1、<p><b> 附錄A(外文翻譯)</b></p><p><b> 施工項目的成本控制</b></p><p><b> 1 引言</b></p><p> 項目是企業(yè)的形象窗口和效益源泉。隨著市場競爭日趨激烈,工程質(zhì)量、文明施工要求不斷提高,材料價格波動起伏,以及其他不確定因素
2、的影響,使得項目運作處于較為嚴峻的環(huán)境之中。由此可見成本控制貫穿工程建設(shè)的全過程,它是企業(yè)全面成本管理的重要環(huán)節(jié),必須在組織和控制措施上給予高度重視,以提高企業(yè)的經(jīng)濟效益。</p><p><b> 2 概述</b></p><p> 施工項目成本控制,指在成本發(fā)生和形成過程中,對生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營所消耗的人力、物資和費用開支,進行指導(dǎo)、監(jiān)督、調(diào)節(jié)和限制,及時預(yù)防、發(fā)現(xiàn)和糾
3、正偏差從而把各項費用控制在計劃成本的預(yù)定目標之內(nèi),以保障企業(yè)的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營效益。</p><p> 3 施工企業(yè)成本控制原則</p><p> 施工企業(yè)成本控制以項目成本控制為中心,其是企業(yè)成本管理的基礎(chǔ)和核心,項目經(jīng)理部在對施工項目進行成本控制時,必須遵循以下基本原則:</p><p> 1)成本最低化原則。施工項目成本控制的最終目的,在于通過成本管理的各種手段
4、,不斷降低施工項目成本,以實現(xiàn)目標成本最低的要求。在實行成本最低化原則時,應(yīng)注意降低成本的可能性和合理的成本最低化。一方面挖掘各種降低成本的途徑,使可能性變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實;另一方面要從實際出發(fā),制定通過主觀努力可以達到的合理最低成本水平。</p><p> 2)全面成本控制原則。成本管理是全企業(yè)、全員和全過程的管理,亦稱“三全”管理。全項目成本控制有一個系統(tǒng)的實質(zhì)性內(nèi)容,包括各部門、各單位的責(zé)任網(wǎng)絡(luò)和班組經(jīng)濟核算等等,
5、應(yīng)避免出現(xiàn)成本控制人人有責(zé),人人不管的現(xiàn)象。項目成本的全過程控制要求成本控制工作要隨著項目進展的各個階段連續(xù)進行,既不能疏漏,又不能時緊時松,應(yīng)使施工項目成本自始至終置于有效的控制之下。</p><p> 3)動態(tài)控制原則。施工項目是一次性的,成本控制應(yīng)強調(diào)項目的中間控制,即動態(tài)控制。由于施工準備階段的成本控制只是根據(jù)施工組織設(shè)計的具體內(nèi)容確定成本目標、編制成本計劃、制訂成本控制的方案,為今后的成本控制作好準備
6、。而竣工階段的成本控制,由于成本盈虧已基本定局,即使發(fā)生了偏差,也已來不及糾正。</p><p> 4)目標管理原則。目標管理的內(nèi)容包括:目標的設(shè)定和分解,目標的責(zé)任到位和執(zhí)行,檢查目標的執(zhí)行情況,評價和修正目標,形成目標管理的計劃、實施、檢查、處理循環(huán),即PDCA循環(huán)。</p><p> 5)責(zé)、權(quán)、利相結(jié)的原則。在項目施工過程中,項目經(jīng)理部各部門、各班組在肩負成本控制責(zé)任的同時,享
7、有成本控制的權(quán)力,同時項目經(jīng)理要對各部門、各班組在成本控制中的業(yè)績進行定期的檢查和考評,實行有獎有罰。只有真正做好責(zé)、權(quán)、利相結(jié)合的成本控制,才能收到預(yù)期的效果。</p><p> 4 施工成本控制措施</p><p> 項目經(jīng)理是項目成本管理的第一責(zé)任人,全面組織項目部的成本管理工作,應(yīng)及時掌握和分析盈虧狀況,并迅速采取有效措施;工程技術(shù)部應(yīng)在保證質(zhì)量、按期完成任務(wù)的前提下盡可能采取
8、先進技術(shù),以降低工程成本;經(jīng)濟部應(yīng)注重加強合同預(yù)算管理,增創(chuàng)工程預(yù)算收入;財務(wù)部主管工程項目的財務(wù)工作,應(yīng)隨時分析項目的財務(wù)收支情況,合理調(diào)度資金?!?lt;/p><p> 制訂先進的經(jīng)濟合理的施工方案,以達到縮短工期、提高質(zhì)量、降低成本的目的;嚴把質(zhì)量關(guān)杜絕返工現(xiàn)象,縮短驗收時間,節(jié)省費用開支;控制人工費、材料費、機械費及其他間接費。</p><p> 5 加強項目成本控制的現(xiàn)實意義&l
9、t;/p><p> 1)加強項目成本控制是鐵路施工企業(yè)擺脫困境,增加收入的需要。目前鐵路施工企業(yè)剛剛推向市場,參與市場競爭,將面臨著嚴峻的市場考驗?,F(xiàn)在建筑市場放開,實行招投標制,并且標底壓得都非常低,要想創(chuàng)造效益唯一的出路就是強化內(nèi)部管理,苦練內(nèi)功,向內(nèi)部挖潛要效益。因此,加強項目成本控制是目前一條非?,F(xiàn)實的途徑。</p><p> 2)加強項目成本控制是適應(yīng)市場競爭形勢,加強企業(yè)內(nèi)部管
10、理工作的需要。隨著鐵路企業(yè)的快速發(fā)展,建筑市場競爭越來越激烈。今后一段時期,鐵路施工企業(yè)將面臨日趨激烈的市場挑戰(zhàn),施工企業(yè)的經(jīng)營環(huán)境難有大的改善。增收提效,強化成本控制與索賠將是今后加強經(jīng)營管理的重點。這就要求鐵路施工企業(yè)要把各方面的工作統(tǒng)一到降低成本、提高效益的目標上。</p><p> 6 目前施工企業(yè)項目成本控制分析</p><p> 6.1 當(dāng)前項目成本的問題及原因</p
11、><p> 當(dāng)前項目部的成本管理,只是會計的事后核算,而不是事前預(yù)防和事中控制。原因有:成本意識淡薄,簡單地認為成本管理是財務(wù)部門或者是上級領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的事,與自己無關(guān),只是注重“生產(chǎn)任務(wù)的完成”和“承包盈虧”,在群體中產(chǎn)生“負效應(yīng)”。因此,動員項目部全員參與成本控制,深化項目部的成本管理勢在必行。</p><p> 6.2 項目部虧損的原因分析</p><p> 項目部
12、作為建筑產(chǎn)品的直接生產(chǎn)者,既有按照合同和施工圖紙、規(guī)范自行組織施工的權(quán)力,但同時也受發(fā)包單位、設(shè)計單位、業(yè)主以及其他相關(guān)單位的影響和制約。另外,地質(zhì)和氣候的變化、設(shè)計的變更等客觀因素也會對項目部的施工產(chǎn)生重大影響,而上述所有因素均會影響到項目部的成本支出。</p><p> 6.2.1 主觀原因使成本失去控制</p><p> 所謂主觀原因,是指項目部可以自行支配而沒有任何外部影響就可
13、以控制的成本支出因素,如上面所述的項目部因具有施工自主權(quán)而發(fā)生的成本。主要包括如下幾個方面:</p><p> 1)沒有嚴格執(zhí)行成本控制的總目標或者根本沒有成本控制的總目標。絕大部分虧損的項目部,根本沒有成本控制的總目標。有的雖有卻沒有嚴格執(zhí)行,因而使項目部的成本處于失控狀態(tài)。</p><p> 2)材料、配件的計劃、采購、驗收、保管、出庫、消耗制度不健全。在虧損的項目部中,購買材料、
14、配件無計劃的現(xiàn)象比比皆是,采購數(shù)量的多少全在于項目經(jīng)理甚至于材料員,其結(jié)果必然導(dǎo)致材料的積壓、超支。</p><p> 3)出現(xiàn)嚴重的質(zhì)量問題。虧損嚴重的項目部,幾乎全部存在比較嚴重質(zhì)量問題,從而導(dǎo)致返工、修復(fù)、推倒重來等重復(fù)施工的現(xiàn)象發(fā)生,加大了工程成本。比如在橋梁施工中,存在基礎(chǔ)下沉、橋墩歪斜等現(xiàn)象。</p><p> 4)施工安排不合理。在施工過程中,項目部不能合理地配置人力、材
15、料、設(shè)備等資源,導(dǎo)致窩工浪費;部分工序的施工安排不合理,能夠一步完成的,卻進行了二、三次才完成,從而造成返工等等。</p><p> 5)安全事故較多。在虧損的項目部中,多數(shù)項目部均發(fā)生過程度不同的安全事故,輕傷影響員工上班,重傷既影響員工上班,又需要開支醫(yī)療費,同時還可能使員工的體質(zhì)和技能下降,降低勞動能力和勞動效率;死亡事故既造成巨額撫恤費用支出,直接增大成本支出,又可能影響員工情緒,降低生產(chǎn)效率。<
16、/p><p> 6)合同管理混亂。在虧損的項目部中,大多數(shù)項目部沒有合同管理的意識,對合同知識知之甚少,不理解合同的基本要素,導(dǎo)致合同管理混亂,企業(yè)遭受巨大經(jīng)濟損失。</p><p> 6.2.2 客觀因素的影響是項目部總成本增加的一個方面</p><p> 所謂客觀因素,是指項目部無法控制而又必須完成或必然出現(xiàn)的事情或現(xiàn)象,如發(fā)包單位、設(shè)計單位、企業(yè)在合同條款之
17、外對項目部施工發(fā)出的有關(guān)指令,地質(zhì)和氣候的變化,設(shè)計的變更等。這些因素的出現(xiàn)導(dǎo)致成本增加,是項目部不可控制的客觀費用。這些因素有:</p><p> 1)成本。一些企業(yè)為了取得進入某個市場的資格,在滿足建設(shè)項目工期質(zhì)量的前提下,對投標項目采取了投標價低于成本的投標報價策略,以求中標,這在企業(yè)的經(jīng)營策略中必然會出現(xiàn),但對于項目部來說,其無論采取何種措施,都難以使這些項目盈利。</p><p&g
18、t; 2)地質(zhì)、氣候變化。在地質(zhì)情況與設(shè)計不符時,會迫使項目部改變施工方法,從而影響工程工期,使工程的總成本增加。同時也會使分項工程成本出現(xiàn)較大的變化。冬、雨季施工和風(fēng)沙施工天數(shù)的增加,將會使項目部增加各項費用。</p><p> 3)設(shè)計變更。工程各項設(shè)計進行變更,將會使工程成本出現(xiàn)變化,影響項目總成本。比如發(fā)包單位增加工程數(shù)量、延長或縮短施工工期、改變施工方案和提高工程的質(zhì)量等級等。</p>
19、<p> 4)施工組織設(shè)計欠合理。由于投標與施工現(xiàn)場實際的差異,個別工程項目的施工組織設(shè)計在實施時存在部分不合理現(xiàn)象,如對人員、材料、設(shè)備的計劃和安排出現(xiàn)誤差,對個別分項工程或工序的工期、質(zhì)量考慮欠缺等,都可能使項目部的成本增加。</p><p> 5)項目部窩工。由于工程任務(wù)銜接不上或其他原因,一些項目部有窩工現(xiàn)象,在此期間需要支付各項窩工費用,如員工工資或基本生活費、固定資產(chǎn)折舊費、項目部間接
20、費等。</p><p> 6.3 降低項目部虧損的對策</p><p> 為遏制各種原因?qū)е碌墓こ添椖刻潛p,按照責(zé)任明確的要求,項目部的成本控制應(yīng)當(dāng)以項目部責(zé)權(quán)分別采取措施,對項目部能夠控制的費用,由項目部進行控制;而項目部無法控制的成本或虧損,則應(yīng)由企業(yè)采取措施予以控制。</p><p> 6.3.1 自行施工的項目部的成本控制措施</p>&
21、lt;p> 所謂自行施工的項目部,是指由企業(yè)直接組織內(nèi)部員工和農(nóng)民合同工、臨時工和勞務(wù)隊伍組成內(nèi)部施工隊、混編施工隊和勞務(wù)分包施工隊進行施工所組成的項目部。</p><p> 1)確定工程項目的總成本目標和盈虧指標。對每一項中標的工程,在正式開工前,確定該工程項目和分項工程所需的工日、材料、設(shè)備數(shù)量,同時確定該工程項目和分項工程的人工、材料、機械費用和間接費用。在此基礎(chǔ)上,確定該工程項目的盈虧指標。&l
22、t;/p><p> 2)實行材料招標采購。項目部必須徹底改變以往的零星購貨方式,企業(yè)的所有工程項目,其主要材料包括地材全部實行招標采購的方式,選擇質(zhì)優(yōu)價廉的材料供應(yīng)商。同時,要充分考慮資金的時間價值,選擇合適的付款方式。</p><p> 3)按照可控原則控制成本。項目部對施工隊和員工,要按照成本的可控原則,分清項目部、施工隊和員工對各項成本的責(zé)任單價,包括工日單價、材料單價、機械臺班單價
23、和單位、費率或定額。要嚴格執(zhí)行內(nèi)部驗工計價制度,及時向施工隊和員工兌現(xiàn)經(jīng)濟利益。</p><p> 4)強化安全、質(zhì)量管理。項目部要樹立安全、質(zhì)量就是效益的大效益觀念。積極預(yù)防和避免可能發(fā)生的安全、質(zhì)量事故,對事故的多發(fā)區(qū)域時刻監(jiān)控。要嚴格執(zhí)行對事故責(zé)任人員的懲罰制度,使全體員工樹立起清醒的安全、質(zhì)量意識。</p><p> 5)加強合同管理。所有的項目部,特別是以分包工程為主的項目部
24、,必須指定專人負責(zé)合同管理,除能夠及時結(jié)算或者處理的事項外,其他的與外單位或個人的經(jīng)濟往來,技術(shù)、用工等事項,都必須簽訂正式的合同,不得以口頭形式約定。在合同履行過程中,要嚴格按照合同有關(guān)條款進行處理。</p><p> 6)完善各項管理制度,建立成本控制機制。項目部要結(jié)合實際,制定與控制成本有關(guān)的規(guī)章制定,如材料采購、保管、驗收、出庫、消耗制度,勞動報酬管理制度,設(shè)備管理辦法,財務(wù)管理辦法,會計核算規(guī)定,安全
25、、質(zhì)量管理辦法,驗工計價辦法等,并建立起項目部的成本控制和內(nèi)部監(jiān)督機制。</p><p> 6.3.2 分包施工的項目部的成本控制措施</p><p> 1)按照確定總成本目標的方式確定分包工程價款。</p><p> 2)嚴格按照規(guī)定撥付和結(jié)算工程款。項目部必須按照合同規(guī)定的工程價款結(jié)算方式,對分包單位完成的合格工程量按月進行驗工計價,然后結(jié)算工程款,不得為
26、分包單位預(yù)付備料款和工程款。</p><p> 3)嚴格禁止外部單位掛靠施工。項目部必須按照企業(yè)的要求,禁止外部單位以各種形式掛靠企業(yè)對外施工。任何項目部都不得讓外部單位以企業(yè)的名義承攬工程、驗工計價和結(jié)算工程款。</p><p> 7 如何進行有效地進行成本控制</p><p> 7.1 優(yōu)化工程成本</p><p> 項目資源配置
27、直接關(guān)系到成本控制的方法及程度,對于當(dāng)前許多國有控股的大型施工企業(yè)來說,工程成本構(gòu)成基本上是分包成本和施工隊成本,企業(yè)的主要經(jīng)濟效益源泉在于控制分包成本,而施工隊成本往往很難創(chuàng)造經(jīng)濟效益。二者的構(gòu)成比例如何,項目成本如何劃分,這是關(guān)系企業(yè)成本控制的關(guān)鍵問題。</p><p> 7.2 制定動態(tài)成本計劃</p><p> 在完成分包成本和責(zé)任成本分割并初步確定了兩部分成本后,要制定出總成
28、本計劃,總成本計劃除涵蓋分包成本和責(zé)任成本外,還要考慮項目的現(xiàn)場經(jīng)費、上級管理費、稅金等因素??偝杀居媱澐譃閮刹糠郑?lt;/p><p> 1)項目不可控成本:指稅金、上級管理費等項目管理層無法主觀控制的部分;</p><p> 2)項目可控成本:總成本計劃中除了不可控成本以外的全部成本,如分包成本、責(zé)任成本、現(xiàn)場經(jīng)費等。</p><p> 可控成本是成本控制的重
29、點,可控成本計劃是在項目開工前的建設(shè)時間、施工條件、施工組織設(shè)計基礎(chǔ)上制定的,隨著工程的進展,必然會發(fā)生如施工方案改進、工程量改變、材料價格上漲等因素變化,因此對于成本計劃要進行適時調(diào)整,以保證成本計劃的指導(dǎo)性和控制性,在調(diào)整的同時要注意分析各不同因素變化對原成本計劃造成的影響程度。</p><p> 7.3 進行成本分析,提高企業(yè)成本管理水平</p><p> 施工結(jié)束后,要根據(jù)總成
30、本計劃和可控成本計劃與最終實際成本進行對比分析,成本分析可采用圖表等多種形式,不但要對比分析總成本,還要對工序成本進行分析,而且以工序分析為主,得出工序成本升高或降低的原因。</p><p> 1)首先分析出因施工條件、施工方案、材料價格變動引起的工序單價的變動,同時收集采用新技術(shù)、新工藝、新材料的工序成本資料;</p><p> 2)其次對比主觀確定成本部分的工序單價,分析得出因制定
31、方法不合理而導(dǎo)致的偏高或偏低的工序單價,同時積累書面資料,供日后制定同類項目成本計劃時使用;</p><p> 3)收集分包單位資料,并對分包商進行評價,擬定《合格分包商名錄》,供日后類似項目選擇分包商和制定分包成本時使用;</p><p> 4)匯總分包成本及責(zé)任成本數(shù)據(jù),經(jīng)過分析篩選,供企業(yè)投標報價時參考。</p><p><b> 8 小結(jié)&l
32、t;/b></p><p> 施工項目成本控制是一項復(fù)雜的系統(tǒng)工程。在適用方面需要靈活運用,實際操作應(yīng)因地制宜,不同的工程規(guī)模,不同的建筑企業(yè),不同的管理體制都有差別,但不管怎樣都是建筑企業(yè)對生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營所消耗的人力資源、物質(zhì)資源和費用開支,進行指導(dǎo)、監(jiān)督、調(diào)節(jié)和限制。所以“增產(chǎn)節(jié)約,增收節(jié)支”是每一個建筑企業(yè)的共同點,這就需要在實踐中不斷的總結(jié)和提高成本控制的方式和方法,以保證項目成本目標的實現(xiàn)。</
33、p><p><b> 附錄B(外文原文)</b></p><p> The construction project cost control</p><p> 1 Introduction </p><p> Project is a corporate image window and effectivene
34、ss of the source. With increasingly fierce market competition, the quality of work and the construction of civilizations rising material prices fluctuations. uncertainties and other factors, make the project operational
35、in a relatively tough environment. So the cost of control is through the building of the project since the bidding phase of acceptance until the completion of the entire process, It is a comprehensive enterprise cost man
36、agement a</p><p> 2 Outlining the construction project cost control</p><p> The cost of the project refers to the cost and process of formation occurred, on the production and operation of the
37、 amount of human resources, material resources and expenses, guidance, supervision, regulation and restrictions, in a timely manner to prevent, detect and correct errors in order to control costs in all project costs wit
38、hin the intended target. to guarantee the production and operation of enterprises benefits.</p><p> 3 The cost of the construction enterprise principles of construction enterprises control</p><p&
39、gt; The cost of control is based on cost control of construction project for the center, Construction of the project cost control principle is the enterprise cost management infrastructure and the core, Construction Pro
40、ject Manager in the Ministry of Construction of the project cost control process, we must adhere to the following basic principles. </p><p> 1)Principles lowest cost. Construction of the project cost contro
41、l, the basic purpose is to cost management through various means, promote construction projects continue to reduce costs, to achieve the lowest possible cost of the objective requirements. The implementation of the princ
42、iple of minimum cost, attention should be given to the possibility of reducing costs and reasonable cost of the minimum. While various mining capacity to reduce costs so that possibility into reality; The other must</
43、p><p> 2)Overall cost control principles. Cost Management is a comprehensive enterprise-wide, and full management of the entire process, also known as the "three" of management. The full project cost
44、 control is a system of substantive content, including the departments, the responsibility for the network and team economic accounting, and so on, to prevent the cost control is everybody's responsibility, regardles
45、s of everyone. Project cost of the entire process control requirements to control its costs </p><p> 3)Dynamic Control principle. Construction of the project is a one-time, cost control should emphasize con
46、trol of the project in the middle, that is, dynamic control. Construction preparation stage because the cost is under the control of construction design to determine the specific content of the cost, prepare cost plans,
47、the development of a cost-control program for the future cost control ready. And the completion of phase cost control, as a result of cost financing has been basically a foreg</p><p> 4)Principle of managem
48、ent by objectives. Management objectives include : setting goals and decomposition, the goal of responsibility and implementation of the aims of the inspection results of the implementation, evaluation of the goals and o
49、bjectives that form the management objectives of the planning, implementation, inspection, processing cycle, PDCA. </p><p> 5)Responsibility, authority, in light of the profit principle. Construction of the
50、 project, project manager of the department, the team shouldering the responsibility for cost control at the same time, enjoy the power of cost control, project manager for the department, Teams cost control in the perfo
51、rmance of regular examination and appraisal of implementation of a crossword punishment. Only to do a good job duties, rights, and interests combining cost control, in order to achieve the desired r</p><p>
52、 4 The construction cost control measures </p><p> Project Manager of the project cost management responsibility for the first, comprehensive organization of the project cost management, timely understand a
53、nd analyze profit and loss situation and take prompt and effective measures; engineering technology department should ensure the quality, Regular tasks to complete as much as possible under the premise adopt advanced tec
54、hnology in order to reduce costs; Ministry of Economic Affairs should strengthen budget management contract, the project to c</p><p> Develop advanced economies reasonable construction program, which can sh
55、orten the period, and improve quality, reduce costs purpose; paid attention to quality control to eliminate redone, shorten the acceptance and reduce expenses; control labor costs, material costs, Machinery and other ind
56、irect costs. </p><p> 5 Strengthen project cost control practical significance </p><p> 1)Strengthen project cost control railway construction enterprises out of their predicament, the need to
57、 increase revenue. At present, the railway construction enterprises just into the market, to participate in market competition, will face a tough test of the market. Now the construction market liberalization, implement
58、bidding system, and the strike has very low weight, To create efficiency is the only way to strengthen internal management and improve their internal conditions, internal effic</p><p> 2)Strengthening Proje
59、ct Cost control is adapt to the market competition, and strengthening internal management to the needs of their work. With the railway enterprise's rapid development, construction increasingly fierce market competiti
60、on. For a period of time, the railway construction enterprises will face the increasingly fierce market challenges Construction of the business environment difficult to be improved. Efficiency increases, effective cost c
61、ontrol and claims will be strengthened in t</p><p> 6 Currently construction enterprise project cost control analysis of the current project cost </p><p> 6.1 Problems and the causes of the cu
62、rrent project implementation </p><p> In summary, the current project of cost management, accounting only after the accounting, rather than advance the prevention and control things. The reasons are : lack
63、of cost awareness. simply that the cost of management is the financial sector or the superior leadership, have nothing to do with them. only focused on the "production tasks are completed" and "contracting
64、 profit and loss," the groups have a "negative effect." Therefore, project to mobilize the full participation of the Ministry o</p><p> 6.2 Project Department analysis of the reasons for the
65、losses as a project of building products </p><p> Commodities direct producers, both under the contract and construction drawings, self-regulating organizations of the construction authority, but also by co
66、ntracting, design, Enterprises and other projects related to the construction of the units affected and constrained. In addition, geological and climate changes, Design changes, but on objective factors of the constructi
67、on projects have a significant impact, and all of the above factors will affect the cost of project expenditures.</p><p> 6.2.1 Lost control of the cost of the so-called subjective reasons,</p><p
68、> Subjective reasons refer to the project, can not dispose of any external influence on the control of the costs, As mentioned above the project with the Ministry of Construction for the autonomy of the cost. mainly
69、include the following aspects :</p><p> 1)No strict cost control of the overall goal or no cost control goals. Most of the loss items Department head, there is no cost control goals. Although some but not s
70、trictly enforced, thus the cost of the project is out of control. </p><p> 2)Materials, spare parts planning, procurement, inspection, custody, out of the reservoir, consumption of the system is not sound.
71、the loss of the item, the purchase of materials and accessories unplanned phenomenon abound. procurement lies in the number of project managers even material, the result is bound to lead to a backlog of material, cost ov
72、erruns. </p><p> 3)Serious quality problems. serious losses Project Department, almost all relatively serious quality problems, resulting in rework, repair, It seems a repetition of construction, increase t
73、he costs of construction. For example, in the bridge construction, there is the basis sank, Pier deflect such phenomena. </p><p> 4)Unreasonable arrangements. During the construction process, the project wa
74、s not in a reasonable allocation of manpower, materials, equipment and other resources. lead to a waste of sabotage work; Construction of the manufacturing arrangements unreasonable to step in to complete the actual cond
75、uct of the second, three complete, the resulting redone, and so on. </p><p> 5)More accidents. the loss of the item, Most of the projects have occurred in the Department of varying degrees of security incid
76、ents and minor injuries affected employees work injuries have affected staff work, Also the cost of medical expenses, but can also enable the staff of physical and skills decline, reduced labor and labor efficiency; fata
77、l accidents resulting in huge pension costs to be incurred, directly increasing costs, and may also affect sentiment reduce production efficiency.</p><p> 6)Contract management confusion. the loss of the it
78、em, Most of the projects the Ministry failed contract management awareness, knowledge of the contract, and have little do not understand the basic elements of the contract, contract management led to confusion, enterpris
79、es suffered huge economic losses.</p><p> 6.2.2 The influence of objective factors of the project is to increase the total cost of a connection so-called objective factors</p><p> Project Depa
80、rtment is unable to control its own and must take place or because there are things or phenomena, such as contracting, design, enterprises in terms of the contract for the project outside the Ministry of Construction iss
81、ued the directive, geological and climate changes, Design changes such. These factors for the emergence of the cost incurred, Project Department is not the objective to control costs. These factors are : </p><
82、p> 1)Costs. Some enterprises in order to gain access to a particular market in the qualifications, thereby meeting the quality of construction projects built on the premise that right to take the tender bid price is
83、lower than the cost of bidding strategy for the final bidding process, in the operating strategy is bound to happen, but projects are concerned, no matter what steps are taken it will be difficult to make these projects
84、profitable. </p><p> 2)Geological and Climate changes. the geological conditions are inconsistent with the design, Projects will be forced to change the construction method, thus affecting the construction
85、period, so that the total project costs. the same time will also cost breakdown of a larger change. Winter, Construction of the rainy season and the number of days of sandstorms construction increase, the Ministry will a
86、llow the project to increase various fees. </p><p> 3)Design changes. various engineering design changes so that the project will cost changes affect the total project cost. For example, contracting unit to
87、 increase the number of extend or shorten the construction period. changes in construction plans and projects to improve the quality of grading, etc..</p><p> 4)Construction design less reasonable. As a con
88、struction site with the actual difference individual projects in construction design at the time of the existence of irrational phenomena, such as the personnel, materials, equipment arrangements and plans for the accura
89、cy of individual projects or processes of the time, the lack of quality considerations. Projects can make the cost increase. </p><p> 5)Sabotage work of the project. As work on the link between tasks or for
90、 other reasons, Projects have some sabotage work, in this period sabotage work needed to meet various costs, such as wages or basic living expenses. fixed asset depreciation charges, indirect costs of the project. Projec
91、ts </p><p> 6.3 Containment measures for the loss</p><p> Containment measures for the loss of containment for a variety of reasons over the project losses, in accordance with the requirements
92、 of clear responsibilities, Projects should control the cost of the project is able to cost control measures were taken. for a project to control the cost of the project by the Ministry of control; and the project beyond
93、 the control of the costs or losses, by the enterprises should take measures to control it. </p><p> 6.3.1 Construction projects to the Ministry of the so-called cost control measures to the Ministry of Co
94、nstruction of the project.</p><p> Construction projects to the Ministry of the so-called cost control measures to the Ministry of Construction of the project.refer to enterprises directly organized by the
95、staff and farmers contract workers, temporary workers and the labor force composed of the internal construction team, mixed construction team and construction services sub-teams composed of Construction Projects. </p&
96、gt;<p> 1)Determine the total project cost targets and the profit and loss targets. Every one of the successful projects, in a formal pre-construction, identify the project and sub-project for the dates, material
97、s, equipment and identify the project and sub-project of the labor, materials, machinery and indirect costs. On this basis, The project will determine the profit or loss targets. </p><p> 2)Implemented mate
98、rial bidding procurement. Projects must thoroughly change the past, piecemeal purchase goods, the enterprises of all projects, including the main material to build on all the tender for the procurement, Obviously choice
99、of material suppliers. Meanwhile, we should fully consider the time value of money. choose a suitable form of payment. </p><p> 3)Controllable according to the principle of cost control. The Ministry of Con
100、struction of the project team and staff, In accordance with the principle of cost control and distinguish the project department, the construction team and the staff of the costs of monovalent responsibility, including d
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- 施工項目的成本控制外文翻譯
- 淺談施工項目的成本控制
- 項目成本控制【外文翻譯】
- 淺談建筑施工項目的成本控制
- 施工項目的成本管理與控制
- 施工項目的成本控制研究.pdf
- 施工項目成本控制的意義和目的
- 淺談施工項目的成本控制與管理
- 淺談施工項目的成本風(fēng)險及成本優(yōu)化控制
- 施工項目成本控制的意義和目的
- 簡論施工項目的成本管理與控制
- 淺談建筑裝飾施工項目的成本控制
- 市政施工項目的成本控制與分析
- 淺談如何控制施工項目的工程成本
- 淺談如何控制施工項目的工程成本
- 淺探施工項目的成本管理流程及成本控制
- 淺析園林綠化施工項目的成本控制
- 淺談施工企業(yè)工程項目的成本控制
- 淺談高速公路施工項目的成本控制
- 試論建筑施工項目的成本管理與控制