學術論文寫作 3_第1頁
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1、要點:,一. 論文定義二. 論文作用三. 論文分類四. 論文特點五. 如何論文寫作六. 存在問題,一、論文的定義: 論文是學術論文的簡稱.學術論文是指用來進行科學研究和描述科學研究成果的文章.,二、論文作用:1可以記錄新的科研成果,本身就是學術研究的有效手段. 2促進學術交流,成果推廣和科技發(fā)展. 3促進科研的深化. 4是考核作者知識,科研水平的重要載體之一,三、論文分類:按功能分: 研究論文

2、 考核論文 考核論文: 課程論文 學年論文 畢業(yè)論文 學位論文 學位論文 : 學士學位論文 碩士學位論文 博士學位論文,,學士學位論文 :要求有一定心得. (5000-12000字左右) 碩士學位論文 :要求有新見解,反映出作者有獨立從事科研的能力. (

3、4-5萬字) 博士學位論文 :要求在科學或?qū)iT技術上做出創(chuàng)造性成果,能從論文的寫作中反映出作者有淵博的理論知識和相當熟練的科研能力. (10萬字 ),四、論文特點⑴ 獨創(chuàng)性:學術論文不同于教科書,甚至不同于某些學術專著(知識的傳播和普及常規(guī)性的知識講解). ⑵ 科學性:揭示事物發(fā)展的客觀規(guī)律,從客觀實際出發(fā),具有現(xiàn)實意義,事實,事物,事件真實客觀,不帶個人偏見,不主觀臆斷,以最充分,確實有力的加論據(jù)作為立論依據(jù),論證嚴謹而充分

4、,富有邏輯效果,深層的專業(yè)理論知識.,⑶ 創(chuàng)新性: a對研究對象經(jīng)過周密觀察,調(diào)查,分析研究,從中發(fā)現(xiàn)別人過去沒發(fā)現(xiàn)過或沒分析過的問題 b在綜合別人認識基礎上進行創(chuàng)新,包括:選題新,方法新,資料新 ⑷學術性(理論性):即遵循客觀規(guī)律,講究科學真實性. ⑸ 可讀性(文科論文),忌玩弄辭藻.,五、如何論文寫作1 擬定范圍(outlining the scope)如果從正式撰寫論文算起,那么擬定范圍可以算是第一步。俗話說得好,

5、萬事開頭難。范圍擬定好以后,就像在茫茫大海上航行的船只有了指南針。接下來的工作都可以圍繞這個中心而展開。一般說來,范圍的擬定應該體現(xiàn)”所學、所能、所好”。這是一些很重要的準則。,所學(what has been studied) 這是一條根本的準則。畢業(yè)論文是對大學四年所學知識的綜合檢閱。語言學習的五種主要技能“聽”、“說”、“讀”、“寫”、“譯”都能在論文的撰寫和答辯過程中得到很好的體現(xiàn),尤其是層次較高的兩種技能“寫” 和 “

6、譯” 體現(xiàn)得更為明晰。許多審慎的用人單位在招聘畢業(yè)生時,對學生四年的學習成績并不十分注重,認為那并不能完全體現(xiàn)學生的水平,而是要抽看學生的畢業(yè)論文,認為這才是真正的試金石。根據(jù)師范院校開設的課程,英語專業(yè)學生論文選題的范圍大體分為五類:語言、文學和翻譯和教學與特殊用途英語(ESP)如:商務英語、科技英語等特殊用途英語。,所能(what can be achieved)每個學生的接受能力及興趣不盡相同,因而對于同一個老師教的東西,并不

7、一定都能轉(zhuǎn)化為自己的“所能”。畢業(yè)論文是一項頗為繁重的任務,因而選題一定要是自己“所能”才有可能較為出色地完成任務。“所能”有多方面的含義,一是題目不可選得太大,以至于自己無法駕馭;二是題目不宜太難。如有的同學聽人講過一點話語分析方面的知識,覺得有意思,畢業(yè)論文竟定下題來:話語分析——翻譯活動的終級境界。由于對話語分析的含義不甚理解,因此寫出來的東西不知所云也就不足為怪了。,所好(what one is interested in)有


9、目的擬定是一個非常重要的環(huán)節(jié),它就像一根指揮棒一樣,因為所有的內(nèi)容都圍繞題目鋪陳開來。題目一經(jīng)擬定,一般不要輕易更改,否則就會前功盡棄。題目的擬定應體現(xiàn)“四寧”原則,即:寧專勿泛,寧小勿大,寧新勿陳,寧深勿淺。下面分別闡述。寧專勿泛(special rather than general)本科畢業(yè)論文,一般要求五千字左右。這一字數(shù)要求注定要把問題論述得比較透徹且不能把網(wǎng)撒得太寬。四面開花只能是廣種薄收。因此,論文的選題切忌空泛,務求

10、有所專攻。比如有的同學一開始將題目定為“怎樣學好英語”。這是一個非常大的題目,寫起來不愁無話可說。但問題是英語學習涉及教與學兩個方面,更具體地說,它包括語法、詞匯,以及聽、說、讀、寫、譯等諸多環(huán)節(jié)。如果對每個環(huán)節(jié)蜻蜓點水般地有所觸及,其內(nèi)容要么是浮皮潦草,要么是老調(diào)重彈。寧小勿大(concentrated rather than common)在擬定論文題目時,要牢記“寧小勿大”和“小題大做”的原則。越是那些小得不起眼的問題,研究的

11、人越少,越容易做出大文章。如有人竟以before的用法作了一篇博士論文。而且小問題相對來說更容易駕馭一些,收集資料也更有的放矢,在學術上也更容易突破。相反,大題目一是難以駕馭,二是內(nèi)容往往空洞乏味,很難體現(xiàn)自身的學術價值。,寧新勿陳(novel rather than archaic) 人類社會本身呈現(xiàn)出一種加速度的發(fā)展趨勢,學術研究也概莫能外。所以,選題要力求富有新意,不能總是老調(diào)重彈,重復他人。而且想做到這一點,就必須經(jīng)常翻

12、閱一些近期的論著和期刊,了解最新的學術動態(tài)。寧深勿淺(penetrating rather than skimming)“寧深勿淺”,是論文寫作的基本要求。一篇論文,如果沒有深度,則失去了論文的意義。如前所述,論文是一個人綜合能力的反映,應該充分表現(xiàn)和發(fā)揮自己的水平。當然,深度往往是和難度結合在一起的。難度具體體現(xiàn)在論文是否有所專攻,選題內(nèi)容是否新穎。深度是衡量一篇論文質(zhì)量的最重要依據(jù)。要使論文寫出深度,必須對該論題有所專攻,那種本

13、來對論題就一知半解,只希望在論文寫作時“突然發(fā)力”,畢其功于一役的想法是十分天真可笑的。,3收集資料(collecting materials)一般來說,要把握好相關的論文資料,最好從外語學刊中去找。如找有關語言學方面的文章,可以從《外語教學與研究》、《外國語》、《現(xiàn)代外語》、《當代語言學》、《外語教學》、《外語學刊》、《外語與外語教學》、《外語研究》、《解放軍外語學院學報》、《四川外語學院學報》、《外國語言文學》、《天津外國語學院學


15、df閱讀器Caj 閱讀器,4 擬定提綱(setting the out line)許多同學在定好了題目,材料也收集得差不多之后,便開始直接撰寫論文了。雖然老師也多次強調(diào)要先擬好提綱,然后才能正式撰寫,但有些同學不愿意這么做,他們認為在這方面花太大力氣是浪費時間。這是一種非常錯誤的觀念。俗語說:磨刀不誤砍柴功。擬定提綱就是“磨刀”。一個好的提綱會使論文寫得如行云流水,酣暢淋漓,即通常所說的“綱舉目張”。一般說來,論文寫作須經(jīng)過定題——

16、構思——收集材料——擬定提綱——寫出初稿——修改定稿等階段。而其中的擬定提綱工作又有著不可替代的作用。在動手寫作之前應該考慮一下:怎樣開頭,怎樣結尾,想說明什么問題,得出什么結論,用哪些事實和理論來證明這個結論。這些都應事先構思好,做到成竹在胸,落筆不慌。寫論文要問自己:論文提出了什么問題 論文提供了什么新鮮的材料 論文所提出的問題,在文中有沒有完滿解決 論文的意義何在 論文中的基本概念是否清楚,別人閱讀時會產(chǎn)生誤讀嗎在

17、確定題目之后,就可以對論文本身進行構思并收集材料,這時應盡量把能夠想到的與主題有關的材料寫下來,通過反復琢磨,選擇主要的和突出的素材加以歸納,形成初步提綱。這份提綱在寫初稿時還做增刪修改,直到滿意為止。寫提綱的好處主要有以下四點:一、可以擴大思路;二、可以按次序安排好素材;三、確定將論文分為幾部分;四、明確各部分的主要內(nèi)容。,5. 畢業(yè)論文的寫作5.1 論文的組成部分一般說來,一篇正式的論文——尤其是學位論文或畢業(yè)論文——通常由以下

18、幾個部分組成:標題(title)作者署名(name of the author)目錄(table of contents)摘要(an abstract in English and another one in Chinese)關鍵詞(key words) (國外論文一般不作要求)正文(text)參考文獻(bibliography)致謝(acknowledgments)正文則包括緒論(introduction,也稱導



21、要則只有二三十個詞。畢業(yè)論文的摘要一般在100個詞左右。當然,長與短是相對而言的。,Abstract:Translation is not only a linguistic transference, but also an intercultural communication. For quite a long time, translation studies have been concentrated on the pre

22、scription translation methods, with scant attention paid to the description of macro-culture factors involved in the translating. In this paper, the writer contends that the study of the macro-cultural factors will surel

23、y enlarge the scope of and enrich the content of the translation studies. The paper is largely a rudimentary step, both in theory and in practice, to expose some of the factors influencing Mr. Fu’s translation of Gone wi

24、th the Wind, with a historic and descriptive approach employed.,Abstract:Text cohesion is one of the important issues in discourse analysis. And this paper is to make a comparison of the cohesive functions of antonyms b

25、etween English and Chinese, and then discusses the enlightening suggestions on English-Chinese translation.,Sentence Patterns:(1) This paper (article, thesis) presents (shows, provides, addresses, expresses)… 本文提出……(2)

26、 This paper (article) holds (deems)… 本文認為……(3) This paper (article) discusses(studies, concerns, deals with, tells of)… 本文討論(研究)……(4) This paper (article) introduces (reports, explains, analyses, emphasizes, summarizes

27、) … 本文介紹(報告,解釋,分析,強調(diào),總結)……(5) This paper (article) argues (demonstrates)… 本文論述(論證)……(6) This paper (article) explores (probes into)… 本文討論……(7) This paper (article) elaborates on (expounds)…本文闡述(闡明)……,(8) This paper in

28、cludes (covers, touches on)… 本文包括(涉及)……(9) This paper aims to (aims at)… 本文旨在……(10) This paper focuses on …本文集中研究……(11) This paper tries (attempts) to / makes an attempt to… 本文試圖……(12) This paper makes a comparison o

29、f (makes a tentative study, makes a brief introduction to)… 本文對……作了比較(作了嘗試性研究,作了簡介)(13) This paper offers (gives) a discussion of (an overview of, an analysis of )…本文探討(綜述,分析)……(14) This paper develops the theory of …

30、本文發(fā)展了……理論(15) This paper considers (deems) it necessary (available) to…本文認為……是必要的(有用的),(16) This paper is about (related to)… 本文對……進行研究(17) This paper is a criticism of the theory of … 本文對……理論提出質(zhì)疑(批評)(18) This paper i

31、s presented as a counterargument of the paper by… 本文是對……一文的質(zhì)疑(19) This paper,on the basis of …, reveals(illustrates)… 本文在……基礎上揭示(闡明)……(20) Based on… this paper first categorizes…, and then tentatively sets out… 本文以……為出

32、發(fā)點,先對……進項分類,然后提出……(21) Centering round …this paper is intended to explore (probe into)… 本文圍繞……試圖探討……(22)…is (are), in this paper, referred to as …of which an analysis of …is made. 本文把……看作……并對其進行……分析(23) …is (are) touc

33、hed (studied) as well in this paper. 本文還論及(研究)……,(24) The purpose (objective) of this paper is to review … 本文的目的是評論……(25) The author (writer) of this paper holds (considers, deems, contends)… 本文作者認為……(26) The author (w

34、riter) tries to give an account of… 作者試圖說明……(27) In this paper, the author (writer) suggests (propose)… 作者在這篇文章里建議……(28) In this paper, we point out (emphasize, argue)… 在這篇文章里,我們指出(強調(diào))……(29) It is pointed out (deemed)

35、 … 文章指出(認為)……(30) An analysis is given about… 本文章中分析……(31) In light of…theory, discussion is made about… 本文從……的理論出發(fā),討論……,5.3論文的關鍵詞 關鍵詞,也是論文的一個組成部分。它們是論文中最重要、出現(xiàn)或隱現(xiàn)頻率最高、專業(yè)性最強、能體現(xiàn)論文主題的詞(語)。 一篇論文的關鍵詞一般為兩個到五個。各關鍵詞之間用

36、逗號隔開,以免造成誤解。例如:Key words: complementary, psycholinguistics, systemic functional linguistics如前所述,摘要是整個論文的縮影,讀者可以通過摘要看到論文的梗概。而關鍵詞則是這個縮影中的“主線條”,讀者可以從中看到論文的主題。摘要必須在論文內(nèi)容的基礎上寫成,而關鍵詞則在摘要的基礎上提煉。,Language, Culture and Translat

37、ionAbstractThe author offers a clarifying analysis of the two closely-related elements involved in translation, language and culture, with emphasis on the following points: 1) Language and culture cannot exist without

38、each other, and language not only represent elements of culture cannot exist without each other, and 2) as culture normally changes faster than language, the meaning of a word must be determined be both the syntactic con

39、texts and the cultural contexts.Key words: language, culture, translation,5.4論文的開頭 常言道,“萬事開頭難”。論文的開頭也不例外。因為它關系到論文的基調(diào),對論文內(nèi)容的表達和發(fā)揮起著至關重要的作用。好的開頭,可以使行文順理成章;不好的開頭,可以導致文思混亂。一般說來,論文的開頭涉及論文論點、目的、意義、特點,甚至論文研究范圍及情況背景等,但不一定面

40、面俱到。論文開頭,可以是一段話,也可以是幾段話;可以用小標題Introduction引出,也可以不用。例如,在一篇標題為Types of Collocation and Its Functions in Communication的論文里,作者是這樣開頭的:,Collocation in discourse is the association between lexical items that have a tendency t

41、o co-occur regularly (Halliday, 1985: 321; Halliday & Hasan, 1976: 284). The internal structure and the multi-dimensional organization in a lexical system determine the patterns of co-occurrence in discourse and thos

42、e patterns of “What goes with what” play an important role in communication.這段話的開頭簡潔明了,只有兩個句子,計48個詞,且無Introduction這樣的題頭。,另一篇題目為On Pragmatic Metaphors的論文其開頭是:IntroductionThe word metaphor is from the ancient Greek verb

43、 metapherein, which means to “carry over, transfer”. In rhetoric, metaphor is a trope, in which one thing is spoken of as if it were some other thing. In natural language, metaphor is so ubiquitous that scholars, who stu

44、dy language and cognition, have come to recognize that no understanding of language is complete without an adequate account of metaphors. These metaphors provide expression for experiences and concepts for which literal

45、language seems insufficient, thereby increasing the range of articulation possible within the language.Metaphor has been studied in many disciplines and from many perspectives since Aristotle. Generally speaking, metaph

46、or has been studied mainly at the lexical level. Since the 1980s, scholars have started to examine the phenomenon at the grammatical level, i.e. “grammatical metaphor”(Halliday, 1994).The continuation of metaphors throu

47、gh the ages and across cultures and their pervasive existence at different levels of language indicate that the metaphorical use of language is not limited to the lexical or grammatical level and is a multi-level phenome

48、non in language communication. The present paper attempts to apply recent theories of linguistics, systemic functional linguistics in particular, to the analysis of metaphorical use of language at the pragmatic level, i.

49、e. “pragmatic metaphor”.,很明顯,這篇論文的開頭比上一篇論文的開頭要長得到:三個自然段二百多個詞,且冠有 Introduction的小標題。這種開頭也不失為佳作。值得注意的是,未冠以小標題Introduction的開頭,可長可短,可以是一段,也可以是幾段。然而,冠以小標題Introduction的開頭,至少是一段,而且還不能太短,不能像前一個例子那樣:只有兩句話,48個詞。,5.5論文的結尾結尾,是論文正文的

50、一個重要組成部分。它是論文論點的總結和復述,具有高度的概括性。在結尾部分,作者還可就本題展望未來,提出建設性意見或發(fā)人深思的問題,激勵讀者。好的結尾往往會深化讀者的印象,或者起到意味無窮的效果。跟開頭一樣,結尾也沒有一種固定的模式可以套用,也是因人而異,因文而別。即使是論文所述內(nèi)容,也不一定全部統(tǒng)括其中。結尾可短可長(但不能太長)。它可以是一段,也可以是幾段。它可以冠以 Conclusion一類的小標題,也可以不用。例如,一篇題為

51、On Pragmatic Metaphor的論文,其結尾是:ConclusionWe can now well conclude that everyday language is thoroughly suffused with metaphors and that the metaphorical use of language exists at different levels of language communicati

52、on. As the scope and content of metaphors, pragmatic metaphors in particular, are ever changing, the study of metaphors always promises new horizons and fresh fields to be explored. It is my sincere hope that this paper

53、will contribute to further research on metaphors as well as to pragmatic studies of language varieties and language communication.這一段結尾四句話,93個詞,既有論點的概括、總結,又有作者的展望和希望。,此外,在作結論時,作者大都喜歡使用以下短語或句型:To summarize, it is … that

54、 …In summary…In sum, the results indicate that…It is proved that…The conclusion is that…We have argued that We can now conclude that…The writer concludes that…The author argues that…,The writer points out that…T

55、he author finds that…This paper concludes that..This article shows that…On the basis of the above discussion, we may come to the conclusion that…On the basis of the above …we know that…In this thesis, we have explor

56、ed…In this paper, we have examined…From the above, we can see that …From the study of … our stance is made clear…From…we should say that…,5.6論文的參考文獻參考文獻指作者在撰寫論文的過程中所參考過的圖書、雜志及其他文獻資料。這些參考文獻是論文論據(jù)的可靠來源,也是論文論點得以成立的堅實基礎,

57、反映出作者的研究范圍和學術事業(yè)。因此,參考文獻是論文的一個不可缺少的部分。 5.7 論文的致謝致謝是指作者在論文完成后對曾經(jīng)給予支持或幫助的單位或個人表示感謝。致謝詞可以用第一人稱(如例A),也可以用第三人稱(如例B)。,[例A] AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writ

58、ing of this thesis. A special acknowledgement should be shown to Professor X, from whose lectures I benefited greatly. I am particularly indebted to Mr./Ms. X, who gave me kind encouragement and useful instructions all t

59、hrough my writing. Finally I wish to extend my thanks to the library assistants who supplied me with reference materials of great value.[例B] AcknowledgementsThe author is indebted to Mr./Ms. X for his constructive sug

60、gestions, to Mr./ Ms. X who helped work out an outline of this paper, and kindly eliminated many of the errors in it. The author is also indebted to Miss X for permission to quote material from the past examination paper

61、s in the course of Advanced English.,在撰寫致謝詞時, 以下表達方式可作為參考:(1) I would like to acknowledge my indebtedness to…(2) I should like to acknowledge with deep gratitude the assistance and guidance given to me by…(3) I gratef

62、ully acknowledge the help of…(4) I want to acknowledge the invaluable help of Mr. X, who has been my constant in my writing this essay. If there are any errors, they are not his, but all mine.(5) I would like to thank

63、Mr. X for his suggestions on my writing the first earlier draft.(6) I would extend my sincere thanks to my tutor… (7) I would like to take this opportunity to thank…(8) I especially appreciate the guidance of…(9) I w

64、ish to express my special appreciation of Mr. X’s help…(10) I am also indebted to the following for permission to reproduce copy-right material…,(11) I have a real debt of gratitude to …(12) Likewise I am grateful to …

65、(13) Most particularly, I must thank…(14) I am in debt to …(15) My gratitude also goes to …(16) My heartfelt thanks are also due to …(17) My work also owes much to … for his encouragement and great help.(18) A real

66、 debt is owed to Mrs. X for her valuable help in my writing.(19) My grateful thanks to all of you, most of all to …(20) The author is deeply indebted to …(21) The author’s special thanks should be given to …(22)This

67、thesis would not have been possible without the support and assistance that I received from…,六、論文寫作經(jīng)常存在的問題 1標題出現(xiàn)淺論,淺談,淺說,或者題目太大又沒有副題限制,文題不切2 抄襲為了完成字數(shù),東拼西湊.不知道在研究什么以下情形之一者,將被視為抄襲行為: (1)以篇章、段落或句子為單位直接使用已有研究成果的表述而

68、不標注出處者; (2)以篇章、段落或句子為單位,在不改變主要內(nèi)容的情況下改變已有研究成果的部分表述方式而不標注出處者; (3)以間接引語的方式使用已有研究成果的觀點或方法等而不標注出處者。,3記流水賬沒有自己的材料,沒有自己的觀點,只是一般性的別人說法的羅列 文獻綜述不能像記流水帳一樣逐一介紹以往的研究,要對以往的研究做一些評論、歸納和總結。報告自己的科研成果時不能一味羅列研究發(fā)現(xiàn),必須有所分析、比較和闡釋。4文


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