。,(2)倒譯8.It doesn’t matter where we are going on holiday.我們?nèi)ツ膬?/p>

33、渡假都沒關(guān)系。9.Has it been announced when the planes are to take off?飛機什么時候起飛播報了沒有?,(3)順譯或倒譯,兩者均可10.It is common knowledge that the whale is not a fish.眾所周知,鯨不是魚。或:鯨不是魚,這是眾所周知的。,(4)主從合譯11.It is probable that he has got t

34、he clue for solving the problem.他很可能已找到解決這個問題的線索。12.It seems that that datum is quite convincing.這個數(shù)據(jù)似乎很有說服力。,It is advisable that… …是可能的It is desirable that… 最好是…It is evident that…

35、很明顯(或顯然)…It is noteworthy that… 值得注意的是… It is assumed that… 假定…,It cannot be denied that… 無可否認的是…It is preferred that… 最好…It is reported that… 據(jù)報道…It is said that…

36、 據(jù)說…,It can be seen from this that… 由此可見…It is well-known that… 眾所周知…It is a fact that… 事實上…It is no wonder that… 難怪…,II.表語從句的譯法A.翻譯表語從句一般用順譯法13.This is what we are firmly

37、 against.這是我們堅決反對的。,14.Things are not always as they seem to be.事物并不總是像表面上看來的那樣。15.That is why we decided to put the discussion off.這就是我們堅決推遲討論的原因。,B.有時可將主從句合譯16.There is no air and water on the moon. That’s why no

38、living things can live there.月球上沒有空氣和水。因此生物在月球上不能生存。,17.That was how they were defeated. 他們就是這樣給打敗的。,C.有時可用倒譯18.Raw material is what we are badly in need of.我們急需的是原料。,III.賓語從句的譯法A.英語的賓語從句有三種:翻譯賓語從句一般都用順譯法19.I

39、can’t make out what they are talking about.我不清楚他們在談什么。,20.She reminded me that I had a meeting to attend that evening.她提醒我晚上要參加一個會議。21.He was not conscious of what an important discovery he had made.他沒意識到他的這一發(fā)現(xiàn)多么重要。,

40、22.You may be sure that he is honest.你可以相信他是誠實的。23.We are certain that we’ll be able to accomplish the designing in a short period of time.我們肯定能在短期內(nèi)完成這項設(shè)計。,B.介詞賓語從句若位為位于句首,有時根據(jù)漢語習(xí)慣,采用倒譯法24.Did she say anything about

41、how the work was to be done?關(guān)于這項工作該怎么做她說了什么沒有?,C.英語中有時用it作形式賓語,而把賓語從句放在句末。譯成漢語時,應(yīng)將形式賓語省譯,而賓語從句則按漢語表達習(xí)慣要么用倒譯要么用順譯,25.We all thought it a pity that the conference should have been cancelled.會議取消了,我們都感到遺憾。,26.The teacher

42、made it clear to the students that they must hand in their compositions by Friday.老師給學(xué)生講清楚了,必須在星期五以前交作文。,IV.同位語從句的譯法 A.用順譯法將同位語從句譯為漢語的獨立句,并根據(jù)具體情況在前面加冒號、破折號或加“即”等表同位關(guān)系的詞,27.Then arose the question where we were to

43、get the materials needed于是就產(chǎn)生了這樣一個問題:我們到哪里去找所需要的材料。,28.In July 1898, Madame Curie and her husband got a great success that they discovered the radioactive element, polonium.1898年7月,居里夫人和她的丈夫獲得了很大的成功—他們發(fā)現(xiàn)了放射性元素釙。,29.The

44、 name “volcano” indicates the belief of the ancient Greeks that the burning hills of the Mediterranean were the workshops of divine blacksmith, Vulcan.“火山”這一名稱表明古希臘人的這一信念,即地中海沿岸大燃燒著的上是鍛冶之神“伍爾坎”的工場。,30.Can you produce an

45、y evidence that he was not at home that night?你能不能提出證據(jù),證明那天夜里他不在家。,B.用倒譯法將同位語從句譯為前置修飾語 31.   There was little probability that they would succeed.他們成功的可能性極小。,32.    Any proposals that Joh

46、n should be dismissed must be resisted.必須抵制將約翰開除的任何提議。,C.用轉(zhuǎn)換法將同位與從句轉(zhuǎn)譯為漢語的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)作賓語33.This thought came to him that maybe he had left his keys in the bedroom.他突然想起他可能把鑰匙遺忘在臥室里了。,34.Is this not another proof that the so-c

47、alled détente is just empty talk?這難道不又一次證明所謂緩和只不過是句空話。35.He gave the order that all the prisoners be set free.他命令釋放所有的犯人。,36.The story goes that the expedition was a failure.據(jù)說這次遠征失敗了。,第四節(jié)定 語 從 句 的 譯 法,I.定語從句常

48、用的翻譯方法A.倒譯法對限制性和非限制性定語從句都適用,不過更多地用于不太復(fù)雜的限制性定語從句,1.Those who want to go please sign their names here.想去的人請在這兒簽名。2.James Russll is a man for whom I have the greatest respect.詹姆斯.羅索是我最尊重的人。,3.Go back further, to a world

49、 where the steam engine and allied inventions had not yet enabled industrialization.再進一步往回想,就回到一個蒸汽機及相關(guān)的發(fā)明尚未導(dǎo)致工業(yè)革命的世界。,4.The way you answered the questions was admirable.你回答問題的方式(或你回答得)真是妙極了。,5.The speech, which he had

50、 written on little bits of paper, seemed endless.他那事先寫在小紙片上的發(fā)言稿念起來好像沒完沒了。,B. 分譯法 當(dāng)定語從句較長,或先行詞有較多的前置定語時,若再將定語從句倒譯為前置定語,可能會使譯文條理不明,含義不清。在這種情況下,把定語從句分譯為單獨的句子卻能避免這些弊病。翻譯限制性和非限制性定語從句都可能用到分譯法,但這種方法更多地適用于非限定性定語從句。使用分譯法有兩

51、種形式:重復(fù)關(guān)系代詞所指代的含義和省譯關(guān)系詞。,(1)重復(fù)關(guān)系詞所指代的含義6.He is with his youngest brother, who is accompanying him on his tour in China.他和他的小弟弟在一起。他的小弟弟正陪同他在中國旅游。,7.I have to book ahead for concerts, which are usually held in London.我得

52、預(yù)購音樂會的票。這些音樂會通常在倫敦舉行。,8.The critical value is expressed as =(S-1)(1-P) where S is specific gravity of material, P is percentage of voids in material expressed as a decimal.,這一臨界值可表示為:=(S-1)(1-P)式中S為材料比重;P為材料的空隙百分比,以小數(shù)

53、表示。(關(guān)系副詞where引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾上面的整個公式,所以where 譯為“式中”),9.The Tartar chief controls a thousand men, all of whom must obey his orders in both war and peace.韃靼人的頭目控制著1000人,這1000人在戰(zhàn)爭和和平時期都必須服從他的命令。,10. I’m looking at a photograph of

54、 New Orlean’s jazz group which I used to play in.我在看一張新奧爾良爵士樂的照片。我以前一直是該樂隊的成員。,(2)省譯關(guān)系詞11.Isaac Asimov was a productive writer who wrote over two hundred books all his life.艾薩克﹒阿西莫夫是一位多產(chǎn)作家,一生寫了200多本書。,12.He said that

55、he liked reading, which I was glad to hear.他說他喜歡讀書,我聽了感到很高興。13.On the ground floor he had a store where he sold canned goods.他在底樓有個鋪子,出售罐頭制品。,C. 主從合譯法有時我們可以將英語的主句和定語從句壓縮譯成漢語的一個單句。原文的主句在譯文中被壓縮成漢語單句的一個句子成分。適用于這種譯法的多數(shù)是主

56、句為there be句型的英語句子。,14.There are many foreign tourists who want to visit the Great Wall.許多外國旅游者想游覽長城。15.There is no reason why he shouldn’t come.他沒有不來的理由。,16.He has been suffering from al kind of disease for which the

57、cure is possible.他得的那種病是可以治療的。17.That was the way she looked after us.’她就是這樣照顧我們的。,II.句法結(jié)構(gòu)特殊的定語從句的辨認與譯法 A. 分隔型定語從句 定語從句與先行詞分隔往往是由以下幾種情況造成的。這類定語從句常常倒譯為前置定語。,(1)先行詞與定語從句之間有另一個作定語的短語18.He lived in the house

58、near us which was wrecked.他住在我們附近的一座破房子里。,19.There is no habit so old but may(=that may not) be cured by a strong willpower.只要有堅強的毅力,沒有什么改不了的舊習(xí)慣。,(2)句子的狀語較短,而修飾賓語的定語從句較長20.I put the books in the cupboard which you rea

59、d yesterday. 我把你昨天讀過的那些書放在櫥柜里了。,(3)先行詞是主句的主語,而主句的謂語較短,為了句子平衡而把定語從句放在主句謂語的后面,21.A war broke out which lasted for forty years.一場延續(xù)了40年的戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā)了。22.Hardly a man came to the exhibition but was (=who was not) deeply impresse

60、d by the originality of his works.來參觀展覽會的人簡直無不深深感到他作品的新穎風(fēng)格。,B.雙重限制性定語從句顧名思義,雙重限制性定語從句是指兩個定語從句修飾同一個先行詞。翻譯這類定語從句要注意按漢語習(xí)慣安排兩個從句的順序。,23.There was one thing he told me which I don’t believe.他給我講的有一件事我不相信。24.Cay you mentio

61、n anyone that we know who is so talented as he?你能舉出一個我們認識的像他這樣有才能的人嗎?,A.復(fù)雜型定語從句25.Standing by a fine model of FujiYama was the boy who everyone thought would be chosen the winner by the judges.站在那輛式樣很好的富士山牌模型車旁的男孩,大家都

62、認為他會被裁判員選為優(yōu)勝者。,26.Brill worried about the strange stories which she claimed Tom told her.布里爾對這些稀奇古怪的傳說感到擔(dān)憂,她說這些傳說是湯姆講給她聽的。,A. 重復(fù)先行詞的定語從句27.There are even people with plastic parts in their hearts, people who would othe

63、rwise have died.甚至有些人的心臟里也安裝有塑料零件。如果不安這些塑料零件,這些人就會死亡。,28.From all over the country, more than 200,000 people of all races, faiths, creeds, and ages gathered at the Lincoln Memorial, the memorial of the beloved President

64、 who helped set American blacks on the road to freedom from slavery 100 years before.,來自全國不同種族、信仰、信念與年齡的20多萬人聚集在林肯紀念堂前,這是這位受人愛戴的總統(tǒng)的紀念堂,正是他在100年前幫助美國黑人擺脫奴隸制并走上通往自由的道路。,29.In old days the woman was kept at the bottom of so

65、ciety, a slave who could be bought, sold or simply discarded. 在舊時代,婦女處于社會最底層。她們是可以買賣或隨意遺棄的奴隸。,III.具有狀語作用的定語從句的譯法 30.Ernest Hemingway, who published his masterpiece The Old Man and the Sea, was rewarded the Nobel P

66、rize for Literature in 1954.由于海明威發(fā)表了他的名著《老人與?!罚栽?954年獲得諾貝爾文學(xué)獎。,31.Our delegations have been sent to Asian and African countries, who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments.我們已派代表團到亞非國家去,以便同各國

67、政府談判貿(mào)易協(xié)定。(表“目的”),32.He insisted on buying another coat, which he had no use for.他堅持要買一件上衣,盡管他并無此需要。,33.Any questions you have about your visa status should be referred to the International Student Service Office at the


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