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1、大豆的生長發(fā)育和各個時期國際劃分,,目錄,大豆生長發(fā)育大豆的時期,大豆種子萌發(fā)出土-大豆種子結(jié)構(gòu),,種臍 Hilum,胚根Radicle,胚芽,種皮Seed coat,胚軸Hypocotyl,子葉Cotyledons,生長點和幼葉,連接胚根胚芽的短軸,生長點和根冠組成,大豆種子萌發(fā)出土,,,The temperature of soybean seeds germination,,,,播種深度對出苗的影響,表 1-1 播

2、種深度對大豆幼苗器官發(fā)育的影響播種越深,下胚軸越長,主根長度下茬不大,而側(cè)根數(shù)量則有隨著播種深度的加深而減少的趨勢,這可能是因為,播種越深,下胚軸長,養(yǎng)分消耗多的緣故。一般大豆的播種深度以4cm產(chǎn)量最高,多雨年份播深以3cm為宜,干旱年份以5cm為好。,,Soybean Morphology,,4種不同類型:子葉第一對真葉(單葉)三出復(fù)葉先出葉,大豆葉型,國際植物遺傳資源委員會將大豆小葉形狀按照主莖中部發(fā)育完全

3、的頂小葉長/寬比,劃分為3種類型:狹窄型(披針形);長/寬在2.2或以上者; 每莢多為3-4粒,有利于每莢粒數(shù)提高狹闊葉型(卵圓形);長/寬在1.8或以下者;每莢多為2-3粒,有利于百粒重增長中間型:長/寬在1.9-2.1之間。,,,,,Oval,Lanceolate,大豆葉片同化物的輸入和輸出,,,Soybean root,,大豆的形態(tài)特征根 系,大豆的根系有主根、側(cè)根、細根、根毛和根瘤組成。 主根深達180c

4、m,橫向擴展35~45cm,主要根系分布在0~20cm耕層內(nèi)。,大豆的根系,Soybean root,,由分枝到開花,根的生長最旺盛,從開花末期到豆莢伸長期,根量達到最高峰,以后逐漸衰老。,大豆的主莖和分枝,,(1)主莖 大豆的莖比較堅韌,莖上有節(jié),一般主莖有14-16節(jié)。幼莖有綠色和紫色兩種。莖的形態(tài)特點與產(chǎn)量高低有較大關(guān)系。(2)分枝 大豆莖分若干節(jié),是由莖尖分生組織細胞群(分生區(qū))不斷分生而產(chǎn)生。 主莖節(jié)

5、數(shù)與生育期長短有一定關(guān)系,一般生育期長,節(jié)多。,,,,大豆的生長習(xí)性,,無限結(jié)莢習(xí)性(Indeterminate),主莖和分枝頂端在開花后仍繼續(xù)生長,開花順序由下向上,頂端只長出一個莢。植株較高,側(cè)枝發(fā)達,豆莢均勻分布在各分枝上,主莖豆莢不集中,莢以中部分枝最多,向上逐漸減少。?MG 000 -5主莖節(jié)的數(shù)量在R5期停止增長種植日期和熟期能夠影響最終杰德數(shù)量,大豆的生長習(xí)性,,有限生長習(xí)性(Determinate),在主莖生長高度

6、超過成株高度一半以后,才在莖的中上部開始開花,然后向上、向下逐節(jié)開花,以后在主莖頂端出現(xiàn)一個大花簇,莖即停止生長。 植株矮,主莖粗,節(jié)間短,豆莢多集中在主莖上,在肥地不易倒伏,葉片較肥大。?MG V –IX?主莖的節(jié)數(shù)在R1期停止增加,大豆的生長習(xí)性,,亞有限生長習(xí)性(Semi-determinate),介于以上兩種習(xí)性之間而偏于無限習(xí)性。植株較高大,主莖較發(fā)達,分枝性較差。開花順序由下而上,主莖結(jié)莢較多。

7、 在肥水充足和密植時,表現(xiàn)出無限習(xí)性特征,而在肥水適宜、稀植時表現(xiàn)近似有限習(xí)性特征。,大豆生長習(xí)性,,大豆的生長習(xí)性是重要的生態(tài)性狀。在地理分布上有著明顯的規(guī)律和區(qū)域性。南方雨水多,生長季節(jié)長,有限生長習(xí)性類型多。北方雨水少,生長季節(jié)短,無限生長習(xí)性類型多。,大豆繁殖器官的建成-花和花序,大豆的花著生在葉腋間及莖的頂端,呈總狀花序?;ǘ渚凵诨üI辖谢ù?。 花色白和紫是品種的重要特征,,上 右: 1 旗瓣 2

8、 翼瓣 3龍骨瓣 4 雌雄蕊 5 萼,下 左:1,2 兩體雄蕊 3 柱頭,花由苞片、花萼、花冠、雄蕊和雌蕊組成?;ǘ錇榘鼑?,蝶形花冠有5個花瓣,雄蕊10枚,雌蕊1枚。,1,3,5,4,2,1,2,3,2,3,大豆繁殖器官的建成-花和花序,根據(jù)花軸的長度和花數(shù)目,可將花序分為3種類型長軸型,花序軸長10cm以上,每個軸上著生10-40朵花中軸型,花序軸長3-10cm,每個花序著生8

9、-10朵花短軸型,花序軸較短,3cm以下,一般3-8朵花,,A schematic diagram of soybean plant life cycle,,,大豆的生長發(fā)育過程,大豆的一生要經(jīng)歷種子萌發(fā)、出苗、幼苗生長、分枝、開花、結(jié)莢、鼓粒、成熟等過程??煞譃?個時期:種子萌發(fā)和出苗期幼苗期花芽分化期開花結(jié)莢期鼓粒期成熟期,,Development of the soybean growth stage system

10、,?1949: Number system (Kaltonet al., 1949)–2: Three trifoliate leaves unrolled = V3–7: Small pods on top of plant with full pods at the bottom = R4 or R5?1977: Split development into a vegetative and reproductive sta

11、ges (Fehr and Caviness, 1977)?2004: Slight change in definitions from the method devised in 1977 (Pedersen, 2004),,Soybean Growth and Development,,一些晚熟品種開花后若至于長日照下,其生殖生長停滯,植株上部原有的花莢脫落,營養(yǎng)生長恢復(fù),新的分枝不斷發(fā)生。在這種情況下,植株最上部4節(jié)中不會結(jié)

12、莢鼓粒,而植株基部存留的莢能夠成熟并是全株達到R7,Soybean Growth and Development,Vegetative StagesV-StagesVE,VC,V1,V2,V3, Vn,,Reproductive StagesR-StagesR1,R2,R3,…R8Starts at Flowering,VE - EMERGENCE,5 to 14 das after planting Cotyledons

13、 above the soil surface,,VC - COTYLEDON,Unifoliolate leaves have unrolled Leaves are oppositeUnifoliate leaves unrolled suffciently so the leaf edges are not touching,,V1 STAGE,One trifoliolateOne node above the un

14、ifoliolateTrifoliolates are produced singularly and alternately,,V2 stage,V2 – 2ND NODE? Two trifoliolates? Nodules have beenestablished? Check for propernodulation? If absent determinecause and prepare toapply

15、 N,,V3 stage,V3 – Third Node 3 nodes above unifoliolate Cotyledons gone Axillary buds allow plants to recuperate from damage,,V6 Stage,New V stagesevery 3 days? 50% leaf loss=3%yield loss,,R1 Stage: Beginning bloom,

16、主莖任意節(jié)上有一朵花開放Flowering begins at 3rd to 6th node (V6 to V10 stage)Flowering period is 3 to 4 wk -begins 6 to 8wk after emergence -Peaks R2 to R3; ends –R5Vertical root growth rates increase rapidly -as much

17、 as 1.3 to 3.2 in /day,,R2: full bloom,Open flower at one of the two uppermost nodes on the main stem with a fully developed leafAccumulated 25% of total dry wt & 50% of total node #Rapid dry wt and nutrient accu

18、mulation from R2 until R7 inanition N-fixation rate ↑50% defoliation↓ yield 50%,,R3: Beginning pod,pods are 3/16 inch (5 mm) at one of the four uppermost nodes on the main stem with a fully developed leaf Yield is a

19、function of :base population pod numberSeeds per podSeed weightAbility to compensate for stress by modifying these factors decreases from R1 to R5,,R3- 初莢前:主莖任意節(jié)上出現(xiàn)0.5cm長的幼莢,R4:Full pod,Pods are 3/4 inch (2 cm) at o

20、ne of the four uppermost nodes on the main stem with a fully developed leaf Rapid pod growth & beginning seeds development From R4 to middle R5 critical for yield Rapid and steady dry matter accumulation Flowerin

21、g is complete Young seeds & pods are most prone to abortion Yield reductive based on total pod# Is the main yield limiting factorSeed # per pod and seed size may also occur,,R5: Beginning seed,seed is 1/8 inch

22、 long (3 mm) long in the pod at one of the four uppermost nodes on the main stem with a fully developed leaf,,R5-(初粒前):主莖任意節(jié)上莢果內(nèi)種子長度達3mm,R6: Full seed,pod containing a green seed that fills the pod capacity at one of the

23、 four uppermost nodes on the main stem with a fully developed leaf,,R6-(滿粒前):主莖任意節(jié)上,至少有一莢果內(nèi)的青綠種子體積達最大值,R7: Beginning maturity,one normal pod on the main stem has reached it's mature pod colorPlants shedding leave is

24、 just prior to R7,,R8: Full maturity,95% of the pods have reached their full mature color;5-10 days of drying weather are required after R8, before the soybeans have less than 15 percent moisture,,,,,Duration of soybean


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