1、“ In fo r m a tio nE q u iv a le n e e ” inL e g a lTr a n sla tio nA M a ster T h e sis s u b m itte d toG ra d u ateS ch o o l,S o u thw estU n i v ersityo fP o li tiealS cien cean dL awIn P 叭 ia lF u lfillm en to fth
2、eR e q u ire m e n tsfo rth eD e g re eo fM a stero f A rtsJu n e , 2 0 0 9A b stf a C tT h eP re sen tP ap er15astu d yo nle g altr an slatio nfr o mth eP o in to fv ie wo feq u iv alen e e ,w iththeP u rp o seo fP ro v
3、 id in gso m egu id an e efortran sla to rsan dle g alE n g lishleam ersw h oaren o tfanliliarw ithle g altran slatio na sw ella sth o sew h oareiniere stedinit. T h eP re sen tP ap erg iv e sad etailedre v iewo ftheth e
4、 o ryo feq u iv alen cea sd e fi n e db yso m etr an slatio nth e o ri stsinthefi e ld ,su cha sC atford ,Ja eo b so n ,N ew 們 na rkan dN id a . ft15u nd e n iab lethatthe sethe o ristsh a v eP ro v id edfr u itfulach ie
5、v em en tsforfurt h erstud yo ne q u iv alen e e . InsP iteo fthegre atth eo rists,a ch iev em en ts,m o sto fthetheo rie sh av ethe irw e akP o in ts. C o m P ar e dw itho th ereq u iv alen e etheo ry,N id a , 515m o re
6、fea sib le . It15a lsob eliev edb yth eau tho ro ftheP resen tP ap erthatN id a , 5fun e tio n aleq u iv a len c e15theb ettero n eforgu id in gle g a ltran slatio n .L e g allan gu a g e , u n lik eo rd in arylan gu a g
7、 e , 15th elan gu a g eforsP e e ia lP ro fessio n alu sean dh a saun iq u en a tU r ean dm an yP e cu liarfeatu re s. T h ere fore, le g altran slatio n15m u ehd em an d in g . T h eau th o ro fth eP re sen tP ap eren d
8、 e av o rstoP utforw ardafeasibleth eo ryw h ichm ayco n tri b utetoleg altran slat i on . Di fl 籠 re n tfro mo rdin aryE n g lish , it15b e liev edb yth eau tho rthatthesP eeialn atu r ean dfeatu re so fl egall an gu ag
9、esh ouldb etak eni nioeonsideration . S areevie (1997 : 7 1一 72) b el iev esthatatr an slato r’ 5m ainta sk15tom ak eth etarg ettex ttob eo f thesam eleg ale ff e etasth eo ri g in a lte x t, u n d erw h ichcirc u 們 n st
10、an c e s, th etran slato rsh o u ldn o to n lyu n d erstan dth em ean in go fw o rd san dsen ten c esb u talsoh o wtorea liz esu chk in do fle g ale ff e etinth etarg etlan gu a g e . T h ere fore ,it15b e liev e db ythe
11、au th o ro fth eP re sen tP ap erth atle g altr an slatio nre q u ire sn o to n lyfun ctio n aleq u iv a len e eo flan gu agew h ich15suPP ort edb yN id a, 5th eory (i n el u di n gth eequ i v al en eeo f m ean in gandst
12、 yle) b utalsotheequ i v aleneeo flegaleff e ctortheequ i v aleneeof legalfun eti on .T ak in gin toco n sid eratio nth atth ere15n oread yeo n e eP ttod efi n esu e hk in do fequ i valenee, theauthorof t h ePresen tP ap
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