1、<p><b> 畢業(yè)論文開題報告</b></p><p><b> 英語</b></p><p> 英語詞匯學習策略分析</p><p> 一、論文選題的背景、意義(所選課題的歷史背景、國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展趨勢)</p><p><b> 選題的背景:</b&g
2、t;</p><p> 詞匯是構(gòu)成語言的基本單位,詞匯學習是英語學習的核心.美國著名語言學家D.A.Wilkins(1972)說過,沒有語法,人們不能表達很多東西;而沒有詞匯,人們則無法表達任何東西。由此可見,詞匯是語言表達意義的主要載體</p><p> 對于大部分英語學習者來說,詞匯是最大的障礙。詞匯非語言學習帶來的困難促使人們尋求詞匯學習的規(guī)律性。詞匯學習的重要性要求學習者在詞匯
3、學習中,必須遵循第二語言學習的規(guī)律,掌握并靈活運用多種詞匯學習策略,以提高學習效率。</p><p> 學好詞匯是學好英語的關(guān)鍵之一,因為詞匯是語言的基本單位,離開了詞匯,就談不上語言,更談不上對語言的運用。雖然只強調(diào)熟記單詞,認為記住單詞就等于掌握了一門語言的觀點不對,但忽視詞匯掌握的觀點同樣是錯誤的。即使一個人的語法學得很好,語音也很優(yōu)美,但是如果他詞匯量不夠,他就無法用這門語言來表達自己的情感或理解別人的
4、觀點,也就無法同別人交流。而很多人在學習詞匯時的一個很深的體會和困擾就是記得快也忘得快。那么,為什么會發(fā)生這種現(xiàn)象呢?遺忘的機制到底是什么?遺忘有什么特點?什么辦法能幫助我們減慢遺忘的速度?心理學家們多年來對遺忘與記憶的研究為我們改善這一現(xiàn)象提供了一定的啟示與幫助。本文將結(jié)合心理學對遺忘與記憶研究的理論與實驗來探討有效記憶英語詞匯的相應(yīng)策略和方法。</p><p> 國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀及發(fā)展趨勢:</p>
5、;<p> O’Malley & Chamot(1990)試圖把學習策略研究納入到Anderson所提出的學習信息加工模式中去。在Anderson的認知理論模式中,他把技能的學習分為三個階段。第一階段是認知階段,處于該階段的學習者有意識地參加一些活動來獲得陳述性知識;第二階段是聯(lián)系階段,在該階段,學習者加強技能的飛蛾份額組成部分或構(gòu)成元素的聯(lián)系,在該階段,技能的執(zhí)行或多或少變得自動化,并且潛意識地進行。</
6、p><p> 大量的研究者主要是通過考察研究優(yōu)秀爾等語言學習者的學習過程來確定策略的。當識別出大量的學習策略后,研究者有試圖形成一個分類框架,以充分地描述這些策略。O’Malley & Chamot(1990)將語言策略分成三個主要的類別:元認知策略(監(jiān)控語言獲得和使用的整個過程、采取有效的計劃、調(diào)整學習過程等)、認知策略(對當前任務(wù)中的信息的操縱以獲得或保持該信息)、社會/情感策略(處理人際關(guān)系和控制情緒
7、等)。每一類策略中又包含一系列的子策略。Oxford(1990)則提出了一個更為綜合的策略分類系統(tǒng),包括六大類吧:記憶策略、認知策略、補償策略、元認知策略。情感策略和社會策略。</p><p> 德國哲學家艾賓浩斯(Ebbinghaus) 19 世紀末葉開創(chuàng)了心理學對記憶研究的先河。他以自己為被試,以無意義音節(jié)及詩歌為材料,用完全記憶法和節(jié)省法來測量:</p><p> ?。?)聯(lián)想和復(fù)
8、習次數(shù)的關(guān)系;</p><p> ?。?)學習材料的長短變化對于學習的影響;</p><p> ?。?)保持和重復(fù)學習次數(shù)的關(guān)系;</p><p> ?。?)遺忘和時間的關(guān)系(遺忘曲線);</p><p> ?。?)同一材料的直接聯(lián)想和間接聯(lián)想、前行聯(lián)想和倒行聯(lián)想的強度。</p><p> 繼艾賓浩斯之后,鐵欽納(E
9、.B.Titchener)、巴特雷特(Bartlett)以及一些學習心理學家都對遺忘與記憶問題進行了不斷的探索,特別是認知心理學的興起,內(nèi)隱記憶和元記憶研究所取得的大量成果,給我們的學習以多方面的啟示,對我們在英語詞匯學習中策略的使用具有積極的指導意義。</p><p> 21世紀語言學的一個新增長點就是詞匯學的研究,語言教學也將把詞匯放在更重要的位置。(汪榕培)</p><p> 二
10、、研究的基本內(nèi)容與擬解決的主要問題 </p><p><b> 課題的研究內(nèi)容:</b></p><p> 通過對記憶模式及其原理的研究,結(jié)合西方學者針對詞匯記憶提出的諸多策略,如重復(fù)策略、規(guī)劃策略、聯(lián)想策略、上下文策略等,希望能將這些策略靈活地運用到詞匯學習過程中,從而能夠提高學生的詞匯學習的效率,擴大詞匯量,使英語學習者在英語的學習過程中擺脫詞匯記憶的枷鎖。&
11、lt;/p><p><b> Outline</b></p><p> On Strategy Analysis of English Vocabulary Learning</p><p> 1 Introduction</p><p> 1.1 Definition</p><p> 2
12、 The classification of Memory System</p><p> 2.1 Sensory Memory</p><p> 2.2 Short-Term Memory</p><p> 2.3 Long-Term Memory</p><p> 3 The Basic Process of Memory<
13、/p><p> 3.1 Encoding</p><p> 3.2 Storage</p><p> 3.3 Retrieval</p><p> 3.4 The SPI theory</p><p> 4 The strategies and methods of memory</p><p
14、> 4.1 The transition from sensory memory to short-term memory </p><p> 4.1.1 Maintenance rehearsal</p><p> 4.1.2 Elaborative rehearsal</p><p> 4.2The transition from short-te
15、rm memory to long-term memory and maintenance</p><p> 4.2.1 The centralization of review</p><p> 4.2.2 The decentralization of review</p><p> 5 The forgetting of information in l
16、ong-term memory</p><p> 5.1 The Curve of forgetting</p><p> 5.2 serial position effect</p><p> 6 Analysis</p><p> 7 Conclusion</p><p><b> 解決的主要問
17、題:</b></p><p> 語言運用中詞匯是負載信息的主體,是外語學習的一個重要組成部分。英國語言學家威爾金斯(Wilkins,1972)說過:“沒有語法只能傳達很少的信息,沒有詞匯則什么也無法表達”足以說明詞匯在外語學習中的重要性。而詞匯往往是英語學習的難點。因此,學好英語的首要任務(wù)是克服生詞障礙,準確理解詞匯意義,從而提高語言應(yīng)用能力。</p><p> 三、研究的
18、方法和技術(shù)路線</p><p> 研究方法:文獻檢索法、分析歸納法、對比歸納法</p><p> 技術(shù)路線:通過借閱圖書館相關(guān)書籍著作,以及通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)平臺索引相關(guān)資料,并結(jié)合所學的相關(guān)知識及個人體會,撰寫該論文</p><p> 四、論文詳細工作進度和安排</p><p> 2010年11月30日前 確定論文題目,指導老
19、師下達任務(wù)書</p><p> 2010年12月30日前 學生提交開題報告,文獻綜述</p><p> 2011年1月25日前 提交論文初稿</p><p> 2011年3月底前 初稿、二稿的修改</p><p> 2011年4月底前 三稿的修改<
20、/p><p> 2011年5月10前 定稿,提交按要求裝訂的論文終稿一式三份</p><p><b> 五、主要參考文獻</b></p><p> [1] Desimone,R.(1992,Octorber 9).The psychology of memory:Recordings of things past.Sci
21、ence.</p><p> [2] Alan Baddley.(1997).Human memory:theory and practice.New York:Allyn Bacon A Viacom Company.</p><p> [3] Atkinson,R.C.(1975).Mnemotechnics in second language learning.American
22、 Psychologists,30.</p><p> [4] Yates FA,(1966).The art of memory.Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.</p><p> Fontana.Psychology for teachers[M].北京:北京大學出版社,2000.</p><p> [5]
23、Peter Skehan.A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning[M].上海:上海外語教育出版社,1998.4.</p><p> [6]艾賓浩斯.記憶,科學出版社.1965.</p><p> [7]劉向紅.英語詞匯學習策略綜述[J].基礎(chǔ)教育外語教學研究,2005.</p><p> [8]楊治良、郭力平、王沛、
24、陳寧.記憶心理學,華東師范大學出版社,1999.</p><p> [9]王更生、汪安圣,認知心理學[M].北京:北京大學出版社,1992</p><p> [10]朱純.外語教學心理學,上海外語教育出版社.2000.</p><p> [11]朱瀅、王宏斌、范津、周愛保. 加工水平、回想策略與不自覺記憶,《心理學報》,第三期.1991.</p>
25、<p> [12]桂詩春.記憶與語言學習,《外語界》,第一期.2003.</p><p><b> 畢業(yè)論文文獻綜述</b></p><p><b> 英語</b></p><p> 英語詞匯記憶策略分析</p><p> 一、前言部分(說明寫作的目的,介紹有關(guān)概念,扼要說明有
26、關(guān)主題爭論焦點)</p><p> 語言運用中詞匯是負載信息的主體,是外語學習的一個重要組成部分。英國語言學家威爾金斯(Wilkins,1972)說過:“沒有語法,人們不能表達很多東西;而沒有詞匯,人們則無法表達任何東西。”足以說明詞匯在外語學習中的重要性。而詞匯往往是英語學習的難點。因此,學好英語的首要任務(wù)是克服生詞障礙,準確理解詞匯意義,從而提高語言應(yīng)用能力。</p><p> 受
27、詞匯量有限的限制,英語的綜合能力提高乏力,如何有效地掌握大量的詞匯成了英語能力提高的一個前提條件。</p><p> 鑒于學習過程中的主要困難在于英語詞匯的記憶或心理詞匯的儲存問題,筆者嘗試以心理學認知理論的相關(guān)知識為基礎(chǔ)分析了詞匯記憶的整個心理過程,然后提出了幾個切實可行的詞匯記憶策略,并就其包含的內(nèi)容作詳細的分析。</p><p> 1885年,赫爾曼·艾賓浩斯(Herm
28、ann Ebbihause)發(fā)表了對遺忘規(guī)律的研究結(jié)果,有關(guān)記憶的研究從此成為心理學家研究的對象之一。從廣義上講,任何類型的學習都涉及記憶,外語詞匯學習自然也不例外。依照信息加工理論的觀點,識記即信息的輸入與編碼過程;保持即是信息儲存的過程;而知識的再認是信息的提取過程。輸人、儲存和輸出是記憶語言材料過程中的重要環(huán)節(jié),同時也是影響語言材料記憶效果的重要因素。簡單的說記憶的過程是由感覺記憶(sensory memory)通過對記憶材料加以
29、注意進入短時記憶(short-term memory),而后對記憶材料加以復(fù)述進入長時記憶(long-term memory )。筆者認為短時記憶向長時記憶的轉(zhuǎn)化,即復(fù)述這一過程對于記憶起著關(guān)鍵作用,對復(fù)述過程的精細加工將會相對于機械復(fù)述更為快速深刻的提高記憶效果。</p><p> 從實際出發(fā),結(jié)合語言實際和記憶的一般原理,分析若干學習記憶方法:簡單重復(fù)記憶,深層加工記憶如必要語境記憶;聯(lián)想分類記憶;學以致用
30、記憶,并強調(diào)學習者在學習記憶詞匯時應(yīng)結(jié)合運用多種方法從而達到預(yù)期目的。</p><p> 二、主題部分(闡明有關(guān)主題的歷史背景、現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展方向,以及對這些問題的評述)</p><p> 詞匯是構(gòu)成語言的基本單位,詞匯學習是英語學習的核心.美國著名語言學家D.A.Wilkins(1972)說過,沒有語法,人們不能表達很多東西;而沒有詞匯,人們則無法表達任何東西。由此可見,詞匯是語言表達意
31、義的主要載體</p><p> 對于大部分英語學習者來說,詞匯是最大的障礙。詞匯非語言學習帶來的困難促使人們尋求詞匯學習的規(guī)律性。詞匯學習的重要性要求學習者在詞匯學習中,必須遵循第二語言學習的規(guī)律,掌握并靈活運用多種詞匯學習策略,以提高學習效率。</p><p> 策略(strategy )一詞源于古希臘詞匯中的strategia,與軍事典故密切相關(guān),因此其本義是將軍的職權(quán)或戰(zhàn)爭的藝術(shù)
32、。隨著語言的發(fā)展,策略已經(jīng)成為一個普通用語。《現(xiàn)代漢語詞典》把策略解釋為“根據(jù)形式發(fā)展而制定的行動方針和斗爭方式;將就斗爭藝術(shù),注意方式方法”《當代英語朗文詞典》(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)中的解釋:a planned series of actions for achieving something ;skillful planning in general. (為實現(xiàn)目標而
33、采取的一系列有計劃的行為或一般而言巧妙的計劃)可見策略本身有計劃、精致、有意識的操控、實現(xiàn)目的等方面的特征。當策略體現(xiàn)在非軍事背景中時,如語言學習,它意味著為實現(xiàn)目標而制定的計劃和采取的有意識的行為。理解了策略,就不難理解什么是學習策略。</p><p> O’Malley & Chamot(1990)試圖把學習策略研究納入到Anderson所提出的學習信息加工模式中去。在Anderson的認知理論模式
34、中,他把技能的學習分為三個階段。第一階段是認知階段,處于該階段的學習者有意識地參加一些活動來獲得陳述性知識;第二階段是聯(lián)系階段,在該階段,學習者加強技能的飛蛾份額組成部分或構(gòu)成元素的聯(lián)系,在該階段,技能的執(zhí)行或多或少變得自動化,并且潛意識地進行。</p><p> 大量的研究者主要是通過考察研究優(yōu)秀爾等語言學習者的學習過程來確定策略的。當識別出大量的學習策略后,研究者有試圖形成一個分類框架,以充分地描述這些策略
35、。O’Malley & Chamot(1990)將語言策略分成三個主要的類別:元認知策略(監(jiān)控語言獲得和使用的整個過程、采取有效的計劃、調(diào)整學習過程等)、認知策略(對當前任務(wù)中的信息的操縱以獲得或保持該信息)、社會/情感策略(處理人際關(guān)系和控制情緒等)。每一類策略中又包含一系列的子策略。Oxford(1990)則提出了一個更為綜合的策略分類系統(tǒng),包括六大類吧:記憶策略、認知策略、補償策略、元認知策略。情感策略和社會策略。<
36、/p><p> 德國哲學家艾賓浩斯(Ebbinghaus) 19 世紀末葉開創(chuàng)了心理學對記憶研究的先河。他以自己為被試,以無意義音節(jié)及詩歌為材料,用完全記憶法和節(jié)省法來測量:</p><p> ?。?)聯(lián)想和復(fù)習次數(shù)的關(guān)系;</p><p> (2)學習材料的長短變化對于學習的影響;</p><p> ?。?)保持和重復(fù)學習次數(shù)的關(guān)系;<
37、;/p><p> (4)遺忘和時間的關(guān)系(遺忘曲線);</p><p> ?。?)同一材料的直接聯(lián)想和間接聯(lián)想、前行聯(lián)想和倒行聯(lián)想的強度。</p><p> 繼艾賓浩斯之后,鐵欽納(E.B.Titchener)、巴特雷特(Bartlett)以及一些學習心理學家都對遺忘與記憶問題進行了不斷的探索,特別是認知心理學的興起,內(nèi)隱記憶和元記憶研究所取得的大量成果,給我們的學
38、習以多方面的啟示,對我們在英語詞匯學習中策略的使用具有積極的指導意義。</p><p> 21世紀語言學的一個新增長點就是詞匯學的研究,語言教學也將把詞匯放在更重要的位置。(汪榕培)</p><p> 三、總結(jié)部分(將全文主題進行扼要總結(jié),提出自己的見解并對進一步的發(fā)展方向做出預(yù)測)</p><p> 通過對記憶模式及其原理的研究,20世紀60年代以來,西方學
39、者針對詞匯記憶,提出諸多策略,如重復(fù)策略、規(guī)劃策略、聯(lián)想策略、上下文策略等。如果能將這些策略靈活地運用到詞匯學習過程中,不僅能夠提高學生的詞匯學習的效率,擴大詞匯量,而且能夠激發(fā)學生對外語的學習興趣。作為語言學習者,在外語詞匯學習中,我們應(yīng)該不斷更新自己的頭腦,敢于打破傳統(tǒng)的學習方法,適應(yīng)新的、可行的學習手段,從而提高自身的學習效率。需要指出的是,學習者不同,采用的策略也千差萬別,應(yīng)通過具體實踐找出適合自己特點的方法。 <
40、;/p><p> 四、參考文獻(根據(jù)文中參閱和引用的先后次序按序編排)</p><p> [1] Desimone,R.(1992,Octorber 9).The psychology of memory:Recordings of things past.Science.</p><p> [2] Alan Baddley.(1997).Human memory
41、:theory and practice.New York:Allyn Bacon A Viacom Company.</p><p> [3] Atkinson,R.C.(1975).Mnemotechnics in second language learning.American Psychologists,30.</p><p> [4] Yates FA,(1966).The
42、 art of memory.Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.</p><p> Fontana.Psychology for teachers[M].北京:北京大學出版社,2000.</p><p> [5] Peter Skehan.A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning[M].上海:上海外
43、語教育出版社,1998.4.</p><p> [6]艾賓浩斯.記憶,科學出版社.1965.</p><p> [7]劉向紅.英語詞匯學習策略綜述[J].基礎(chǔ)教育外語教學研究,2005.</p><p> [8]楊治良、郭力平、王沛、陳寧.記憶心理學,華東師范大學出版社,1999.</p><p> [9]王更生、汪安圣,認知心理學[
44、M].北京:北京大學出版社,1992</p><p> [10]朱純.外語教學心理學,上海外語教育出版社.2000.</p><p> [11]朱瀅、王宏斌、范津、周愛保. 加工水平、回想策略與不自覺記憶,《心理學報》,第三期.1991.</p><p> [12]桂詩春.記憶與語言學習,《外語界》,第一期.2003.</p><p>
45、<b> ?。?0_ _屆)</b></p><p><b> 本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計</b></p><p><b> 英語</b></p><p> 英語詞匯學習策略分析</p><p> Analysis of English Vocabulary Learning Str
46、ategies</p><p><b> 摘要</b></p><p> 英語詞匯在語言運用中有非常重要的作用。對于把英語作為第二語言或外語的英語學習者來說,詞匯往往是英語學習的難點。然而掌握大量詞匯對英語的聽,說,讀,寫,有很大的影響,并且是理解和表達思想的重要前提。因此,學好英語首先要克服生詞障礙,準確理解詞匯意義,提高語言應(yīng)用能力。然而許多英語學習者詞匯量有
47、限,英語的綜合能力無從提高。本篇論文主要闡述英語詞匯學習,然后提出了幾個切實可行的詞匯記憶策略,就其包含的內(nèi)容作了詳細的分析,并對一些國外認為高效并且常用的策略在中國使用率低的現(xiàn)象進行分析。</p><p> 關(guān)鍵詞:詞匯學習;策略;記憶 </p><p><b> Abstract</b></p><p> English vocabu
48、lary is an especially important consideration in the application of language. For learners of English as a second or foreign language, the major difficulty for them is vocabulary learning. The quantity of mastered vocabu
49、lary has a great influence on learners' skills of English listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Mastering vocabulary is the precondition of understanding and expressing ideas. Therefore, the author thinks the fi
50、rst thing for mastering English is overcoming the </p><p> Key words: vocabulary; learning strategies; memory</p><p><b> Contents</b></p><p> AbstractXIII</p>
51、<p> 1Introduction2</p><p> 1.1The Problems in Second Language Learning2</p><p> 1.2Significance of Vocabulary Learning Strategies3</p><p> 2Vocabulary Learning Str
52、ategies4</p><p> 2.1Definitions of Vocabulary Learning Strategies4</p><p> 2.1.1What is strategy?4</p><p> 2.1.2Vocabulary Learning Strategies4</p><p> 2.2Clas
53、sifications of Vocabulary Learning Strategies5</p><p> 2.2.1Classifications and Definitions of Language Learning Strategies5</p><p> 2.2.2Classifications and Definitions of Vocabulary Learni
54、ng Strategies6</p><p> 2.3Analysis of Vocabulary Learning Strategies9</p><p> 2.3.1The Reasons of Forgettery9</p><p> 2.3.2Memory9</p><p> 2.3.3Depth of Process
55、ing Theory11</p><p> 3Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Chinese EFL Students12</p><p> 3.1General Memorization Strategies12</p><p> 3.2Keyword Strategy13</p><
56、;p> 3.3The Management in Vocabulary Learning14</p><p> 4Conclusion14</p><p> Bibliography16</p><p> Appendix17</p><p> Acknowledgements20</p><p
57、> Introduction</p><p> The Problems in Second Language Learning</p><p> Grammar and vocabulary are usually the biggest problems in the second language learning. Without grammar we don’t kn
58、ow how to express, but without vocabulary we even don’t know what to express. Just as the famous English linguist D.A. Wilkins (1972) states, "Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing
59、can be conveyed” (Wilkins, 1972: 9-10). Thus we know vocabulary is the basic unit in constituting a language, and vocabulary learning is the core of English learning. </p><p> It is the experience of most l
60、anguage teachers that the single, biggest component of any language course is vocabulary. No matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of second language are mastered, without word
61、s to express a wide range of meanings, communication in a second language just cannot happen in any meaningful way (McCarthy, 1990:23-24).</p><p> Laufer (1986) also tells us "no text comprehension is
62、possible, either in one's native language or in a foreign language, without understanding the text's vocabulary" (Laufer, 1986: 24). Krashen and Terrell (1983) also clearly indicate that "vocabulary is
63、of prime concern in second language settings because it plays a dominant role in classroom success"</p><p> In brief, vocabulary is the main body of language expressing, which plays a vital part in all
64、 aspects of language learning including speaking, listening, reading, writing and translation. It is recognized that the mastery of vocabulary is a requisite component of learning a second language. So learners must deve
65、lop large vocabularies in order to become proficient in learning a second language.</p><p> As we know vocabulary is so important in language learning, however, for most English learners, vocabulary is the
66、greatest barrier. The troubles that vocabulary brings to the language learners urge scholars to seek the law of language learning. And the importance of vocabulary learning require learners to obey the law of the second
67、language learning, they should master and use different vocabulary learning strategies in a flexible way to improve their learning efficiency.</p><p> Significance of Vocabulary Learning Strategies</p>
68、;<p> As vocabulary plays a fundamental role in successful second language learning, it is no doubt that great importance should be attached to it. Nevertheless, for most Chinese students, English vocabulary has
69、been their top concern as well as their big headache. In many cases, they spend a lot of time learning vocabulary, yet the result is not satisfactory, especially when they face a much larger vocabulary than those in high
70、 school. Thus, in order to help them improve their vocabulary learning eff</p><p> Research emphasis in the field of second language acquisition since 1970s, and second language learning has tended to shift
71、 from teachers' teaching to students' learning, and increasing numbers of studies have been undertaken from the students' perspective. Both linguists and researchers are becoming more and more interested in t
72、he study of the learning process (which means how students learn) than the learning product (which means what students learn). “The study of learning strategies and the </p><p> Research into language learn
73、ing strategies began in the 1970s. In 1975, Rubin published her article: "What the Good Language Learners Can Teach Us", and summarized seven language strategies employed by the good language learners. She held
74、 that once identified, such strategies could be made available to less successful learners. (Rubin.1975:16) </p><p> Some other scholars in foreign countries (Cohen & Aphek.1981; Oxford.1990; Omalley&am
75、p;Chamot.1990; Ellis.1994, etc.) and some Chinese scholars (Wu Yian & Liu Runqing, 1993; Wen Qiufang, 1996; Li Jiongying, 2002, etc.) have also studied strategies used by language learners during the process of forei
76、gn language learning. </p><p> Vocabulary Learning Strategies</p><p> Research into learning strategies has been done from different aspects. The following will introduce the background of voc
77、abulary learning strategies, definitions of vocabulary learning strategies, and classifications of vocabulary learning strategies.</p><p> Definitions of Vocabulary Learning Strategies</p><p>
78、 What is strategy?</p><p> The word "strategy" originates from the ancient Greek term "strategia", which means “generalship” or “the art of war” and it involves the optimal management of
79、 troops, ships, or aircraft in a planned campaign. Later the specific implication of the term is to mean “a plan, step or action toward achievement of an objective.” It is explained as “a planned series of actions for ac
80、hieving something; skillful planning in general” in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary. When the concept of strategy is i</p><p> Different researchers have given different definitions of language learning
81、strategies. Just as Ellis. R (1994) put it, "the concept of strategy is a fussy one." He listed five definitions of learning strategy. We can also find other opinions from Cohen (1987, 1990); Nunan (1999); Rich
82、ards and Platt & Platt (2000). They all put forward their own viewpoints.</p><p> Vocabulary Learning Strategies</p><p> In different definitions to those controversy issues on the nature
83、of learning strategies, Ellis (1994: 532) suggests, "Perhaps one of the best approaches to defining learning strategies is to try to list their main characteristics." Therefore he lists eight characteristics. A
84、nd Chinese researchers also gave their own definitions. “Learning strategy is the action taken by the learners to solve the learning problem effectively.”(Wen Qiufang 1996:17) It suggests learning strategy is a conscious
85、 ac</p><p> Considering the different definitions of language learning strategies and the comments on them, vocabulary learning strategies may be defined as: Vocabulary learning strategies are general appro
86、aches, specific behaviors, techniques, or thoughts that students consciously use to directly or indirectly facilitate their vocabulary learning.</p><p> Classifications of Vocabulary Learning Strategies<
87、/p><p> Vocabulary learning strategies is a very important part of language learning strategies, and it inherited the classifications of language learning strategies. To start with, the author will generally i
88、ntroduced the language learning strategies and then focus on the classifications and comment of vocabulary learning strategies. </p><p> Classifications and Definitions of Language Learning Strategies</p
89、><p> In this part four classifications will be mentioned, they are Naiman's Classification, Cohen's Classification, Oxford's Classification and O'Malley and Chabot’s Classification. The classi
90、fication proposed by Oxford and O'Malley&Chabot’s are the basic views supported by the author.</p><p> Naiman's Classification and Cohen's Classification</p><p> The classifica
91、tion proposed by Naiman (1978) contains five broad categories of learning strategies and some secondary categories, which emerged largely from interviews with 34 good language learners.</p><p> Cohen (1998)
92、 classified the learning strategies into language learning strategies and language use strategies according to different objectives of strategy use. They include "identifying the material for learning, distinguishin
93、g it from other material, grouping it for easier learning, repeatedly engaging oneself in contact with the material, and remembering it with efforts" (Cohen, 1998:73-74).</p><p> Oxford's Classific
94、ation</p><p> Oxford (1990) divides language learning strategies into two main categories: direct and indirect, in terms of the relationship between the strategies and the learning material. Within the dire
95、ct category, the three subcategories---memory, cognitive and compensation strategies---"directly involve the target language", "require mental processing of the language" (Oxford,1990: 45-46) and are
96、used to develop the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. The indirect category can be classif</p><p> In Oxford's system, memory strategies are those used for storage of information. Cogn
97、itive strategies are the mental strategies learners use to make sense of their learning. Compensation strategies help learners to overcome knowledge gaps to continue the communication. Metacognitive strategies help learn
98、ers to manage their learning. Affective strategies are concerned with the learner's emotional requirements such as confidence. Social strategies lead to increased interaction with the target lang</p><p>
99、 O'Malley and Chabot’s Classification</p><p> In O'Malley and Chabot’s (1990) framework, three major types of strategies (which are metacognitive, cognitive and social/affective strategies) are dis
100、tinguished in accordance with the information processing model. </p><p> Metacognitive strategies are higher order executive skills that make use of knowledge about cognitive processes and constitute an att
101、empt to regulate language learning by means of planning for learning, monitoring one's comprehension or production, and self-evaluating the success of a learning activity. For example, different learners owned differ
102、ent cognitions on different learning strategies, that is metacognitive. Cognitive strategies are more limited to specific learning tasks and involve m</p><p> The appendix1 shows the classification in deta
103、il. In this table, almost all vocabulary learning strategies are included. They are advance organizer strategy, selective attention strategy, self-management strategy, self-monitoring strategy, repetition strategy, trans
104、lation strategy, note-taking strategy, imagery strategy, key word strategy, contextualization strategy, cooperation strategy and so on. The main strategies will be analysed and comment will be given.</p><p>
105、 Classifications and Definitions of Vocabulary Learning Strategies</p><p> In this part, the author will analyze the main vocabulary learning strategies. A number of studies on specific vocabulary learning
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- 英語詞匯學習策略分析【畢業(yè)論文】
- 英語詞匯學習策略分析【開題報告】
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