1、詞義的引申與選擇 (Diction),Warming-up,她的英語水平很高。 他需要提高領(lǐng)導水平。 人民的生活水平一直在提高。 She has a good command of English. He needs to improve the art of leadership. People’s quality of life\ living standards has been improving.
2、,Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business.,讀書足以怡
3、情,足以博彩,足以長才。其怡情也,最見于獨處幽居之時;其博彩也,最見于高談闊論之中;其長才也,最見于處世判事之際。,杜甫的詩《春望》中的“國破山河在”Though a country be sundered(分開), hills and rivers endure. ----Bynner(雖然)(一個)國家(被)隔絕(,)(群)山(和)河流忍耐(著)(。)A nation though fallen, t
4、he land yet remains. -----W.J.B.Fletcher(一個)國家(雖然)淪陷(,)(那)土地(仍然)留存(。)The state may fall, but the hills and streams remain. -----David Hawkes(這個) 國家(也許)淪陷(,)(但)(這)(群)山(和)小溪留存(。),I
5、love my love with an E, because she‘s enticing; I hate her with an E, because she’s engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement(私奔) ; her name's Emily, and she lives in the eas
6、t. (Dickens, David Copperfield),Translation,譯文1: 我愛我的心上人,因為她那樣地叫人入迷(enticing);我恨我的心上人,因為她已訂婚將作他人妻(engaged);她花容月貌無可比擬(exquisite),我勸她私奔跟我在一起(elopement);她的名字叫埃米莉(Emily),她的家就在東城里(east)。我愛我的心上人呀,一切都因為這個E?。懩耸ィ?I love my l
7、ove with an E, because she's enticing; I hate her with an E, because she's engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name's Emily, and she lives in the east.,,譯文
8、2: 我愛我的那個“麗”,可愛迷人有魅力;我恨我的那個“麗”,要和他人結(jié)伉儷;她文雅大方又美麗,和我出逃去游歷; 她芳名就叫愛米麗,家住東方人俏麗。(馬紅軍),I love my love with an E, because she's enticing; I hate her with an E, because she's engaged; I took her to the sign of the ex
9、quisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name's Emily, and she lives in the east.,譯文3:我愛我的愛人,因為她很迷人;我恨我的愛人,因已許配他人;她在我心中是美人,我?guī)奖?,以避開外人;她名叫虞美人,是東方麗人。(張柏然),I love my love with an E, because she's enticing;
10、I hate her with an E, because she's engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name's Emily, and she lives in the east.,學生1:聯(lián)寵愛妃,因其想入菲菲;聯(lián)恨愛妃,欲與人比翼雙飛;愛妃容顏世上絕非,愿帶其遠走
11、高飛;愛妃蘭名芳菲,如東方翠翡。,I love my love with an E, because she's enticing; I hate her with an E, because she's engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name's Emily, a
12、nd she lives in the east.,學生2:纖纖麗人,家住東方婚定他人,即將拜堂吾既聞之,百轉(zhuǎn)愁腸纖纖麗人,我心所向麗人聞之,與我同傷相約南墻,遠走他方,I love my love with an E, because she's enticing; I hate her with an E, because she's engaged; I took her to the sign of
13、the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name's Emily, and she lives in the east.,飄逸版,我愛我的伊人,因為她美麗又動人;我恨我的伊人,因為她已相許他人;我愿奉她為完人,帶她私奔離眾人;她叫愛米莉真醉人,家住東方羨煞旁人。,文言版,城東麗人兮,美名愛彌莉; 嬌姿傾城兮,吾心之所系; 初既與余訂婚兮,信誓而棄
14、; 悔伊邂逅王孫兮,拜金逐利; 私奔離我而去兮! 恨兮! 痛兮!,粵語版,我好鬼中意我條女,因為距好suo架;不過我又好鬼憎距,距竟然同左個麻甩佬訂左婚;我一直都當距系我第時果個架,仲叫距一齊同我著草添;距既名叫愛米莉,住系我屋企東邊。,Correspondence at word level,(1) word-for-word correspondence eg. lase
15、r激光 ; aspirin 阿斯匹林,(2) one---multiple equivalents of the same meaning (optional equivalence)wife: 妻子,愛人,夫人,老婆,老伴,媳婦,堂客,內(nèi)人,賤內(nèi)potato: 馬鈴薯,洋芋,土豆、山藥蛋人:human being, man, people, person,---犬:dog, hound, pointer (獵犬) ,
16、 puppy,(3) one word----several equivalents of different meaningscousin: 堂兄,堂弟,表姐,表妹,堂姐,堂妹…president:總統(tǒng),總裁,主席,董事長,會長,校長,院長…Carry: 搬,運,提,拎,挑,擔,摟,抱,舉,端,夾…笑:smile, giggle(傻笑), laugh, ridicule, deride, guffaw (laugh v
17、ery loudly)走:walk, saunter 閑逛, stride, trudge 步履維艱, amble慢行,(4)words without equivalents陰/陽: the soft inactive female principle or force in the worldclock-watcher: 老是看鐘等下班的人alibi: 不在犯罪現(xiàn)場的證據(jù)Yellow publications: 品位較低
18、的出版物 pornography春畫,色情文學,Diction,Diction means the proper choice of words and phrases in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original. A noted linguist said, “the meaning of a word is its use in t
19、he language and each word, when used in a new context, is a new word.,外延意義(概念意義)(denotative meaning )內(nèi)涵意義(connotative meaning)風格意義(stylistic meaning) 情感意義(affective meaning)聯(lián)想意義(reflective meaning)搭配意義(collocative m
20、eaning)主題意義(thematic meaning) --杰弗里 N 利奇 “semantics”,詞匯意義的七種類型,外延意義不對應(yīng),紅茶紅眼紅眼
21、病白酒稅,black teato be green-eyed (red-eye 廉價的威士忌酒) Pinkeyespirits/liquor (不是white wine白葡萄酒) Tax/ duty/ tariff 關(guān)稅,稅率,“精神文明”被譯spiritual civilization,在外國人的心目中含有宗教色彩,現(xiàn)在改“ethical and cultural progress”或是“cultural life”以及
22、其他譯法。 過去我們在對外宣傳中,一直把“宣傳”譯為 “propaganda”(貶義的成分為多,使人易與吹牛、說謊、懷有政治目的等負面含義聯(lián)系起來),現(xiàn)在多使用“publicity”等中性詞;,情感意義不對應(yīng),同時,市場自身的弱點和消極方面也會反映到人們的精神生活中來。 Meanwhile,the weak points and negative factors involved in market operat
23、ion will find expression in people’s cultural life.,例,No context, no translation.,Context,There are three kinds of contextLinguistic contextSituational contextCultural context,Linguistic contextLinguistic context ref
24、ers to cohesion結(jié)合and coherence相干性within a textSituational contextIt is related to the situation, the participants, and the thing mentioned.Cultural contextIt is related to culture and background.A good translation m
25、ust be based on the consideration of the three contexts.,英譯漢選詞問題,,Choosing the proper meaning,根據(jù)詞性選擇詞義 Linguistic 根據(jù)詞的使用場合及上下文聯(lián)系選擇詞義根據(jù)詞的搭配選擇詞義 Situational按習慣選詞義 Cultural,詞性 ( Linguistic ),“ like ”Things like air, wate
26、r or metals are matter. (prep.) 像空氣、水或金屬之類的東西都是物質(zhì)。The two buildings are very like. (adj.) 這兩座樓很像。It is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like. (n.) 正是原子構(gòu)成了鐵、水和氧等等。,詞性,Waves in water move like
27、 the waveform moves along a rope. (conj.) 水中波的移動,就像波形沿著繩子移動一樣。We should like to know all the details. (v.) 我們想知道一切詳情。,詞性,“round”There are several round tables in the dinning-room. (adj. 圓的)Come round and see me
28、 tomorrow. (adv. 到某處)He had a tour round the world. (prep.在---周圍)She rounded up the boys. (v. 集合),詞性,“but”He knows some methods but he doesn’t know how to apply them. (連詞,但是)The word occurs in the last line but one.
29、(介詞,除去)There was not a single person there but was moved to tears(關(guān)系代詞,who not),上下文 (Situational),I want my martini dry. There are still some dry states in the United States.She prefers dry bread. The cows are dry.
30、He gave us a dry lecture yesterday.I am sure what he presented was a dry fact.,上下文,我的馬丁尼酒不要甜的在美國尚有幾洲禁酒。她喜歡無奶油的面包。 這些母牛缺奶。昨天他給我們作了一個枯燥無味的講演。我相信,他所列舉的是鐵一般的事實。,Last:He is the last man to come.He is the last man to d
31、o it.He is the last person for such a job. 最不配He should be the last to blame.He is the last man to consult. 不宜This is the last place where I expected to meet you.This is a question of the last importance.
32、 怎么也沒想到,上下文,根據(jù)上下文來確定其褒貶意義,The adoption of new policies will surely lead to some striking results. 采取各項新政策必將帶來顯著成果。There would have been more painful result but for the drastic measures.若不是采取了嚴厲措施,那將會出現(xiàn)的更痛苦的后果。,上下文
33、,A. Verbal context:Eg. We hope Mr. White will not forget himself, gone are the days when a representative of a large country in UN may do whatever he likes. We hope that our most respected Secretary General will not f
34、orget himself, his poor health is known to everybody.(忘乎所以;過于操勞,忘我工作),B. PlaceThe boy is drawing a cart. 畫?拉?C. code (語碼:話語所使用的語言變體) First floor (En, 二樓; Am, 一樓) Are you through? (En 接通了嗎; Am,打完了嗎),D.搭配 (collo
35、cation),Soft music Soft moneySoft heart Soft waterSoft drink Soft fireSoft headSoft goods,輕音樂紙幣軟心腸軟水軟飲料文火無主見的人,笨人紡織品,搭配,Seeing that old film really took me back!He had nowhere to sleep so we offered to ta
36、ke him in.It was at that point that her acting career really took off.Over the years he has taken on the look of a banker. I’m not sure if he’ll take to the idea.Let’s take up where we left off.,搭配,觀看那部老電影的確使我回想起
37、了過去的歲月。他沒地方睡覺,于是我們就提出讓他留宿。正是從這個時候起,她的表演生涯真正開始邁向成功了。 起飛 這些年來他擺出了一副銀行家的派頭。呈現(xiàn)我拿不準他是否會喜歡這個主意。喜愛讓我們接著之前停下來的地方重新開始。開始,搭配,Delicate skinDelicate childDelicate vaseDelicate differenceDelicate sense of smellDelicate
38、 food,嬌嫩的皮膚,容易生病的小孩,容易碰碎的花瓶,微妙的差別,靈敏的嗅覺,美味的食物,Heavy weather; 惡劣Heavy schedule 排的很緊heavy crops 豐收Heavy fog濃heavy traffic 繁忙/擁擠heavy soil 難以耕種Heavy fate 悲慘Heavy stormheavy news 不幸Heavy sea 波濤洶涌heavy
39、 sleep 沉睡,搭配,heavy hand高壓手段heavy smokers 煙癮大Heavy applause 熱烈heavy workHeavy heartheavy fighting 激烈Heavy rain/snowheavy sky 陰沉 Heavy food 不易消化Heavy market 呆滯,價格下降,搭配,習慣 (cultural),在人們長期的社會實踐中,往往把有些生活意義
40、或科技意義的詞組,構(gòu)成相對固定的形式,而且有其固定的習慣說法,翻譯時按其習慣選詞義。ball-point pen Empty space North and south, east and westRain or shine,圓珠筆真空東南西北不論晴雨,詞義引申的手段,詞義的轉(zhuǎn)化詞義的具體化詞義的抽象化,詞義的轉(zhuǎn)化,翻譯時,如果完全生搬硬套詞典所給的字面意思,“對號入座”,會使譯文生硬晦澀,含糊不清,甚至令人不
41、知所云。因此,應(yīng)根據(jù)上下文和原詞的字面意思,作適當?shù)霓D(zhuǎn)化。,例,That’s a tall story about the town’s high street. 原譯:這就是有關(guān)鎮(zhèn)上高處街道的大故事。 改譯: 有關(guān)這城主街的說法是在令人難以置信。,Praise and Disparage貶損詞義的褒貶,Many people think that he is one of the most ambitious po
42、liticians of our times.2. Although he is very young, he is very ambitious in his research work.3. They incited him to go into further investigation.4. The plotters incited the soldiers to rise against their officers.
43、5. The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent.,很多人認為他是現(xiàn)今最有野心的政客之一。他雖然很年輕,但是在研究工作中很有雄心壯志。他們鼓勵他做進一步的調(diào)查。陰謀家煽動士兵們造軍官的反。敵人殺了我們一個同志,我們宰一個敵人的特務(wù)。,Ambivalent words 對立詞,Fireman CleaveOverhearOverlook
44、Ambition,消防員;火夫,劈開;粘住,偷聽;偶然/無意聽到,細看;不看 /忽視,抱負;野心,詞義的具體化,詞義的具體化是指把原義抽象籠統(tǒng)的詞語,根據(jù)目標語的表達習慣,引申為意義明確具體的詞語。英語中常用代表抽象意義的詞表示一種具體事物,譯成漢語時一般須作具體化的引申,否則意義會不明朗。,例,There is more to their life than political and social and economic prob
45、lem, more than transient短暫的everydayness. 他們的生活遠不止那些政治的、社會的和經(jīng)濟的問題,遠不止一時的柴米油鹽問題。,A nice enough young fellow, you understand, nothing (腦子里是一張白紙)The Iraqi War makes all the international morality or international law
46、s become impossible.(失去作用)The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing. 必不可少的參觀游覽項目,例,詞義的抽象化,詞義的抽象化是指是將表示具體形象的詞作概括性的引申,譯成意義抽象的詞。例如,將“之乎者也”譯成“l(fā)iterary jargons(術(shù)語)” 或 “pedantic炫學者 jargons”就是一種詞義抽象化的處理。
47、現(xiàn)代英語常用表示具體形象的詞指代一種屬性、一種概念或一個事物,翻譯時宜作抽象化的處理,使譯文更加自然流暢。,例,The interest rates have see-sawed between 10 and 15 percent. 利率一直在10%到15%之間不斷波動。 see-saw 由 “蹺蹺板一上一下的交替擺動”抽象化為“搖擺不定的: 波動”。,They have their smiles and tears.
48、Every life has its roses and thorns. During the war, he was an embryo surgeon, and joined the mobile medical team.I was not one to let my heart rule my head. There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the charac
49、ter of the imperialists.,歡樂與悲哀,有苦又有甜,胚胎---初出茅廬的,情感—理智,殘暴—狡猾,例,It is regrettable that our appeal remains a dead letter. 遺憾的是,我們的呼吁沒有得到響應(yīng)。,動物的隱喻性意義 (C=E): FOX -- sly狡猾的; ASS/donkey -- stupid; BEE -- busy; DEER -- mee
50、k溫順的and gentle;LAMB --lovable; PIG -- dirty and greedy; MONKEY -- naughty and playful; JACKAL (豺)-- greedy and contemptible; WOLF -- 狼bloodthirsty and cruel.,比喻的引申:如果英語的比喻在內(nèi)容、形式、形象上與漢語相近似,可以相互借用,不用引申。如:The man is
51、 as stubborn as a mule. 犟得像頭牛。I am only a small potato in this office. 小人物Don’t put your finger into another’s pie. 別管他人閑事。,典故的引申:希臘神話She is as fair as Helen.她是個絕世美人。,He does a lot of good jobs and is consid
52、ered to be the salt of the world.鹽是飲食中不可缺少的調(diào)味品,人體若缺鹽,健康就會受到影響,出現(xiàn)種種疾病。鹽還有殺菌、解毒、消炎、除污等多種功用,它既是“百藥之王”,又是工業(yè)之母,確是值得珍視的東西。在許多民族的習俗匯總,鹽被當作敬客的高貴禮品。,The Salt of the Earth一詞出自《圣經(jīng)》,據(jù)《新約。馬太福音》(Matthew)第5篇記載:耶穌對他的門徒說:“Ye are the sal
53、t of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? ” 在這里,salt用于轉(zhuǎn)義,表示flavor;of the earth即of the world。這是耶穌登山垂訓論“?!保v福音結(jié)尾的話,他把門徒比做“世上的鹽”,這是極高的稱贊。這句話在后世不斷引用變成了一個典故性成語,轉(zhuǎn)義為the most valuable m
54、embers of society; the finest type of humanity; a person or a group of people having the best character。,漢譯英選詞問題,,Choosing the proper meaning,根據(jù)詞的使用場合及上下文聯(lián)系選擇詞義根據(jù)詞的搭配習慣選擇詞義 原則:深刻理解漢語,切忌望文生義。,例,你應(yīng)該戒煙,那會對你有好處。 班上的好
55、人好事應(yīng)該受到表揚。 這個男孩子付出極大努力,應(yīng)得到獎勵。 You should stop smoking, which will do you good. Good deed doers in the class should be praised\deserve praise. The boy deserves a reward for his great efforts.,例,在這場足球比賽中,中國
56、隊贏了日本隊。 在滑鐵盧戰(zhàn)役中,英國軍隊戰(zhàn)敗了拿破侖。 In this soccer match, Chinese team beat Japanese team. In the Battle of Waterloo, the English troops defeated Napoleon.,例,上演上賬 上癮 上進 上網(wǎng)上菜,to performto make a
57、n entry in an account bookto be addicted (to sth)to make progressto surf on lineto serve the dishes,例,這周我辦了一個喬遷宴會。 * house-moving party I had a house-warming party this week. 青年人代表著希望。 * stand for Yo
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- 詞義引申的認知分析.pdf
- 漢語詞義引申與文化因素的關(guān)系研究.pdf
- “術(shù)”的詞義引申及文化蘊含研究.pdf
- 傳統(tǒng)語文學對詞義引申的研究.pdf
- 《段注》詞義引申系統(tǒng)論.pdf
- “時”的詞義引申及其文化意蘊研究.pdf
- 詞義引申理論與中學古漢語實詞教學.pdf
- unit 3 詞語選擇、引申與褒貶
- 《說文通訓定聲》詞義引申研究.pdf
- 先秦“經(jīng)”的詞義引申及其文化內(nèi)涵流變.pdf
- 從詞義表達和詞義引申的角度談英漢翻譯——譯Why We Run有感.pdf
- “點”“線”“面”的詞義引申分析及對外漢語教學.pdf
- 《現(xiàn)代漢語詞典》離合詞詞義引申與句法功能.pdf
- 《說文解字讀》和《說文解字注》詞義引申比較研究.pdf
- 翻譯中詞義的選擇及研究.pdf
- 詞義詞義
- 漢越詞詞義與漢語詞詞義對比研究.pdf
- 詞義的處理
- 表層詞義和深層詞義研究.pdf
- 從認知語境視角看翻譯中多義詞的詞義選擇.pdf