1、A R e a d e r- o r ie n te d A P P r o a e h to L e g a l Tr a n sla tio nA M a ster T h e siS S u b m itte d toG ra d u ateS c h o o lS o u th w estU n l v ersi tyo fP o litiealS eien cean dL awInP ar t ialF u lfillm e
2、n to fth eR e q u irem en tsfo rth eD e g re eo fM a stero f A rtsJu n e , 2 0 0 9A b str a C tL e g altran slatio n15b yn at u reaero ss一 cu ltura le o m m u n ie atio nw ith inth em e ch an ismo flaw s. IntheP ro ee ss
3、o fc o m m u n ieatio n ,there ad ero fthetarg ettex te au n o tb esim P lytreateda saP a ssiv ere eiP ien to fthein form atio n : rath er, s瓜 em u stb ea etiv e lyin v o lv e dinth eP ro e e ssa saP ar t ieiP an t. Inth
4、eP a st, theim P o rtan tro leP la y e db ytherea d ero f thetarg etleg altex t15P raetie allyign o re dd u etothen atur eo f th ele g altextsuehasauthori tati venessandsol em ni t y.A sfortr an slat i onstr ategies, i t
5、15l i ter e ltran slatio nthat15m ain lyreco mm en d edb ysch o lar sinthefi eld . H o w ev 饑over s tatem efi tofthefi del i t yt otheori ginallegaltextm i gh tw elresulti nthel egaltran slat o r , 5to om u chatta ch in
6、gim P o rtan e etoform a le q u iv a len e eo fle g altran slatio nra th erthanfun otio n a leq u iv alen ce ,an dw o rsestill,theleg ale ff e et,theco reo fthetarg ette x t, w o uldb eP rob ab lyatrisk .Tofi n do u t a
7、m o re e ff e etiv e ap P ro a ch to le g al tran slatio n , the P resen t stud y sh ift si tsfocu sfr o mt heori ginallegaltextt othereader廳 eeei vero ft hetargetl egaltext.T h er e15ana ssu m P tio nthatth eread er ’ 5
8、re sP o n see a nser v ea sanu tm o ste o n tri b utin gfacto rforth eleg a ltr an slato rtod eten n in eh is爪 ertran slatio nstr ate g ie sinthetran slatin gP ro e essan dtheim P o rt an tcr i teri atoeri ticiz etheq u
9、a lityo f leg altran slatio n .ToP rov eitsv alid ity ,thethesisfi rstreview sth ed ev elo P m en to f th eread er ’ 5resP o n setheo ri e san de sP e eially,there ad er-o rien te dthe o ri e sintr an slatio n . A m o n
10、gthem ,equ i val eneethcoryandSk op ostheori earehigh ligh tedow i ngt othefaetthattheyare50g en eralinthei rthe or et i c alform u lat i on sastosu b suLr n ealo thercr i ter i aoftran slat i oncr i tieisman d50fl ex ib
11、 leastoen ab lethetran slato rtotak ea e eo u n to fthed istin e tiv en atu reso fthele g altex ts. Inad d itio n ,so m estatem en t sresP e etin gtr ad itio n alC h in e setr an slatio nthe o riesarealsoin elu d edtod e
12、們 no n str ateC h in eseseh o lars’eo n e emforre a d er ’ 5re sP o n seintran slatio na etiv itie s.Toacco un tfortheap P lieab ility o f equ iv alen c e the o ry an d Sk p P o sthe o rie to leg altr an slatio n ,thethe
13、 sisP ro b e sin tothen atureo fle g altran slatio nan dan a lyZ e sitse lem en tsinare ad er-o rien te dw ay .L e g altran slatio n15c o n strain edb yle g aleu ltu r ean dle g allan gu a g e . T h ethe sise x am in e s
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