1、<p><b> 外文原文</b></p><p> The Rise Of The Permanent-magnet TractioMotor</p><p> Technology offering benefits in terms of mass, size and energy consumption, the permanent-magne
2、t synchronous machine is increasingly being adopted for traction drives, despite the need for complex control systems and potential failure modes.</p><p> In the past couple of years, many of the bids for n
3、ew rolling stock placed with major international suppliers have proposed the use of permanent-magnet synchronous traction motors, which are smaller and lighter than the three-phase induction motors that have dominated th
4、e market in recent times.</p><p> Permanent-magnet motors first came to prominence with the use of two powered bogies from Alstom's AGV in the V150 trainset which broke the world speed record on April 3
5、 2007, but they have subsequently been used in a variety of applications, ranging from the Citadis-Dualis tram-train to SBB's Twindexx double-deck inter-city trainsets (Table I).</p><p> Although railwa
6、y operators are often viewed as conservative in the adoption of new technologies, the designers and manufacturers of rail traction systems tend to capitalise on the latest drive technologies, which are rapidly deployed i
7、n service if they promise significant performance improvements. This was the case for the early choppers supplying series-connected DC traction motors, separately-excited DC motors, synchronous AC motors and drives (as u
8、sed on the first generations of TGVs) and for</p><p> The permanent-magnet synchronous machine, with its associated control electronics, represents the latest such advance in traction technology. Millions o
9、f small PMSMs are already being used in the transmissions of hybrid cars, thanks to their low mass and good controllability. Larger machines offer a similar potential to enhance the overall performance of the railway tra
10、ction package. The technology is now beginning to be introduced into a variety of new rolling stock, but the integration of PMSM</p><p> Fundamental requirements </p><p> Petrol and diesel eng
11、ines for automotive applications generally require complex gearboxes to allow the prime mover to operate in the optimum speed band. By contrast, electric motors for rail traction are expected to operate effectively and e
12、fficiently over the entire speed range, allowing a permanent coupling to the axles and wheels, either directly or via a single ratio gearbox. This mechanically elegant solution results in highly reliable drives which nee
13、d relatively little maintenance.</p><p> Thus the first requirement placed on the design of traction motors is the ability to provide torque or tractive effort over a wide speed range, such as from 0 to 320
14、 km/h.</p><p> Whilst it is essential for the traction motor to operate reliably, it is equally important from the driver's and railway operator's perspective that modern traction systems control th
15、e torque accurately and smoothly throughout the speed range. Excellent torque control results in optimum use of available adhesion between wheel and rail, along with smooth acceleration and the ability to cruise at a con
16、stant speed and to brake the train electrically (dynamic braking).</p><p> Tractive effort, power and speed </p><p> The torque produced in a traction motor is translated into a linear force a
17、t the wheel-rail interface. This force, which causes the train to accelerate or brake dynamically, is normally referred to as the tractive effort. Fig 1 shows the TE curve of a typical drive system, together with the ass
18、ociated train or vehicle resistance curve. The TE curve intersects the resistance curve at the so-called balancing speed, that is, the theoretical maximum speed. Close to this speed, there is only a very s</p><
19、;p> Traction motors are generally designed to match a particular duty. The motor must produce the required full torque at zero speed and sustain this torque up to the so-called base speed, throughout region 1 of the
20、TE curve. Above this speed, the machine operates at its maximum power output, and in region 2 the tractive effort is therefore inversely proportional to the speed v. In the third region, tractive effort has to reduce in
21、inverse proportion to v² because of machine limitations.</p><p> Torque control </p><p> At low speeds, the motor can in theory provide a torque that is greater than that which can be tra
22、nsmitted by means of the adhesion available at the wheel-rail interface. However, this would overload the motor beyond the normally accepted level and must therefore be avoided either by driver action or an electronic co
23、ntrol system.</p><p> Early DC traction drives were controlled by adjusting the supply voltage using series resistances and by changing the motor group configuration. Today, both DC commutator motors and cl
24、assic synchronous and asynchronous AC motors are controlled electronically, by varying either the voltage or the voltage and frequency. Modern power drives with relatively simple algorithms achieve very good control of t
25、ractive effort throughout the speed range.</p><p> Power control of permanent-magnet synchronous machines can easily deliver good performance in the constant-torque region, but this needs complex algorithms
26、 to control the machine in the constant power region.</p><p> AC and DC motors, as well as PMSMs, fundamentally rely on the same physics to generate accelerating and braking torques. Hence the control strat
27、egies are similar to some extent. In all types of machines, the torque is created through the interaction between two magnetic fields. To generate a torque, there must be an appropriate electrical angle (ideally 90°
28、) between the two magnetic fields. These fields can be generated by currents flowing through windings or by permanent magnets.</p><p> Although today's traction applications mostly use three-phase induc
29、tion motors, it is important to understand the nature and behaviour of the magnetic fields in the stator and rotor of the different types of machine.</p><p> In a conventional DC traction motor, the north a
30、nd south poles of the stator field are always oriented in the same direction while the rotor field is maintained at a 90° (electrical) angle by the action of the commutator. In a series-connected machine, the same c
31、urrent flows through the stator and rotor windings (Fig 3), while a separately-excited machine allows the armature and stator fields to be controlled independently (Fig 4).</p><p> In a classic synchronous
32、three phase machine, the rotor field is produced by a current supplied via slip rings, and the orientation of the field is determined by the physical position of the rotor winding (Fig 5). The stator field is created by
33、currents flowing in the stator windings and rotates at the speed determined by the inverter frequency. The angle between stator and rotor fields increases as more torque is produced, but the rotor speed is the same as th
34、at of the stator field. A braking a</p><p> In an asynchronous three-phase machine, the magnetic field rotating in the stator induces currents in the rotor cage (Fig 6) that, in turn, generate a magnetic fi
35、eld which interacts with the stator field to produce either motoring or braking torque. In motoring, the rotor speed is lower than the rotating stator field speed set by the inverter, and in braking it is faster. No torq
36、ue is produced if the two speeds are the same. This difference can be expressed as slip frequency or percentage slip.</p><p> In a PMSM, the rotor field is created by magnets that are either distributed on
37、the surface of the rotor or buried in openings in the rotor laminations (Fig 7). The latter arrangement offers greater mechanical strength and much lower eddy-current losses in the rotor. The material with the strongest
38、magnetic properties is Neodymium Iron Boron (Nd2Fe14B). The stator field is generated by means of a relatively standard three-phase multipole winding on a laminated core.</p><p> In all electric machines, t
39、he rotating magnetic field leads to the generation of voltages that oppose the supply voltage(s), the so-called back EMF. At zero speed this is zero, but it grows linearly with speed. Thus the supply voltage must be incr
40、eased to maintain a constant torque in region 1.</p><p> The torque supplied or absorbed by an electric machine is given by the product of the magnetic flux and current. It is the role of the electronic pow
41、er converter to condition the DC or single-phase AC supply voltage such that a suitable current or currents flow in the motor. Many different types of converters are available, but most modern traction systems use insula
42、ted gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) and some form of pulse-width modulation.</p><p> In the region of constant tractive effort, the voltage (and frequency in the case of induction machines) applied to the
43、terminals needs to increase linearly with motor speed so as to maintain the product of flux and current, that is the torque, at a constant level. Beyond the base speed, the applied voltage cannot be increased further due
44、 to the limitations of the power electronics and the insulation capability of the machine. However, mechanically, the machine can go faster.</p><p> So region 2 is entered by field weakening, thereby reduci
45、ng the level of back EMF or, in the case of a PMSM, counteracting its influence. In DC machines this is achieved by reducing the current flowing through the field windings (see the resistance RFW in Fig 3) and in a conve
46、ntional synchronous machine it is achieved by reducing the current supplied to the rotor. In an induction machine, field weakening happens automatically as the supply frequency is increased while the supply voltage is ke
47、pt </p><p> In region 3, the flux and current are reduced at a greater rate than in the constant power region to avoid exceeding the machine's electrical or mechanical limits. In the separately-excited
48、DC motor, for example, the armature current is also reduced as a function of speed.</p><p> Advantages and drawbacks </p><p> The main reason why permanent-magnet machines are being more and m
49、ore widely adopted for railway traction drives is that they offer very significant advantages compared with equivalent three-phase induction motors. The level of efficiency is 1% to 2% higher across 80% of the operating
50、range. The specific power is 30% to 35% greater, resulting in a machine that is about 25% smaller and lighter for the same power rating.</p><p> Whereas in an asynchronous motor heating of the rotor is caus
51、ed by the inherent slip power, this is virtually eliminated with a PM drive, avoiding the need for rotor cooling. Normally, PM machine stators are completely sealed and cooled by means of a heat transfer fluid, thus lead
52、ing to potentially more reliable drives. PMSMs also allow dynamic braking down to very low speeds and, in theory, it should be possible to produce a self-controlled retarder by electro-mechanically short-circuiting the &
53、lt;/p><p> Of course, these benefits are not available without compromise. There are seven main drawbacks to the use of permanent-magnet traction motors, although appropriate mitigation measures have been deve
54、loped.</p><p> Limitations on the size and cost of the four-quadrant converter and machine do not allow operation across the whole speed range by the simple expedient of supplying the machine with a voltage
55、 that is sufficiently higher than the back EMF to permit the flow of current required to achieve the desired torque. This constraint is solved by means of field weakening, creating the constant torque and constant power
56、regions. Since the field generated by the permanent magnets cannot be adjusted, field wea</p><p> These extra currents cause copper losses in the stator windings that negate, to some extent, the efficiency
57、gains that are achieved by the use of the low-loss permanent-magnet rotor.</p><p> In order to be able to control the currents that create the field weakening effect, it is necessary for the electronics to
58、know the position of the rotor, to an accuracy of between 1° and 2° (the field angle). For a four-pole machine this requires a mechanical resolution of better than 1.5°. If a sensor is used, its integrity
59、and reliability must be extremely high to ensure adequate performance. Sensorless approaches can be used, such as that developed by Schrödl1, but these can lead to a reduct</p><p> The magnetic flux is
60、 temperature-dependent in that the field strength reduces by about 1% per 10K increase in rotor temperature. With PMSMs operating over a temperature range of 200K (-40°C to a maximum permissible 160°C), this ca
61、n have a significant impact. Hence it is necessary for the electronics to monitor the operating temperature and to take this into account when controlling the electrical supply to the machine.</p><p> Each
62、PMSM requires its own individual highly-dependable electronic power controller to ensure that currents are injected at the right moment. However, modern traction systems increasingly use individual controls for each moto
63、r to optimise performance, so this is less of a consideration.</p><p> Irreversible demagnetisation occurs if very high currents flow in the machine at high temperatures, even if the rotor does not reach th
64、e Curie temperature of between 310°C and 370°C. Potentially more critical, though, a short-circuit in the stator windings can lead to the destruction of the machine, because the moving permanent magnet field wi
65、ll continue to induce high currents in the stator. However, demagnetisation helps to mitigate this problem.</p><p> Similarly, in no-load operation, when the train is coasting, the permanent-magnet rotor co
66、ntinues to induce currents in the stator core. These eddy currents, together with hysteresis effects, result in iron losses, which reduce the overall efficiency of the machine.</p><p> The rare-earth magnet
67、s used in PMSMs are magnetically strong but relatively delicate, both mechanically and thermally. The rotor construction is thus more complex than in the case of rotors for induction motors, and the design processes must
68、 be adapted accordingly. The control of the supply to the stator windings is also more complex since multiple feedback loops and signal transformations are required (Fig 8).</p><p> Although this list of po
69、tential drawbacks may seem extensive, there are many applications where the benefits of PMSMs greatly outweigh the disadvantages, which makes these machines highly attractive to traction designers. The smaller dimensions
70、 and lighter weight are beneficial where space in bogies is limited, such as where it is desired to integrate the drive in a stub-axle without a gearbox. The significantly better efficiency and much lower rotor losses of
71、fer significant benefits in terms of</p><p> Hence we can expect to see a much wider adoption of permanent-magnet traction motors in the coming years, in the same way that three-phase induction motors were
72、taken up with increasing popularity from the mid-1980s onwards.</p><p> The authors would like to thank Dr Harald Neudorfer and Markus Neubauer of Traktions-systeme Austria, and Dr Colin Goodman of BCRRE fo
73、r their assistance in the preparation of this article.</p><p><b> 中文翻譯</b></p><p><b> 永磁牽引電機的崛起</b></p><p> 永磁同步電機,即使需要復雜的控制系統(tǒng)和潛在的失效模式,但鑒于其提了質量、尺寸和能耗方面的益處
74、,越來越多地應用于牽引傳動裝置。</p><p> 在過去的幾年中,許多大型國際供應商競相投標那些使用永磁同步牽引電機的機車車輛,這種電機相比近期已經占據市場的三相異步電動機體積更小,重量更輕。 由于應用了Alstom公司AGV的V150小火車的兩個強有力裝置。永磁同步牽引電機名聲大噪,而這個小火車曾在2007年4月3日打破了世界速度紀錄,但它們隨后被使用在各種各樣的裝置上,從Citadis車到SBB的
75、Twindexx雙層城際列車。</p><p> 在采用新技術方面,鐵路運營商往往被視為是保守的,但鐵路牽引系統(tǒng)的設計者和制造商傾向于利用最新的驅動技術,如果這些技術有望帶來顯著的性能改進,就會很快地被應用。正如早期的斬波器提供情況串聯(lián)的直流牽引電機,分別激式直流電動機,交流同步電動機和驅動器(使用第一代的TGVs)和各代的鼠籠式異步()三相驅動器。隨著技術的不斷發(fā)展,牽引驅動器變得更高效,更可控,從而能更好地
76、利用現(xiàn)有的附著力,同時降低能源消耗。</p><p> 永久磁鐵同步機及相關的控制電子裝置,代表了最新的牽引技術。由于質量輕及良好的可控性,數以百萬計的小型永磁同步電機被應用在混合動力汽車的變速器上。較大的機器使得提高鐵路牽引包整體性能成為了可能。這項技術現(xiàn)在開始被引入各種新的機車車輛,但集成的永磁同步電機牽引包所帶來的一些重大技術挑戰(zhàn)必須克服。 用于汽車應用的汽油和柴油發(fā)動機通常需要復雜的齒輪箱,以允
77、許原動機操作的最佳速度頻帶。相比之下,用于軌道牽引的電動馬達被期望在整個速度范圍內能夠有效和高效地運作,使一個永久耦合的車軸和車輪,直接地或通過一個單一的比變速箱。這種機械優(yōu)雅的解決方案能帶來高度可靠的驅動器,而這種驅動器需要相對較少的維護。因此,牽引電機設計的第一個要求是在很寬的速度范圍內,如從0到320公里每小時能夠提供轉矩或牽引力。 現(xiàn)代牽引系統(tǒng)對牽引電動機穩(wěn)定地運作是必不可少的。同樣重要的是,從駕駛者的和鐵路運營商的角度
78、,現(xiàn)代牽引系統(tǒng)又能在寬泛的速度范圍內準確而又平穩(wěn)地控制轉矩。良好的轉矩控制可導致車輪和鋼軌之間有效附著力的最佳利用,平穩(wěn)的加速度及以恒度巡航和電力剎車的能力的獲得(動態(tài)制動)。</p><p> 牽引力,動力和速度 牽引電動機產生的轉矩在輪軌接口處被轉換成一個線性力。這個力通常被稱為作為牽引力,它會導致列車的加速或動態(tài)制動。圖1示一個典型的驅動系統(tǒng)的TE曲線,以及與之相關聯(lián)的鐵路列車或車輛的阻力曲線。T
79、E曲線與阻力曲線相交于所謂的均衡速度,即理論上的最大速度。如圖1中的紅色箭頭所示:越接近這個速度,使火車加速可利用的牽引力越小。圖2所示:驅動器產生的功率和所需的推進功率即是速度和牽引力的乘積(相互作用的結果)。 牽引電機要遵循特定的要求去設計。在整個區(qū)域1的TE曲線上,電機必須在零速度產生所需的全轉矩,并持續(xù)這一轉矩至所謂的基本速度。超過這個速度,機器在其最大輸出功率上工作,因此在區(qū)域2可見牽引力和速度。在區(qū)域3上??,由于機
80、器的限制性,使牽引力減少,與v²成反比。 轉矩控制 電機在低速條件下,可以提供的理論轉矩是大于那些利用輪軌界面上有效粘附的可傳送裝置。然而,這將使電機超載,并超出通常可以接受的水平,因此,必須避免由駕駛員或電子控制系統(tǒng)操作。 早期直流牽引驅動器是通過使用串聯(lián)電阻調節(jié)電源電壓,并通過改變電機的組配置來控制的。如今,無論</p><p> 對一個典型的三相同步機來說,轉子磁場是通過
81、滑環(huán)提供的電流產生的,磁場的方位是由轉子線圈的物理位置決定的。定子磁場通過定子線圈中流動的電流所產生的,并以由逆變器頻率確定的速度旋轉。隨著定子和轉子磁場之間的角度增加,產生更多的扭矩,但轉子和定子磁場的速度是相同的。角度變小,制動變強。 在異步三相電機中,定子磁場是通過轉子籠(圖6)的旋轉所提供的感應電流產生的,反過來說,即產生的磁場與定子磁場相互作用,從而產生驅動或制動轉矩。在驅動方面,轉子的轉速是低于逆變器設置的定子磁場的
82、旋轉速度,并且在制動方面其也是較快的。如果兩者的速度相同,則不產生轉矩。這種差異可以表示為轉差頻率或百分比滑移。</p><p> 在永磁同步電機中,轉子磁場是由??分布在轉子的表面上或埋在轉子疊片(圖7)開口上的磁鐵所產生的。后者可提供更大的機械強度和低得多的轉子的渦流損耗。釹鐵硼(Nd2Fe14B)是一種具有最強磁特性的材料。定子磁場是通過一種相對標準的三相多極線圈上的層疊鐵心產生的。 在所有的電機
83、中,旋轉磁場產生的電壓與電源電壓(s)是相反的,即所謂的反電動勢的電壓。其在零速時為零,但它隨速度線性增長。因此,為保持區(qū)域1中恒定的轉矩,電源電壓必須增加。 由電機提供或吸收的轉矩被認為是磁通和電流相互作用的結果。正如合適的電流或電機中電流流動一樣,電功率轉換器的作用是以直流或單相交流電源電壓為條件的。許多不同類型的轉換器是可用的,但最現(xiàn)代化的牽引系統(tǒng)使用絕緣柵雙極晶體管(IGBT)和某種脈沖寬度調制形式。</p>
84、<p> 在恒定的牽引力范圍內,施加到端子的電壓(及這種情況下感應電機的頻率)必須隨電動機的速度而線性增加,以便保持磁通和電流相互作用的產物(即轉矩)在一個恒定的的水平。超出基本速度,由于電力電子和機器絕緣能力的局限性,所施加的電壓不能進一步增加。而機械、機器確可以走得更快。 因此,區(qū)域2輸入磁場減弱,從而降低反電動勢的水平,或抵消永磁同步電機的影響。直流電機是通過減少流經場繞組的電流(在圖3中看到的電阻RFW)
85、實現(xiàn)的,常規(guī)的同步機則是通過減少轉子供給的電流來實現(xiàn)的。當電源頻率增加,而電源電壓保持恒定時,感應機的磁場削弱會自發(fā)進行。由于永久磁鐵產生的轉子磁場的作用,永磁同步電機弱磁是很難發(fā)生的。</p><p> 區(qū)域3中的磁通和電流比恒定功率區(qū)域中的磁通和電流以更大的速率減少,以避免超過機器的電力或機械限制。例如在單獨他勵直流電動機中,電樞電流作為速度的函數也會減少。</p><p><
86、b> 優(yōu)點和缺點:</b></p><p> 永久磁鐵的機器越來越廣泛應用于鐵路牽引機的主要原因是相比三相異步電動機,它們擁有非常顯著的優(yōu)勢。在80%工作范圍內,其工作效率要高1%至2%。在相同功率等級的條件下,相比一臺特定能源只有25%的機器,其特定的電源是30%至35%以上。</p><p> 而異步電動機中轉子的熱量是由固有轉差功率引起的,這實際上可由PM驅動
87、器消除,避免了轉子冷卻的需要。通常情況下,PM機器定子完全密封,并由傳熱流體的裝置進行冷卻,從而產生了潛在的更加可靠的驅動器。永磁同步電機還允許動態(tài)制動下降到非常低的速度,并且理論上它應該是能夠通過電 - 機械短路的定子繞組產生自我控制的減速器。 當然,這些好處也并不是毫無缺憾。即使已經制定了適當的緩解措施,永磁牽引電機的使用仍存在七個主要的缺點,。 由于四象限轉換器和機器的尺寸和成本的限制,使其在整個速度范圍內不容許通
88、過簡單的應急手段。相比反電動勢,以允許所需的流過電流和足夠高的電壓供給機器以達到期望的轉矩。解決這個問題主要通過弱磁,恒轉矩和恒功率區(qū)實現(xiàn)。由于無法調整永久磁鐵產生的磁場,磁場削弱要通過注入到與設定磁場相對抗的旋轉永久磁鐵的定子繞組的電流來實現(xiàn)。 在定子繞組中,這些額外的電流會導致銅損。在一定程度上能使由使用低損耗的永久磁鐵轉子所產生的效率增益變得無效。</p><p> 為了能夠控制磁場減弱效應產生的
89、電流,了解電子轉子的位置及1°和2°(視場角)之間的準確性是必要的。對于四極電機所需要的機械分辨率在1.5°以上。傳感器使用時,為確保有足夠的性能其完整性和可靠性必須非常高。如同開發(fā)的Schrödl1,傳感器方法的使用可導致控制精度的減少。 磁通具有溫度依賴性,當轉子溫度每增加10K磁場強度會降低約1%。當永磁同步電機運行溫度超過200K(-40°C的溫度范圍內的最大允許160&
90、#176;C),就會有顯著的影響。因此,控制機器的電力供應,考慮電子監(jiān)控的工作溫度這一點是必要的。 永磁同步電機需要自己獨立的高可靠電子電源控制器,以確保電流在合適的時刻注入。然而,越來越多的現(xiàn)代牽引系統(tǒng)使用單獨控制的電機以優(yōu)化性能,這是缺乏考慮的。 即使轉子達不到310℃和370℃之間的居里溫度,如果機器在高溫下通過高強度電流,亦會發(fā)生不可逆退磁。潛在的更關鍵的是由于運動的永磁體磁場將繼續(xù)誘導定子中的高強度電流,故定子
91、繞組的短路可導致機器的損壞。然而,退磁有助于緩解這一問題。</p><p> 類似地,無負荷運行過程中,當列車滑行時,永久磁鐵轉子會繼續(xù)減少定子鐵芯中的感應電流。這些渦流,加上磁滯效應會導致鐵損,從而降低機器的整體效率。</p><p> 用于永磁同步電機的稀土永磁材料磁性強,但相對性的細膩。因此,轉子結構是比在感應電動機的轉子結構更加復雜,其設計流程,必須相應地調整。向定子繞組供給的
92、控制也更復雜,因為多個反饋回路和信號轉換是必需的(圖8)。</p><p> 盡管這一清單中潛在的缺點可能看起來廣泛,有許多應用場合的永磁同步電機的好處大大超過這些缺點,這使得這些機器對牽引設計師極具吸引力。較小的尺寸和較輕的重量是有利的,因為轉向架的空間是有限的,如它是理想的驅動器集成在未經變速箱存根車軸。顯著的效率提高和更低的轉子損耗對性能和降低能源消耗是有益的。一個很好的例子是在本文開頭提到的使用永磁同步
93、電機V150的小火車。電力車上的異步電機不得不裝置在主架(RG5.07 P71)上,而永磁同步電機可能被安裝在中級車對之間的鉸接轉向架,以降低傳輸系統(tǒng)的復雜性和質量。</p><p> 從20世紀80年代中期起,三相異步電動機日益普及,因此我們可以預期在未來幾年內,永磁牽引電機以同樣的方式,會被廣泛地采用。 在編寫本文時,作者在此要感謝醫(yī)生哈拉爾德Neudorfer和馬庫斯·紐鮑爾Trakti
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- 永磁發(fā)電機外文翻譯
- 永磁同步牽引電機溫度場研究.pdf
- 高速永磁同步牽引電機溫升研究.pdf
- 大型永磁牽引電機的設計與理論研究.pdf
- 永磁交流牽引電機弱磁技術研究.pdf
- 用于永磁同步牽引電機的優(yōu)化脈寬調制方法研究.pdf
- 外文翻譯--變頻調速交流牽引電機絕緣電老化機理的研究
- 永磁無刷牽引電機電磁性能研究.pdf
- 永磁同步牽引電機電感參數辨識及控制.pdf
- 高速列車永磁同步牽引電機的控制系統(tǒng)研究.pdf
- 永磁同步牽引電機高速惰行時反電勢問題的研究.pdf
- 基于分數槽集中繞組的低速永磁牽引電機設計.pdf
- 軌道列車永磁同步牽引電機的優(yōu)化設計與仿真分析.pdf
- 單片機外文翻譯永磁無刷直流電機
- 基于永磁同步電機的高速列車牽引系統(tǒng)的仿真分析.pdf
- 基于城軌牽引系統(tǒng)的永磁同步電機模型預測控制.pdf
- 外文翻譯--在永磁同步電機直接轉矩控制系統(tǒng)中的模擬研究
- 外文翻譯--在永磁同步電機直接轉矩控制系統(tǒng)中的模擬研究
- 步進電機外文翻譯
- 城軌牽引用稀土永磁無刷直流電機的控制.pdf