1、<p> 本 科 生 畢 業(yè) 論 文(設計)</p><p><b> 外文翻譯</b></p><p> 題目 中國為什么要投否決票——以敘利亞問題的否決票為例</p><p> 姓名與學號 </p><p> 指導教師 </p
2、><p> 年級與專業(yè) 國際政治 </p><p> 所在學院 公共管理學院 </p><p> 中國在聯(lián)合國維和行動上變換的態(tài)度</p><p><b> 摘要</b></p><p> 盡管中國過去被描述為一個不愿意支持聯(lián)合國維
3、和行動的國家,但是隨著新世紀的開始,中國正在支持越來越多新增加的聯(lián)合國維和行動。過去的相關研究主要著重于解釋中國外交政策和安全政策的最新轉向,而忽略了聯(lián)合國維和制度本身的變化。這篇文章將通過聯(lián)合國維和概念的發(fā)展來分析中國的維和決心如何影響其在聯(lián)合國安理會中的投票行為。這篇文章將討論最近中國在這些行動上的熱情是兩個發(fā)展趨勢的結果。其一,中國政府通過總結20世紀90年代的經(jīng)驗能夠重新解釋聯(lián)合國維和行動,特別是在使用武力的問題上;其次, 20
4、00年卜拉希米的報告重新改革了聯(lián)合國維和任務執(zhí)行的方式,這種新的方式讓中國更易接受。</p><p><b> 引 言</b></p><p> 隨著中國的崛起,政治分析家越來越擔憂中國在國際體系中未來將扮演什么樣的角色。這些分析人士將中國描述成一個不斷壯大的經(jīng)濟和軍事權力,同時也認為中國將顛覆世界。然而他們似乎過于高看了中國不斷增長的力量在維護和平方面的作用。如
6、通過的維和行動,同時也開始調動更多的中國維和部隊去執(zhí)行任務。這篇文章將解釋中國的這一新趨勢。</p><p> 在許多中英文著作中,中國對于聯(lián)合國維和行動的態(tài)度已經(jīng)被詳細地分析過了,但是這兩者差別巨大。相較于通過分析中國在聯(lián)合國維和行動中的角色來分析中國這種態(tài)度的變化,大多數(shù)的中文學者傾向于單純著眼于1990年以來聯(lián)合國維和本身的變化。20世界90年代早期大部分有關維和行動的書都忽略了聯(lián)合國維和行動的新發(fā)展,而
8、中國參與聯(lián)合國維和行動不斷增多的新動機的是Tang 和Pang。目前,又有兩篇文章脫穎而出:其中之一是弗拉維,他不僅承認聯(lián)合國維和內涵正在不斷改變,同時他第一個系統(tǒng)解釋了中國在不同類型維和行動上不斷變化的態(tài)度;另兩個是Gill和Reilly,他們能夠闡明中國</p><p> 中國的外交官可能通過投贊成票表示同意,或投棄權票表示反對。此外中國投票的官方解釋還可以被進一步認為是反對或支持一個意見。目前為止,除非決
9、議涉及到臺灣問題,中國不會對聯(lián)合國維和行動的決議投否決票。</p><p> 本文首先將提供一種有關聯(lián)合國維和行動的類型學,來更好地理解聯(lián)合國維和概念正在經(jīng)歷的發(fā)展變化。隨后將通過不同類型的聯(lián)合國維和行動來分析中國在聯(lián)合國安理會中的投票行為。最后,本文將引出中國在聯(lián)合國維和問題上態(tài)度的變化,也將提出中國這種靈活態(tài)度的局限性。</p><p> 一、聯(lián)合國維和的概念(略)</p&g
10、t;<p> 二、聯(lián)合國維和行動的發(fā)展(略)</p><p> 三、中國對聯(lián)合國維和行動看法的發(fā)展</p><p> 正如聯(lián)合國維和行動概念一樣,中國對于不同聯(lián)合國維和行動的態(tài)度也發(fā)生了轉變。起初,中國彎曲拒絕聯(lián)合國維和行動這個觀念,中國認為所有的聯(lián)合國干預行動都是被超級大國操縱的,至少在1951年由聯(lián)合國授權的第一次朝鮮戰(zhàn)爭時期中國就是美國為首的強制行動的目標。在19
11、71年重返聯(lián)合國后,中國通過不對聯(lián)合國維和行動投票的行為表達對維和行動的反對意見。從1981年中國改革開放以來,中國的外交官們開始對所有執(zhí)行傳統(tǒng)維和行動的任務投贊成票,但是中國仍舊反對西方國家試圖將和平強制融合在聯(lián)合國在柬埔寨的過渡執(zhí)行機構的管理任務中去。中國能夠接受的維和行動必須是嚴格遵守聯(lián)合國維和行動的三條準則,同時也只能是在自衛(wèi)情況下才能動用武力。</p><p> ?。ㄒ唬┲袊c更廣泛維和含義斗爭<
12、/p><p> 當聯(lián)合國安理會從1990年開始擴大在一些行動上的授權時,中國很難接受這種新發(fā)展,這是因為中國政府對于在更廣泛的維和任務中使用武力感到不安,同時也對和平強制措施由幾個主要國家執(zhí)行感到不自在。但是中國在關于索馬里、盧旺達、海地和波斯尼亞的案例中改變投票的行為,明顯表示了現(xiàn)在中國正在試圖在關注人權方面不斷高漲的國際壓力和其本身對于使用武力的抗拒這兩者間找到平衡。</p><p>
13、 聯(lián)合國在索馬里行動的失敗對中國產生了重要的影響,使中國政府更加謹慎地審視和平介入如。1992年4月,維和人員已經(jīng)在一個不斷發(fā)展的暴力事件環(huán)境下部署,以便監(jiān)控軍閥間的?;饏f(xié)議。中國對決議投了贊成票,同意授予以美國為首的聯(lián)合國工作隊第七章規(guī)定的“使用一切必要手段”來保障局勢的平穩(wěn)。但是中國代表在安理會中仍然堅持這些“非常手段”只能在索馬里缺乏現(xiàn)有政府而導致的長期混亂局勢中使用才被認為是正當?shù)模€表達了中國政府反對關鍵國家不在聯(lián)合國安理會
14、控制下的角色的一貫立場。當美國軍隊卷入與索馬里民兵隊伍的戰(zhàn)斗中時,中國開始后悔最初同意這個行動的決定,并且總結今后要避免傳統(tǒng)維和方法外的其他手段。</p><p> 結果,中國在另一個決議中投了否決票,反對授予法國領導的多國部隊權力去結束1994年當時正在進行的盧旺達大屠殺。盡管這個和平強制的決議符合使用武力的三個條件,分別是有嚴重的人道主義性質、行動的公正和中立、以及需要國際社會緊急反映的特殊例子,但是中國代
15、表解釋這個行動缺少所有盧旺達派別的同意,并且鑒于聯(lián)合國維和行動在索馬里的經(jīng)驗和教訓,因此認為憑借武力只能加重當?shù)鼐謩莸膼夯?lt;/p><p> 中國從索馬里吸取的教訓還使其在海地的例子中更加反對大國使用武力。1993年8月,中國支持聯(lián)合國在海地的任務,這個任務將產生新的警察力量并且使當?shù)剀婈牞F(xiàn)代化。但是1994年7月,當安理會授權美國領導的多國部隊為聯(lián)合國在海地的任務提供一個更安全的環(huán)境時,中國投了否決票,并告
16、誡“一群國家”只用武力將給聯(lián)合國維和行動產生一個危險的先例。中國政府堅持在接下去的幾年中削減軍隊的人數(shù),這一行動也被認為是中國仍舊關心美國在海地的影響力。</p><p> 聯(lián)合國安全保衛(wèi)部隊在波斯尼亞和克羅地亞頻繁變化的授權是維和概念擴大的主要例子,因為以此同時北京在不斷修正在索馬里和盧萬達學到的一課。最初,中國可能同意擴大聯(lián)合國安全保衛(wèi)部隊的授權以便提出人道主義關切,例如保護薩拉熱窩機場,提供人道主義援助,
18、切必要手段相當于簽了一張空白支票。然而這個手段已經(jīng)導致整個局勢的混亂了……一旦軍事活動開始,聯(lián)合國參與的性質將會改變,并使聯(lián)合國安全保衛(wèi)部隊這個手段不再能夠執(zhí)行最初的授權委任?!敝袊鴵氖褂密婈犃α繒宫F(xiàn)狀難以控制,這個考慮也使中國在涉及使用武力的任何解決方案上投贊成票變得不肯呢過,即使大家都享有同一個人道主義動機。</p><p> 然而直到1993年年中當波斯尼亞的兩個民族發(fā)生嚴重沖突的時候,北京才開始克服
20、中國決定投棄權票,并解釋到:</p><p> 正如聯(lián)合國維和行動名字所指,任何一項該活動的目的都是為了保衛(wèi)和平而非戰(zhàn)爭……這只部隊的建立是為了執(zhí)法行動和改變聯(lián)合國安全保衛(wèi)部隊在維和行動中的地位。一旦該部隊加入行動,它將極有可能成為矛盾中的一個黨派,從而剝奪聯(lián)合國安全保衛(wèi)部隊在維和部隊中的地位。</p><p> 1995年11月,在北約空襲波斯尼亞的戰(zhàn)爭后,“代頓協(xié)議”迫使波斯尼亞塞
22、的內容并采取強制措施。中國更能同意安理會授權給無限制的武力用途。</p><p> 1996年,北京同樣支持用穩(wěn)定部隊代替執(zhí)行部隊,同樣是由北約領導下的多國部隊被批準執(zhí)行和平實施以確保遵守代頓條約。中國再一次表達了在聯(lián)合國維和部隊使用武力問題上的保留態(tài)度,但是仍然對這一決議投了贊成票,因為穩(wěn)定部隊將接受安理會的領導,并且會根據(jù)“有關各方要求”行事。北京在有關波斯尼亞的聯(lián)合國維和行動中的投票行為說明了一個現(xiàn)象,即
24、。在中國的官方聲明中,中國將仍舊宣傳傳統(tǒng)的維和概念和官方宣言中嚴格的三個滿足維和的條件。然而事實上,中國已經(jīng)接受了由主要國家執(zhí)行有限制的和平任務的必要性。</p><p> (二)中國逐步熟悉和平支持行動</p><p> 世紀之交,中國已經(jīng)十分快速地熟悉了一種新出現(xiàn)的新型維和行動——和平支持行動,并通過1999年的科索沃危機對其迅速熟知,眾所周知1999年的那個時間對中國外交官們是一
25、個真正的沖擊。不僅西方國家武力介入科索沃危機的行為沒有被聯(lián)合國安理會批準,同時更戲劇化的是北約錯誤地炸毀了中國駐貝爾格萊德的使館。最終,北京在聯(lián)合國安理會的表決中投了棄權票,這項決議的內容是建立在科索沃的聯(lián)合國特派團作為第一次和平支持行動,同時授權北約領導的駐科索沃部隊執(zhí)行1999年6月的和平計劃。</p><p> 然而在聯(lián)合國安理會中被邊緣化的不愉快經(jīng)歷促使北京在東帝汶建立一個新的聯(lián)合國維和部隊中扮演了更為
26、積極的角色,這個行動將阻止大規(guī)模的屠殺,同時也將需求1999年8月獨立的訴求。中國的代表堅持要獲得目標國家的同意和安理會的批準是執(zhí)行此項任務的兩個先決條件:根據(jù)聯(lián)合國憲章,安全理事會為維護國際和地區(qū)和平負有主要責任,東帝汶問題必須通過聯(lián)合國途徑解決,任何維和部隊的部署需要獲得印度尼西亞政府的要求和安理會的授權。</p><p> 當印度尼西亞傾向于贊同這次干預行動時,澳大利亞領導的東帝汶國際被批準在東帝汶重新建
27、立和平和安全局勢。至1999年10月,大部分地區(qū)的局勢已經(jīng)穩(wěn)定,安理會批準聯(lián)合國東帝汶過渡行政當局履行其廣泛的任務。中國在此次事件中的兩次決議中都投了贊成票,分別支持和平實施任務和后續(xù)的和平支持行動。顯然北京已經(jīng)將其在國際事務中的支持行為看作是一個重塑地區(qū)負責任大國的形象,同時也加強了聯(lián)合國在科索沃危機中聯(lián)合國的作用。</p><p> 與此同時,中國也同意在1999年10月建立下一次和平支持行動,彼時聯(lián)合國塞
29、聯(lián)合國塞拉利昂特派團任務的決議中投了贊成票,以確保軍事力量被允許保障關鍵地區(qū)和人道主義救援物資的運輸。</p><p> 北京隨后支持了在剛果、利比里亞、科特迪瓦、海地、布隆迪和蘇丹的所有和平支持行動,并且在投了贊成票后也并沒有進行解釋。以上提及的每一個任務中,武力的使用都被閹割限制在保護聯(lián)合國人員的安全、自由和免于平民受到暴力威脅的范圍內。在利比里亞、科特迪瓦和海地,主要國家和聯(lián)盟擔負起了執(zhí)行和平實施任務的責
30、任。在科特迪瓦的任務中,法國部隊甚至被限制使用“一切必要手段”來提供一般安全、保護平民和基于聯(lián)合國特派團要求進行對交戰(zhàn)雙方的干預。自從中國支持所有這些決議以來,并無提及任何游離的言論,顯然中國已經(jīng)全面接受了有限制地執(zhí)行和平支持行動的概念和由主要大國來執(zhí)行。中國也從1990年代初期反對支持聯(lián)合國維和行動,轉變成在21世紀開始之年接受這種行動。</p><p> ?。ㄈ┲袊诼?lián)合國維和行動原則中的靈活性</p
31、><p> 沒有限制地通過維和部隊使用武力的情況,這種擔憂也是研究中國在有關聯(lián)合國維和行動中的表決行為的關鍵點。盡管決議中都被批準在憲章第七條的原則下“使用一切手段”,但是并沒有明確規(guī)定什么鄧婕的威脅下可以使用武力。因此中國會投棄權票。早在1993年,中國的外交人員開始支持強硬地維和任務,盡管中國政府都會做出相應的解釋,一般情況下這些武力的使用被明確限制在保護維和人員的安全、自由和免于平民受到威脅。更多的挑戰(zhàn)接踵而
33、t; 執(zhí)行部隊和穩(wěn)定部隊在第一次復雜的和平支持行動中建立起來以后,北京不能夠在不損害其聲譽的情況下棄權否決在波斯尼亞更大范圍的和平建設進程,即使這些任務大部分由北約執(zhí)行。1990年代末期,中國不情愿地重新解釋聯(lián)合國維和行動三條準則中的兩條:盡可能少地使用武力和維和人員的不公正性。</p><p> 關聯(lián)合國維和行動的投票行為中的轉折點被認為是1999年9月的東帝汶國際,這是北京第一次沒有反對決議授權大國加強東
34、帝汶的安全。從那時開始,中國在每一次新的聯(lián)合國維和行動的表決上都投了贊成票,同時中國也開始派出中國的維和人員去參與每一個維和任務,甚至是那些由大國執(zhí)行的任務也是一樣。中國最關心的限制武力使用的內容也被納入決議草案中,這些都解釋了北京對這些任務的滿意度正在不斷上升。1999年10月,中國在安理會的代表表達了對于草案的認可,這份草案 “密切磋商”后批準了聯(lián)合國塞拉利昂特派團。他特別興奮地表示:“這份草案不僅滿足了塞拉利昂政府和非洲成員的要求
35、,同時表明安理會正將注意力轉向并投入到更多地非洲問題中去,中國政府對此表示十分贊賞。”幾天以后,這位代表又高興地表示,中國提出的所有修正內容都被納入了授權東帝汶過渡當局的決議當中去。2002年,中國贊揚了在塞拉利昂、剛果、布隆迪、安哥拉、東帝汶和阿富汗的任務都是成功的。</p><p> 中國接受強硬的維和行動的另一個明顯例子是中國政府近年來在聯(lián)合國的官方發(fā)言。2003年,北京指出中國在在聯(lián)合國維和行動中積累的
37、期建設時間內必要且不可或缺的部分?!比欢本┤耘f保持著過去那種“除非自衛(wèi)”否則不能使用武力的觀念,但是軍事力量現(xiàn)在正在任何必須的地方使用著。</p><p> 然而,中國在新千年對于聯(lián)合國維和行動的熱情并不是中國在1990年代采取措施的結果,這似乎是卜拉希米關于聯(lián)合國維和行動改革的報告對中國影響最為巨大,因為這份報告闡述了北京長久以來憂慮的許多問題,所以中國正是因為這份報告變得逐漸能接受和平支持行動。當卜拉希米
39、p><p> 四、中國有關維和行動靈活態(tài)度的局限(略)</p><p><b> 五、結論(略)</b></p><p> STEFAN STÄHLE</p><p> China’s Shifting Attitude towards United Nations Peacekeeping Operati
40、ons*</p><p> * The author would like to thank Bruce J. Dickson and Martha Finnemore for their support and encouragement.</p><p><b> ABSTRACT</b></p><p> While China h
41、as been portrayed as a reluctant supporter of UN peacekeeping in the past, it has voted in favour of every newly established UN peacekeeping operation since the beginning of the new millennium. Previous studies of China’
42、s behaviour in UN peacekeeping explained this phenomenon primarily with recent shifts in its foreign and security policy rather than with changes in UN peacekeeping itself. This article analyses China’s voting behaviour
43、in the UN Security Council on peacekeeping reso</p><p> INTRODUCTION </p><p> As China is rising, political analysts are increasingly worried about its future role in the international system.
44、 They often portray the country as a growing economic and military power that could upset the world. Yet they seem to overlook that China’s growing strength might actually help to keep the peace. If the Chinese leadershi
45、p managed to embrace the principles of UN peacekeeping operations (UNPKO) fully, China could become one of the most resourceful contributors to international peacekee</p><p> China’s attitude towards UNPKO
46、has been analysed in both the Chinese and English literature, but in varying depth. The vast majority of scholars publishing in Chinese are content with describing the changes in UN peacekeeping since the 1990s instead o
47、f analysing China’s role within it. Referring primarily to the peacekeeping literature of the early 1990s, most of them ignore new developments in UN peacekeeping and therefore still promote an outdated concept of UNPKO.
48、 Just a few Chinese practitio</p><p> However, since Gill and Reilly’s analysis was published in 2000, there have been significant developments in the way UNPKO are conducted, which have not yet been covere
49、d by recent articles. More importantly, the framework of analysis introduced by Fravel was not thorough enough to notice relevant subtleties in China’s attitude towards UNPKO in the 1990s, particularly with regard to the
50、 use of force, which might explain its different behaviour later on. This article aims at filling this gap by an</p><p> Chinese diplomats may show their approval by voting in favour of a resolution or thei
51、r disapproval by abstaining. A public explanation of their vote can further qualify the support or abstention with a dissociating or sympathetic comment. The option of vetoing a UNPKO resolution has so far not been used
52、unless the resolution touched upon the Taiwan issue.</p><p> This article first provides a typology of UNPKO in order to understand better the evolution that the concept of UN peacekeeping has undergone, wh
53、ich is shown in the second section. It goes on to analyse China’s voting behaviour in the UNSC with regard to these different types of UNPKO. It then presents the changes in China’s attitude towards UN peacekeeping, but
54、also the limits of its flexibility.</p><p> CONCEPTS OF UN PEACEKEEPING(Omission)</p><p> EVOLUTION OF UN PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS(Omission)</p><p> EVOLUTION OF CHINA’S ATTITUDE
55、TOWARDS UN PEACEKEEPING</p><p> Just as the concept of UN peacekeeping has undergone a transformation from traditional peacekeeping to peace support operations, so has Beijing’s attitude towards these diffe
56、rent types of UNPKO. At first, China completely rejected the idea of UN peacekeeping. Beijing regarded all UN interventions as being manipulated by the superpowers, not least because China had been the target of the firs
57、t US-led enforcement action authorized by the United Nations in 1951 during the Korean War. After joining </p><p> China’s struggle with wider peacekeeping</p><p> When the UNSC began to exten
58、d the mandates of certain missions in the 1990s, China had difficulty in adapting to this new development. It felt particularly uncomfortable with the use of force in wider peacekeeping missions and with peace enforcemen
59、t carried out by pivotal states. Its changing voting behaviour in the cases of Somalia, Rwanda, Haiti and Bosnia is particularly instructive as it shows how Beijing struggled to find the right balance between growing int
60、ernational pressure arising out </p><p> The failure of the UN operation in Somalia had an important impact on China’s scepticism against peace enforcement. In April 1992, peacekeepers had been deployed in
61、an environment of ongoing violence to monitor a cease-fire between warlords. China voted in favour of the resolutions that mandated the US-led united task force (UNITAF) under chapter VII to use ‘‘all necessary means’’ t
62、o secure a stable environment. But the Chinese representative in the UNSC always insisted that these ‘‘exceptional </p><p> As a consequence, China abstained in the vote that authorized a French-led multina
63、tional operation to end the unfolding Rwandan genocide in June 1994. The resolution of this peace enforcement mission permitted the use of force while stressing the ‘‘strictly humanitarian character’’ and ‘‘impartial and
64、 neutral fashion’’ of the operation as well as the ‘‘unique case which demands an urgent response by the international community.’’ But the Chinese representative explained that the operation lacked</p><p>
65、 China’s lessons from Somalia also reinforced its opposition to the use of force by pivotal states in the case of Haiti. Back in September 1993, China had supported the UN mission in Haiti (UNMIH), which was to create a
66、new police force and to modernize the military. But in July 1994, when the UNSC mandated a US-led multinational force to provide a secure environment for UNMIH, China abstained in the vote, cautioning that the use of for
67、ce by a “certain group of states’’ would create a ‘‘dangerous</p><p> The frequently changing mandate of UNPROFOR in Bosnia and later Croatia is a prime example of wider peacekeeping – and of Beijing’s stru
68、ggle with revising its lessons learnt in Somalia and Rwanda. From the outset, China could agree on extending UNPROFOR’s mandate to address humanitarian concerns, such as the protection of Sarajevo airport, the delivery o
69、f humanitarian assistance and the establishment of ‘‘pink zones’’ to shelter ethnic Croats in Bosnia. But Beijing opposed all those resolutions </p><p> In mid-1993, however, when the fighting between the e
70、thnic groups in Bosnia intensified, Beijing was able to overcome this concern – even though with unease – and voted in favour of resolutions that limited the use of force to specific cases: to shield civilians from attac
71、ks in so-called safe areas, to protect the freedom of movement of the peacekeepers and to defend themselves. While stating its reservation against the use of force, China pointed out that it would support these resolutio
72、ns out </p><p> A United Nations peacekeeping operation, as the name indicates, is for the purpose of keeping peace rather than fighting. …The establishment of this force is for the purpose of enforcement a
73、ction and brings about a de facto change to the peacekeeping status of UNPROFOR. Once the force is put into operation, it is bound to become a party to the conflict, thus depriving UNPROFOR of its status as a peace-keepi
74、ng force.</p><p> In November 1995, the Dayton Agreement concluded the war in Bosnia after a heavy air campaign by NATO forces had coerced the Bosnian Serbs back to the negotiation table. The UNSC decided t
75、hat UNPROFOR should be replaced by the NATO-led multinational IFOR, which was authorized to use force in order to implement the Dayton Agreement, to control the airspace over Bosnia, to defend itself against attacks and
76、to assist in the withdrawal of UNPROFOR. China voted in favour of this resolution, yet its r</p><p> In the following year, Beijing also supported the replacement of IFOR by SFOR, again a NATO-led multinati
77、onal mission authorized to conduct peace enforcement in order to ensure compliance with the Dayton Agreement. China once again expressed its reservation against the use of force in UNPKO but voted in favour of the resolu
78、tion because SFOR would accept the leadership of the UNSC and act at the ‘‘requests of the parties concerned.’’ As its voting behaviour regarding UN peacekeeping in Bosnia ill</p><p> China’s familiarizatio
79、n with peace support operations</p><p> At the turn of the millennium, China familiarized itself fairly quickly with an emerging type of UNPKO: peace support operations. This process was accelerated by the
80、events of the Kosovo crisis of 1999, which came as a real shock to Chinese diplomats. Not only had Western powers intervened militarily in the Kosovo conflict without seeking prior authorization of the UNSC, more</p&g
81、t;<p> dramatically, NATO had also mistakenly bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. As a result, Beijing abstained in the vote on establishing the UN mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) as the first UN peace support oper
82、ation and on authorizing the NATO-led Kosovo force (KFOR) to enforce the peace in June 1999.</p><p> Yet this unpleasant experience of being sidelined in the UNSC prompted Beijing to play a more active role
83、 in the establishment of a new UNPKO in East Timor, which should end large-scale killing and looting after a call for independence in August 1999. The Chinese representative insisted on the consent of the target country
84、and a mandate of the UNSC as preconditions for this</p><p><b> mission:</b></p><p> According to the Charter of the United Nations, the Security Council bears the primary responsib
85、ility for the maintenance of international and regional peace. The issue of East Timor must be solved through the United Nations. The deployment of any peacekeeping force should be at the request of the Indonesian govern
86、ment and endorsed by the Security Council.</p><p> When Indonesia was willing to assent to this intervention, the Australian-led INTERFET was mandated to restore peace and security in East Timor. By October
87、 1999, stability had been largely established, and the UNSC authorized the UN transitional administration in East Timor (UNTAET) to fulfil its broad mandate. China voted in favour of both the peace enforcement mission an
88、d the subsequent peace support operation. Obviously, Beijing regarded its support as a good opportunity to project its image </p><p> China also endorsed the establishment of the next peace support operatio
89、n in October 1999 when the ongoing UN observer mission in Sierra Leone was replaced by the UN mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) to implement a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration plan, to monitor the ceasefire,
90、 to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance, and to support the elections. UNAMSIL was mandated to ‘‘take the necessary action’’ under chapter VII, but this time the use of force was explicitly res</p>
91、<p> Beijing supported all subsequent peace support operations in Congo, Liberia, Co? te d’Ivoire, Haiti, Burundi and Sudan – often without any explanation of its vote. For each of these missions, the authorization
92、 of the use of force was explicitly limited to the protection of UN personnel, their freedom of movement and civilians under imminent threat of physical violence. In Liberia, Co? te d’Ivoire and Haiti, pivotal states or
93、alliances had taken the responsibility to carry out peace enforcement t</p><p> China’s Flexibility with the UN Peacekeeping Principles</p><p> China’s fear of an uncontrollable use of force b
94、y peacekeeping troops is crucial for understanding its voting behaviour on UNPKO. Whenever resolutions authorizing the use of ‘‘all necessary means’’ under chapter VII did not specify the level of force to be used, China
95、 abstained in the vote. But as early as 1993, Chinese diplomats began to support robust peacekeeping missions – though not without a dissociating explanation – if the use of force was clearly restricted to the protection
96、 of the peac</p><p> But when IFOR and SFOR were established as the first complex peace support operations, Beijing could no longer afford to abstain from a larger peace-building process in Bosnia without d
97、amaging its reputation, even though these missions were largely run by NATO. By the end of the 1990s, China had gradually managed to reinterpret two of the three UNPKO principles: the minimum use of force and the imparti
98、ality of the peacekeepers.</p><p> The turning point of China’s voting behaviour regarding UNPKO was marked by its support for INTERFET in September 1999. For the first time, Beijing did not dissociate itse
99、lf from a resolution authorizing pivotal states to enforce the peace. Since then, China has voted in favour of every newly established UNPKO and provided Chinese peacekeepers to each one of them, even if these missions i
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