1、頸靜脈孔的應用解剖,陳立華CHINA-INI,頸靜脈孔由顳骨巖部和枕骨頸突圍成。顳骨和枕骨向孔內的突起分別被稱為顳突和枕突,二者以纖維或骨橋連接,構成孔內神經(jīng)和血管的分隔。由顳突下方沿頸靜脈球內側緣伸向后方的骨性隆起稱為頸內嵴,舌咽神經(jīng)行于其內側。頸靜脈孔為一自顱后窩通向前、外、下方的骨性管道 。頸靜脈管(jugular canal)。,osseous relationships, superior view,,osseous
2、relationships, posterosuperior view. The jugular foramen is best seen in a posterosuperior view oriented perpendicular to the clivus.,the jugular foramen is located between the temporal and occipital bones sigmoid groo
3、ve descends along the mastoid and crosses the occipitomastoid suture , turns forward on the upper surface of the jugular process , enters the foramen,from posterior and superior shows the shape of the foramen,,hypoglossa
4、l canal passes above the middle third of the occipital condyle and opens laterally into the interval between the jugular foramen and carotid canal stylomastoid foramen is located lateral and the anterior half of the occ
5、ipital condyle medial to the jugular foramen,,anterior and backward reveals the shape of the jugular foramen,,larger lateral part, the sigmoid part, which receives the drainage of the sigmoid sinus, and a smaller medial
6、part, the petrosal part, which receives the drainage of the inferior petrosal sinus,,enlarged view,,intrajugular process projects into the interval between the sigmoid and petrosal parts of the foramen intrajugular ridg
7、e, extends forward from the intrajugular process along the medial side of the jugular bulb,,cochlear aqueduct opens above the petrosal part of the foramen , where the glossopharyngeal nerve enters the intrajugular part o
8、f the foramen on the medial side of the intrajugular process. the vestibular aqueduct opens onto the posterior surface of the temporal bone superolateral to the jugular foramen,,The inferior petrosal sinus extends along
9、 the petroclival fissure and enters the petrosal part of the foramen,,posterosuperior view of the intrajugular process and ridge, which separate the sigmoid and petrosal parts of the jugular foramen,Rembrandt van Rijn (D
10、utch, 1606-1669). This painting is called "The Anatomy Lecture of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp", painted in 1632,頸靜脈孔的硬膜結構及分部,Hovelacque將頸靜脈孔分為前內側的神經(jīng)部和后外側的血管部兩部分。Katsuta根據(jù)通過頸靜脈孔的結構將其分為巖部、頸內部(或神經(jīng)部)和乙狀竇部。神經(jīng)部的硬膜形成舌咽道和迷走道,分
11、別有舌咽神經(jīng)和迷走神經(jīng)及副神經(jīng)穿過。舌咽道和迷走道位于頸內突內側,二者間隔以0.5-4.9mm寬的硬膜。神經(jīng)部上外側緣的硬膜返折增厚并伸向下內覆于舌咽道和迷走道上方,稱頸靜脈孔硬膜返折,是辨認顱神經(jīng)的重要標志。,,,,,sigmoid sinus descends in the sigmoid sulcus , sharp anterior turn to enter the jugular foramen. The jugular
12、bulb extends upward under the petrous temporal bone toward the internal acoustic meatus,nerves penetrate the dura on the medial side of the intrajugular process, intrajugular ridge extends forward along the medial side o
13、f the jugular bulb,glossopharyngeal nerve passes forward along the medial side of the intrajugular ridgevagus and accessory nerves, on the medial side of the intrajugular process,vagus and accessory nerves pass lateral
14、to the osseous bridge and the inferior petrosal sinus descends below the bridge to open into the internal jugular vein,hypoglossal canal and joins the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves below the jugular foram
15、en in the interval between the internal carotid artery and internal jugular vein,arachnoid opened to expose the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves entering the dura and passing through the intrajugular part of
16、 the foramen. A dural septum separates the glossopharyngeal nerve from the upper vagal rootlets at the site at which the nerve enters the intrajugular portion of the foramen. The jugular dural fold projects over the nerv
17、es as they penetrate the dura,,,upper portion of the cerebellopontine angle, including the trigeminal nerves, has been exposed,,A bridging vein passes from the medulla to the jugular bulb. The posteroinferior cerebellar
18、artery passes behind the hypoglossal nerve and between the accessory rootlets,頸靜脈孔區(qū)神經(jīng)定位,舌咽神經(jīng)的根絲位于小腦絨球和Luschka孔脈絡叢的前方,且位置關系相對恒定。因此,可將小腦絨球和Luschka孔脈絡叢復合體作為辨認舌咽神經(jīng)腦池段起始部的解剖標志,并據(jù)此初步判斷迷走神經(jīng)、副神經(jīng)腦干端。 Lachman N研究發(fā)現(xiàn)副神經(jīng)沒有顱根,僅由脊髓根構成
19、,頸靜脈孔內副神經(jīng)和迷走神經(jīng)間無任何連接。均可在顯微鏡下縱行切開神經(jīng)鞘膜,將神經(jīng)束彼此分開。,A: Lateral view of the normal anatomy of the jugular foramen. B: Axial cut (dotted line in A) viewed from inferior to the normal anatomy. Note that the perforations connect
20、ing the inferior petrosal sinus to the jugular vein run between the lower cranial nerves.,,在頸靜脈孔內口,舌咽神經(jīng)根絲匯合后經(jīng)單獨的硬膜通道(舌咽道)入頸靜脈孔,迷走神經(jīng)和副神經(jīng)則經(jīng)迷走道入頸靜脈孔。頸靜脈孔神經(jīng)部上外側緣的硬膜返折增厚并唇樣伸向下內覆于舌咽道和迷走道上方,即頸靜脈孔硬膜返折,是于頸靜脈孔內口辨認腦神經(jīng)的標志。,,,,,神經(jīng)血管結
22、可引起血糖升高。,,,,,,,頸靜脈孔區(qū)不同性質腫瘤的生長方式及特點,對術前正確診斷、確定合理的治療方案及術中保護神經(jīng)功能具重要意義,頸靜脈孔診斷,神經(jīng)鞘瘤,神經(jīng)鞘瘤起源于舌咽神經(jīng)、迷走神經(jīng)、副神經(jīng)或頸交感干,沿其起源的神經(jīng)生長。神經(jīng)鞘瘤因壓迫性溶骨致頸靜脈孔擴大,表現(xiàn)為扇貝樣改變而骨皮質完好。邊緣常是光滑的,瘤邊界清楚。 容易發(fā)生囊變/壞死,腫瘤質地不均勻,內部多有短T1長T2的片狀影。MRI增強后腫瘤實質部分可強化,但不如腦膜
23、瘤和化學感受器瘤明顯。瘤內無流空的血管影可同化學感受器瘤鑒別,而MRI上可顯示面聽神經(jīng)也可同聽神經(jīng)瘤相鑒別。,腦膜瘤,起源于頸靜脈球或鄰近靜脈竇部的蛛網(wǎng)膜顆粒 。Sekhar將頸靜脈孔區(qū)腦膜瘤定義為附著于頸靜脈孔硬膜或起源于延髓小腦角伴或不伴向顱外生長。 CT為高密度腫瘤。MRI缺乏象化學感受器那樣的瘤內血管流空影。增強后T1像明顯強化,其程度較化學感受器瘤更為明顯,并??梢娔X膜尾征。 腦膜瘤典型的表現(xiàn)為“離心性”擴張和“匍匐狀”
25、。MRI增強后T1像上明顯不均勻強化,邊界清晰。,頸靜脈球體瘤Fisch分型法(1978),頸靜脈球體瘤Glasscock-Jackson分型法(1981),Intracranial growth pattern of glomus jugulare tumors into the inferior petrosal sinus,glomus jugularmeningioma (M)schwannoma (S). Section
26、 A is at the level of the dome of the jugular bulb, section B is at the midlevel of the jugular foramen, section C is at the exit of the skull base,,“微創(chuàng)”理念---要求對頸靜脈孔區(qū)的解剖境界和特征更精確的理解和認識。Rhoton等學者將到達頸靜脈孔區(qū)的主要手術入路分為顳下耳前顳下窩入
27、路、耳后經(jīng)顳入路、枕下及遠外側入路三組。,頸靜脈孔區(qū)腫瘤手術入路,1. 側方入路: 通過乳突切除到達術區(qū),又稱迷路下入路。需移位面神經(jīng)并可能損及內耳結構,卻對延伸至顱內的腫瘤顯露不充分。2. 后方入路:包括枕下乙狀竇后入路、遠外側及經(jīng)髁入路等。該組入路便于切除延伸到后顱窩的腫瘤,但卻對顳下窩腫瘤顯露有限,經(jīng)髁入路還增加了舌下神經(jīng)、椎動脈損傷和出現(xiàn)寰枕關節(jié)不穩(wěn)定的風險。3. 前方入路: Sekhar提出的顳下耳前顳下窩入路為該組最主要
28、的手術入路,頸內動脈前移后可顯露頸靜脈孔的前緣,進一步磨除Kawase三角可顯露中上斜坡,該入路聯(lián)合側方經(jīng)顳即為Fisch顳下窩入路。對橋腦小腦角和延髓小腦角的顯露卻極為有限 。,經(jīng)頸靜脈孔入路(transjugular foramen)是極外側經(jīng)髁入路的亞型,通過枕下開顱、切除枕髁后1/3、頸靜脈突和枕大孔后壁,自后下方顯露頸靜脈孔。遠外側經(jīng)髁入路有利于面神經(jīng)功能和聽力的保護,且能對下外側顱底和顳下窩提供較充分的顯露,有助于一期切除
29、頸靜脈孔區(qū)顱內外溝通性腫瘤,但需進行枕髁、頸靜脈結節(jié)切除和椎動脈移位。經(jīng)髁旁入路切除頸靜脈孔區(qū)腫瘤,通過切除寰椎橫突、移位椎動脈、切除部分枕髁及髁旁、髁上骨質、頸靜脈結節(jié)等實現(xiàn)自后下方顯露頸靜脈孔。,Anatomic landmarks on the cranium,1: asterion , junction of the transverse and sigmoid sinuses.2: mastoid foramen, con
30、veys the mastoid emissary vein, indicates the posterior margin of the middle portion of the sigmoid sinus.,3: posterior end of the incisura mastoidea 4:condylar fossa5:posterior condylar foramen 6:occipital condyle 7
31、:mastoid process , grossly corresponds to the level of the internal acoustic meatus. The bony opening for the infratentorial lateral supracerebellar approach should be made above this level.,,,,operative view of the tran
32、scond-ylar fossa approach,1:glossopharyngeal nerve ;2: the PICA ; 3: vagal nerve;4: accessory nerve ; 5: the vertebral artery ; 6: posterior condylar emissary vein; 7: AICA ; 8:choroid plexus.,Surgical technique of expos
33、ing the neural component of the jugular foramen,A: Normal view of the jugular foramen. Also shown are Cranial Nerves V, VII, and VIII. B: An intracranial meningioma with jugular foramen involvement is depicted. the tumo
34、r is posterior to the nerve roots (the most favorable situation). C: Drilling of the neural component of the jugular foramen is performed. D:Tumor within the jugular foramen can then be microdissected out.,transcondyla
35、r approach Angle of surgical approach,pre, ASA to clivus before OC resection post, ASA to JT after OC resection. the far lateral transcondylar exposure was 17 ± 1 mm.,transcondylar approach,the jugular tubercle o
36、bstructs the anterior portion of the PICA aneurysm. B :gentle retraction of the spinal accessory nerve revealing the neck of the aneurysm, which is covered partially by the jugular tubercle. C: the dura covering the ju
37、gular tubercle is incised and reflected posterior before drilling.,D :drilling jugular tubercle, improved exposure of the anterior aspect of the aneurysm. The suction tip is used to retract and protect the spinal accesso
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- 頸靜脈球體瘤
- 頸靜脈球瘤
- 頸靜脈球體瘤課件