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1、定向增發(fā)中利益輸送的動機(jī) 和操作方式研究 - - - - 基于人福醫(yī)藥的案例分析T H E RESEARCHONOPERAT IONM OT IVAT IONAN D M ODE BEH IN D T H E PRIVAT E PL ACEM EN T— — CASE ST UDY BASED ONH UM AN WEL LH EAL T H CARE (GROUP) C0., L T D學(xué) 校 : 上海交通大學(xué)學(xué) 院 : 安泰 經(jīng)濟(jì)與

2、管理學(xué)院專 業(yè) : 會 計 碩 士 ( MPAcc)作 者 : 陳琰俊 導(dǎo) 師 : 陳 欣學(xué) □ ^ : 1131202005班 級 : Z1312021答 辯 日 期 : 2 0 1 5 年 5 月 1 7 日上 海 交 通 大 學(xué) M P A c c 論 文 摘 要T H E RESEARCHONOPERAT IONM OT IVAT IONAN D M ODE BEH IN D T H E PRIVAT E PL ACEM EN

3、 T— CASE ST UDY BASED ONH UM AN WEL LH EAL T H CARE (GROUP) CO.’ L T DABST RACTCompa r ed with the otherr efin a n cin ga ppr oa chesinthe s tock ma r ket, pr iva te eq uity pla cemen t isapopula rvehicle a mon gis s uer

4、 sdue to itshig h is s uin gefficien cy, low limita tionof r eq uir emen t, a n d s tr on gfea s ibility, es pecia lly inr ecen t Chin aca pita l ma r ket. T he tota l volume of pr iva te eq uity pla cemen t evenexceeded

5、 the a moun t of IPO with s ha r p g r owin gtr en d.H owever , s ome r ecen t ca s esin dica testha t s ome s tockholder s , ma n a g er sa n d r ela ted pa r tiesten d to g et the r eq uir ed pr iva te eq uity pla ceme

6、n t pr ice, which isinfa vorof r ela ted pa r ties , to complete the ben efit tr a n s fer r in gins ha dow, by decor a tin gfin a n cia l r epor ts , over va lua tionof a s s ets , pos tin gpos itive n ewsorevenma n ipu

7、la te the s tock pr ice.T hiswill n o doubt hur t in ter es tsof min or ity s ha r eholder s .T hispa perexpectsto s tudy pr iva te eq uity pla cemen t ba s ed onthe ca s e of H uma n well H ea lthca r e (Gr oup) Co., L

8、T D which a dopted the pr iva te eq uity pla cemen t to fin a n ce in2013 a n d 2015 twice. T hispa pera n a lyzesif thiscompa n y ha sthe oper a tionmotiva tion , wha t kin d of method it us ed to complete the ben efit


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