1、<p> XXXX畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文資料翻譯</p><p> 附件:1.外文資料翻譯譯文(約3000漢字);</p><p> 2.外文資料原文(與課題相關的1萬印刷符號左右)。</p><p><b> 政策主要機構的影響</b></p><p> 多部門中多個機構的能力建設,無論是在政府和非政
2、府領域都是一個關鍵問題。發(fā)但是展道路的安全,只能由國家提供,政治承諾(見專欄1.2)。根據觀察,現在有足夠證據表明,在沒有政府的干預或者取代時,自由市場機制能夠提供更大的安全保障。</p><p><b> 政府的作用</b></p><p> 古往今來,大多數交通發(fā)達的國家,交通運輸的安全和交通警察的部署都是屬于政府部門的監(jiān)管范圍。司法,衛(wèi)生,規(guī)劃和教育等重要領
3、域政府部門也富有監(jiān)管的責任。但是,在某些情況下,車輛安全標準只能由由行業(yè)主管部門特別處理。</p><p> 在政府如何處理道路安全問題上,決策部門總結以往的經驗得出結論,在許多情況下,行車安全的體制基本上已經支離破碎,并且缺乏一個強有力的領導,從而導致了道路安全所產生的問題在其他利益的競爭下被忽略了。</p><p> 一些國家的經驗表明,減少交通傷害有一個行之有效策略,就是設立一個
4、獨立的政府機構,如果能夠給予它一定的權力和預算,那么在計劃和實施政府制定的方案時取得好效果的機會較大。但是畢竟“獨立”的交通安全機構的例子是少見的。然而,在20世紀60年代,瑞典和美國就曾經建立了交通安全機構,在一個相對較短的時間內,他的地位是凌駕于主要的交通部門之上的。他的主要職責是負責監(jiān)督交通政策的實施。</p><p> 瑞典道路安全辦公室(SRSO)成立于60年代后期,其職能是負責道路交通安全。雖然它缺
5、乏顯著的權力和充足的資源,但是在其影響下,道路死亡人數在1970年到1980年間不斷地減少。1993年,瑞典道路安全辦公室(SRSO)與資源信息更豐富的瑞典國家公路路政管理(SNRA)合并,主要負責道路的運輸和通訊部,給予道路更加安全的通訊政策和適時的道路交通信息。</p><p> 在美國,針對交通意外事故傷亡人數急劇上升的情況 ,1970年公路安全法建立了交通安全機構—美國國家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA
7、和安全氣囊。與此同時,美國國家公路交通安全局還提供了有關汽車安全的課題,要求進行消費者安全使用信息的培訓。國家公路交通安全管理局還不斷地進行交通安全和駕駛行為的研究。</p><p> 我們一般會優(yōu)先選擇一個獨立的機構來負責道路安全,因為這樣會增加道路安全的可能性。同時,我們還應該認識到強有力的政治支持和其他機構的行動也是必不可少的,只有這樣才能實現交通安全的重大的變化。如果僅僅通過設置一個獨立的機構,用以協(xié)調
8、交通安全,那是遠遠不夠的,那么還有一個辦法就是豐富現有道路交通安全課程的內容,并且積極開展這方面的培訓,賦予政府的運輸部門更大的權力。</p><p> 我們可以從一個疆域遼闊的國家,了解一些關于交通安全方面的實施經驗,當然不難總結出這樣一個道理,不管是什么組織結構,重要的是負責道路安全方面的領頭政府組織,應明確界定其具體職責和在交通安全協(xié)調中所扮演的角色。</p><p><b&
9、gt; 議會委員會的成立</b></p><p> 全世界的經驗表明,有效的道路安全政策也可以產生出議會委員會,并將最終的成果致力于全體議會成員的共同努力。</p><p> 80年代初,澳大利亞的新南威爾士州州議會常設委員會來負責道路交通的安全,引進并全面實施隨機呼氣測試系統(tǒng),這一舉措使現在的死亡人數降低了20%,據調查,90%的人都支持這一措施。此前,在鄰近的維多利亞
11、會(PACTS)。第一次會議取得了圓滿的成功,基于強烈的證據,并且參考前有使用安全帶通過的法例規(guī)定,精選出了新的道路安全政策。PACTS借鑒了以前的主張,并最終實施了進一步的措施,包括速度限制和后排座椅安全帶的使用介紹。合理的制度環(huán)境必須建立在道路預防傷害上,專業(yè)人員和決策者,都應該相互鼓勵,執(zhí)行立法機關的規(guī)定,提供一個刺激和有效的反應制度。更重要的是,立法機</p><p> 哥倫比亞的波哥大致力于減少交通事
12、故</p><p> 波哥大,哥倫比亞的首都,一個擁有七百萬居住人口的大城市,經過了1995到2002這八年時間,不斷地擴大實施政策的范圍,減少了道路交通事故的致命傷害和由于外因而引起的非致命傷害。因而在2002年里,與交通相關的死亡的數量與1995年相比幾乎下跌了一半,即從1995年的1387起到2002年到697起。</p><p> 第一項政策措施是設定暴力和罪行的一個統(tǒng)一的數據
13、系統(tǒng),該系統(tǒng)是由法醫(yī)學和科學學院設計的,用于收集暴力和交通引起的死亡資料,特別是碰撞。在波哥大,通過使用對公路交通崩潰數據的統(tǒng)計,有關傷害流行病學監(jiān)視的部門委員會,根據外在因素制定了一套公眾期待的減少交通事故的數量的法律法規(guī),這些政策法規(guī)不僅改善了城市附近交通的流動性而且增加了汽車駕駛員的安全系數。</p><p> 提高執(zhí)法性能和圖像交警的使用</p><p> 2000年在許多情況
14、下,誰未能執(zhí)行交通法規(guī)的警察,都被替換。這之前,大多數的警察都是由于貪污被替換的。次年,調節(jié)流量和執(zhí)行規(guī)則的責任移交給了首都警察,其中超過1000名交警和500名輔助交通員進行了職責分配。這種警察部隊現在有一個正面的公眾形象,集中管理和執(zhí)行交通紀律。探員一旦采取行動舞弊被發(fā)現將給予解雇處分。</p><p> 自1996年以來,進行抽查醉酒駕駛。司機未能通過測試的車輛將被扣押美元并罰款150元。媒體將密切關注事
15、故黑點,并且在周末也把高速攝影機設置在城市的主要道路上,對過往的車輛進行檢查。</p><p> 1998年,哥倫比亞國立大學受委托進行了交通事故的研究。根據他們的調查結果,政府決定進一步增加道路安全的措施,包括公路,人行道和人行天橋建設。該研究也發(fā)現個人的行為可以增加交通傷害的危險,由此制定了交通安全的公民教育課程。</p><p><b> 改變人的行為</b>
16、;</p><p> 該市市長推出的這個計劃,旨在改變人們在馬路上的行為。主要措施包括佩戴安全帶和觀察行人過街。雖然公路法已列入這些規(guī)則,人們也普遍意識到它們,但是大多數人沒有遵守他們,這與當局未能強制執(zhí)行這些措施有關。</p><p> 在節(jié)目中,默劇廣泛應用于整個波哥大的網站中。利用公眾的手語節(jié)目,工作啞劇演員向司機指出,他們沒有戴安全帶,引導行人過路處。起初,只是警告,司機會被告
17、知要改變他們的行為。如果這次失敗,交通警將進來,司機需要遞交罰款,并且忍受圍觀者指責的掌聲。如今,已有95%的司機已開始遵守這些規(guī)則。</p><p> 行人專用區(qū)的空間轉換</p><p> 自1996年以來,采取先進的措施可以使行人從街頭商販和季節(jié)性供應商的領域安全離開。大型公共場所已將公共場所或停車場轉換為行人專用區(qū),并且興建了新的人行道和人行天橋。</p><
18、;p> 除交警,政府當局在其波哥大,雇用了約有500名受過交通規(guī)則訓練的導游,講述急救,安全防范措施和詳細的城市布局的措施。他們的任務是鼓勵行人注意在公共道路上的安全。</p><p><b> 集體運輸系統(tǒng)的應用</b></p><p> 一個新的大眾運輸系統(tǒng),不僅改善城市交通和流動性,但也降低了其路線沿交通傷害的人數。隨著基礎設施建設的發(fā)展,行人和其他
19、道路使用者的安全得到不斷提高。周邊地區(qū)也進行了改進,使用了更好的照明和其他設備,以使系統(tǒng)更安全,友好,高效。</p><p> The key organizations influencing policy development </p><p> The construction of multisectoral institutional capacity, both in t
20、he governmental and non-governmental spheres, is a key to developing road safety,and can only be delivered by a national,political commitment (see Box 1.2).As wesemann observes, there is sufficient evidence to show that
21、free-market mechanisms are no substitute for government intervention when it comes to providing greater safety(71).</p><p> The role of government</p><p> Historically, in most highly-motorize
22、d countries, governmental responsibilities for traffic safety policy fall within the transport ministry or the police department. Other government departments such as those of justice, health, planning and education may
23、also have responsibilities for key areas. In some instances, vehicle safety standards are handled by the department (or ministry) of industry.</p><p> Trinca et al .- in their historical analysis of how gov
24、ernments have dealt with road safety - conclude that in many cases the institutional arrangements for traffic safety have been fragmentary and lacking a strong lead, and that road safety interests have been submerged by
25、other competing interests.</p><p> The experience of several countries indicates that effective strategies for reducing traffic injury have a greater chance of being applied if there is a separate governmen
26、t agency with the power and the budget to plan and implement its programme(34).Examples of "stand-alone" traffic safety agencies are limited. However, in the 1960s, Sweden and the United States created traffic
27、safety bodies, separate from the main transport departments, that oversaw the implementation, in a relatively short per</p><p> The Swedish Road Safety Office(SRSO) was established in the late 1960s, with r
28、esponsibility for road safety. Though it lacked significant powers or resources, the number of road deaths between 1970 and the mid-1980s was reduced each year. In 1993, the SRSO merged with the more powerful and better-
29、resourced Swedish National Road Administration(SNRA), to which the ministry of transport and communications delegated full responsibility for road safety policy.</p><p> In the United States - against a bac
30、kground of sharply rising road casualties - the Highway Safety Act of 1970 created a traffic safety agency, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA). NHTSA delivered the first set of vehicle safety stand
31、ards and encouraged a new way of thinking about traffic safety strategy. The agency is responsible for reducing deaths, injuries and economic losses resulting from motor vehicle crashes. It aims to accomplish this by set
32、ting and enforcing safet</p><p> While giving responsibility for road safety to a stand-alone agency is likely to increase the priority given to road safety, strong political support and actions from other
33、agencies are essential to bring about major changes(72). If the establishment of a stand-alone agency to coordinate activity is not possible, then an alternative is to strengthen the existing road safety unit, giving it
34、greater powers within the government transport ministry(34).</p><p> The experience from a wide rang of countries is that, whatever the organizational structure, it is important that the lead governmental o
35、rganization for road safety should be clearly defined,with its specific responsibilities and coordinating roles set out (66,72). </p><p> Parliamentary committees </p><p> Experience worldwid
36、e demonstrates that effective road safety policies can also arise out of the efforts of informed and committed members of parliament.</p><p> In the Australian state of New South Wales in the early 1980s, t
37、he Parliamentary Standing Committee on Road Safety was responsible for the introduction and full implementation of random breath testing, which led to a 20% reduction in deaths and- according to surveys - was supported b
38、y over 90% of people. Earlier, in the neighbouring state of Victoria, political action and a report by a parliamentary committee had led to the world's first legislation on the compulsory use of front seat-belts. The
39、</p><p> Joint groups comprising legislators and professionals can also make a valuable contribution. In the United Kingdom in the 1980s, for example, a cross-party coalition of members of parliament came t
40、ogether with concerned professionals and non-governmental organizations to form the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS). The first success of the Council-which campaigned strongly for road safety
41、policy to be based on evidence- was in having legislation passed for front seat-bel</p><p> A sympathetic institutional climate needs to be built up where the mutual encouragement of road injury prevention
42、professionals and policy-makers-both in the executive and the legislature-can provide a stimulus and effective response. </p><p><b> BOX1.2</b></p><p> Reducing traffic fatalities
43、in Bogota, Colombia</p><p> Over an eight-year period from 1995 to 2002,the Colombia capital,Bogota,with a population of seven million,Implemented a rang of policies to reduce fatal and non-fatal injuries f
44、rom extemal causes. As a result, the number of traffic-related deaths fell over the period by almost a half-from 1387 in 1995 to 697 in 2002.</p><p> The first measure was to set up a unified data system on
45、 violence and crime, designed by the institute of Forensic Medicine and Science to gather data on deaths from violence,and in particular from traffic crashes. Using the statistics on road traffic crashes in Bogota,the in
46、teragency Committee for Epidemiological Surveillance of accidents, improving mobility around the city and increasing the safety of road users.</p><p> Improving the performance and Image of traffic police&l
47、t;/p><p> The following year,2000 traffic police who had failed to enforce traffic regulations and, in many cases, were guilty of corruption were replaced. Responsibility for regulating traffic and enforcing r
48、ules was transferred to the Metropolitan Police,which assigned more than 1000 officers and 500 auxiliaries to traffic duties. This police force now has a positive public image and concentrates exclusively on enforcing tr
49、affic discipline. Officers found acting corruptly are dismissed.</p><p> Since 1996,spot checks have been carried out for drunken. Drivers failing the test have their vehicles impounded and are fined around
50、 US﹩150. The media are closely involved with these checks, conducted on weekends at crash black spots Speed cameras have also been set up on the city's main roads.</p><p> In 1998,the Colombian National
51、 University was commissioned to carry out research into traffic crashes. Based on their findings, further decisions to increase road safety were taken, including the construction of highways, pavements and pedestrian bri
52、dges. The study also identified individual behaviour that increased the risk of traffic injuries, and from this drew up civic education programmes on traffic safety.</p><p> Attempts to change behavlour <
53、;/p><p> One of these programmes, launched by the city's mayor, was aimed at changing people's behaviour on the roads. Measures promoted included the wearing of safety belts and observing pedestrian cr
54、ossing. While the Highway Code already included these rules and people were generally aware of them, most people had failed to observe them and the authorities had generally failed to enforce them.</p><p>
55、In the programme, mime was used on numerous sites throughout Bogota. The mime actors working for the programme used sign language to point out to drivers that they were not wearing seat-belts, or that they had failed to
56、give way at pedestrian crossings. At first, drivers were simply warned and told to change their behaviour. If this failed, a traffic policeman stepped in and handed out a fine, to the applause of onlookers. Nowadays, ove
57、r 95% of drivers have been found to observe these rules.</p><p> Converting space into pedestrian areas</p><p> Since 1996, radical steps have been taken to win back areas from street traders
58、and seasonal vendors. Large public spaces that had been taken over by vendors or vehicles have been converted into pedestrian areas, with new pavements and pedestrian bridges constructed.</p><p> In additio
59、n to the traffic police, the administration employs some 500 guides in its Bogota Mission programme-young people trained in traffic regulations, first aid, preventive safety measures and the detailed layout of the city.
60、Their task is to encourage safe behaviour on public roads.</p><p> Mass transport system</p><p> A new mass transport system, known as the transmilenio, has not only improved urban transport a
61、nd mobility, but has also reduced the number of traffic injuries along its routes, with the construction of infrastructure to ensure the safety of pedestrians and other road users. Surrounding areas have also been improv
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- 外文翻譯---對股東財富影響的股利政策
- 股利政策【外文翻譯】
- 股利政策外文翻譯
- 外文翻譯--精密鍛造的主要方面
- 外文翻譯---瑞士的股利政策
- 外文翻譯--精密鍛造的主要方面
- 外文翻譯--精密鍛造的主要方面
- 貨幣政策對股票價格的影響【外文翻譯】
- 紡織服裝政策【外文翻譯】
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- 歐盟的反傾銷政策【外文翻譯】
- 外文翻譯--齒輪機構
- 外文翻譯--連桿機構
- 外文翻譯--公司治理機構對網絡財務報告的影響
- 公司治理機構對網絡財務報告的影響【外文翻譯】
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- 機械外文翻譯---機構介紹
- 外文翻譯--精密鍛造的主要方面.docx
- 外文翻譯--精密鍛造的主要方面.docx