1、<p><b> ?。?0_ _屆)</b></p><p><b> 本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)</b></p><p><b> 英語(yǔ)</b></p><p> 論元認(rèn)知能力在英語(yǔ)自主學(xué)習(xí)中的作用</p><p> Analysis of the role of the
2、 metacognition on the English auto-learning</p><p><b> Contents</b></p><p> Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………. 6</p><p> 1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………
3、… 8</p><p> 2 Review of Metacognitive Strategy……………………………………………… 9</p><p> 2.1 Definition of Metacognition……………………………………………………9</p><p> 2.2 Definition of Metacognitive Strategy……
4、…………………………………… 9</p><p> 2.3 Classification………………………………………………………………….. 10</p><p> 2.4 Importance of Metacognitive Strategy……………………………………… 10</p><p> 3 Language learning strategy
5、training………………………………………...... 11 </p><p> 3.1 Language learning strategy training…………………………………………12 </p><p> 3.2 Goals of strategy training……………………………………………………. 12</p><p> 4 Met
6、acognitive Strategy in English Learning…………………………………. 12</p><p> 4.1Metacognitive strategies in vocabulary learning……………………………. 12</p><p> 4.2 Metacognitive Strategy in English Reading compreh
7、ension……………… 13</p><p> 4.3 The Attitudes towards Metacognitive Strategies……………………………15</p><p> 5 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………… 16</p><p> 6 Bibliography…………………………………
8、………………………………… 18</p><p> 1 Introduction</p><p> The study has been undertaken to find out the relationships between Metacognitive strategies and English learning.Further the study explored t
9、he influence of such instructions on learning.Metacognition was first definitely advanced by the American psychologist J.H.Flavell(1976)in the 1970s.He pointed that it had usually been broadly and rather loosely defined
10、as any knowledge or cognitive activity that took as its object, or regulated any aspect of any cognitive enterprise. It was called metaco</p><p> Due to the importance of metacognitive learning strategies i
11、n English learning, the present study focused on explicit metacognitive strategy instruction and its impact on lexical knowledge improvement of the EFL technical students.It is assumed that the metacognitive strategy tra
12、ining will help to change the passive study habit of students’ long depending on their English teachers and develop the students’ independent learning abilities.</p><p> 2. Review of Metacognitive Strategy
13、</p><p> 2.1 Definition of Metacognition</p><p> Metacognition, a concept first proposed by American psychologist Flavell(1979),refers to one’s knowledge of one’s own cognitive processes and o
14、ne’s cognition in reflecting and regulating cognitive activities.It includes metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive strategies.In the field of language learning,metacognitive knowledge refers to the “information” stud
15、ents need to acquire languages,while metacognitive strategies are general “skills” students use to facilitate their learning(Wenden,1999)</p><p> 2.2 Definition of Metacognitive Strategy</p><p>
16、; According to Oxford(1990),“metacognitive strategies are indirect strategies which support language learning,and allow learners to coordinate their own learning process.”O(jiān)’Malley and Chamot (1990) define metacognitive
17、strategies as ‘‘thinking about the learning process,planning for learning,monitoring the learning task, and evaluating how well one has learned”.They are described as ‘'higher order executive skills”(O’Malley and Cha
18、mot,1990) that have an executive function.Wenden(1991,P.25)uses the</p><p> 2.3 Classification</p><p> In order to classify specific strategies into groups,Wenden (1991) identifies </p>
19、<p> three kinds of metacognitive strategies according to their functions:planning,monitoring,and evaluating.Oxford’S(1 990)classification of metacognitive strategies is a comprehensive attempt.She groups strategi
20、es into three categories and eleven sub-categories.The three main categories are centering your learning,arranging and planning your learning, and evaluating your learning(Oxford,1990,p.137).O’Malley and Chamot’s (1990)
21、framework of classification is similar to Wenden’S(1991),but extends on </p><p> 2.4 Importance of metacognitive strategy</p><p> Although there are some differences between various definition
22、s of metacognitive strategy, its importance has been supported by a number of studies.Steinberg (1986) finds out that students with greater metacognitive abilities tend to be more successful in their cognitive efforts.An
23、derson (1991) argues that teachers should explain the reasons and purposes of different strategy uses to learners in strategy training.The less successful language learners may use strategies,but they lack the metacogn&l
24、t;/p><p> 3 Language learning strategy training </p><p> 3.1 Language learning strategy training </p><p> The results of the studies on strategy description and categorization have
25、found their implications in language helping learner accelerate the language learning.If learners are to be in a position to be made aware of different strategies that can help them in the process of learning,they should
26、 be familiar with the strategies that are available.</p><p> Chamot&O‘Malley (1994) suggest that learning strategy instruction may help learners in three ways: Firstly, learning strategies instruction can h
27、elp students to become better learners, secondly’skill in using learning strategies assists them in becoming independent and confident learners,and finally,they become more motivated as they begin to understand the relat
28、ionship between their use of strategies and success in learning languages.</p><p> Cohen (1 998) emphasized that strategy training , teaching students how to apply language learning and language use strateg
29、ies,is expected to enhance students’efforts to reach 1anguage program goals.</p><p> Researches indicate that teaching learning Strategy to students are useful.And many reaches supports the positive effects
30、 of training on strategies in language learning performance.O’Malley and Chamot(1990),and Oxford(1990)found that strategies in classroom instruction are fundamental to successful learning.And they also find teachers who
31、use strategy training often become enthusiastic about their roles as facilitators of classroom learning and they are more aware of their students.Cottrell(1 99</p><p> 3.2 Goals of strategy training</p&g
32、t;<p> The general goal of strategy training is to teach students how, when and why strategies can be used to facilitate their efforts at learning a foreign language.By explicitly teaching students how to develop
33、 their own individualized strategy systems,</p><p> strategy training is intended to help students explore ways that they can learn the target language more effectively,as well as to encourage students to s
34、elf-evaluate and self-direct their learning.The first step in this process is to help learners recognize which strategies they always use,and then to develop a wide range of strategies,so that they can select appropriate
35、 effective strategies within the context of particular 1anguage tasks.Ellis and Sinclair(1989:2)describe this aim as one of pr</p><p> 4 Metacognitive strategies in English Learning</p><p> Th
36、e important role of Metacognitive strategy on language learning is becoming more and more popular attention.</p><p> 4.1 Metacognitive strategies in vocabulary learning</p><p> With regard to
37、vocabulary learning,research shows that for most adult learners direct vocabulary instruction is beneficial and necessary,due to the fact that students are not able to acquire the mass of vocabulary just by meaningful re
38、ading,listening,speaking and writing.Learners can be taught explicitly how to improve their own vocabulary by teaching them appropriate vocabulary learning strategies in contrast to simply letting students learn vocabula
39、ry in their own way(Brown&Perry 1991).Ellis(1</p><p> Sanaoui(1 995) report that there are two approaches to vocabulary learning among students:a systematic approach and unsystematic approach.In systema
40、tic approach learners were more organized and independent,used extensive records of lexical items,and reviewed words more often.In un systematic approach,learners were dependent on the course,used minimal or no records o
41、f lexical items, and reviewed words little or not at all.</p><p> Cody(1 997),arguing on the importance of context in vocabulary learning</p><p> recommended the use of vocabulary 1earning str
42、ategy instruction approach to enhance 1exical acquisition:The proponents of this approach(1earning strategy instruction) also believe that context is the major source of vocabulary learning but they express some signific
43、ant reservations about how well students can deal with context on their own.As a result,There is considerable emphasis on teaching specific learning strategies to students so that they can effectively learn from context.
44、(Cody,l 997,p.</p><p> Husltijn(1997) claimed that the teaching of vocabulary learning strategies especially at the intermediate and advanced 1evel by the use of keyword strategy would bring significant res
45、ult.He added,”Modem foreign language pedagogy stresses the importance of teaching students appropriate learning and studying strategies”(1 997).Parry(1 997) carried out a study that showed how cognitive strategies had dr
46、amatic impacts on the success or failure of students in terms of their acquisition of academic wo</p><p> 4.2 Metacognitive strategies in English Reading Comprehension</p><p> The research of
47、reading cares about its nature and factors that lead to successful</p><p> reading comprehension. A common understanding of reading is the interaction of information (Grabe and Stoller,200 1).The success of
48、 such interaction depends on factors like 1earners’language proficiency, text types,and task difficulty(Alderson,2000)· Furthermore,reading is“not merely a passive process of extracting meaning from the printed page
49、”,but rather“predict and create meaning based on the text'’by using knowledge of the language(McLeod&McLaughlin,1 986,p.1 1 4).This argument is especially</p><p> (Phakiti,2003a).Brown(2001)has list
50、ed ten major strategies for reading comprehension and most of them are cognitive strategies.McEwan(2004)also summarizes seven strategies of highly effective readers,which are closely related to cognitive and metacognitiv
51、e strategies.</p><p> Flavell (1 992) believes that metacognitive strategies usually occur when a careful and highly conscious thinking is involved.With regard to four basic language skills,metacognitive st
52、rategies are especially necessary when students read or write.Another benefit of practicing metacognitive strategies is that the use of strategies promotes autonomous learning.With the implementation of new College Engli
53、sh Curriculum Requirements(2004)in Mainland China, autonomous learning has been highlighted.In t</p><p> A number of studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship of learners’ use of metacogni
54、tive strategies and their ESL/EFL reading comprehension.Early research shows that more successful learners are better at choosing and combining strategies to solve particular language tasks(Abraham and Vann,1 987).Wenden
55、(1 998) believes that learners’ conception of language learning processes can be reflected by their metacognitive knowledge and strategy use.Since learners’L2 reading is naturally</p><p> 4.3 The Attitudes
56、towards Metacognitive Strategies</p><p> Metacognitive strategies alone can not guarantee a desirable learning outcome although“it is essential to successful language leafing'’(Oxford 1990:136).Based<
57、;/p><p> on the present study as well as the previous studies, many learner factors such as motivations,learning styles,intelligence,and language aptitudes jointly act on the</p><p> learning pro
58、cess and outcomes.These factors may exert more crucial influence on certain learners at certain learning periods.After all,metacognitive strategies are indirect strategies which do not directly involve the target languag
59、e although they can support and manage language learning.Therefore,the teacher should not overemphasize the role of metacognitive strategies.Any improper emphasis on metacognitive strategies may hinder the implementation
60、 of other strategies or methods,and hence affect</p><p> “If you give a man a fish,you feed him for a day.If you teach a man to fish,you</p><p> feed him for a lifetime”.Obviously the proverb
61、shows the importance of cultivating</p><p> 1eamer autonomy.In the field of English language teaching and learning,the English</p><p> as foreign language teachers must pay more attention to t
62、heir teaching methodology</p><p> and lay stress on the learners’autonomous learning in order to guide students to learn</p><p> autonomously instead of learning in a passive way.</p>&
63、lt;p> Less successful non-English majors form a particular group in colleges and universities. They differ from the more successful learners, even from the average learners in many ways:They meet with various difficu
64、lties in their learning,but they</p><p> do not know how to cope with them effectively.They can not learn autonomously or</p><p> creatively because they depend too much on their teacher and b
65、ook knowledge.They</p><p> can not use strategies,especially metacognitive strategies in an appropriate and flexible way even though they have some use of them.Without a teacher’s help.some</p><p
66、> of them will remain depressed through their university day,and even some will leave</p><p> the university as permanent failures.An effective way to improve their study, especially their English learn
67、ing is to promote their metacognitive strategy awareness and strategy use.This will gradually arouse their interest in learning and cultivate their learning autonomy.In the end, such students can take control of their st
68、udies and make progress in English learning and in other fields as well.</p><p> 5 Conclusion</p><p> Based on the above findings and discussions of the present study,the present research make
69、s an attempt to introduce the metacognition and metacognitive strategy, which play an import role on English learning. And ,conclusions can be draw and are summarized in the following points:</p><p> 1.Meta
70、cognitive strategies are important for language learning. The use of metacognitive strategies can promote autonomous learning which is good for English learners.</p><p> 2 .Strategy training can enhance the
71、 use of metacognitive strategies,and it also can make a progress for the less successful learners.</p><p> 3. Generally,students with higher language proficiency tend to use metacognitive strategies more fr
72、equently in English reading comprehension than students with lower proficiency.Less successful language learners differ from the more successful learners,and they depend too much on their teacher and book knowledge. With
73、out a teacher’s help.Some of them will remain depressed through their university day,and even some will leave the university as permanent failures.An effective way to improve their </p><p> 4. The research
74、discuss the role of metacognitive strategies on English learning,such as vocabulary learning,English Reading Comprehension learning. The vocabulary is recognized as central to language acquisition process.It constitutes
75、 an important component in English learning.Without a great amount of vocabulary ,he cannot conduct meaningful communication with others ,no matter how well the learner master the grammar, how accurate the learner pronou
76、nces.The English reading comprehension is al</p><p> In conclusion,this thesis has further proved that learner autonomy and communicative competence can probably be improved by development of their English
77、,metacognitive strategies,self-management and that self-management makes contribution to gearing and controlling students’learning process on the whole.In view of most English learners lack of metacognitive knowledge and
78、 apply, the author hope to learners can improve metacognitive awareness and strengthen meta-cognition training. Meta-cognition </p><p> Bibliography</p><p> 1.Altman,R.(1997).Oral production o
79、f vocabulary:A case study.In J.Coady,&T.</p><p> Huckin,Second language vocabulary acquisi6ion.(pp.69-9-0.Cambridge:</p><p> Cambridge University Press.</p><p> 2.Anderson,N.
80、J.(2002a).The role of metacognition in second language teaching</p><p> and learning.ERIC Digest.Education Resources Information Center.</p><p> 3.Anderson,N.J.Individual Differences in Strate
81、gy Use in Second Language Reading and Testing[J] .Modern Language Journal,1991,(4):460-472.</p><p> 4.Alderson,J.C.Assessing Reading【M】.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000.Bachman, L.F.&Palmer, A.
82、S.Language Testing in Practice[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1 996.</p><p> 5. Carrell,P.L.Metacognitive awareness and second language reading[J].The Modern Language Journal,1989,(73):121-134.</p>
83、<p> 6. Bacon, S.1992.The Relationship between Gender, Comprehension, Processing</p><p> Strategies,and Cognitive and Affective Response in Second-Language Listening.Modern Language Journal.76:160-7
84、8.</p><p> 7.紀(jì)康麗.步}語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)中元認(rèn)知策略的培訓(xùn).外語(yǔ)界,2002,第三期.</p><p> 8.姜英杰.元認(rèn)知的理論與實(shí)證研究【M].長(zhǎng)春:東北師范大學(xué)出版社,2007.</p><p> Acknowledgements</p><p> I would like to express my sincere th
85、anks to all those who have helped me in my research process. My sincere gratitude will firstly go to my supervisor, Ms Miao Mingzhu. She has been giving me the most valuable advice and encouragement. Her rigorous attitud
86、e towards research impressed me greatly and will certainly have great influence upon my future study.</p><p> I will also express my gratitude to all my teachers in the School of Foreign Studies of Jiaxing
87、University. Their profound knowledge and gracious virtue set good examples in my life.</p><p> And last thanks are to my classmates and particularly my lovely roommates who have offered me valuable referenc
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