2、順序:,1、Evaluating and Approaching a Strange Animal: Children’s Trust inInformant Testimony評價并靠近一個陌生的動物:兒童對提供信息者陳詞的信任(徐景)2、Can Rachman’s indirect pathways be used to unlearn fear? A prospective paradigm to test whether
3、 children’s fears can be reduced using positive information and modelling a non-anxious response拉赫曼間接途徑可以克服恐懼么?一個具有前瞻性的范式,通過積極消息和非焦慮性反應的建模是否可以降低兒童的恐懼感(楊波),匯報順序:,3、 Young Children’s Trust in Thei
4、r Mother’s Claims: Longitudinal Links WithAttachment Security in Infancy 兒童對于母親言辭的信任:與在嬰兒期的依戀安全型相關的縱向研究 (耿銀鳳)4、The Development of Distrust 兒童不信任的發(fā)展(王麗),Evaluating and Approach
5、ing a Strange Animal: Children’s Trust in Informant Testimony,Child Development( 2014) IF:4.235,評價并靠近一個陌生的動物:兒童對提供信息者陳詞的信任,報告人:徐景2015-6-9,摘要,This study examined 3- to 7-year-old children’s reliance on informant testimon
6、y to learn about a novel animal. Sixty participants were given positive or negative information about an Australian marsupial from an informant described as a maternal figure or a zookeeper. Children were asked which inf
7、ormant was correct and were invited to touch the animal, which was a stuffed toy hidden in a crate. Overall, younger children endorsed the zookeeper’s testimony about the animal, but touched the animal more readily when
8、the maternal figure provided positive information. Older children endorsed the informant who provided positive information, but showed some sensitivity to zookeeper expertise. Age differences were obtained in the associa
9、tion between participant characteristics and informant selection and animal approach behavior.,摘要,本研究檢驗了3~7歲兒童在學習一種新奇的動物時對信息提供者陳詞的信任。60名被試接受來自被描述為母親形象和動物管理員的女性的對于澳大利亞一種袋鼠類動物的積極或消極的信息,問孩子哪個信息提供者是正確的,并邀請他們觸摸藏在籠子里的動物(其實是個填充
10、玩具)??傊挲g更小的孩子支持動物管理員對于動物的描述,但當母親形象的人提供了積極信息時,他們更樂意觸摸動物,年齡更大的孩子支持提供了積極信息的人,但對動物管理員的專業(yè)性表示出更多的敏感性。在被試特征、對信息提供者的選擇和對動物的趨向行為的交互中發(fā)現了年齡差異。,BACKGROUD,Children display selective trust in others as sources of information about th
11、e world.作為了解世界的信息來源,兒童對別人表現出了選擇性信任。With age, there is increased sensitivity to subtle differences in informant accuracy.隨著年齡增長,對提供消息的人的正確性的細微差別變得更敏感。children’s perceptions of animals are influenced by experience (Fie
12、ld & Storksen-Coulson, 2007), observation (e.g., Broeren, Lester, Muris, & Field, 2011), and verbal transmission of information (Field & Lawson, 2003).兒童對動物的感知受經驗,觀察和口頭信息傳輸的影響。,BACKGROUD,Sensitivity to Varia
13、tion in Expertise 對于專業(yè)性變化的敏感性Valence Effects in Social Cognition 社會認知中的效價效應Previous research has examined effects of valence, parental transmission of information and experimenter transmission of information on childre
14、n’s animal perceptions.先前的研究已經考察了效價效應,父母傳遞信息和實驗人員傳遞信息對兒童感知動物的影響。,Present Research,The primary question of interest, addressed in Experiment 1A, was whether children endorsed information from the zookeeper or the materna
15、l figure and whether endorsement was influenced by valence.首先在實驗1A中探討兒童是否支持來自動物園管理員或母親形象的人的信息,這種支持是否受(情緒)效價的影響。Afterward, participants were invited to pet the “animal” which was a stuffed toy concealed in a crate.然后,邀
16、請被試撫摸這個“動物”(其實是個放在箱子里的玩具)。,Finally, we conducted Experiment 1B to determine whether a comparison group of children trusted each informant at a baseline level, in the absence of competing testimony.最后,做實驗1B,探討一個對照組是否相信每個
17、信息提供者(作為基線水平),沒有矛盾信息。we expected participants to endorse the zookeeper’s claims to a greater extent than those of the maternal figure.預期被試更大程度上會支持動物園管理員的證據。We also predicted that children would be more likely to endor
18、se positive information about the animal with age, irrespective of informant type.同樣預期被試隨年齡增長更可能支持積極信息。,Experiment 1A,MOTHOD1.Participants.Participants were recruited via a laboratory database in a midsized North Amer
19、ican city.被試的招募是通過美國北部一個中等大小城市的實驗室數據庫。 66 participants,data from six children were unusable due to experimenter error or child noncompliance.66名被試,由于實驗人員失誤或被試不合作剔除6人。 final sample:30 3- to 5-year-olds and 30 6- to 7.
20、5-year-olds.,2.Design and procedureFirst, children were shown a photograph of the cuscus or quoll. The experimenter confirmed that children had not heard of the animal and provided them with basic information.給被試展示兩種袋鼠
21、的圖片,主試要確定被試從來沒有聽過這種動物并提供動物的基本信息。The experimenter then showed the child the images of the informants, a maternal figure and a zookeeper, paired with brief introductions of each person.然后主試向被試展示信息提供者的圖片,母親形象和動物管理員,分別配有簡短
22、的介紹。,(a) cuscus marsupial(袋貂袋),(b) quoll marsupial.(袋鼬袋),(a) maternal figure,(b) zookeeper,The maternal informant,“just like your mom with two kids just your age, who knows a lot about being a mom, just like you mom does
23、.”,The zookeeper,“works with many different kinds of animals, who knows a lot about animals that we don’t know about.”,Based on condition assignment, participants received positive information from one informant and nega
24、tive information from the other informant.被試接受來自一位信息提供者的積極信息和另一位提供者的消極信息。,negative,small and cuddly. . . love playing with childrenand the other animals,“dirty and smelly. . . hunt other creatures”,Half of the participa
25、nts were assigned randomly to receive positive information from the maternal figure and negative information from the zookeeper.一半被試被隨機分配接受母親形象(積極信息),管理員(消極信息)。另一半反之。Within each group, half of the participants were tol
26、d about a “cuscus,” whereas the remaining half were told about a “quoll.”有一半被試接受的是袋貂袋的信息,另一半是袋鼬袋的信息。,Afterward, participants were asked “Who do you think is right about the animal?” which was the main dependent measure.
27、 測量主要的因變量。a follow-up “degree of correctness” question was asked “How right do you think [selected informant] is?” To determine whether children credited the other informant with some knowledge, children were asked thi
28、s same question about the nonselected informant.判斷被試相信他們所選的信息提供者是正確的程度,為了判斷被試對另一個信息提供者是否信任,對于沒選的那個信息源,主試也問了被試這個問題。,For both questions, participants were given forced-choice options along a visual scale: not a whole lot
29、(1 star), some (2 stars), and a lot (3 stars).被試必須對這兩個問題做出選擇:一點也不(1顆星),有些(2顆星),非常(3顆星)。Children then underwent a behavioral measurement of fear via the BAT(Behavioral Approach Task).通過BAT對被試的恐懼進行行為測量。,The experimenter
30、 placed the animal crate in front of the child. 主試將一個裝著動物的箱子放在被試面前,告訴被試去撫摸動物。 After placing the box in front of the child, a timer was started to determine children’s reaction time if they chose to touch it.The timer w
31、as stopped once the child’s hand was submerged in the box. 把箱子放在兒童面前之后,計時器開始計時,一旦兒童的手淹沒在箱子里,計時停止。While participants were tested, parents filled out the CBQ(Child Behavior Questionnaire–Short Form).在測驗被試的同時,父母填寫CBQ問卷。,
32、Results and Discussion,1.Choice of maternal figure or zookeeper as correct.With increasing age, participants were significantly less likely to choose the zookeeper as correct (b = 1.15, Wald = 5.37, p = .02). There was
33、no significant effect of positive informant, (b = 0.912, Wald = 1.3 p = .253), but there was a significant Age * Positive Informant interaction (b = 2.31, Wald = 7.81p = .005; see Figure 3).隨著年齡增長,被試選擇管理員的顯著減少,積極信息提供者沒有
34、顯著效應,但年齡和積極信息提供者有顯著的交互作用。,Figure 3. Proportion of participants who selected the zookeeper as correct by age group and valence of testimony.,2.Degree of correctness ratings for the zookeeper and maternal figure.A 2(age:
35、3- to 5-year-olds vs. 6- to 7.5-year-olds) * 2 (positive informant: zookeeper vs. maternal figure;) * 2 (question: zookeeper vs. maternal figure) mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a significant three-way intera
36、ction between all variables.2*2*2的混合方差分析表明在所有變量之間都有一個顯著的交互作用。3.Comparison of degree of correctness ratings.When the zookeeper provided negative information and the maternal figure provided positive information, there
37、was no significant difference in correctness ratings for the zookeeper (M = 1.0) as compared to the maternal figure (M = 1.33) by the older children, younger children were significantly more likely to choose the zookeepe
38、r as more correct.,管理員(消極),母親形象(積極),年長兒童對兩者正確性的評價沒有顯著差異。而年幼兒童更愿意選擇管理員作為正確的信息源。When the maternal figure provided negative information and the zookeeper provided positive information, older children chose the zookeeper as
39、 more correct (M = 1.87) than the maternal figure. There was no significant difference in correctness ratings for the zookeeper (M = 1.26) as compared to the maternal figure (M = 0.67) by younger children.管理員(積極),母親形象(消
40、極),年長兒童更愿意選擇管理員。年幼兒童對兩者正確性的評價沒有差異。,4.Behavioral approach.Of 60 children in Experiment 1A, sixteen 3- to 5-year-olds and nineteen 6- to 7.5- year-olds reached into the crate. The only significant effect was an Age * Posi
41、tive Informant interaction.16個3~5歲兒童和19個6~7.5歲兒童伸進箱子里。只有年齡和積極消息提供者的交互作用顯著。Fisher’s least significant difference tests indicated that younger children submerged their hands significantly more quickly when the maternal f
42、igure provided positive information (M = 0.82, SE = .05) than when the zookeeper provided positive information (M = 1.06, SE = .11).母親形象(積極)時,年幼兒童更快伸進箱子。,5.Relation between CBQ and task performance3- to 5-year-olds:mar
43、ginal positive correlation(邊緣正相關):smiling andlaughter and selection of the positive informant(reaching into the crate)(微笑、大笑和積極信息來源的選擇和伸進箱子)6- to 7.5-year-olds:positive correlation(正相關):1)inhibitory control and zooke
44、eper selection抑制控制和選擇管理員2)selection of the positive informant and reaching into the crate 積極信息的選擇和伸進箱子。,Experiment 1B,METHOD1.Participants:32 participants,16個3- to 5-year-olds,16 個6- to 7.5-year-olds.2.Design and pr
45、ocedure:participants were exposed to the testimony of only one informant.被試只接受來自一個信息提供者的證據。Half of the participants were given information from the maternal figure and the remaining participants were given information
46、 from the zookeeper。一半母親形象,一半管理員。,For each informant, half of the participants were given positive information and the remaining participants were given negative information about the animal. Participants were asked whe
47、ther the informant was correct about the animal.對于每個信息提供者,給一半被試傳遞積極信息,另一半傳遞消極信息。問被試消息提供者給出的信息是否正確。Results and DiscussionAll participants accepted the informant testimon as correct with the exception of one 6-year-old
48、in the maternal figure positive condition, who reported that she was incorrect.所有被試都接受了信息提供者的證據作為正確信息,只有一個6歲的孩子認為母親形象提供的積極信息是錯誤的。,General Discussion,In 1B,almost all participants accepted the information as correct irre
49、spective of valence, indicating that both informants were considered credible individually. This is unsurprising given that most claims encountered by children are likely to be correct.在實驗1B中,幾乎所有被試將信息接受為正確信息,表明兩種信息源都被認
50、為是可信的,這并不意外,因為兒童遇到的大多數信息都會被接受為正確信息。When conflicting testimony was presented, there were striking age differences in verbal endorsements。當呈現矛盾信息時,在言語支持上有顯著差異。,Overall, younger children endorsed the zookeeper’s statement
51、 about the animal ,negative testimony from the zookeeper was especially influential,for these children, the combination of expertise and negative testimony was potent總的來說,年幼兒童支持管理員對動物的陳述,來自管理員的消極信息格外有影響力。對于這些兒童,專業(yè)性和消極信息
52、的結合比較強。Older children were influenced to a greater extent by valence。年長兒童在更大的程度上受到效價的影響。,Strong appreciation of expertise,combined with salient negative information about the animal, may have resulted in heightened att
53、ention to personal safety in this circumstance.對專家的高度信任以及對于動物的顯著的消極信息可能會導致在這種情境中提高對個人安全的注意。(兒童早期)Preference for Positive Information in Middle Childhood:one possible explanation of the positive endorsements is that old
54、er children’s exposure to animals is largely positive. These children are also likely to have received formal education about the importance of positive attitudes toward wildlife.兒童中期對積極信息的偏愛,有可能是因為年長兒童跟動物的接觸大部分是積極的,也可能
55、是他們接受了對野生動物持積極態(tài)度的重要性。,Limitations We assessed children’s endorsement of testimony from maternal figures rather than their own mothers and this likely dampened the potential impact of an actual mother–child relationship
56、on acceptance of testimony.評估了對來自母親形象而不是自己的母親的證據的支持,這可能會抑制真實親子關系的潛在影響。An additional methodological limitation warrants discussion. In our descriptions of informant claims, only the positive and negative testimonies wer
57、e in complete conflict. 另一個是方法上的局限。在我們的證據的描述中,只有積極和消極完全矛盾。,Because this was not the case for other informant claims (e.g., with respect to physical descriptions of animals), it is possible that children found it difficu
58、lt to select one informant as correct or that they were attuned to irrelevant information.因為這并非是其他證據(如動物的外形描述),有可能兒童發(fā)現較難選擇一個作為正確的,或者他們面對的是無關信息。,思考:研究發(fā)現年幼兒童更傾向于來自專家(管理員)的意見,尤其當管理員給出消極信息時影響更為明顯,但年幼兒童年紀太?。?~5歲),他們真的能分辨信息的
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