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1、<p><b>  中文4697字</b></p><p>  Study on College Students’ Learning Burnout</p><p>  出處:Asian Social Science, Vol. 6, No. 3,2010</p><p>  When students have no intere

2、sts or lack in enthusiasms for the learning but can not but do it, they will be sick of the learning, and feel tired in body and mind, that state is called as the learning burnout(Yang,2005,P.54-58).Generally,the learnin

3、g burnout has following characteristics. (1) Exhausted emotion. For this characteristic, students generally lack in enthusiasms in their learning, and they feel exhausted, nervous, and frustrated, and they can not centra

4、lize their attentions on the lea</p><p>  In recent years, many surveys about college students showed that the phenomenon of learning burnout in college students was serious. For example, Zhang Shu et al’s s

5、urvey about 438 college students in Inner Mongolia Municipality indicated that college students' level of learning burnout was higher (Zhang, 2009, P.140-142); Li Weiwei et al's survey about 340 college students

6、also showed that quiet part of colleges students had learning burnout (Li, 2007, P.19-21).College students assume the burde</p><p>  Bad social style and culture are the important exterior causes of college

7、students’ learning burnout.College is not a closed place all along, and the opening characteristic of college students’ idea also makes the social style and culture to continually impact the campus culture and college st

8、udents’ consciousness.China is in the transformation term of the society,and various passive ideas and concepts are strongly impacting college students’ immature mentality.The practicality, the money worshi</p>&l

9、t;p>  With the popularization of higher education, college students assume unprecedented employment pressure. In 2008, the amount of college graduates in China achieved 5.6 million, and this number achieved 6.1 millio

10、n in 2009, and this number will achieve 6.3 million in 2010. With unemployed graduated in past years, college students will be large employment group every year. But the actuality that the supply exceeds the demand will

11、make them very difficult to find an ideal work, and even they can be </p><p>  One abuse of the higher education in China is to emphasize the theory but ignore the practice. The course setting has not emphas

12、ized the actual demand of the society and college students, but too much theoretical courses, without practical courses. In teachers’ teaching, they also only pay attention to the teaching of theoretical knowledge, but i

13、gnore the practices, so many students have low cognition to their learned knowledge. One survey showed that only 5.52% of college students thought that </p><p>  College students’ learning burnout is closely

14、 related with their self-efficiency feeling and self-attribution. Some college students had depended on family and teachers too much for a long term, with bad independence of learning, and they could not adapt the learni

15、ng mode in colleges and they failed in learning, so their self-efficiency feeling would be largely reduced. When facing learning failure, the attribution tendency is not right too. They always attributed their failures t

16、o their low abi</p><p>  Colleges should really emphasize the practice teaching, and increase the hardware investments of the practice teaching,and perfect many establishments such as lab, computer lab, and

17、multimedia to fulfill students demand for practices. In addition, colleges should set up practice courses for students’ future employment and development, and correct the mode emphasizing the theoretical courses. At the

18、same time, college should also emphasize college students’ education of psychological health. Lovi</p><p>  Teachers should emphasize the adopt the heuristic education and the research teaching mode to conti

19、nually enrich the teaching content, strengthen the charm of teaching process, and make students to enter into the learning and become the master of the learning. Teachers should specially pay attention to the connection

20、between theory and practice, and instruct students to study the knowledge in order to apply it by after-school activities, practice, and probations, enhance their ability to solve p</p><p>  First, college s

21、tudents should emphasize the will training and the self-building of personality. Students should strengthen the endurance to the learning burnout. College students should establish long-range ideas, actively participate

22、in various practices, cultivate their patience and establish the confidence and decision, train their will and quality, and enhance their ability to refuse the entices in the process of overcoming difficulties. At the sa

23、me time, facing the learning burnout, colleg</p><p>  Third, college students should properly attribute their failures. Psychologist Julian Bernard Rotter proposed the theory of control point in 1954, and he

24、 thought that the interior control was that the result was induced by individual behaviors or decided by individual stable personality; on the contrary, if the thing was induced by the factors except for the individual,

25、it was called as exterior control (Chen, 2007, P.225). Interior controllers are always inclined to attribute their learning fai</p><p>  Fourth, college students should fully enjoy the happiness of college l

26、ife. Learning is the main rhythm of the college life,but it is not the whole of the college life, and the learning burnout is a tired state in body and mind when students engage in the learning all along and the happines

27、s in the life could effectively restrain and adjust this bad state. Therefore, students should work and rest in the learning, and after learning, they should actively participate in many recreational activities</p>

28、<p>  Extending recent research efforts on the effects of personality and moods at work, this study examined the impact of personality traits and mood states in job burnout. Specifically, the field study examined

29、the role of 2 personality traits and positive and negative moods (states) in burnout among nurses working at 2 hospitals. Results indicate that extra-version significantly predicted the diminished accomplishment componen

30、t of burnout, and neuroticism significantly predicted the exhaustion and </p><p>  Job burnout studies have predominantly focused on workplace conditions (e.g., job roles, supervisor behaviors, types of pati

31、ents) as antecedents to burnout (for a review, see Cordes & Doughtery, 1993). Despite calls for more investigation into individual differences that may contribute to burnout (e.g., Nagy & Davis, 1985; Savicki &am

32、p; Cooley, 1983), a review of the burnout literature indicates that the role of personality differences has been ignored to a great extent. Nevertheless, not all worker</p><p>  Extraversion</p><p

33、>  Extraversion includes such traits as talkativeness, social poise, assertiveness, and venturesomeness (Block, 1961; Botwin & Buss, 1989; Watson & Clark, 1997). While individuals low in extraversion appear qu

34、iet or reserved, those high in extraversion are cheerful and energetic (John, 1990), possibly because they engage in more activities to overcome stressful conditions. According to Peterson (2000), the optimism frequently

35、 exhibited by extraverts "leads to desirable outcomes because it predispos</p><p>  The Role of Personality in Job Burnout </p><p>  The past two decades of personality research has focused

36、 on the Big Five personality dimensions (Barrick & Mount, 1991; Hurtz & Donovan, 2000), as well as positive affectivity and negative affectivity (Cooper, 2000; Judge, Erez, & Thoresen, 2000; Payne, 2000; Spec

37、tor, Zapf, Chen, & Frese, 2000; Wright & Staw, 1999). It is not surprising that a significant number of studies in stress and coping have focused on the affective traits of neuroticism and extraversion, given the

38、ir relationship with neg</p><p>  Neuroticism</p><p>  Neuroticism reflects feelings of distress and nervousness (George, 1989) and underlies the chronic emotional experiences of guilt and frust

39、ration (McCrae, 1991). In general, individuals higher in neuroticism possess more negative views of themselves and of others (Watson & Clark, 1984). One explanation for the effects of neuroticism is that it may incre

40、ase one's susceptibility or exposure to stimuli that generate negative emotions (Bolger & Schilling, 1991; Larsen, 1992). </p><p>  In addition to the personality differences that employees exhibit,

41、they also exhibit different moods on the job. George and her colleagues (George, 1989, 1991; George & Brief, 1992; George & Jones, 1996) reported significant findings demonstrating that positive and negative mood

42、s of employees influence their feelings about work and their behaviors on the job. Weiss and Croparizano's (1996) review of the mood literature concluded that the effects of moods on work outcomes are consistent, pro

43、nounc</p><p>  Moods at Work </p><p>  Moods at work refer to pervasive generalized affective states encountered on the job (George & Brief, 1992). As such, moods have been shown to predict

44、one's impression of a situation and one's own actions (Clark & Isen, 1982). Studies have demonstrated that positive moods encourage helping behaviors (for a review, see George, 1991; George & Brief, 1992)

45、 and higher quality service (George & Bettenhausen, 1990), while negative affect is associated with increased absenteeism and turnover (Pelled & </p><p>  Alternatively, negative moods are associated

46、 with increased self-focused attention (Pyszczynski, Hamilton, Herring, & Greenberg, 1989). Consequently, an individual experiencing frequent negative moods may blame himself or herself and perceive fewer personal ac

47、complishments when he or she fails to achieve expected successful outcomes (e.g., patients with less than full recoveries). Distancing oneself from a perceived source of stress is one type of coping used by employees (Le

48、iter, 1991). For exa</p><p>  Personality, Moods, and Burnout </p><p>  The distinction between neuroticism and extraversion as a trait, and positive and negative affect as a state (i.e., a mood

49、), is critical in attempting to examine the roles of personality and moods in burnout. Positive affectivity and negative affectivity (traits) represent stable personality differences in affect levels and have been discus

50、sed previously as part of the extraversion and neuroticism dimensions. Unlike affective personality differences, positive affect and negative affect as states</p><p>  Previous research (e.g., Costa & Mc

51、Crae, 1980, 1984; Emmons & Diener, 1985) has reported a consistent relationship between personality and moods. Further, some have suggested that it is the affective nature of some personality characteristics that inf

52、luence moods at work, which in turn influence job satisfaction and other work behaviors (Weiss, Nicholas, & Daus, 1993). In the social psychology literature, it is generally accepted that at any given time, individua

53、ls higher in neuroticism are more</p><p>  大學生學習倦怠的研究</p><p>  當學生對學習沒有興趣或缺乏激情的卻不得不為之的時候,就會產(chǎn)生厭煩,身心感到疲憊,這種狀態(tài)稱為學習倦怠。通常來說,學習倦怠有以下特征:(1)情緒低落。在這個特征中,學生普遍缺乏學習的熱情,他們感到很疲倦、緊張和沮喪,他們不能在學習中集中自己的注意力。學生處在極度疲

54、勞、和情感資源耗盡的情緒中,學習的熱情很低。(2)缺乏人性化。這意味著學生常用平淡、被動、消極的態(tài)度來對待他人,他們不能相信他人,并且對他人質疑和過度批評。攻擊行為是學習倦怠的一個極端表現(xiàn)。一方面,學生攻擊行為的增加,他們的人際摩擦也隨之增加。另一方面,他們將針對和傷害自己。(3)低成就感。學習倦怠會增加低成就感。學生會低估自己的成就,其中的一些甚至會否定他們所做的事。</p><p>  近年來,許多對大學生的

55、研究顯示,學習倦怠的現(xiàn)象很嚴重。例如,張樹(音譯)等對 438名內蒙古自治區(qū)大學生的調查表明,大學生學習倦怠水平較高。李薇薇等對約340名學生的調查表明,有相當一部分學生學習倦怠這一現(xiàn)象。大學生承擔國家建設的負擔,而存在學習倦怠都會嚴重影響學習和學習效率的提高,同時不利于教學任務的完成,實現(xiàn)高校的教育目標和阻礙大學生身心健康發(fā)展。大學生的學習倦怠主要來自以下原因。</p><p>  社會風格和文化是影響大學生學

56、習倦怠的重要的外部因素。大學一直以來都不是一個封閉的地方,大學生思想的開放特征也使社會風格和文化持續(xù)影響高校校園文化和學生的意識。中國正處在社會的轉型期,各種被動的思想和觀念正強烈影響大學生不成熟的心智。實際上,拜金主義和享樂主義都嚴重腐蝕大學生的心靈,很多大學生急功近利,他們覺得通過學習來改變他們的經(jīng)濟狀況太遙遠了,所以他們排斥學習而且對學習感到厭倦。</p><p>  隨著高等教育大眾化的,大學生承擔前所未


58、t;p>  中國高等教育的一個不足就是強調理論而忽視實踐。課程的設置沒有重視社會和學生的實際需要,有過多的理論課程,而沒有實踐課程。在教師的教學過程中,他們也只專注理論知識的傳授,而忽視實踐,所以學生對他們所學的知識有很低的認知。一項調查顯示,只有5.52%的學生認為知識是有用的,但是50.68%的學生則認為知識無用。學生覺得學到的知識沒有實用價值,這使他們在某種程度上排斥他們所學的課程,而且對自己的專業(yè)有很低的認同感。教師的教學

59、水平也影響學生的學習,隨著高校的擴招,教師的數(shù)量急劇增加,但是教師的整體素質并沒有同等的增加。許多學生對教師的職業(yè)道德、個人素質、教學方法和教學水平不滿意,而在某種程度上使他們產(chǎn)生了學習倦怠。</p><p>  大學生學習倦怠也與學生自身的自我效能感和歸屬感密切相關。一些大學生長期以來一直過多的依賴家人和老師,不能很好的獨立學習使他們無法適應大學的學習模式,以致在學習上體會到失敗的滋味,所以很大程度上減少了他們

60、的自我效能感。當面對學習上的失敗,他們的歸因方式也不正確。他們總是把他們的失敗歸因于他們能力的不足,所以他們的學習熱情受到很大的傷害,他們會在學習上覺得無助。一些學生也缺乏延遲滿足的能力。他們沒有長遠的眼光,只關注眼前的利益,無法在學習上控制自己,這也是學習倦怠的主觀原因。</p><p>  高校應該真正重視實踐教學,增加對實踐教學的硬件投資,完善諸如實驗室、計算機室及多媒體等設施來滿足學生實踐的需要。另外,高

61、校應為學生將來的就業(yè)和發(fā)展開設實踐課程,改變強調理論課程的模式。同時,高校也應強調大學生心理健康的教育。熱愛學習和快樂學習是衡量大學生心理健康的一個標準。高息應進一步糾正學生錯誤的學習認知,改善他們的學習方法,增加他們的成功經(jīng)驗,提高他們的學習動機,并通過演講、團體與個人心理咨詢和特殊心理健康課程來幫助他們克服學習倦怠。</p><p>  教師應重視啟發(fā)式教學和研究性教學模式的采用,不斷充實教學內容,加強教學過

62、程的魅力,使學生融學習過程并且成為學習的主人。教師應特別注重理論和時間之間的關系,并引導學生學習知識,通過課外活動、實踐和實習加以應用,提高他們解決問題的能力,促進他們在實踐中體會學習的樂趣和知識的價值。教師也應該采取多種靈活的教學模式,創(chuàng)建教學情境,制造懸念,激發(fā)學生的好奇心和學習的熱情。</p><p>  首先,大學生應重視意志訓練和人格的自我塑造。學生應該增強應對學習倦怠的耐力,樹立長遠思想,積極參與各種

63、時間,培養(yǎng)耐心并建立信心與決心,訓練意志和品質,在克服困難的過程中增加拒絕誘惑的能力。同時,面對學習倦怠,大學生應該用樂觀的態(tài)度勇敢的正視,善于改變不合理的認知,通過各種方法控制情緒,并且保持良好的學習熱情。學生也應該自覺地拒絕社會不良風氣和文化的影響,培養(yǎng)正確的需求和興趣,建立積極的價值觀,堅定生活信念。</p><p>  第二,大學生應樹立合適的學習目標。所謂的“合適”指的是目標水平不是太高也不是太低。過低

64、的目標水平不能提高個人水平,而過高的目標水平很難實現(xiàn),當個體失敗后,學習熱情會受到打擊。所以,基于對現(xiàn)有的知識和能力的分析,大學生應該樹立屬于自己的既高于已有水平但能被完成的學習目標。面對這樣的學習目標,個人不會退縮,目標的實現(xiàn)也會激發(fā)學著有效解決學習倦怠的熱情。</p><p>  第三,大學生應該對其失敗進行正確歸因。心理學家Julian Bernard Rotter在1954年提出了控制點理論,他認為內部控


66、,也要看看客觀因素的影響,并且在內因和外因之間找到一個平衡點,對學習失敗形成正確的認知,有效降低學習倦怠的水平。</p><p>  第四,大學生應充分享受大學生活的快樂。學習是大學生活的主旋律,但它不是全部的大學生活,學習倦怠是身心的一種疲倦狀態(tài),當學生全身心的投入學習和享受生活的美好,這種不好的狀態(tài)能得到抑制。因此,學生應該學會在學習中休息,學習過后積極參與多種娛樂活動,發(fā)展廣泛的興趣,享受生活的樂趣和休閑,

67、促進注意力適當?shù)霓D移,只要處理得當,就能有效的放松身心,調整大腦緊張的狀態(tài),降低學習倦怠的水平。</p><p>  本研究是在近代的研究成果上加以延伸的,已有的研究探索了人格和心態(tài)對工作的影響,本研究將人格因素和心理狀態(tài)對職業(yè)倦怠的影響進行檢驗。尤其是,對在兩個醫(yī)院工作的護士進行了實證研究,檢驗兩種人格特質,積極和消極的心理狀態(tài)對倦怠的影響。結果顯示了外部結果很大程度地預示了削弱了完整性的倦怠,并且精神方面很大

68、程度地預示了消耗和去個性化因素。因此,結果顯示人.格維度預示了很明顯的倦怠因素影響。然后,積極的心態(tài)協(xié)調了外向人格與成就之間的關系,然而消極的心態(tài)會部分地協(xié)調精神與疲憊的關系。因此,心態(tài)顯示了直接和間接的影響。量化研究也提供了管理方法和建議。</p><p>  職業(yè)倦怠一直主要地關注工作環(huán)境作為倦怠的主要因素。盡管還需要調查個人差異對倦怠可能造成的影響,對倦怠文獻的回顧顯示人格的差異已經(jīng)在很大程度上不重要了。然

69、而,不是在同一環(huán)境中工作的工人都會報告倦怠,研究者繼續(xù)提供了理論的框架,對文獻概念上的回顧,還有很好的證據(jù)證明個人的差異對工作成果的重要性。因此,將來報告倦怠的個體差異的影響研究需要驗證。在本研究中,我們驗證了兩種個體差異:影響性的人格和心理狀態(tài)。</p><p><b>  外向性</b></p><p>  外向性包括愛說話、社會風度、自信和冒險精神。低外向性的個

70、人顯示出安靜或冷淡,而那些高外向性的人則開朗、精力充沛,可能是因為他們會從事更多活動來克服壓力。據(jù)彼得森(2000)的研究,樂觀的人經(jīng)常顯示出“使語氣結果更加令人滿意,因為它偏向于將具體行為適應具體情境”。適應能力能部分解釋正在工作的大學生中樂觀和倦怠的積極正相關。一項研究表明,工作的人如果有較高的積極情感作用(一種外向性的主要成分)將會體驗到較少的倦怠。</p><p>  職業(yè)倦怠里的人格角色</p&g

71、t;<p>  在過去的20年里,人格的研究關注大五人格維度和積極及消極的情感作用。這樣就對有相當數(shù)量的關于壓力和競爭的研究會關注在神經(jīng)質和外向性的情感特質不足為奇了,分別給積極和消極的情緒性定義關系。人格可以通過影響個體如何應對壓力場景來影響心理健康;也就是說,通過壓力狀態(tài)下的無效競爭。外向性和神經(jīng)質的情緒方面能刺激個體的行為,包括和倦怠相關的行為。</p><p><b>  神經(jīng)質&

72、lt;/b></p><p>  神經(jīng)質反映了不幸、緊張和內疚及沮喪之下的慢性的情緒體驗。一般來說,高神經(jīng)質的個人擁有更多對自己和他人的負性看法。一個對神經(jīng)質影響的解釋是它能增加個人的敏感性或受到生成負性情緒的刺激。除了員工展示的人格差異之外,他們同樣展示了工作中的不同情緒。喬治和他的同事報告說有重大的發(fā)現(xiàn)顯示員工的積極和消極的情緒影響他們在工作中的表現(xiàn)和行為。維斯和Croparizano對情緒文獻的回顧總

73、結出情緒對工作產(chǎn)出的影響是一致、明顯和復雜的。</p><p><b>  工作時的心情</b></p><p>  工作時的心情指的是工作中遇到的普遍的情感狀況。例如,心情被發(fā)現(xiàn)能夠預測一個人對情境和自己行為的影響。研究已經(jīng)證明,積極的心態(tài)會助長有利的行為,然而消極情感與曠工和失誤的增長有關。研究還發(fā)現(xiàn)處于積極心態(tài)的人更加樂觀,傾向于顯示更高水平的信息加工,包括不同

74、的刺激,提供更多創(chuàng)新的、多變的問題解決方式。并且還更容易獲得成功。他們提出創(chuàng)新性解決方法的高級能力可能解釋了為什么一些研究者說個體心態(tài)越積極向上,事實上他們就越成功。因此他們更可能有高的成就感。</p><p>  另外,消極心態(tài)提高了自我關注度。結果,一個經(jīng)歷消極心態(tài)的個體可能會責怪自己,獲得更少的成就感,當他沒有獲得預期的結果時。員工使用的一種處理壓力的方法是逃避壓力。例如,為了應對消極心態(tài),以為護士會減少與

75、病人呆一起的時間,因此極度縮減人際交往,使得發(fā)現(xiàn)疾病背后的個體更加困難。病人就成為另一個讓員工避免消極心態(tài)的障礙物。因此,更消極的心態(tài)更有可能加劇病人去個性化的趨勢。</p><p><b>  人格,心態(tài)和懈怠</b></p><p>  以神經(jīng)質和焦慮的區(qū)別為特點,積極和消極的情感為狀態(tài),這是嘗試檢驗人格的作用和懈怠的心態(tài)的關鍵。積極情感和消極情感代表情感水平的穩(wěn)

76、定的人格差異,并且已經(jīng)被發(fā)現(xiàn)是神經(jīng)質和焦慮的兩個維度。與情感性人格差異不同,積極和消極情感狀態(tài)顯示個體如何感受既定事物,或者特殊情境。因此,心態(tài)是一直在波動的。然而,心態(tài)比情感性人格差異更不穩(wěn)定,“心態(tài)不是普通的瞬間經(jīng)歷,而是有一些持續(xù)性的”。進一步說,當一個簡單事件激發(fā)心態(tài),一旦建立,那種心態(tài)會為其他不相干事件的產(chǎn)生提供環(huán)境,互動和經(jīng)驗。 </p><p>  前人的研究已經(jīng)報告說人格和心態(tài)間有一種持續(xù)性的關



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