1、分類 編 號 :密 級 :單 位 代 碼 : 10065學(xué) 號 : 102 10039iU f 砷羔研 究生 學(xué)位 論文目IA St udy on t heCor r el a t i on be t ween St ude nt s ’Lea r ni ngM oti vati on and E n gl ish R eadi n g i n H igh School 高 中牛 . 學(xué) 習(xí)動機 與英語 閱讀的實
2、證研 究學(xué) 生 姓 名: 奎燕 申請學(xué)位級別: 碩士申請專業(yè)名稱 : 教育碩士 研 究 方 向: 英語教學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師姓名: 張逵 專業(yè)技術(shù)職稱 : 教授提交論文 曰期 : 2012 年 5 月A b stra ctIn second l anguage acqui si t i on, readi ng actsas one channelof i nputi n t heprocess of L 2 acquisi ti on
3、.M uch eff ortshoul d be m ade to m oti vate l earners to read.M ot i vati on i sanother i m por t antt opi c i n second l anguage acqui si ti on and i ti svi ew edas one of the m ai n determ i nates of se
4、cond l anguage l earni ng achi evem ent.T hi s paperhypot hesi zes t hatthe di f ferences of l earners'readi ng resul ts are cl osel y rel ated t o t hel earni ng m oti vati on.B ased on G ardner' s i
5、 nstrum entaland i ntegrati ve m oti vati ontheory,the paper i ntends to i nvesti gate w hether the t ypes of l earni ng m oti vati on hel dby hi gh schoolst udents w i t h di f ferentreadi ng abi l i ti es i s c
6、onsi stentand t hecorrel ati on betw een l earners'm oti vati on and readi ng profici ency.The paper chose 114 st udents f rom B aodi ng N o. lhi gh schooli n H ebeiprovi nce as researchi ng subjects.A questi
7、onnai re and a readi ng com prehensi on testw ere em pl oyed f or the i nvesti gati on.T he m ai n f i ndi ngs are as fol l ow s:(1) M os tofthe students have a strong m oti vati on i n E ngl ish readi ng .(2) Students w
8、 ho havehi gher readi ng prof i ci ency possess hi gher i nt egrat i ve m ot i vat i on,w hi l e st udents w hohave l ow er readi ng profi ci ency possess stronger i nst rum entalm oti vati on.(3)T hecorrel ati on
9、bet w een the st udents'm oti vati on and thei r readi ng profi ci ency i si nterm edi ate and si gni fi cant.B ased on the resul ts of the study,som e suggesti ons on strengtheni ng st udents'i ntegrati ve m o
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