

1、分類編 號: 巾 - 位代碼:10065密 級 . V '' i“ :0 830 11069夂 繂 砷羔* 嗲研 究 生 學位 論 文論文題 目:高 中古詩 詞 鑒 賞教 學學 生 姓 名 : 王世穎 中請學位級別 : 碩士申請專 業(yè) 名 稱 :教 育 碩 士研 究 方 向: 學科 教 學 ? 語 文指導教師姓名:高恒文 專業(yè)技術(shù)職稱 : 教授提 交 論 文 日期 : 20 12 年 3 月A b
2、str a c tT he anci entpoet ry is t he im portantcontenti n t he hi gh schooll anguage teachi ng ,i tshoul d b e existed i nt o t he teach i ng goal ,teachi ng contents and t he l i teraturedet ail s as w el lt he form i
3、ng syst em s.A nd i tw il lbe defi ned and gui ded vi a curri cul umcri t eria.T he art icle m ai nl y di scusses w hatt he anci entpoet ry shoul d teach i n the h i ghm iddle sch ool,from the curricul um stan dard,t
4、 he teach i n g b ook choo ses t h e articl e,th e cl ass d el i b erati on and t h e p ractice and so o n to analysis and di scuss.T his arti cl e m ai nl y di vi ded i nto t h ree ch apt ers.P artI:A nal yze t he
5、 l at estst at us and i m port ance of anci entpoet ry t eachi ng i n hi ghm id d le sch o o l.P artII:M ai n ly d i scu ss the teach i n g targ ets and criticalcontents of courses i nto t h eanci entpoet ry teachi ng.T
6、 he teachi ng goalw hi ch i s anci entpoet ry l oad b eari ng cl everarti st ic essence and t h e t rue,good and b eauti fulal lhas t he vi talsign ificance of form st he good language accom pli shm entand t he heal t h
7、 m i nd t o t he student.M ai nl y,t h eteachi ng d etai l s incl udes as foll ow i n g:R ead and reci te,i m age and savor i n i dealcondi tion,w ri ti ng skill.A s w ellt h e l astt w o detail s w illbe m ore cri t
8、icaland diffi cu l t.P artIII:A s t he core i n t his key sect i on, putforw ard for t he t eachi ng m et h ods com pl i esw i t h t h e teachi ng contents.A ctuall y,t h e fu ndam entalcontents i ncl udes read and reci
9、tegui di ng ,teachi ng em phasis and di ff icul t y shoul d cover t he t houghtand em ot i onexpressi ng as w el lt he arttechniqu e app reci ati ng.K ey w ord :A nci entp oet ry,T eachi ng cont ent s,T eachi ng m eth
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