常見的修辭格翻譯 (1)_第1頁
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1、常見的修辭格翻譯,,一、比喻(figure of speech),比喻無處不在,為各語言文化共有。比喻有四個要素:本體(tenor),喻體(vehicle),比喻詞(comparative word)及相似點(point of resemblance)。這里主要談談明喻(simile)和暗喻(metaphor)的翻譯。,,英漢語明喻標記比較明顯,一般需出現(xiàn)比喻詞,漢語如像、如、仿佛、似等,英語如like,as,as if/though等

2、。英語的隱喻大致分三類:1.A is B;2.N1 of N2;3.只出現(xiàn)本體。All the world’s a stage, and all men and women merely players.整個世界是座舞臺,男男女女,演員而已。,,With this faith we will be able to hoe out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With t

3、his faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.抱有這個信念,我們就能從絕望之山鑿出希望之石。抱有這個信念,我們就能把我們這個民族中那些刺耳的噪音變成一部歌頌手足之情的美妙交響曲。,,She has a photographic memory for d

4、etail.她對細節(jié)有照相機般的記憶力。(把her memory比作camera,但喻體camera沒有出現(xiàn)。),,漢語暗喻大致也有三種,1.判斷結(jié)構(gòu)“甲是乙”;2.本體和喻體同時出現(xiàn),但無判斷詞;3.狀語加中心詞(偏正式的結(jié)構(gòu))薛蟠也假說來上學,不過是“三天打漁,兩天曬網(wǎng)”……也不曾有一點兒進益。(《紅樓夢》)Xue Pan had hastened to register himself as a pupil. His sc

5、hool-going was, needless to say, a pretence – “One day to fish and two days to dry the net” as they say – and had nothing to do with the advancement of learning. (楊憲益,戴乃迭),,潭西南而望,斗折蛇行,明滅可見。(柳宗元《小石潭記》)Viewed from the sou

6、thwest, the pond sometimes zigzags like the shining Big Dipper and sometimes winds gloomily like a long creeping snake.,,她們一窩蜂地擠攏來,每人盛一碗,就四散地蹲伏或者站立在路上和門口吃。(夏衍《包身工》)They crowded strenuously around like a swarm of bees, e

7、ach ladling out a bowl of meagre porridge, and then scattered, having their meal by crouching or standing at the pathway or the doorway.,,比喻的翻譯方法主要有:直譯、直譯加注、轉(zhuǎn)換、意譯等。明喻一般直譯;暗喻中英漢語共有的“A是B”結(jié)構(gòu)比較適合直譯;帶有文化內(nèi)涵的習語型比喻常直譯加注;不適合直譯的暗喻

8、可考慮轉(zhuǎn)換為明喻,或者改變喻體;放棄比喻修辭,翻譯意義。,,何等動人的一頁一頁!這是人類思維的花朵。(徐遲《哥德巴赫猜想》)What inspiring chapters! They are the flowers of the human brainwork.Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. (William B. Yeats)

9、教育不是注滿一桶水,而是點燃一把火。,,“難道這也是個癡丫頭,也像顰兒來葬花不成?”因又暗自笑道:“若真是葬花,可謂‘東施效顰’了,不但不為新奇,而且更為可厭?!保ā都t樓夢》)“Can this be another absurd maid coming to bury flowers like Daiyu?”he wondered in some amusement. “If so, she’s Tun Shih imitatin

10、g His Shih, which is not original but rather tiresome.”(Note: His Shih was a famous beauty in the ancient kingdom of Yue. Tung Shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her ways.),,New York was never mecca to me. And

11、though I have lived there more than half my life, you won’t find me wearing an “I love New York” T-shirt…………..紐約對于我來說絕不是麥加。雖然我已經(jīng)在這里住了大半輩子,你卻不會看到我穿上一件印有“我愛紐約”字樣的T恤。(麥加:位于沙特阿拉伯西部,伊斯蘭教徒的朝圣地,后此專業(yè)名詞普通化,意為“圣地”或“渴望之地”。),,一些人清

12、醒,多數(shù)人被蒙蔽,少數(shù)是右翼骨干。(《毛澤東選集》)Among the members of these parties some keep their heads, many are deceived, and a small number make up the nucleus of the right wing.,,Hold fast to dreams,For if dreams die, Life is a broken

13、-winged birdThat cannot fly. (Langston Hughes)緊緊抓住夢想吧,如果夢想死亡,生命就像鳥兒折了翅膀,再也不能飛翔。,,The enemy’s Achilles’ heel was his harbour defense. 敵人的致命處在于其海港防御。,,更多實例分析:月光如流水一般,靜靜地瀉在這一片葉子和花上。薄薄的青霧浮起在荷塘里。葉子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗過一樣;又像籠著輕紗的夢

14、。Like flowing streams, moonlight rushes down, silently clothing every leaf and flower. The lotus pond is cloaked in light mist. (Mist floats above the lotus pond.)The leaves and flowers are somewhat white now as though

15、they had been bathed in milk. One will feel he is in a dream covered with thin gauze.,,樹縫里也漏著一兩點燈光,沒精打采的,是瞌睡人的眼。Through the branches are also a couple of lamps, as listless as sleepy eyes.他就像一只斗敗的公雞似的垂頭喪氣。He was shake

16、n and unnerved like a defeated fighting cock.,,把這個趙寡婦在屏風后急得像熱鍋上的螞蟻一樣。All this made Zhao the widow behind the screen as frantic as an ant on a hot furnace.Marriage is a book of which the first chapter is written in poet

17、ry and remaining chapters in prose. 婚姻是一本書,第一章以詩寫成,其余各章則以散文寫成。,,他清清楚楚地看見一條丁字街,橫在他眼前。He saw distinctly the cross-road ahead of him.After that long talk, Jim became the sun in her heart.那次長談之后,吉姆成了她心中的太陽。,,《三國演義》中的一些例子

18、:玄德就馬上執(zhí)庶之手曰:“先生此去,天各一方,未知相會卻在何日!”說罷,淚如雨下。Xuande took Shan Fu’s hand. “Now we part,” Xuande said, “to go to different worlds. Who knows when we may meet again?” Xuande’s tears fell like rain. (Moss Roberts),,后曰:“旦夕如坐針氈,

19、似此為人,不如早亡!妾看宦官中之忠義可托者,莫如穆順,當令寄此書。”“Day and night we sit on pins,” the Empress continued. “I prefer death to a life like this. Among our eunuchs Mu Shun is loyal and true. He could deliver the letter.”,,張飛聽了,瞋目大叱曰:“我哥哥是金

20、枝玉葉,你是何等人,敢稱我哥哥為賢弟!你來!我和你斗三百合!”The moment Zhang Fei heard this, his eyes widened and he shouted, “Our brother is a prince of the blood, a jade leaf on the golden branch. Who are you to call him ‘young brother’? Come out

21、 now and fight three hundred rounds with me. ”,,權(quán)曰:“今聽臣言,則西蜀有泰山之安,不聽臣言,則主公有累卵之危矣?!盚uang Quan replied: “Heed my words and our rule can be secure as Mountain Tai. Heed them not and your own position will become as precari

22、ous as a pile of eggs. ”,,曹操下令軍中曰:“今劉備釜中之魚,阱中之虎;若不就此時擒捉,如放魚入海,縱虎歸山矣。眾將可努力向前。”Cao Cao instructed his men: “Liu Bei’s a fish in our pot, a tiger in our trap. If we don’t take him, here and now, we’ll be letting the fish b

23、ack into the sea, setting the tiger free in the hills. Press forward and spare no effort.”,二、擬人,擬人是將物當作人來描寫的修辭手法,其本質(zhì)上是一種隱喻。擬人大致分四種:以動物擬人、以植物擬人、以無生命的事物擬人以及以抽象概念擬人。,,It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor

24、 of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion.當狼依然持有不同意見之時,群羊通過的贊成素食主義的決議案也是徒勞無功的。老蟈蟈大約有什么心事,一大早就躲在樹葉下唱,那調(diào)子顯得深沉而悠遠。It seems that the old grasshopper takes something to heart, singing in the leaves of

25、 the tree in the early morning. The long long melody runs deep down into your heart.,,A tree whose hungry mouth is pressedAgainst the earth’s sweet flowing breast;A tree that looks at God all,And lifts her leafy arms

26、to pray.樹那饑渴的嘴唇緊緊貼住大地乳汁甘美的胸膛;它整天仰望著上帝,舉起枝葉繁茂的手臂祈禱。,,他對沾滿露水的青草瞥了一眼,青草也對他擠了一眼。He glanced at dew-covered grass, and it winked back at him.The clock on the wall ticked loudly and lazily, as if it had time to spare. Out

27、side the rattling windows there was a restless whispering wind. The room grew light and dark, and wonderous light again, as the moon played hide-and-seek through the clouds.,,掛鐘懶洋洋地滴答作響,聲音那么大,好像時間很充裕。窗外,風不停地刮著,像在低聲耳語般,窗戶

28、也被吹得格格地響。月亮在云層中捉迷藏時,房間里忽明忽暗,不時閃起奇幻的光芒。,,群山肅立,江河揮淚,遼闊的祖國大地沉浸在巨大的悲痛之中。The mountains are standing in solemn silence; the rivers are shedding bitter tears; our motherland is soaked in enormous grief.A lie can travel half w

29、ay around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.真理剛剛穿上鞋子,謊言卻可能已經(jīng)走過半個世界。,,擬人一般可以采用直譯、意譯和轉(zhuǎn)換(如轉(zhuǎn)換為明喻)。每條嶺都是那么溫柔,雖然下自山腳,上自嶺頂,長滿了珍貴的林木,可誰也不孤峰突起,盛氣凌人。(老舍《小花朵集》)All the ridges were so amiable. None of them stood a

30、bove the others with arrogance(a domineering manner/ posture), though their slopes were fully covered with precious trees. (直譯),,細雨如絲,一棵棵楊梅樹貪婪地吮吸著春天的甘露。它們伸展著四季常綠的枝條,一片片狹長的葉子在雨霧中歡笑著。(王魯彥《我愛故鄉(xiāng)的楊梅》)Each waxberry tree is gr

31、eedily sucking the spring rain,which falls down like fine threads/ softly. The evergreen branches stretch out, each long and narrow leaf smiling in the smoky rain.(直譯/意譯),,說它貪玩吧,的確是呀,要不怎么會一天一夜不回家呢?可是,它聽到老鼠的一點響動,又是多么盡職。(老

32、舍《貓》)The cat is excessively fond of playing around. Yes, it is. Don’t you remember that it once played around and did not go home for one day and one night? Anyhow, it will fulfil its duty the moment it hears the slight

33、est sound made by a mouse.(直譯),,At last the bee felt sufficiently confident to attempt a trial flight.終于,蜜蜂覺得有充分信心可以作一次試飛了。Culture is not satisfied till we all come to be a perfect man. It knows the sweetness and ligh

34、t of the few must be imperfect until the raw masses of humanity are touched with sweetness and light.在所有人都變得完美之前,文化是不會滿意的。文化懂得,在人類未開化的大眾還未享受快樂和光明之前,少數(shù)人享有的快樂和光明必然是不完美的。,,May is a boy with a fishing rod walking to the pon

35、d on Saturday morning, and young sweethearts strolling along the pond on Saturday nights.五月是一個手持釣魚竿在周末早晨走向池塘邊的男孩,也是周末晚上沿池塘漫步的情侶。,三、夸張(hyperbole),夸張是運用豐富的想象力,在客觀現(xiàn)實的基礎上有目的地放大或縮小事物的形象特征,以增強表達效果的修辭手法,也叫夸飾或鋪張?!?夸張的作用是用言過其

36、實的方法,突出事物的本質(zhì),或加強作者的某種感情,烘托氣氛,引起讀者的聯(lián)想。夸張能引起讀者豐富的想象和強烈共鳴。   在文學中,夸張是運用想象與變形,夸大事物的某些特征,寫出不尋常之語。   例(1):力拔山兮氣蓋世。 《垓下歌》項羽   例(2):蜀道之難,難于上青天?!妒竦离y》李白   例(3):他種的瓜很甜,幾十里外就聞到瓜香了。,夸張的翻譯,夸張主要采取直譯的辦法。這是多么讓人心碎的事!What a heartbrea

37、king thing!我從鄉(xiāng)下跑到京城里,一轉(zhuǎn)眼已經(jīng)六年了。Six years have passed by in a twinkle since I came to the capital city from the countryside.,,A drop of ink may make a million think.一滴墨水寫成的文字可讓千萬人思索。Noise proves nothing; often a hen w

38、ho has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid.喧嘩吵鬧證明不了什么;只生下一只雞蛋的母雞也常會咯咯叫,像是生下小行星似的。,,She has more goodness in her little finger than he has in his whole body.她小手指中的美德比他全身的美德還要多。Miss Bolo went stra

39、ight home in a flood of tears and sedan chair.波洛小姐淚如泉涌,坐上轎子徑直回家了。,四、雙關(guān)(pun),“用詞造句時表面上是一個意思,而暗中隱藏著另一個意思?!薄冬F(xiàn)代漢語詞典》在一定的語言環(huán)境中,利用詞的多義和同音的條件,有意使語句具有雙重意義,言在此而意在彼,這種修辭手法叫做雙關(guān)。雙關(guān)可使語言表達得含蓄、幽默,而且能加深寓意,給人以深刻印象。,雙關(guān)的翻譯,直譯:雙關(guān)含有雙重意義,一

40、般難以直譯。如要直譯,須將兩重意思和盤托出。有時擇其一翻譯,另一意義緊隨其后,置于圓括號內(nèi)。,,Perhaps from some vague rumour of his college honors, which had been whispered abroad on his first arrival, perhaps because he was an unmarried, unencumbered gentle man, he

41、 had been called the Bachelor.也許是因為他初來時大家交頭接耳說他在大學里有過學位,也許是因為他是一位沒有結(jié)婚、無拘無束的紳士,人們便稱他為光棍學士。,,Judge: “What made you think that you could park your car there?”Tourist: “Well, there was a big sign that read: ‘Fine for Parki

42、ng.’”“你怎么想把車子停在那里?”“喔,那里有個大牌子,上面寫著‘停車的好地方。(停車罰款)’”,,原文:Professor of physics: What is matter? Student: Never mind. Professor: Then what is mind? Student: It doesn’t matter. 譯文:物理教授:“什么是物質(zhì)?”(“

43、你怎么 啦?”) 學生:“它不是精神。”(“不要緊?!保?教授:“那什么是精神?”(“那你介意什 么?”) 學生:“它不是物質(zhì)?!保ā拔也唤橐馐裁??!保?,譯明義:我說你們沒見過世面,只認得這果子是“香芋”,卻不知鹽課林老爺?shù)男〗悴攀钦嬲摹跋阌瘛蹦兀。ā都t樓夢》)It is you who

44、are mistaken. You have seen too little of the world to understand. The daughter of our respected salt commissioner Lin is also a sweet potato. She is the sweetest sweet potato of them all.,,原文:清風不識字,何必亂翻書。譯文:Gentle bree

45、ze, thou art illiterate, Why should thou turn over book leaves at random? (黃龍譯)此處“清風”一語雙關(guān),既指風,也指清朝統(tǒng)治階級,是內(nèi)容和形式的完美結(jié)合。主要表達對清朝統(tǒng)治階級興文字獄的不滿這么一種精神意義。但是要把這樣的雙重

46、內(nèi)容在英文中再現(xiàn)是幾乎不可能的,譯文也就難以傳達原文的精神意義。上述譯文試圖采用以音意結(jié)合的做法:gentle一詞中音節(jié)gen-和“清”字有點相似,同時以該詞來表達“清風”的微風之意。但是,譯文讀者卻無論如何也感受不到“清風”的更深刻的那層含義了。,,原文:空對著,山中高士晶瑩雪; 終不忘,世外仙妹寂寞林。 (《紅樓夢》第五回)譯文:Vainly

47、facing the hermit in sparking snow-clad hills,I forgot not the fairy in the lone woods beyond the world. (楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)原文以“雪”指“薛”,即薛寶釵,以“林”指林黛玉。譯文此時無法做到將原文內(nèi)容和形式完整地傳達,因而只好虧于形式而力存內(nèi)容了。,,

48、譯暗義:“娘,他們… …是要剝我們中國人的臉皮啊,你知道嗎?”驕陽下,柳樹上,回答他的是一片“知了,知了”的蟬聲。“Mother, what they asked me to do was …to lose face for all Chinese! Don’t you see?”In the scorching sun, from the willow tree, came the confirming reply of th

49、e cicada’s chirrup:“see, see …”,,補償:雙關(guān)是一種語言的內(nèi)部意義即同一語言系統(tǒng)的語詞在音、形、義上的聯(lián)系。不同語言系統(tǒng)具有不同的語言內(nèi)部意義體系。大多情況下,雙關(guān)都很難很好地直譯,但可以用譯入語的其他修辭手法予以補償。,,東邊日出西邊雨,道是無晴卻有晴。In the east the sun is rising;In the west rain is falling;Can you see if

50、it’s fair or foul?,,胡太太嘆了口氣,看見胡國光還是一肚子心事似的踱方步。“張鐵嘴怎么說的?”胡太太惴惴的問。“很好,不用擔心了。我還有委員的福分呢!”“么事的桂圓!”“是委員!從前行的是大人老爺,現(xiàn)在行的是委員了!你還不明白?”,,Madame Hu gave a sigh and watched her husband anxiously pacing about as before.“What did

51、Chang Tieh-tsui say?” She asked timidly.“He gave me very good news. We need not look for trouble, I have the possibility of being a member of a Committee!”“What’s a common tea?” asked the wife, who only vaguely caught

52、the sound.“A committee! Lords and esquires are out of date, and the prevailing nomination is to a Committee. Don’t you still understand?”(錢歌川),,加注:由于兩種語言內(nèi)部意義差異,譯文中將雙關(guān)語的雙重意義天衣無縫地表達出來,常常不可能。為了幫譯入語讀者了解原作雙關(guān)語的內(nèi)涵,意者常借助于注釋??梢?/p>

53、是譯明義+注釋,也可以譯暗義+注釋,還可以意譯+注釋。,,The professor rapped on his desk and shouted, “Gentlemen, order!”The entire class yelled, “Beer!”教授敲擊講臺并大聲說:“先生們,安靜!”全班大聲回應道:“啤酒!”注:order既可以理解為安靜,也可理解為點菜。教授本意顯然為前一種,學生卻故意理解為后一種。,,Diner: “

54、Waiter, this soup is spoiled.”Waiter: “Who told you?”Diner: “A little swallow.”“服務員,這湯壞了!”“誰說的?”“一只小燕子”注:swallow既有吞咽之意,也有小燕子之意,此處理解為暗義才有幽默效果。,,We must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately. (Benjamin F


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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